Orcas: A Sonic Short

Av redwing116

21 2 0

This is a sonic short based on the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "clams." ---------------- Sonic the hedgeho... Mer

The only chapter

21 2 0
Av redwing116

No pov:

It was normal day at Green Hill zone. The birds were chirping, the bugs were buzzing, and a blue hedgehog, Yellow two tailed fox, and a pink hedgehog were fighting a robot. "Give it up Eggman! This isn't gonna beat me." The blue hedgehog said to the robot. "Laugh as much as you can Sonic! But when I'm through with you! The world will be mine! Hahahahhaha!!!!" The big robot laughs. "Sorry, Eggman. But this robot is... uhhh... it's uh- It's uhhhh...." "Expired?" The pink yelled to the two tailed fox who was messing with some wires from the back of the robot.

"Sure, I'll go with that." He said as he crossed some wires which caused the robot to malfunction. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" The robot yells as it crashed down as the fox uses its tails to fly. "Nice going Tails!" Sonic said as he ran up to robot and knocks the robots head away revealing a man. "Gahhh!!! You'll pay for this you meddling hedgehog!!" Eggman yelled angrily as Sonic ran up with a camera and took a selfie with him doing a mock peace sign.

As the camera roll comes out a alarm goes off from the camera. "What's that?" Eggman asked in confusion. "I have no idea." Amy said as Sonic then begins to do a ridiculous dance as an entire orchestra comes out of a cave and begins to play. "Where did that orchestra come from?" Tails ask as fireworks appeared out of nowhere. "What's wrong with blue boy?" Eggman asked as Sonic zooms towards them. "Nothings wrong Egghead! It's just my 100th victory against you." Sonic said happily. ".....What?" Eggman said. "Every hedgehog's goal in life is to win something 100 times and I just got mine! Congratulations, Doctor, you have given my win." Sonic said as he begins to shake Eggman's hand.

"......Do I get something for this?" "Nope! Now get out!" "What?" "Get out! I need to share this with my friends!" Sonic said as he spin dash eggman launching him towards the sky. "Well..... congratulations, Sonic." Amy said. "Congratulate yourselves, because a hero is nothing without his sidekicks errr Imeanfriends." Sonic said as he hugs Amy and Tails. "And to celebrate, we're going on a trip!" He adds as Amy then gasps loudly. "Are we going on cruise!?" Amy asks in excitement as she imagines herself and sonic doing the titanic pose while Tails is dressed as Cupid and he was sporting a unamused look.

"No." Sonic said. "A tropical paradise!?" Amy asks as she imagines herself and sonic holding hands as they land on beach towels at the beach while Tails is wearing a Hulu girl outfit and fanning the two with a leaf fan and he is sporting a very annoyed look. "Try again." "Ooo!! A medieval recreational village?!" Amy asks again as she imagines herself as a princess and Sonic as the brave knight while Tails was wearing a jester outfit sporting a very annoyed look. "WOULD YOU STOP IMAGINING ME IN THESE RIDICULOUS OUTFITS!?!!!" Daydream Tails yells out an anger. "Even better."

The scene then cuts to the three in a rusty old boat with the three wearing raincoats and holding fishing rods and Amy was sporting a annoyed look while Tails was sporting a happy look. "Fishing.... This is the reward for fighting Eggman for a hundred times?" Amy asks in annoyance. "Fishing on a rickety old boat?" "It's not old! It's a hand me down. My great-great-great-great grandfather bought this boat and it's been in the hedgehog family ever since." Sonic said.

"Then why isn't it cleaned up?" "..... I was busy?..... Okay! I've been procrastinating and I never gotten a chance to use the boat and I thought this would be a great way to use it for the first time." He told her as Amy sighed. "Okay.... But is it okay if I use the beach chair to sun bathe instead?" "Sure." Sonic says as Amy goes up to the chair and sits down. Tails then walks up to Amy. "Hey, do you know how to fish?" He asked her. "Not really?" She said as Tails sighs. "Alright, I really wish I brought my computer and stuff..... I'll just try to figure it out." He said as he goes to the other side of the boat.

As she was laying down Tails was flinging his fishing line back which caught onto Amy's chair which Tails pulls and throws the chair to see pushing Amy to the floor. "Owww!!! Tails, you need to-" Amy stopped talking as Tails fishing line caught onto Amy's front Quill. Meanwhile Sonic was at the wheel as a loud scream from Amy was heard which Sonic turns to see Amy with a missing quill. "I think I'm ready to go now." Amy said as Sonic laughed a bit. "Oh lighten up Ames, I know Tails is a bit overeager but he's trying to learn without a computer. Of course you have to learn to not bring things on a boat that your not prepared to lose!" Sonic says as he laughs until a fishing line hits the back of his quill which the hook had caught onto the photo that Sonic made. The line rips the photo off of Sonic leaving a bald spot.

"My hundredth victory photo!" Sonic yells as the photo hits water which Sonic runs up to Tails. "Tails! You hooked my photo of my 100th victory! Feel it in before I throw you overboard!" Sonic yells onto he hears the familiar song. "Oh no...." Sonic says in fear. "Tails, quick reel it in!!! Don't you hear that music! It's the song from sonic Adventure when I ran in the water and I was being chase! Every gamer knows that means death!" Sonic yells as Tails was reeling as fast as he could as the music gets louder. Sonic then runs to a door which he opens to see the orchestra playing the music.

"There you are you sound makers! Quit playing that song!" Sonic yells as he was trying to stop the band. He then runs back to Tails. "Hurry Tails Hurray!!!" "Here she comes." Tails says as he pulls the photo out of the water. "I did it!" "Yes!!" Sonic yells as an Orca jumps out of the water and eats the photo and goes back to sea. Sonic stares for a minute as a tear goes down his right eye. "Noooooo!!!!" He cried as Amy walks up to him. "Uhhhhh, Sonic?" "Amy! Your not gonna believe it!! An orca ate my 100th victory photo!" Sonic cried as Amy and Tails were trying to cheer him up but it didn't work. "If you stop crying we'll help you find the orca and get your photo back." Amy says.

"Really! Then let's get started!" Sonic says as after an hour Sonic was up top while Amy and Tails were on the deck with fishing rods in their hands. "Alright guys! You will man the fishing rods and I'll keep the eye out for our killer whale!" Sonic yells. "You got it, Sonic!" Tails yells as he salutes. "Yeah, yeah.... Let's just get this over with." Amy says as she sighs can't believe that she spending her time trying to get a photo from an orca. "Now remember, we don't leave this spot until we find the orca and beat it up until it gives me back my photo!" Sonic says as he does a scouting pose.

Time has pass as Sonic was now sporting a white beard and was a mess. Tails and Amy were also a mess which Tails also had a white beard while Amy had white hair. "That's it, I'm finished! We've been here for three days and haven't gotten a nibble. This is hopeless!" Amy yells as she rips the wig off. "Yeah, and I have to be at home to feed T-Pup." Tails says as he rips off his beard. Meanwhile a yellow dog/fox robot was eating Tails's couch.

(If your wondering, T-Pup is from the archie comics of Sonic the Hedgehog.)

"We're gonna die out here because Sonic lost a photo! Tails, did you make a copy of the photo?" Amy asked him. "How would I make a copy from a film camera?" Tails said. "I don't know.... Looks like I have to do something." Amy said as she grabs a bag from out of nowhere.


Sonic was still scouting the area when he heard. "Sonic! Sonic!" Sonic moves his eyes to see the two holding a photo. "Look what we got!" They said as Sonic jumps with joy. "Can it be!? Woo hoo!!" He yells as the three of them dance with enjoyment until. "Wait a minute!" Sonic yells as Tails and Amy stop dancing with the sound of glass breaking. "Something about this photo isn't right." Sonic says as he slowly inspects the photo.

"This isn't my photo!! This is a crudely drawn photo made with crayons and a rose pink #7 semi-gloss lipstick on the back!?" Tails looked at Amy. "I couldn't help myself." She admits. "I trusted you, and you gave me this!? I can't believe my own friends would betray me!" Sonic says as he starts to cry. "Uh uh!! We are not gonna be swayed by your tears, hedgehog!" Amy told him as he stops crying. "I see.... Then I guess I have no choice but to offer a reward." He says.

"Ooo!! Is it a trip to the airplane museum?" Tails asked in excitement. "No, it's this sandwich." Sonic says as he then nails the sandwich onto a flagpole. "You really expect me to break my back for a measly sandwich?" "No.... The sandwich." Sonic says as he dumps a bunch of sandwiches into the sea. "Psh... we have plenty too-" she pauses her words as Sonic throws an entire fridge into the sea. "Eat...." "Now I think we all understand each other now.... Nobody eats until I get my photo back!" Sonic tells them.

"Uhhhh.... Tails, can I speak to you privately." Amy says as the two go to the other side of the boat. "Sooo.... Have you noticed that sonic has kinda gone..... COMPLETELY INSANE!!!" Amy yells the last part to him. "What do you mean?" Tails asked her. "Just look." She says as the two look at Sonic who was wearing a funeral suit and was crying at a tombstone with the words "here lies my 100th victory photo." He then hugs it. "Ames, he lost something very-" "Look again." Amy said as they then saw Sonic laughing like the joker from DC comics.

"Okay, you have a point." He said as he then adds. "What do we do?" "I suggest we quietly sneak to the life boat over there." Amy suggested. "Okay..." Tails says as the two slowly walk to the lifeboat and then they began running in fear. They jumped into the boat and then they were tossed out with the two of them tied together and Sonic jumping out of the boat. "So! My own friends decided to high tail out of here. Even when you two promised. I know why you were thinking. "It's just a dumb photo. Let's abandon the idiotic hedgehog, he'll never noticed." But it's not gonna work like that! And there's only one thing to do with backstabbing friends like you!"

Sonic says as the scene changes to the tied Amy and Tails dangling from a huge fishing rod hovering above the sea. "Live bait!!" Sonic finishes. "YOUR CRAZY!! If that Orca hadn't come before what makes you think it will now!?" Amy asks as the scene pans to Sonic wearing a conductor outfit next to a door which opens to showcase an orchestra. "Oh, he'll come." Sonic says as he taps his baton as the orchestra begins to play as Amy and Tails were now screaming and panicking. "Sonic! I love you and all, but you have gone completely insane!!!" Amy yells as Sonic was now laughing madly.

The fin of the orca bursts out of the sea heading towards the two dangling mobians. "Get us out of here!!!!" Amy yells as the two were panicking in fear. "Keep thrashing! He loves it! Come on boy, fresh meat!!" Sonic yells as the orca was coming closer and it then jumps out fixing to take a bite out of the two with its tongue sticking out with the photo on it. "That's it!" Sonic yells as he closes the door which the orca freezes in place. "Whooo-hoooo-Hoo-Hoo!" He yells as he jumps onto the tongue and grabs the photo and begins dancing. "Look guys, I got it!" He yells as the door from the orchestra opens and begins playing the music which the orca snaps its mouth shut and swims off. The conductor bows as the door closes.

"Noooo!!! Sonic, he's gone from our lives! Why couldn't it have been me!!" Tails cry's in sadness. "Yes, why couldn't it have been you!" Amy cry's as well. "Why did it had to be like this?!" "Yes, why!! We haven't even gone on one date yet!!" They both cried until. "Hello, guys!" "Sonic?" They both said as they stopped crying as they see the hedgehogs head sticking out of the water. "Have you two met.... My 100tu victory photo!?" Sonic yells as he shows the photo from his hand and laughs in happiness.

"Wow! How did you get it back?" Tails asked him. "It wasn't easy. Ole big boy was a fighter but we managed to work out a trade." He told him. "What did you trade?" Amy asks as Sonic jumps out of the water revealing that he was only a head and an arm holding the photo. "Nothing important." Sonic says as he laughs while Tails and Amy were looking at him in shock.

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