By HanabiraPinkEvoy

16.1K 260 126


Chapter 1 : Part 1
Chapter 1 : Part 2
Chapter 1 : Part 3
Chapter 1 : Part 4
Chapter 1 : Part 5
Chapter 1 : Part 6
Chapter 1 : Part 7
Chapter 2 : Part 1
Chapter 2 : Part 2
Chapter 2 : Part 3
Chapter 2 : Part 4
Chapter 2 : Part 5
Chapter 2 : Part 6
Chapter 2 : Part 7
Chapter 2 : Part 8
Chapter 2 : Part 9
Chapter 2 : Part 10
Chapter 2 : Part 11
Chapter 2 : Part 12
Chapter 2 : Part 13
Chapter 2 : Part 14
Chapter 3 : Part 1
〜A/N 〜
~Second Book~

Chapter 3 : FINALE

464 7 6
By HanabiraPinkEvoy

Second Person POV

Peter hasn't been himself lately, and you can't remember when these anger episodes started. Every once in a while, he loses control of himself and yells profanity at you, telling you how he hates you, how he never loved you. At this point, you've realised how he doesn't mean for this to happen. So you comfort him every step of the way. Today was like no other, you woke up in bed beside your boyfriend, cuddling for an hour. After a while, he gets up to make the two of you breakfast. You curl up in the warm comfort of the bed, waiting for your darling boyfriend to get back in here. Oh how you loved him. No matter what he did to you, you had fallen deep for him.

~Time Skip~

Peter had been in the kitchen for far longer than usual. Finally, you hear him walk into the bedroom. You sit at the end of the bed, arms open wide, eyes shut. You feel a sharp pain in you chest, eyes shooting open.

He stabbed you.

You push him away, crawling from him. He grabs your leg, dragging you closer. He throws you to the floor, the contact causes incredible pain in your ribs. He walks over to you, and you shuffle away from him, backing yourself into the corner of the bedroom. He roughly pulls the knife out of your chest. Yanking your arms toward him, slowly cutting you. "I fucking hate you." This is the worst the episodes could ever get, and they never have previously. He hit you once or twice, but never resulted to stabbing and cutting you.

"Peter please, we know this isn't you! You're scaring me! Snap out of it!" He grabs your hair, smashing your head into the wall. "OW, FUCK-! PETER STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME-" Peter slams your skull again into the wall, and you hear something crack.

The knife plunges again into your chest, abdomen, stomach, shoulders, anywhere he could get to. Blood staining the carpet floors of the bedroom. "I DON'T LOVE YOU, NO, I NEVER LOVED YOU! YOU RUINED ME, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" Your body turns limp, as the last remainders of life start to slip away. Eyes glossing over, blood dripping from your red, bitten lips.

Your weak arm raises up to Peter's face, caressing his tear stained cheeks. His gaze softens, and you watch him realise what he's done. "No, NO NO NO DARLING PLEASE DON'T GO! DON'T LEAVE ME! I- I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.. I love you so much. You mean the world to me. Don't leave me, don't go yet." He cries into your hand, reaching out to grasp your fragile body. You know this is the end.

And yet, you think about all the things you could have done. All the changes you could've made, all the ways this could have ended. Your mind goes back to when you first met him.

The park, the roses, the date, the diner.

Lucy's death, the kidnapping, the pain, your leg.

There was nothing you could do. No matter what you chose, you would end up here, or somewhere worse.

"Peter.... look at me." He looks down at you, as you cup his cheeks. "I love you so much, and I- I hope I see you again." He hugs you close, feeling your body go limp, any remainder of life drifting away.


My life has been.... chaotic. My family broke out into another fit of drama, so I left the nest, ran straight to college, and got myself an apartment and a job. But lately I've been getting paid the bare minimum, nowhere near enough to afford an apartment on my own. That meant I had to find myself a roommate to afford one. Yet I made the greatest mistake one could make: I roomed with a friend. I had heard once that if you became roommates with a friend, you wouldn't stay friends for long. In my case, the friendship gets strained thinner and thinner as my 'friend' not only keeps making excuses on why they need me to cover their half of the rent, but they keep bringing home some dropout for late night 'study sessions'. Now, I'm working harder to lose money on the rent. I'm broke, and getting a second job, even if part-time, feels like it will kill me. At least, in the park by my work, I can get some alone time.

I've always had a sweet infatuation with this part of the park: it's in a secluded area, and away from obnoxious family members and college jerks. No one comes here apart from the groundskeepers. Even then, they only come by in the morning.

I close my eyes, and take in a deep breath of fresh air, huffing out the tension left in my lungs so I could calm down just enough to enjoy the peace and quiet of the park. It's one of the few moments of my week where I can take a break away from the monotony of everyday life.

Just then, I feel someone sit down beside. Startled, I turn and look towards the interloper.

"Whoa! Hey, take it easy, it's just me."




[880 words]

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