The Strongest Wizard: Rejecte...

By shadowenclave47

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Just before defeating Moro, Goku wishes to have him reincarnated into, hopefully, a good guy, so that he can... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Training & Discovering New Powers
Chapter 3: Revenge Plans

Chapter 4: Change in Attitude

3.1K 64 61
By shadowenclave47

Union Academy - Red Team's Room - The Next Day

You eyes shot open as you got out of your bed and saw that Lotte and Sucy was already up and were getting prepared to start the day off while Akko was still asleep in her bed. You sweat dropped and got up and walked to her bed.

"Akko, its time to wake up!" You shouted as you pulled the covers off.

"No! Don't! I just wanted 5 more minutes!" Akko whined.

"Sorry. Can't do that. I don't want to see you get in trouble with the teachers for being late for class again. Especially if its with those asshole teachers like Professor Goodbitch or Professor Portbelly." You told her as she laughed at the insults you gave to the mean teachers.

"Ok, ok!" Akko replied, defeated.

"I know you don't feel like going to class. Trust me, neither do i. But don't worry, you won't have to deal with the classes of this school for much longer." You told her as the three girls gave you a strange look, wondering what you meant by that.

"Is it just me or has {Y/N} been acting a little strange lately?" Lotte asked Sucy who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I remember him saying something similar last night. He talks like this will be our last day here or something." Sucy replied.

"Do you think he's still affected from us rejecting him? Or maybe he's worried about the reincarnation of Moro?" Lotte guessed.

"Its neither!" You interjected. "I already told you that i am over that and i am not worried about the reincarnation of Moro. What i can say is that a lot of things are going to change today." You stated as they grew more curious.

"Such as?" Sucy asked, intrigued.

"Well, i can't tell you everything, but for starters, i won't be taking anymore shit from the bullies or those mean teachers and headmasters anymore. I'm gonna start fighting back from now on." You declared in a cold tone.

"But won't that just get you into even more trouble?" Lotte asked.

"I don't really care about that anymore. In this school, i will get in trouble anyway just by existing." You joked. "Anyway, lets get going. We have a lot to do today." You stated as you exit the room to get dressed and so that the girls could have their privacy.

Short Timeskip

After getting dressed, you stood outside of Red Team's dorm room, waiting for them to get dressed. It didn't really take you that long to get dressed. After taking a show in one of the Academy's bathrooms, you used your magic to instantly materialize some clothes on you. You heard from Vegeta that Piccolo sometimes call this technique 'Clothes Beam', which made you chuckle a bit.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the door opens and everyone in Red Team was dressed.

"Ready?" You asked as the 3 nodded. "Good. Our first class of the day will be with Professor Goodbitch. I'm sure she's gonna try to force me to fight someone first again. She's been doing that every single day. She takes delight in seeming me suffer. But it will be different today." You stated.

"Morning {Y/N}!" Ruby shouted as she tackled you with a hug while you smiled.

"Good morning, Ruby." You replied, patting her on the head as you saw the rest of Ruby's team approach you.

"Good morning." the 3 greeted as Red Team nodded.

"Hello to you too, Blake." You greeted, completely ignoring Weiss and Yang once again. "You ready for classes today? Remember, today will be a big day." You told her as she nodded, knowing exactly what to expect while the others were confused.

"Alrighty then. Lets go!" You said as you began to walk down the hallways of the academy with Red Team and Team RWBY following behind you.

"Hey, guys. Is it just me or does it seem like {Y/N} is ignoring me?" Yang asked.

"Yeah. He's not talking to me either. Is he still upset about yesterday?" Weiss stated as Red Team remembered what you told them yesterday.

"Yeah. Last night, he told us that he was only angry at Weiss, Yang and Diana for being jerks after rejecting him." Akko stated.

"Yeah. You three did say some really bad things to him, so its understandable that he would want to avoid you three." Blake stated as Weiss and Yang frowned. Although they were whispering, you could hear their conversation very clearly with your enhanced senses, but you remained silent as you kept walking down the hallway until the group made it to Glynda's classroom. As the group entered the room, you saw other students were already there.

"Hey! Look who's here?" Hannah called out in a mocking voice to get everyone's attention.

"The rejected loser and his loser friends!" Barbara shouted as the bullies laughed while Ruby, Akko, Yang and Weiss grew angry and began to argue with the two. Lotte felt sad for you and so did Sucy but she didn't show it as she remained calm. To everyone's surprise, you also remained calm. Too calm. In fact, you didn't even notice them as you was lost in thought. Thinking about how you will put these fools in their rightful place and ways to annihilate the entire school.

"Good morning, {Y/N}, Red Team and Team RWBY. You guys arrived to class earlier than i expected." Diana greeted, but you walked right past her again and went to go see your friends from Konoha.

"How's it going, Naruko, Sakura?" You greeted, ignoring Sasuko's presence, which made her frown. You also saw the other Konoha ninja's and nodded at them besides Kiba, who got angry, but you didn't give a fuck.

"We're doing fine. I wonder who's going to be fighting who in today's class." Naruko replied.

"It will most likely be me since Professor Goodbitch always choose me first." You deadpanned as Naruko started laughing her ass off at the insult to Glynda's name.

"Are you feeling ok, {Y/N}?" Hinata asked, concerned about what happened yesterday when you got rejected.

"I feel great. In fact, i feel better than i have ever felt in my entire life." You replied with a confident smirk.

"That's the second time {Y/N} didn't speak to me and completely ignored me." Diana said.

"That's what you get for being an asshole to him when you rejected him yesterday. He didn't say a word to Yang or Weiss either." Akko added as Diana, Weiss and Yang frowned sadly. They did go too far when they insulted him after rejecting him and were now trying to find a way to apologize to him, but unknown to them, it was too late. Far too late.

Suddenly, Glynda enters the room.

"Alright everyone! Get to your seats! Class is about to begin!" Glynda ordered as everyone rushed to their seats. However, you took your sweet time going to your seat, which irritated Glynda greatly as she glared at you while you had a look of indifference on your face. "That's it! {Y'N}, you will be the first one to fight today!" Glynda shouted as you yarn.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm always the first up to fight since you always pick me to be first every day. Its nothing new." You replied boredly, which made Glynda angrier as this wasn't the reaction she was expecting from you. "So, who's my opponent? Might as well get this over with quickly." You finished in a lazy tone.

"Your opponent today will be against Yang Xiao Long." Glynda stated with a sinister smirk. She knew about the girls rejecting you the other day, so she decided to make you fight one of them in an attempt to emotionally cripple you and you and your friends knew it. Unfortunately for her, she choose the wrong opponent for you, as you had beef with Yang anyway and you was ready to put her in her place.

Both you and Yang entered the ring and it was evident that Yang was the one who was emotionally unprepared. Meanwhile, you was cracking your knuckles and neck before fixing your gaze on Yang.

"Lets go." You declared in a cold tone that made Yang shiver.

"{Y-Y/N}, i don't want to fight you." Yang said in a sad voice while you stared at her with no emotion.

"Trust me. I wouldn't want to fight me either." You replied with a vicious smirk that made Yang feel more uneasy.

"What the hell happened to you!? You've seem to have gotten very cocky today!" Yang stated.

"Enough chit chat! Its time to fight!" You said. You would have waited until later but you decided that you will show a very small taste of your true power right now in this fight.

"Begin!" Glynda shouted, officially starting the match.

The two stood still and stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity.

"What's the matter, Yang? Are you scared?" You goaded in a mocking voice as Yang glared at you. It was very easy to anger her and you was going to take full advantage of that.

"I should ask the same question to you. You haven't moved from your spot either." Yang replied.

"Ladies first." You taunted.

"Fine!" Yang shouted as she lunged towards you and attempted to knock you out with one punch. It will be quick, easy and painless, and maybe knock some sense back into you. Or so she thought. To her, Glynda and most of the other students surprise, you was able to react to it and evaded the incoming punch easily.

"You'll need to move faster than that if you want to catch me. Slowpoke." You sneered as Yang stared at you in slight shock only to see you take out your magic wand and point it to her and fired a powerful Heat Blast Spell without even chanting the words. You didn't need your magic wand to do this, but you wanted to keep this secret for now until the big/main reveal. The spell made contact with Yang and knocked her back several feet with slight burn marks on her arms from her trying to block it. Her aura did most of the work protecting her. Diana noticed this and narrowed her eyes. It was leagues better and stronger than the one she saw you use yesterday. What she didn't know is that you was still holding back a significant amount of power back and could have made it far stronger.

"Oww! Damn! His magic attack hits harder than i thought, but im not out of this yet!" Yang said to herself before looking at you, who was standing across the room/arena, unharmed.

"Ready to take me seriously now?" You asked smugly.

"I know you're angry at me, but i still won't lose to you! I'm going to defeat you and then we are going to talk." Yang shouted as you rose an eyebrow in amusement.

"You're welcome to try it if you can." You taunted her to bring it on.

Yang's eyes turned red in color and took a battle stance. You knew that she was serious now and Yang knew that this was not the same {Y/N} she knew from before. Yang gave a war cry and charged at you with flurries of punches and kicks, but you effortlessly evaded each and every one of them while having both your arms crossed behind your back.

"What's the matter, Yang? I'm just a weak, scrawny and not manly enough person, so this fight should be easy for you." You sneered in a mocking voice as Yang remembered that those were the words she said to you yesterday and felt instant regret, but continued fighting.

With the exception of Blake, Green Team and Rias and her peerage, everyone in the class was flabbergasted with your performance against Yang. They expected that you would lose quickly and easily like what normally happens, so it came as a shock to see you last this long in a fight without immediately losing and to top it all off, Yang still hasn't landed a single hit on you at all even though she's going all out.

Glynda was furious with what was transpiring before her eyes and tried to cheat by secretly using her Semblance to restrict your movement. She was shocked to find out that her Semblance was having no effect on you. You smirked at her as you continued to avoid Yang's attacks.

"Argh! Why can't i hit you!" Yang growled in frustration as she her movements was slowing down from exhaustion as she started panting heavily.

"Done already? How pitiful!" You scoffed as you glanced out the window and saw a raven perched on one of the nearby tree branches, watching intently. You had a knowing smirk on your face before turning your attention back to Yang. "I wonder how your mother would feel to see you struggle this much against someone you consider to be scrawny, weak and not manly enough? Probably disappointed. Perhaps she made the right choice to abandon someone as weak and pathetic as you after all." You mused with a smirk as Yang's glared at you in rage as her eyes turned red once again.

"Damn you! How dare you speak to me like that!" Yang shouted as she charged at you with one last punch with everything she got, but you ducked under it before countering by slamming your fist into her abdomen and struck a vital point in her midsection. This particular attack ignored Yang's Aura and did direct damage to her body.

"Ack!" Yang gagged as she coughed up blood before her body collapsed to the floor, unconscious. The room was silent as everyone had their eyes on you. This was the very first battle that you have won against another student since entering the academy. Glynda glared at you in anger as her plans came crashing down.

"{Y/N}, what the hell did you do to her! She's badly injured!" Glynda shouted as you gave her a bored look.

"Quit being a drama queen Professor Goodbitch." You sneered as many students were surprised that you would call her that to her face. "Besides, i have suffered far worse beatings than this in this class and you did nothing about it, so what makes this different?" You asked as she remained silent as you grinned. "The truth is that you don't want to announce me the winner of this match because you always hated me, but you have no choice now." You finished.

"Just get out of my class now, you monster!" Glynda shouted in rage.

"Knew it!" You smirked as you began to leave. You didn't care about her calling you a monster either. In fact, you will wear that title like a badge of honor now.

"{Y-Y/N}?" Ruby called out as you pat her on the head, knowing what she was concerned about.

"Don't worry, Ruby. Yang's not hurt that badly. I only knocked her out by striking a vital point in her body. She'll be fine, but she might need therapy afterwards." You joked.

"Wow! I didn't know you could do that! I thought only the Hyuga could strike vital points like that." Izuki said, impressed as you grinned.

"Yeah. I learned a few tricks from training under Vegeta and Granolah yesterday. This particular technique came from Granolah. Although, i can't strike vital points as accurately as him or the Hyuga because i am unable to see the vital points, so it was a bit of a sloppy job." You explained as she nodded in understanding.

Just as you were about to leave, you saw Diana stand before you, staring at you with her hands on her hips.

"I couldn't help but notice how impressive that Heat Blast Spell you just did was. It was far more powerful than before and you cast it without even chanting the spells name, which would require a level of knowledge and mastery over magic that even the teachers and Headmasters do not possess. How did you manage to improve your magic to this extent in just one day? I know that you trained under Vegeta yesterday, but even that wouldn't be enough time to elevate you to this level." Diana demanded as you gave her a glare that made her feel uneasy.

"It is none of your damn business. Also, don't patronize me and don't talk to me." You replied coldly as you rudely brushed past her and left the room. She sighed sadly as she watched you leave. She knew that you didn't want to talk to her anymore, but she wasn't going to give up, though.

"I should have used that moment to apologize to him instead of trying to interrogate him. Now he's probably going to avoid me even more. Either way, i need to find out about this development. He's different than normal. Both in power, skill and even his attitude towards everyone." Diana said to herself. You wanted her away from you, but this recent change within you has now gained her full attention and she's going to investigate. One way or another, she was determined to find out what you were hiding.

Short Timeskip - With You - Union Academy's Courtyard

"Well, i might as well use this time to take a rest while i wait for the next class." You yarned, before sitting under the same tree you saw that raven was perched on top of earlier during your fight with Yang.

Looking up, you saw the raven still on the tree, staring down at you.

"You can show yourself and stop hiding behind that bird disguise now, Raven." You called out as the raven jumped off of the tree and landed on the ground before reverting back to its human/true form.

"How did you know it was me?" Raven asked, surprised that you noticed her presence.

"Simple. Your power level is far too high for it to have been an ordinary raven." You replied.

"I see. So when did you learn this ability? It looks like you've changed since the last time i saw you. No longer the weakling i knew from years ago anymore?" She asked as you smirked.

"I learned this ability yesterday. Also, 24 hours ago, i was still the same pathetic weakling you always knew, but things are different now." You replied as she rose an eyebrow.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asked, confused.

"Long story. And i don't really have time to explain. At least not before next class starts. I'll tell you the full story at a later date." You replied."By the way, why exactly are you here anyway?" You asked.

"Well, recently, i have been hearing rumors about the reincarnation of Moro returning to specifically destroy Union Academy today for revenge. Honestly, i was curios to see if the rumors will come true." Raven replied as you smirked.

"Let me guess. You're also worried that the reincarnation of Moro might kill your daughter in the process right? But of course, you wouldn't admit to that." You asked as if you could read her mind, which you could as her eyes narrowed at you. "Don't worry, i already got my revenge on Yang. I don't intend to kill anyone right now anyway. At least not right now..." You continued as her eyes widened.

"W-Wait a minute! Y-You're the reincarnation of Moro!?" She asked in shock.

'Correct.' You replied to her telepathically in a menacing tone, causing her eyes to widened further as she knew you was the real deal.

"So, now that you know the truth, do you intend to stop me now?" You asked as your eyes flashed red for a split second.

"Since you're the reincarnation of Moro, I don't think i could stop you even if even if i wanted to. I'm just surprised that it was you all along. Also, i don't care about what happens to this pitiful academy anyway." Raven stated.

"Well, to be fair,  i haven't regained all my magic powers, so my powers aren't nearly as mighty as it probably was in my previous life. If you fought me with your Maiden powers, you would probably win. Of course, if i landed one finger on you it would be game over since i would just absorb your energy and add it to my own power, so it could go either way." You admitted.

"How did you-"

"Again, I read you mind. I can also see any visions that you think of in your mind as well." You answered before she could finish.

Suddenly, you heard the school bell rung.

"Oh, it looks like its time for the next class. Gotta go! Bye!" You shouted as you ran off, leaving a dumbfounded Raven.

"This could be interested. I can't wait to see the looks on Ozpin and the other foolish headmasters faces when this place is inevitably destroyed." Raven sad to herself with a smirk as she transformed back into a Raven and flew off into the sky.

Timeskip - Professor Ports Class

You was sitting through another one of Ports long and drawn out lectures, bored out of your fucking mind. Most of what's he's talking about isn't even relevant to the class he's supposed to be teaching.

"{Y/N}!" Port shouted getting your attention as you looked back at him boredly with your feet propped up on the desk.

"Yes?" You replied in pure boredom, which angered Port, but you didn't give a single fuck.

"Are you paying attention to my class?" Port asked, knowing that you wasn't and wanted an excuse to get you into more trouble. Most of the students don't pay attention to his class, but he always targets you.

"Nope." You stated bluntly. "In fact, most of the students here never pays attention to your class because its boring as fuck. Aren't you supposed to be teaching us combat strategies on how to deal with certain monsters? But instead, you always go on some long drawn out tangent on something completely unrelated to the subject of your class. Seriously, if this was any other school, you would have been fired a long ass time ago, but im not surprised because this school is run mostly by dumb and incompetent people." You stated as the entire class was surprised at the fact you mocked his teaching skills/methods while Port was getting enraged by your words.

"That's it, {Y/N}! You will have lunch detentions with me in this 'boring' classroom!" Port  shouted before smirking thinking you would panic or have your spirit broken like normal only to get a bored look in return.

"Hell no! I refuse to have lunch detention in your class anymore!" You protested as the entire class gasped in shock as Port glared at you sharply. "You seem to have an obsession with giving me lunch detention with you. I'm sorry, but you're not my type, you filthy pig. But don't feel bad. I'm sure someone like Cardin or anyone else in Team CRDL would be happy to oblige and have lunch with you." You sneered as the class laughed at Port while he and Team CRDL glared at you and was about to blow a gasket.

"That's its! Imma kill you!" Cardin shouted in anger as he stood up from his seat while you gave him and his team a mocking smirk.

"Sit back down Cardin!" Port ordered as he obeyed, while Port glared at you in rage, while you stared back in apathy. "Get out of my class, {Y/N}! Normally, i would have you expelled for this, but today's a special day and i'll wait until later for you to be expelled by the Headmasters when inevitably lose in the exhibition matches." Port finished with a smirk, thinking that he would have the last laugh. He had no idea what was coming...

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes before standing up from your seat and got ready to leave. Riser, who was sitting at a chair/desk near the exit, smirked upon seeing you approach as he stuck out his leg in an attempt to trip you again like what happened yesterday. However, you saw this, but pretended not to notice. Once you got near, you raised you foot... and stomped your foot right on Riser's leg so hard that it rocked the entire academy.


That was the sound of the all the bones in Riser's right leg shattering completely.

"ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!" Riser roared in pure pain and agony, as everyone in the class immediately looked over to see your foot on Riser's now mangled leg with a large hole in the floor. Many of the students winced at the sight. It was so bad that they could visibly see the bones in Riser's leg sticking out while the blood from it sprayed from all directions.

"Next time you try to trip me you better learn who the fuck you're dealing with, rookie." You sneered before slowly walking away before looking towards Rias and her peerage and nodded at them as they nodded back. Meanwhile Riser glared at you in hatred.

"ARGH! You're dead meat when i recover from this! You hear me! I'LL KILL YOU!" Riser shouted as you ignored him and was about to leave, but you had more obstacles that stood in your way, causing you to sigh in annoyance as you scowled at Sasuko and Team JNPR.

"What do you trash want with me?" You asked in monotone as the 5 flinched at your harsh words.

"What has gotten into you today?" Sasuko demanded.

"Yeah. We are concerned about your change in attitude." Pyrrha stated.

"We just want to help you." Jane said as Nora and Ren nodded. You chuckled at this.

"How ironic. When i needed help the most, you bitches avoided me. Now that i am in control of things, you want to talk and help me." You stated as they looked away in shame, knowing it was true.

"B-But-" Nora started, but was cut off.

"Move." You said coldly as you violently shoved Sasuko into Team JNPR, knocking all 5 of them on the floor. "I don't need any of you." You snarled through your teeth before leaving the classroom.

The other students were also wondering about your recent change in attitude as they began to discuss about it.

"Is it just me, or is {Y/N} acting a little different today?" Lotte asked.

"Understatement of the century." Sucy deadpanned.

"Yeah... He's definitely changed. I've never seen him act like this before." Ruby said.

"Indeed. I've noticed that he's been far more cold and ruthless towards most of the teachers and students today." Diana stated.

"Could it be the harsh words we said to him yesterday?"Weiss asked as she, Diana and yang frowned in regret.

"Perhaps that's one factor, but keep in mind that he's been getting bullied by most of the students and even staff, so i believe that he has had this bottled up inside him for a long time." Blake suggested. She already knew, but didn't tell them too much and remained vague.

"And now he's finally snapped?" Akko asked as Blake nodded slowly.

"I remember yesterday he told us that the bullying would stop permanently today. I didn't expect for him to do anything like this, though." Lotte said as Sucy smirks.

"Honestly, im liking this new change. He's finally standing up to the bullies and is now making them suffer." Sucy said with a sadistic grin.

"Well, this still doesn't explain his seemingly massive increase  in skill and power, though. He literally just broke Riser's entire leg with one stomp. Last i checked, {Y/N} isn't normally capable of hurting Riser at all and due to his self proclaimed 'immortality', only people significantly stronger than Riser could cause this much damage to him. Either way, i must get to the bottom of this and apologize to him." Diana said, determined as Yang and Weiss nodded in agreement.

Blake narrowed her eyes at Diana. She knew that Diana was one of the top smartest and most skilled students when it comes to magic. If there is anyone capable of figuring out your secret, it would be her. Blake hoped that you had a back up plan in case Diana does end up discovering your secret and the grand plan. Unknown to her, you did.

"That is it!" Akko shouted, standing up from her chair. "I'm going to go check on {Y/N}!" She finished as everyone looked at her surprised.

"But class isn't over yet! You'll get in trouble!" Diana protested.

"Pfft! I don't give a damn! My best friend is more important than this snooze fest class, and much like {Y/N}, im also always in trouble with the teachers anyway." Akko replied before leaving the room, much to Port's anger.

When Akko left the room, she ran across the hallways for a few minutes, searching for you, but couldn't find you at all.

"Now where did he go?" Akko said to herself.

"Akko, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class? Or did the teachers kick you out again?" She heard a familiar voice. Looking back, she saw Ursula standing behind her before running towards her.

"Ursula sensei! No, it was {Y/N} that was sent out of class. I ran out of my own accord because i wanted to comfort him since he's been acting different all day." Akko stated as Ursula rose an eyebrow.

"Really? Could you explain to me on what happened?" Ursula asked as Akko told her everything that happened today, which surprised Ursula as well. "Hmm... that is strange. {Y/N} has never acted like this before. I guess all the bullying really took a toll on him and the harsh rejection from Diana, Weiss and Yang must have been the last straw." Ursula guessed as Akko nodded.

"Yeah. That's basically what Blake just said. Which is why i want to talk to him and hopefully calm him down." Akko replied.

"I'll help, but i haven't seen {Y/N} today, so i don't know where he's at either." Ursula stated.

"I saw where he went!?" The two whipped their head around to see Croix leaning against the wall, smirking while Ursula glared in suspicion.

"Croix! Have you been spying on our conversation the whole time?" Ursula demanded.

"Maybe." Croix smirks. "But that's not important right now. You wanted to know where {Y/N} is, right? And i just so happen to know where he's at." Croix finished.

"Then tell us where he is then!" Ursula demanded.

"Sure. Last i saw him he was heading towards the Academy Training Grounds." She replied.

"Alright. Let go!" Akko shouted.

"I'll come along as well. I'm curious to know what's been going on with {Y/N} recently as well." Croix said as the group of 3 headed off to the academy training grounds.

Meanwhile With You - Union Academy Training Ground

You was currently standing in the middle of the clearing, meditating until you sensed two massive power levels suddenly appear in front of you. Opening your eyes, you saw Vegeta and Granolah standing before you.

"Vegeta? Granolah? Isn't it a little too early for you two to show up now?" You asked.

"There is something very important that we need to tell you. We waited until you were alone before we showed ourselves to you again." Vegeta stated.

"Ok, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" You asked.

"With the help of Bulma, we managed to dig up a lot of dirt on those corrupt Headmasters. Especially Dogen and Danzo." Granolah said.

"Not only that, but Dende also looked into your past and figured out why it took so long for your magic powers to develop." Vegeta added as your expression became dead serious.

"Tell me." You said in a serious tone.

"Well, for one, Danzo is the one of the main people responsible for the Uchiha massacre. Not only that, but he hides a Sharingan in his right eye. His right arm was also modified by Orochimaru and is full of Sharingan's as well." Vegeta stated as you had a look of disgust on your face.

"Repulsive!" Was all you said. You found it ironic that Sasuko placed her faith in someone who had a hand in her clans massacre.

"As for Dogen, well it turns out that he has a plot to sacrifice the Shinobi from Team Hanzo, Crimson Squad, Team Gessen and Team Hebijo to revive a Yoma called 'Orochi'. Apparently he want's use the Yoma as weapons to conquer the world. Either that, or he wants to sell them to governments across the world and use them as weapons." Vegeta stated.

"Pfft! That's what the asshole Shinobi deserves for trusting him. I just want to protect Hibari, Minori, Mirai, Ryouna, Senkou and Gekkou from him since they're the only ones in those groups/factions that didn't bully me. I couldn't care less about what happened to the others." You scoffed. You always knew that Union Academy was corrupt, but didn't know it was this bad. It made you even more determined to destroy this school.

"Ok then. I wasn't really planning on killing anyone today, but those two NEEDS to be destroyed by any means necessary." You stated and Vegeta and Granolah nodded in agreement. "So what did you guys find out about why my magic and ki powers took so long to develop?" You asked.

"Well, this might come as a shock to you, but do you remember those Shiny Chariot shows you used to go to?" Vegeta asked as you nodded.

"Yeah. Me and Akko used to go all the time. What about it?" You asked.

"Well it turns out that that witch you look up to isn't all sunshine and rainbows either. She's the one responsible for why your magic powers have developed so late. During her shows, she would use a technique that would steal everyone's magic powers, and it clearly has a long lasting effect for everyone involved." Vegeta stated as your eyes widened in surprise.

'I... I had no idea that this was happening to me...' You thought to yourself.

"Fortunately, for you, you managed to break past these limits yesterday and was able to reawaken some the the magic powers that you've lost." Granolah explains.

"Indeed. But that is not all. Bulma managed to pin point her current location. Turns out, she is a teacher right here in Union Academy, but she's using her magic to conceal her true identity." Vegeta told you as your eyes widened in realization. "Oh? It seems like you have already figured out who it is." He finished with a smirk.

"Ursula Callistis is Chariot du Nord/Shiny Chariot." You stated as Vegeta nodded. "Heh. I had my suspicions about her and since i could sense energy since it felt like i could sense traces of my magic power within her. And she's clearly hiding her real power." You stated.

"Are you angry?" Granolah asked.

"I won't lie, i am a bit angry about this. However, this experience did show me who my true friends are. However, I think Akko is going to be more pissed than i am when she finds out about this." You stated before sensing 3 energy signatures approaching, causing you to smirk. "Heh. Speak of the devil. I can sense Ursula, Croix and Akko approaching. They must be looking for me no doubt." You stated.

"Alright, we'll leave th-"

"No! I want you two to stay. I want them to know our true motives/intentions." You said as they rose an eyebrow.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Vegeta asked as you nodded.

"Sure. This will be interesting." You smirked.

After a few more moments  passed, the 3 girls arrived to the training ground to see you meditating with Vegeta and Granolah standing nearby, much to their surprise.

"{Y/N}!" Akko called out as you slowly opened your eyes and stared at the 3 girls.

"Akko? Did you get kicked out of that fatass class as well?" You asked.

"No! I left on my own because i was worried about you, since you've been acting very different today." Akko replied as you nodded in understanding. Glad that your friends was concerned about you.

"Don't worry Akko. I'm fine." You replied as you turned your attention to the 2 teachers. "Also, hello Croix and Ursula. Or should i refer to you as Chariot du Nord or Shiny Chariot instead?" You asked in a serious tone as the 3 girls gasped in shock. All for completely different reasons. Suddenly the temperature in the area dropped drastically.

"Wait. What!?" Akko shouted in pure shock.

"Sorry, but you cannot fool me with your disguise anymore." You stated as you stood up and aimed your hand at Ursula before using your magic to dispel the disguise she had on her, revealing her true form and you had to admit, she was sexy as hell.

"Damn! I always knew you looked hot underneath those Witch robes, but you look even hotter now in your true form." You stated, licking your lips as she blushed in surprise. Meanwhile the other 2 girls were left stunned.

'He used his own magic to dispel her magic disguise, and he did it without using his magic wand and he didn't even draw any of the magic power from the sorcerer stone either. To think that his magic would improve this much in just one day of training is quite fascinating.' Croix thought to herself, but you could read her mind.

"How... How did you know?" Chariot asked in a serious tone as you smirked triumphantly.

"At first, i had my suspicions about your true identity, but Vegeta and Granolah just confirmed it for me right before you arrived." You stated as her eyes widened in surprise and wondered why Vegeta and Granolah did this.

"How long did you know i was using magic to disguise myself?" She asked.

"I've noticed the moment i got back from my training with Vegeta and Granolah. Thank to their training, my powers in both Ki and Magic has reached an entirely new level and became a lot more perceptive on everything involving magic. Turns out, i am actually a super prodigy among prodigies in magic. Far better than the likes of Diana will ever be." You stated with a sneer as the 3 girls stared at you in surprise before your face turned serious. "However, if you hadn't meddled with my magic powers during your shows, i would have realized my true potential much earlier and never would have struggled with my powers. And im sure that Akko wouldn't be having as much trouble with her magic powers as well since we always went to your shows together." You stated in a cold tone as you pointed at Chariot accusatively.

Akko gasped and looked at her idol, hoping that it wasn't true. Croix knew all along since she was also involved. Chariot sighed.

"So i guess Vegeta told you about that too, huh?" Chariot asked as you nodded and Vegeta simply grunted.

"Hmph! How long did you think you could get away with doing this before it would inevitably catch up to you and bite you in the ass?" Vegeta sneered as Chariot held her head low and thought about everything she's done in the past, which you also saw all the events that she was thinking about.

"Well, i honestly wouldn't mind having a bite out of her ass." You joked. "But on a serious note, i now know that you and Croix are also childhood friends and were in cahoots with each other during the time that me and Akko lost our magic abilities. Although Croix was working in the shadows. So that makes both of you equally guilty in my eyes." You spoke in a cold tone as Akko stared at them in disbelief.

"So did Vegeta tell you this as well?" Croix asked.

"To be honest, even i didn't know about that." Vegeta admitted.

"No. I just read Chariot's mind and saw her memories. That's how i know." You stated, greatly shocking the 3 girls.

"S-So is all of this really true?" Akko suddenly asked as you nodded.

"I'm afraid so." You replied.

"Something's not right here! How are you able to do all of this? You only trained for one day and now you can suddenly read my thoughts and memories and effortlessly dispel my disguise with your magic without the use of your magic wand or any of the magic from the Sorcerers Stone! Its like you've became a master at magic far above anyone else in an instant. I find that hard to believe, even if you trained under Vegeta and Granolah for one day. Just who or what are you, really!?" Chariot demanded as you, Vegeta and Granolah smirked, while Akko and Croix were also curios about your new found magic powers/skills. You was waiting for this moment.

"I thought you'd never ask." You chuckled darkly with a more sinister smirk on your face, which made the girls feel a bit uneasy as your eyes flashed red for a split second. "I am the one who will exact vengeance on those who have wronged me in the past, and I will lay waste to this pitiful academy and start anew. They say that in my previous life, i was the eater of worlds." You stated as you flexed your magic power and showed the visage of Moro behind you, which shocked and terrified the girls to their core.

"M-M-Moro?!" Chariot stammered in terror as you nodded.

"Correct. I am the reincarnation of Moro." You confirmed with a sinister grin. Akko's eyes became wider than saucers at this.

"I see. Very interesting." Croix said, who immediately calmed down, causing you to raise an eyebrow.

Akko, on the other hand, was at a complete loss for words. So many things was happening right now. First, she learns that Ursula was actually Chariot, then she finds out that her and Croix used her for their own goals. And lastly, she finds out that her childhood friend was the reincarnation of Moro, the eater of worlds. This was just too much to take in.

"Wait a second. Didn't Vegeta and Granolah tell us that they were going to stop you when they find you? Why are you all standing together?" Chariot asked.

"Well, that's simple. We lied just to give you fools a false sense of security. We never actually planned to stop {Y/N} in his quest for revenge. In fact, me might actually help him." Granolah stated much to their horror.

"So are you going to kill us, huh?" Chariot asked as you rose an eyebrow.

"Kill you? No, no, no. I have no reasons or desire to kill you or anyone in Union Academy aside from Danzo and Dogen, who both fully deserves death. But they will both get what's coming to them soon enough. I just want to make those who bullied me to suffer." You stated as they sighed in slight relief. "However, what you and Croix did cannot go unpunished." They two teachers suddenly heard your voice from behind, surprising them with your speed, but before they could react, you placed your hands on both of their backs and drained their energies/magic, causing both of them to kneel to the ground.

What happened next, surprised everyone there as your power increased far beyond what you had anticipated and you body began to undergo changes too as it became a bit taller and way more muscular.

"W-What happened?" Akko asked, looking at the fatigued Chariot and Croix.

"Don't worry about those two, i only drained half of their power. They should be fine in a few minutes. As for me, im not entirely sure what happened, but it feels like my power had increased dramatically. Even my physical appearance changed." You stated as Vegeta and Granolah rose an eyebrow.

"Perhaps when you absorb energy from other beings capable of using/wielding magic, it results in a much bigger increase in power? Or it could be that you regained some of your original power back. After all, you did just absorb the energy from the ones responsible for taking your magic powers away in the first place. At least those are my best guesses." Vegeta said.

"Or maybe both played a factor in it?" Granolah added.

"I don't know, but im feeling really great! If i were to give a rough estimate of my power level, then its probably in the Quadrillions right now." You presumed. "At first i still had my reservations, but now i can confidently claim that i am by far the strongest person in the entire Academy, and its not even close." You finished with a smirk.

"Damn! This is all my fault! None of us would be in this situation if it wasn't for me." Chariot said sadly.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. And i am also at fault here. The only thing i have to look forward to is {Y/N}'s magic powers." Croix said.

"Enough with the melodramatic talk you two! You're acting like im going to destroy the entire world or something. Besides, i am in a good mood right now and i plan on using you two for my plans now. After all, that's exactly what you two did to me and Akko, so its only fair that we do the same for you two." You said.

"I'm sorry, {Y/N}." Chariot said with a frown as you stared back with a frown of your own.

"Don't apologize to me. If there is anyone you should apologize to, its Akko. She was your biggest fan after all." You said pointing at your childhood friends who was just staring down at her idol and friends in their pitiful states and said nothing and only frowned in disappointment before turning away. It will take a while before they could regain her trust. "Speaking of which, i believe you deserve this, Akko." You said as you placed your index finger on Akko's back before transferring some of your power into her body.

'So he does have that ability after all.' Vegeta thought.

Akko suddenly felt a surge of overwhelming power through her body, which amazed her.

"Woah! I feel way stronger than before! What did you do!?" Akko asked as you smirked.

"Simply put, i gave you some of my power. After all, i feel like some of this power/magic is rightfully yours since your magic was stolen from those two as well. With this, you won't be struggling with basic magic anymore." You replied before you was suddenly tackled with a hug from Akko, surprising you.

"Thank you, {Y/N}!" Akko said as she hugged you tight, causing you to blush slightly. At first she was a little nervous when she learned about your true origins, but she knew that deep down, you was still the kind friends she always knew.

"Um.... y-yeah. Its no problem." You said, a bit embarrassed as you looked over at Vegeta and Granolah who both grinned. You just shrugged and decided to go with the flow and enjoy the moment before hugging her back.

Suddenly the schools bell rung, putting an abrupt end to the moment, much to both you and Akko's annoyance.

"Crap! Its time for the next class!" Akko shouted, worried about being late.

"No need to rush, Akko. Our next class is Astrology, which is Ursula's or Chariot's class." You stated, looking over at Chariot, who finally stood up from the ground. "More like ASStrology am i right?" You joked as Akko gave you a deadpan look. "Out of line? Sorry." You chuckled.

"You said that you have use for us? What exactly do you want us to do?" Croix asked.

"Its nothing too difficult. Just distract the attention of the other teachers and headmasters away from me for now. I still want everyone to keep up appearances and act natural until the big reveal. So that means i need Chariot back into her disguise." You stated as you effortlessly reapplied the 'Ursula' disguise back on Chariot with the snap of your fingers.

"But {Y/N}. What about you? You body just went through some changes as well." Akko asked.

"No worries. I'll just disguise myself as well." You stated as you used your magic to disguise yourself back to your old self. "Also, don't mention this conversation to Lotte or Sucy." You told her as she nodded.

"Well, it looks like you guys are busy, so we won't keep you here any longer. We'll be leaving the rest to you until the big reveal." Granolah said as he and Vegeta vanished.

"Alright everyone! Lets get to class! Luckily our next class teacher is right here with us, so we won't be in trouble for being late, and Ursula is much kinder than most of other teachers, so i don't have to worry about being kicked out of this class." You admitted as Ursula blushed. From now on she along with Croix would try their best to regain the trust from both you and Akko.

"Well, {Y/N}. I am yours to command." Croix said as you rose an eyebrow.

"Well you seem far too eager to work under me." You sweatdropped.

"She was always fascinated by Moro's magical abilities, so im not even surprised that she would want to work for you." Ursula stated.

"Heh. Fine. Just remember who calls the shots around here." You said as they both nodded.

"Come on! Let go! I can't wait to see {Y/N} put Diana in her place in class and show her who is really the top dog student in magic." Akko shouted with a grin as you grinned back. Ursula/Chariot's Astrology class was going to be fun and interesting.

"Everything is proceeding as i had foreseen." You said, cackling to yourself as the group headed to class.

End of Chapter 4

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it. Also, most people said that they wanted Diana, Weiss and Yang to be forgiven, so i had to made few minor changes with this chapter. Their redemption arc will probably start next chapter (but not before you put them in their place lol).

Power Levels




{Y/N} (Chariot & Croix energy/true powers partially restored)
10,000,000,000,000,000 (Quadrillion)


Akko (Post {Y/N} Energy)

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