wrongs. [dreambur]

By dreamingxxxxx

143 1 1

In which a young Prince, after the recent death of his parents must step up to the throne and lead their King... More

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Chapter 2 - A Letter

Chapter 1 - A Coronation

61 1 1
By dreamingxxxxx


Dream was tired of this already. He was beyond bored, idly cycling through the claustrophobic ballroom. The room was giant, and even that felt like an understatement, the ceiling went to the sky, it seemed. It was the flood of people that made it impossibly suffocating. Courts and their royals, all spilled out across the room. Lulling piano echoed off the walls, adding to the noise, hundreds of conversations overlapping all at once - all unrelated yet woven together regardless. The blonde sighed exasperatedly, dull eyes sifting through the sea of people crowded around him. It didn't aid him that people he didn't know (nor care about) kept stopping him to speak with him about more things he had little to no interest in.

He was only here for one person, unfortunately the same person everyone was here to see, making it all the more challenging to find him. However, as he made it to the front of the room the thrones were in view. He glanced up at them, before back to the floor where he spotted a rather dramatic looking crown, shining in the chandeliers light. He inhaled, pushing himself forward. Most cleared for him, he had quite the reputation, not exactly in the best way either. He often used that to his advantage, he was feared for good reason. Speaking of which, he was displeased to see the King talking to people of the village, or so he assumed. He was coming from behind, and while the brunette couldn't see him, the town's people surely could.

He gave a sharp look, and they were quick to scurry off, as if they'd just seen a ghost. This prompted the young royal to turn around, his expression daring to falter as he did so. Dreamwastaken, of the Somniabunt Kingdom. Quite possibly one of the last people he wanted to see. Dream didn't look all too thrilled either, but it went unsaid, for the time being.


Wilbur spoke first, dipping his head briefly in respect, Dream returned the gesture,


"What brings you here?"

Wilbur asked, something that could be seen as a fool's question, he held back his passive aggressive tone as much as possible, without speaking through gritted teeth. Dream's eyes wandered briefly around the event, Wilbur's following,

"You do, I suppose. I've come in peace, just wanted to see if the rumors were true."

Dream replied dismissively, not really seeming bothered with this interaction. He was skimming through it like a chore he didn't want to do. Wilbur could pick out his disinterest, furrowing his brows a bit at Dream's words. Rumors. He knew there'd been gossip going around since the death of his parents. He'd heard all sorts of outlandish things, the most popular one seemed to be about his twin brother, Technoblade. Something that made him sick, something so disgusting he'd not had the heart to tell his little brother, Tommy. He knew it wasn't true, it was impossible, he knew Techno would never. He wouldn't.

He wouldn't, he wouldn't, he wouldn't, he wouldn't—-


Wilbur said, watching ivy green eyes snap back to meet his. They practically oozed with venom - green's said to be the color of evil, Wilbur understood why, now. He hated the mischief behind those green eyes, it irked him in the worst way, and part of him was drawn to it. A sinister smile uplifted pink lips, like he knew what he was doing. And he did. Dream was a well known trouble starter across the lands, he always managed to be involved in things one way or another. Even if not directly, he always had to know what was going on.

"Oh, I thought you would've known, - none the matter, from what I can tell, it seems they were right. Funny."

Dream smiled, waving off the question. Wilbur was far from smiling, he felt a certain rage building within him. Dream managed to push his buttons like no one else could, he was normally very calm and collected, specifically in the public's eye. He was a kind and logical prince, and now leader. His lands were simply thrilled to have him, even if everyone was still mourning the loss of their beloved King and Queen.

"I'm afraid I'm not following, who's right? What's funny?"

Wilbur questioned, keeping his composure tight and his posture straight. He needed to keep his calm here, he could feel eyes on them. Two of the most famous royals, together, publicly. Of course it would draw attention. Especially somewhere like this. Dream's oblivious game was played, he could see right through it. But the courts couldn't, no citizen would ever dare to say such things. Dream would have their head, those of their families, too. Dream would use their blindness against them. Against Wilbur, too. Dream laughed, and Wilbur's blood had never felt so hot.

"You don't need to play dumb with me, Soot. I get it, you don't want to talk about it. I wouldn't want to talk about it, either. It sounds quite embarrassing, honestly. I wouldn't have invited him either."



Dream glanced back at him,


Wilbur's expression didn't change,

"Who wouldn't I have invited?"

Wilbur asked again, clearer, this time. Brown eyes narrowed, and pale hands fisted at his sides. Dream didn't truly realize how much of a nerve he was striking. This was like pouring salt into an already open wound, irritating it. It was a game, to Dream.

"I'm certain you know who I'm speaking of, but saying you must be so persistent, I can say it, even though I figured you wouldn't want anyone talking about your killer of a brother."


"I'd think carefully before you take another breath in my presence. I don't care who you think you are, but you are no better than me or anyone else here. And you have no right to talk poorly about my brother, or any of my family. I will not have you, or anyone else tarnish the innocence of my brother."

Wilbur snapped, catching Dream off guard. He stared for a moment, the pair of them fell silent. The energy around them had changed, but Wilbur shouldn't have underestimated Dream's audacity, he really thought he had the right.

"He's done a good job at tarnishing it himself, he won't even show his face here. You know it's true and continue to blindly defend him. I thought you'd have a little more respect for your parents - yourself, and your people."

Dream scorned, extending an arm to emphasize the audience surrounding. The crowd had started their murmuring, their huddles and whispers, drawing more attention to the two of them. They all conversed about something they didn't know the half of, picking sides, shaming others.

"He won't show his face here because of people like you. Pompous people like you thinking they knew more about someone's life than they do, shame on you. How dare you say such things? In my Kingdom, his Kingdom, nonetheless."

Wilbur scowled, taking a step forward. Dream didn't move, eyeing the brunette carefully. He stood his ground in challenge, a certain smile creasing his cheeks. That was Wilbur's last straw gone, but before he could open his mouth and really say what he thought, a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Your highness, this- this behavior isn't exactly public appropriate,"

A hushed voice spoke from behind him, Wilbur glanced over his shoulder, seeing his anxious advisor standing there. The man's gaze flickered between the crowd and his King. In intrigue, the young royal watched this interaction closely, an all too smug look clouding his irises. Wilbur huffed out in frustration, turning around completely in a fit.

"I want him out. I want everybody out, the coronation's over."

Wilbur managed through gritted teeth, beginning to walk off. Jack, panicked, scurried behind him to catch up,

"But, your highness-"


Wilbur spoke firmly, Jack's next words died on his tongue. Wilbur was never harsh, he knew how to order things if need be, but he was never quite harsh about things. Jack nodded swiftly, bowing, despite Wilbur's back being turned to him. He ran off, announcing to the room the event had ended, expressing gratitude on Wilbur's behalf for everyone's attendance as guards began to enclose, ushering everyone out the large double doors. Most were compliant, some of the all too noisy folk tried to stick around, asking the guards what happened to the King, as if concerned when really they'd turn around and speak badly about him no matter.

Dream left in this crowd, one of his own knights at his side, accompanying him safely out to his carriage. He took one last glance at the palace as people spewed out the doors, letting his mind wander, listening to the sound of horse hooves cluttering against the uneven cobblestone as his coach was pulled along through the busy streets.


"The King's declared this celebration over,-"

Wilbur could hear Jack's voice ringing in the room just behind him, quiet as suffocated by the space between them. He stopped listening as quickly as he started, storming off down one of many large hallways. The echoed thud of steps filled the empty silence whilst Wilbur walked, though it hadn't really been silent from the start. Wilbur's thoughts had been far louder, frustratingly enough. His mind liked to mess with him in those ways, other times his conscious was quiet as a mouse, too quiet. It was always when he didn't want to hear it it spoke up.

Before he knew it, he'd reached the door he'd been looking for. He raised a gentle fist to knock on it, letting his knuckles hit the wood three light times. The door opened, the room was dim, and there he stood,


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