Love Untold

By SkzStay04419

104 14 6

Han Jisung is an average man, with too many jobs to count and a wacky best friend and roommate. They are offe... More



15 2 1
By SkzStay04419

Jisung woke up on time (for once) and started getting ready for his shift at the bookstore. He enjoyed working there, it was super simple, easy, and he was able to sit and read on the clock! He used his shifts at the bookstore to unwind and distress a bit. He had taken Felix's advice and was trying to decide on 2 or 3 jobs to quit. Jisung still hadn't decided on any because he kept finding reasons to keep each job. Except for his job at the bar. He knew he hated it. He had called that morning to put in his 2 week notice with Changbin right beside him as moral support the whole time, because when you have social anxiety, phone calls are a big no no. But he had to quit before he could talk himself out of it.

Changbin took Jisung to the bookstore before driving himself to the cafe for his shift. Jisung walked inside and was greeted by a man with a big smile and a very calm persona.

"Good morning Jisung! How are you?"

"Hey, Namjoon. I'm doing alright, how are you?"

"I'm doing fantastic." He said genuinely. Kim Namjoon, a tall(ish) man with blue hair and dimples deep enough to swim in was the owner of the bookstore, which was named "The Yellow Wood Bookstore". It was a small building, but had every book you could ever need! The main thing they sold was textbooks for people in school. Namjoon made sure books were affordable and taken care of, knowing how expensive school got.

Jisung soon found a new book to read. It was called "Into the Unknown". He was a sucker for romance novels. It gave him a sense of having a little for himself. He read it for a bit before some costumers came up to the counter to purchase some books. After helping them, Jisung went over to restore shelves and put back lonely books that were left on table tops, abandoned by their readers. When he was done with that, he'd go back to his book. After 4 1/2 hours, Changbin came by to take Jisung to the cafe where he had a 6 hour shift.

"Has it been busy?" Jisung asked

"Not any more than usual." Changbin said, shrugging.

After a quick, 7 minute drive, they arrived at Moonlight and Jisung went to the back to grab his apron and clock in while Changbin made his way back to the counter, getting back from his break. Today, their roles were the opposite that they were in Chapter one. Jisung was running and Changbin was taking orders. Jisung preferred running, because he only really had to call out names and say "Enjoy!" instead of actually having a conversation with people. Sure, his social anxiety wasn't as bad when he was working, but he still didn't want to talk to people more than necessary.

Changbin was talking to Jisung during the afternoon lull when suddenly a fancy black van pulled into the parking lot. The 2 friends didn't pay much attention to it, and kept talking until Jisung was called into the kitchen to help Jin with something. As Changbin turned his attention to the front of the store, 2 men walked in. One looked as if he was a apart of the secret service, wearing a black suit, with sunglasses to match and an ear piece in one ear. The other was wearing all black, but he actually had emotion on his face, unlike mr. secret serivce. The man with a smile came up to the counter, with his companion slightly behind him to the left.

"Good afternoon! Are you by any chance Sri Changbin?"

"Uhh... yeah. Can I help you with something?" Changbin asked in bewilderment. Before the man could respond, however, Jisung came back from the kitchen.

"Okay so we've got dinner cooking. it's gonna be- oh hi! I apologize, I didn't hear the bell! Anything I can get started on?"

"Are you Han Jisung?" The raven haired boy tensed up when he was asked this question.

"Y-yeah." was all he could say.

"Excellent! I'm Christopher Bang, the royal advisor and body fairs to the Royal Family. I have come here to offer both of you positions at the palace. If you wish to accept please present yourselves at the palace at 7:30 Saturday Morning. Then you will be tested and given a position based on your results. Any questions thus far?" the man called Christopher asked.

"Um. Yeah, just a few. One, how did you get our names? Two, how did you know we were both working here at this this exact moment, and three, why did you come to offer us, out of everyone in the kingdom, us, jobs personally? What do we have to offer that is so appealing to you?" Jisung asked. Chan smiled brightly as he answered.

"Your names were recommended to us by letter to the palace this morning after the advertisements had been posted," Chan was lying of course, Seungmin had asked him to. He knew that if Changbin knew it was his idea, as soon as Changbin got a job he was a dead man, so they (Seungmin and Chan) agreed on the letter thing, " I didn't know you would both be working here at this time, but we have access to you files and they list all places of employment. We saw that out of the king list, this was the only place you both worked at together, so we decided to start our search here. As for the last question, you are both very qualified and have vast skill sets. We need people like that at the palace, so we decided we should extend the offer ourselves instead of waiting to see if you'd apply." Jisung thanked him for the answers and bowed. He's just as polite as Seungmin described. This is gonna be interesting. Chan thought to himself.

Soon after, Chan left with the other man, who, that whole time, didn't say anything, change his expression, or even move. As soon as the 2 men were gone Changbin turned to his friend.

"So? I'd be so much better then you working a bajillion jobs, and it'd pay more than all of them combined for months in just 1 paycheck! Plus a free place to live that is much better then our apartment and free food! What do you think?"

"I-I don't know..." Jisung muttered. He was thinking, and thinking hard. He knew it would be a dream come true, but he was still trying to determine if it was too good to be true. Changbin, knowing his friend needed to think, left him alone and stood patiently waiting. Suddenly Jisung began to move again.

"Okay. Let's do it."

a.n. Sorry for the short chapter! but it didn't take me 2 weeks to update this time! however it'll be a bit longer for the next chapter, the notebook i've been using is full and we don't have any spare so i need to wait till i can buy some more.

what do you guys think of the story so far? ik it's very VERY early in the story, but if any of you guys ever have any theories post them in the comments, I always read them!!

Anyway, i'll see you guys in the next chapter, hopefully soon!!

in the meantime go check out my twin's story! it's called "Battle of the Royals" and her username is Lee_Fel_Bok

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