The Forgotten Olympian |BOOK...

By OliveRix56

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#2 IN HARRY POTTER CHANGED THE COVER AGAIN Water, water, everywhere, as I open my eyes and the moonlight, so... More

Chapter 1 - LIVE on Hephaestus TV
Chapter 2 - Alex - At The Lake With Dursleys
Chapter 3 - Alex - Fighting Lesson Number 1
Chapter 4 - Alex - Never Take Your Eyes Off The Target
Chapter 5 - Alex - Let's Go For A Lorry Ride!
Chapter 6 - Alex - Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 7 - Alex - Horse Riding At The Beach
Chapter 8 - Alex - New York
Chapter 9 - Alex - Claimed By Too Many
Chapter 10 - Alex - Siblings!
Chapter 11 - Alex - Dinner
Chapter 12 - Alex - The First Meeting
Chapter 13 - Alex - Meet Mom
Chapter 14 - Alex - Bunking Classes Before They Begin
Chapter 15 - Alex - Sleigh Ride
Chapter 16 - Alex - A Choice To Make
Chapter 17 - Alex - Rome in the States
Chapter 18 - Alex - Dam the Roman Gods!
Chapter 19 - Alex - Talks With The Praetor
Chapter 20 - Alex - Roman Greeks
Chapter 21- Alex - New Camp, New Rules
Chapter 22 - Alex - Octavian, Disgrace of Apollo
Chapter 23 - Alex - Augury
Chapter 24 - Alex - Sorting
Chapter 25 - Alex - Dinnertime
Chapter 26 - Alex - The Story of the Fulminata
Chapter 27 - Alex - War Games
Chapter 28 - Alex - Water Cannons!
Chapter 29 - Alex - Chaos at the Battle
Chapter 30 - Alex - Tea While Stopping Time
Chapter 31 - Alex - Dream Time
Chapter 32 - Alex - The City
Chapter 33 - Alex - Frank Zhang, Centurion
Chapter 34 - Alex - The Plan
Chapter 35 - Alex - Good Start to a Quest.
Chapter 36 - Alex - Packing
Chapter 37 - Alex - Adieu
Chapter 38 - Alex - Dreams Or Memories?
Chapter 39 - Alex - Dreams Or Memories? Part 2
Chapter 40 - Alex - Back to Court
Chapter 41 - Reyna - I Save Rome for the Umpteenth Time
Chapter 42 - Alex - Peering into Future
Chapter 43 - Alex - Battle, Part 1
Chapter 44 - Alex - Battle, Part 2
Chapter 45 - Reyna - Pontifex Maximus
Chapter 46 - Alex - Afterparty
Chapter 47 - Alex - A Message From The Skies
Chapter 48 - Alex - The Meeting Of The Senate
Chapter 49 - Argo II And The Seven
Chapter 50 - Alex - An Unusual Gathering Of Demigods
Chapter 51 - Alex - Prophecies And The Mark
Chapter 52 - Alex - The Fire Of Rome
Chapter 53 - Alex - Flight To CHB
Chapter 54 - Alex - The Troubles Of War
Chapter 55 - Alex - CHB Can Stand On It's Own Legs
Chapter 56 - Apollo - The Worst Narrator Ever
Chapter 57 - Alex - Tartarus, Here We Come.
Chapter 58 - Rachel - A Meeting With Romans
Chapter 59 - Piper - Pre-War Prep, Part 1
Chapter 60 - Piper - Pre-War Prep, Part 2
Chapter 61 - Piper - Into The Unknown
Chapter 62 - Piper - Disguises With Disgust
Chapter 63 - Piper - Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 64 - Jason - The Best Battle Ever
Chapter 65 - Alex - Zeus Almost Kills His Son
Chapter 66 - Jason - My Father Slaps Us
Chapter 67 - Jason - The War With The Earth, Part 1
Chapter 68 - Percy - The War With The Earth, Part 2
Chapter 69 - Alex - Aftermath
Chapter 70 - Alex - You Got A Friend In Me
Chapter 71 - Jason - I Get To Guard A Top Secret
Chapter 72 - Percy - A Visit From Lester Papa- Whatever His Name.
Chapter 73 - Alex - Apollo Is In Denial
Chapter 74 - Alex - Finally, They Are Out Of My Home
Chapter 75 - Apollo - To The Burning Maze
Chapter 76 - Apollo - An Opportunity To Die
Chapter 77 - Apollo- An Act Worthy Of Alexandra
Chapter 78 - Apollo - Distractions
Chapter 79 - Apollo - Tea With Thanatos
Chapter 80 - Apollo - I Learn What Guilt Is
Chapter 81 - Jason - A Journey To Atlantis
Chapter 82 - Jason - We All Hate Hera
Chapter 83 - Alex - Awkward Discussions
Chapter 84 - Annabeth - Time Flies
Chapter 85 - Alex - A Ring To Buy
Chapter 86 - Percy - A Night To Remember
Chapter 87 - Jason - A New Quest
Chapter 88 - Alex - Rematch
Chapter 89 - Alex - You're joking, right?
Chapter 90 - Percy - London
Chapter 91 - Percy - Day 1
Chapter 92 - Alex - Diagon Alley, Part 1
Chapter 93 - Alex - Diagon Alley, Part 2
Chapter 94 - Alex - Renovation
Chapter 95 - Jason - Sleepover with Sirius
Chapter 96 - Alex - Agreement
Chapter 97 - Alex - A Nightmare
Chapter 98 - Annabeth - Mind Reading
Chapter 99 - Alex - The Advance Guard
Chapter 100 - Alex - I Wanna Kill Everyone
Chapter 101 - Alex - Who is Percy?
Chapter 103 - Alex - I Almost Rip Apart Walburga Black.
Chapter 103 - Jason - Chaos at the Kitchen
Chapter 104 - Percy - A Hearty Dinner
Chapter 105 - Percy - A Fight With Words
Chapter 106 - Alex - I Meet A Stranger
Chapter 109 - Alex - Chaos is Revealed
Chapter 108 - Percy - A Discussion Worthy of the Rec Room
Chapter 109 - Percy - A Dose of Enlightenment
Chapter 110 - Percy - We All Have The Same Dream
Chapter 111 - Alex - Consolation
Chapter 112 - Alex - Sirius' Speech
Chapter 113 - Alex - A Drink With Old Friends
Chapter 114 - Alex - Cheeseburgers and Gossip
Chapter 115 - Alex - Experiencing the Past in 420K
Chapter 116 - Alex - An Old Comrade
Chapter 117 - Alex - A Little Trip To King's Cross
Chapter 118 - Percy- On the Train to Hogwarts
Chapter 119 - Alex - To Hogwarts
Chapter 120 - Alex - A Spectacular Welcome
Chapter 121 - Alex - Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 122 - Alex - Justice for Good Food!
Chapter 124 - Alex - Practice
Chapter 125 - Alex - Entrance Exams
Chapter 126 - Alex - Defense Against The Dark Arts
Chapter 127 - Alex - Dinner and Discussion
Chapter 128 - Alex - A Bodyguard
Chapter 129 - Alex - Alexandra Always Has A Plan
Chapter 130 - Alex - Detention With Umbridge
Chapter 131 - Alex - Evil Vs. Cruel
Chapter 132 - Alex - End of Week 1
Chapter 133 - Percy - Breakfast
Chapter 134 - Percy - Potions for Extra Credit
Chapter 135 - Percy - A Letter from Percy
Chapter 136 - Percy - A Talk With Fire
Chapter 137 - Percy - High Inquisitor
Chapter 138 - Percy - A New Prophecy
Chapter 139 - Percy - Inspection with McGonagall
Chapter 140 - Percy - Defense Lessons
Chapter 141 - Percy - Seeing Through the Mist
Chapter 142 - Percy - The Hog's Head
Chapter 143 - Percy - The First Meeting
Chapter 144 - Percy - A Letter From Sirius
Chapter 146 - Percy - A Talk With Sirius
Chapter 146 - Percy - Silencio!
Chapter 147 - Percy - At The Quidditch Pitch
Chapter 148 - Percy - The Fight
Chapter 149 - Percy - Weasley is our King
Chapter 150 - Percy - We Meet A Giant
Chapter 151 - Percy - We Have a Lesson Led by a Giant
Chapter 152 - Percy - We Threaten a Giant
Chapter 153 - Percy - A Meeting to Attend
Chapter 154 - Percy - Sadly, Alex Saves the Day
Chapter 155 - Percy - Met Dumbledore for No Reason
Chapter 156 - Percy - I Accidentally Almost Die
Chapter 157 - Percy - Number 11, Grimmauld Place
Chapter 158 - Ariana - An Avenger To Love
Chapter 159 - Ariana - See Through The Mist
Chapter 160 - Percy - Catch Up On Christmas
Chapter 161 - Ariana - A Gathering Of Death Eaters
Chapter 162 - Percy - Umbridge's Trap
Chapter 163 - Percy - Dumbledore Leaves
Chapter 164 - Percy - Chaos Starts
Chapter 165 - Percy - Careers Advice
Chapter 166 - Percy- Give Her Hell, Peeves
Chapter 167 - Percy - Aftermath
Chapter 168 - Percy - Distracting and Sneaking
Chapter 169 - Percy - Keep Watch
Chapter 170 - Percy - Spilling Fake Secrets
Chapter 171 - Percy - Into the Dark Forest
Chapter 172 - Percy - Finding Transportation
Chapter 173 - Percy - Flight To London
Chapter 174 - Percy - The Department Of Mysteries
Chapter 175 - Percy - Deceit And Deception
Chapter 176 - Percy - A Contingency Plan
Chapter 177 - Percy - The Chase
Chapter 178 - Percy - Too Late To Run
Chapter 179 - Percy - Death of a Hero
Chapter 180 - Percy - A Shroud To Honor The Dead
Epilogue - Percy - The Next Right Thing

Chapter 123 - Alex - I Don't Listen to a Speech

153 9 2
By OliveRix56

"Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say!" She smiled, revealing very pointed teeth. "And to see such happy little faces looking up at me! I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!"

"Why do I feel like she's talking to a five year old at the park?" I said, grinning.

Professor Umbridge cleared her throat again ('hem, hem'), but when she continued, some of the breathiness had vanished from her voice. She sounded much more businesslike and now her words had a dull learned-by-heart sound to them.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the wizarding community must be passed down the generations lest we lose them for ever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching."

Professor Umbridge paused here and made a little bow to her fellow staff members, none of whom bowed back to her. Professor McGonagall's dark eyebrows had contracted so that she looked positively hawklike, and I distinctly saw her exchange a significant glance with Professor Sprout as Umbridge gave another little 'hem, hem' and went on with her speech.

"Every headmaster and headmistress of Hogwarts has brought something new to the weighty task of governing this historic school, and that is as it should be, for without progress there will be stagnation and decay. There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation..."

The quiet that filled the Hall when Dumbledore was speaking was breaking up as students put their heads together, whispering and giggling. Luna Lovegood had got out The Quibbler again. Meanwhile, at the Hufflepuff table a few were still staring at Professor Umbridge, but they were glassy-eyed and only pretending to listen in an attempt to to be kind.

Professor Umbridge did not seem to notice the restlessness of her audience. The teachers, however, were still listening very attentively, and Hermione seemed to be drinking in every word Umbridge spoke, though, judging by her expression, they were not at all to her taste.

"... because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognised as errors of judgement. Meanwhile, some old habits will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited."

She sat down. Dumbledore clapped. The staff followed his lead, though several of them brought their hands together only once or twice before stopping. A few students joined in, but most had been taken unawares by the end of the speech, not having listened to more than a few words of it, and before they could start applauding properly, Dumbledore had stood up again.

"Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge, that was most illuminating," he said, bowing to her. "Now, as I was saying, Quidditch tryouts will be held..."

"Yes, it certainly was illuminating," said Hermione in a low voice.

"You're not telling me you enjoyed it?" Ron said quietly, turning a glazed face towards Hermione. "That was about the dullest speech I've ever heard, and I grew up with Percy."

"Bro," Percy warned.

"Sorry, mate."

"I said illuminating, not enjoyable," said Hermione. "It explained a lot."

"Did it?" said Harry in surprise. "Sounded like a load of waffle to me."

"I don't think I listened to three fourths of her speech- too uninteresting," Jason said. 

"ADHD working its way to your head?" I whispered, smiling.

"There was some important stuff hidden in the waffle," said Hermione grimly.

"Was there?" said Ron blankly.

"How about: "progress for progress's sake must be discouraged"? How about: "pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited"?"

"Well, what does that mean?" said Ron impatiently.

"I'll tell you what it means," said Hermione through gritted teeth. "It means-"

"-the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts," Hermione, Percy, Jason and I said together, eyes alert.

"How-?" Hermione began.

"We know politics better than anyone," Percy said. "Knew a guy way worse than this bat. Wait until she dies after catapulting herself away from the school into the sky."

Jason and I laughed. 

"What?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"Never mind," Jason said, calming down. "An inside joke." 

There was a great clattering and banging all around them; Dumbledore had obviously just dismissed the school, because everyone was standing up ready to leave the Hall. Hermione jumped up, looking flustered. "Ron, we're supposed to show the first-years where to go!"

"Oh yeah," said Ron, who had obviously forgotten. "Hey--hey, you lot! Midgets!"


"Well, they are, they're titchy..."

"I know, but you can't call them midgets!--First-years!" Hermione called commandingly along the table. "This way, please!"

A group of new students walked shyly up the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, all of them trying hard not to lead the group.

I turned around to ask Harry to lead us to the dorm, but he was already gone.

"Did he just- disappear into thin air?" Percy asked.

"No idea," Jason replied. "But we've got a way bigger problem than that- Room Hunting."

"I hope not," I said, turning to the teacher's table. 

"You guys lost your way?" a voice sounded behind us. 

"Fred, you know we don't even know the way," Jason said.

"Well, you always know that we're here to help," George said, grinning.

"For a price," Fred finished.

"Oh, for gods' sake," Percy groaned, "we're not going to be your lab rats."

"Oh, we're not looking for lab rats," Fred said. "We're looking for poster boys."

"What?" I said, shocked. 

"Well, even though we're pretty popular around the  school," George said, "let's just say.. we don't really have the faces for advertising."

"Wait a minute," Jason said, smirking. "Did you just call me handsome?"

"I already know I am," Percy said, grinning.

"Of course, it'll just be spreading the word," Fred said, "franchising.."

"You can open up shops in our name," George added.

"No thanks, I'm out," I replied. "I've already got a ton of work without this on my head."

"Alex is right," Jason said. "We've got way more important business than just starting a shop. But instead-  we could always be willing to help you out of some sticky situations."

"What do you mean?" Fred asked.

"You'll know it when you see it, scientist. Now lead the way."



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