The World Will Stain Us

Door bvbandwriting

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Life leaves scars. No one understands this better than those people who enjoy rock music―whether that's the b... Meer

Author's Note & Warnings
The Spark
We Stitch These Wounds
Youth & Whisky
Fallen Angels
Turnings and Tribulations
Golden Gods
Set The World On Fire
Warped Tour
The Accident
And I Wonder How To Move On
Golden Gods, Part II
Legion of the Black
Promotions and Portents
Wretched and Divine
A Little Too Much
The Vow
Golden Gods, Part III

The Church of the Wild Ones

34 6 50
Door bvbandwriting

Andy felt sick.

CC still hadn't woken, and Andy had only his own thoughts for company. He'd been aware of Jake and Jinxx murmuring quietly to each other on the other side of the aisle a while ago, but he'd been too numb to focus on their conversation. As a matter of fact, Andy had barely registered anything on the three-hour drive, staring at CC's lifeless face and running over the same things in his mind.

He couldn't believe he'd let himself lose control. He still didn't know how it had happened―and despite Yanni's reassurances, he had no way of knowing if the girl was really okay. As yet, he didn't think she'd woken―not that he'd know anyway, shut up in CC's bunk as he was―and that thought spawned an anxiety-fueled mental prison. What if she dies, what if she doesn't recover, what if she's disabled somehow, and it's my fault, my fault, my fault.

He wished there was something to clean, something to rearrange, to take his mind off the girl and CC―oh, CC. Andy knew, logically, that the fledgling plague striking when it did had nothing to do with him, but his anxiety and the fact that his nerves were already shot from the disaster with Jasmine were trying to tell him something very different.

Andy reached out and traced his fingers down CC's arm, wishing there was something he could do to wake him up. He looked like death―which Andy supposed made sense, as he was, technically, dead―and the sight brought the memory of the drummer's turning unbidden back to his mind.

"Oh, Ceese," Andy whispered. "I wish this didn't have to happen to you. None of it―you're so kind and energetic and passionate, and to see you suffering from the same fledgling plague that struck me, that struck all of us..." He bit his lip, his fingers stilling on CC's forearm. "I hate it," he finished after a moment, quieter than before, as if the drummer was even able to hear him anyway.

Andy hesitated, knowing it was pointless talking to him, but he wondered if it might help to get his thoughts out of his head. Then he started talking, almost without meaning to, and he didn't think he could stop himself even if he tried.

"I hate all of it. And I hate myself so much for what I did to that girl, for losing control and almost turning her into a meal, because that's exactly what my sire did to me. He took advantage of my inebriated state―" Alcohol sounded like a good plan right now, not that he had the energy to go grab some― "and my foolish willingness to trust a stranger and he used me as a convenient meal. That's all I was to him, and I'm so fucking terrified, because in the moment that's all she was to me. I don't―" He cut himself off, shaking his head, studying CC's lifeless face again. "I'm so fucking scared that I'm becoming him."

He said the last part in a whisper and leaned his head back against the wall of the bunk, letting out a long breath. That was the core of it right there―his fear that he was becoming just like that vampire with the damned pretty face that had caught his attention and ended his life that night.

Andy brushed his thumb across the back of CC's hand, wishing with all his heart that he'd wake up. Again, the memory of the drummer's accidental turning came to the forefront of Andy's thoughts. He'd looked surprisingly peaceful then, too, for all that the expression as he collapsed had been one of fear.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "For all of it."

"Andy?" Jake's voice, from the end of the bunk hall it sounded like. "Kian's here. You need to be part of this."

Jake sounded about as hollow as Andy felt. I see this has been a great day for all of us so far.

"I don't want to leave CC."

"I know." There was pain in Jake's voice. "I know. But Kian wants you with us while he examines the girl."

"Jasmine," Andy mumbled. "Her name is Jasmine."

A sigh. Then, "Look, Andy, I know you're not ready, I know you don't want to leave CC, but you've got to be a part of this―we're hoping Kian'll be able to tell us what she is, and hopefully bring you a little closure."

Andy sighed. "Alright. Alright." He looked at CC for a moment more, then opened the bunk's curtain and slid out.

"You look like hell," Jake said almost as soon as Andy had straightened up.

Andy raised an eyebrow, taking in Jake's unkempt hair and rumpled clothes, suggesting he'd not had an easy time of it either. "I could say the same about you."

Jake shrugged. "You know it's not been an easy few hours."

Andy couldn't argue that point, and allowed Jake to lead him back to the crew guys' bunks.

Jinxx was already there, as were Kian and Yanni, the latter of whom immediately surveyed Andy. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Andy looked at him flatly. "Do I look okay?"

Yanni shrugged. "Fair enough, but I had to ask anyway. Last night was rough for you." He turned to Jake and Jinxx. "It was rough for all of you, come to think of it. Are you okay?"

The guitarists exchanged a look. "We could be better," Jake said.

Jinxx reached for his hand. "But we're okay, I think."

Yanni nodded. "How's CC?"

"Still out," Andy mumbled, already wanting to be back in the bunk with him. "If he doesn't wake up in the next hour or two we're gonna have to cancel the show."

Jake took Andy's hand with his free one and gave it a gentle squeeze. "He'll be fine," the guitarist murmured.

Andy certainly hoped so.

"Where are the others?" Jinxx questioned Yanni.

"Distracting Ash," Yanni replied without a moment's hesitation. "You said you didn't want him to know, so we're keeping him away for the moment."

Andy offered Yanni a brave attempt at a smile, touched that he was willing to go to such lengths to appease him. "Thank you," he murmured.

Kian stepped forward. "Alright, where's the girl?"

Yanni gestured to a covered bunk across from where CC's drum tech slept. "She's in there. I don't think she's woken up yet."

Kian frowned. "That's concerning." He stepped forward, towards the bunk; somewhat unwittingly, Andy allowed Jake and Jinxx to lead him forward as well.

Kian pulled back the curtain of the bunk, and Andy got his first good look at Jasmine since they'd gone inside to play the show. She lay still and pale but breathing, the bite marks in her neck completely gone―no sign of what he'd done to her other than the fact that she wasn't showing any indication of waking up anytime soon. Andy's stomach gave a guilty lurch just looking at her.

Kian's reaction, however, shocked them all.

The doctor hissed―actually hissed―and backed away a few steps.

"Kian!" Jinxx exclaimed. "What the hell?"

"She's Fae," Kian hissed.

"Fae?" Jinxx sounded surprised. "She doesn't look Fae."

Kian shook his head, staring warily at the girl. "Half-Fae. I misjudged. From the scent, some sort of water faerie―a siren or a selkie, maybe."

"How's that even possible?" Jake questioned, voicing what Andy was sure was on everyone's minds. "Being half-Fae?"

"Faeries are devious creatures," Kian shrugged, calming down somewhat. "You said she gave no indication that she knew what she is?" Jinxx nodded―apparently he had―and Kian continued, "My guess is her faerie parent tricked her human one into falling for them, then absconded once she was born."

"Well," Andy mumbled dully. "I guess that explains why her scent was so alluring. Ceese―" His voice caught on CC's name, and he swallowed and tried again― "Ceese almost fell victim to a faerie's scent before, too."

"Be glad she isn't full Fae," Kian said gravely. "You know what would have happened if she was."

Andy shuddered―he didn't even want to think about that. "She'll be okay?" he asked.

Kian stepped closer again, apparently fighting through his dislike of faeries to do his job. He did a few quick checks that Andy wasn't even going to attempt to name, then turned back to them and said, "Yes. She'll be fine. But she might have to stay with you until you leave for Kerrang!―she lost a lot of blood, and even with whatever faerie enhancements she inherited it's going to take a while for her to fully recover."

"Couldn't we just get her a blood transfusion and be done with it?" Jake questioned.

Kian shook his head. "If she was a normal human it wouldn't be a problem, but with her being's better to let her rebuild her own blood supply than risk a transfusion." As Jake opened his mouth to say something, Kian shook his head. "Don't ask me to explain, you don't want to know."

Andy was still processing the implications of the doctor's statement. "So...she has to stay here," he said slowly, feeling the panic begin to build as the realization sank in. She has to stay here with me as a constant reminder of what I did―

"I can stay too," Kian said. "Maybe find something to help speed up the recovery process. But yes, for the time being it's better if she doesn't go back to Tampa just yet." Andy's panic must have been written on his face, because Kian softened. "It's not forever, Andy―just until she's alright to go home. With any luck her faerie parent will have passed on some quick healing properties and it'll only be a few days, and I will do everything I can to help speed up that process even further."

Andy felt frozen, stuck in that moment of horror the night before, the numb way he'd stumbled through the show afterward. I can't do this if she's here I can't do this if she's here I can't do this if she's here I can't―

Jake squeezed his hand reassuringly, as if sensing the turmoil in his head. He was sure he felt the guitarist press himself a little bit closer to his side; with that in mind, Andy forced his racing thoughts to a halt. Breathe, he told himself. Focus on Jake and fucking breathe. You will be fine.

The familiar, comforting press of Jake's body did what Andy was sure he'd intended to do―after a few moments, Andy felt calm enough to give Kian a rational reply. He drew in a somewhat shaky breath, then said on the exhale, "Alright. I'll...figure out a way to be okay with this, but if it's what's best for her then she can stay as long as she needs."

Kian nodded once at him. "Thank you." He glanced at Jasmine. "We should let her rest."

"I'll get one of the others in here to watch her and alert someone when she wakes up," Yanni said.

"Might as well tell Ashley, too," Jinxx said. "He's likely gonna find out anyway if she's staying on the bus. I'd rather just tell him we've got a tag-along upfront than have him discover her on his own and get pissy at us for not telling him." He glanced at Andy. "If that's okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Knowing Ashley, Andy reflected, he was likely to throw a hissy fit if he found out on his own―Jinxx had a point.

Yanni nodded and was the first to duck out of the room. Andy sighed, glancing once more at Jasmine. "I'm going back to CC," he said.

Jake squeezed his hand again. "You sure you're okay with this?"

Andy kissed him softly, appreciating his boyfriend's concern. "Not in the slightest. But I'm trying to make things right―which starts with letting her heal." He lowered his gaze. "Besides, I still don't think I'm really ready to be around people again―give me another hour in CC's bunk and I swear I'll make an effort to be present again, assuming he doesn't wake up before then."

Jake nodded, his hazel eyes full of concern. "I'm worried about you," he murmured.

"I know." Andy gave his hand one more squeeze before leaving the room, feeling Jinxx's gaze on him as he left. He hoped Jake would relay what Andy had said―he loved the older vampire to death, but Jinxx was even more overprotective than Jake was at times, and Andy wasn't in the mood to endure his incessant (if well-intentioned) questioning.

Kian caught up to him before he could climb back into CC's bunk. "Hey," he said. "I'm not gonna ask the same pointless question your boyfriends and your bodyguard asked, I can tell you're very much not okay―but is there something specific on your mind? You kinda froze for a second when I told you the girl has to stay."

Andy shrugged. "I'm just..." He shook his head. "I felt like my sire. In the moment. And it scared me. That's all."

Kian nodded and didn't press; Andy was glad of that, and endlessly grateful that Kian knew when to just listen. "I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times from your boyfriends already, and this likely won't be the last moment you feel like this and subsequently hear these words, but you are not your sire," the doctor said. "Promise me you'll try not to forget that."

Andy offered him a crooked smile. "I can't promise anything, Glass."

Kian shook his head with a sardonic grin. "Yep, you're back to normal."

Andy felt far from it, but he was getting there. Maybe seeing Jasmine, coming to terms a bit with the reality of it all, had helped him. Andy couldn't even begin to fathom why, but he appreciated it all the same.

"If he's not up in an hour, I can check on him, too," Kian said, nodding at CC's closed bunk. "How long's it been?"

"At least five hours, maybe six, I've lost track," Andy replied. "Three-and-a-half hour drive, plus the half hour it took to get our shit together and on the road out of Tampa, plus at least another hour here before you arrived if not more."

Kian nodded. "A little on the high end of the time range, but not quite enough to be worrying yet. If he's still not awake in two hours we might have a problem, but if he wakes within the hour―"

Kian didn't need to finish the thought. From within the curtained bunk came the slight sound of movement, and then a low groan. Andy glanced at Kian, then drew back the curtain to reveal a blinking CC, obviously disoriented but very much awake.

"Ceese!" Andy exclaimed.

CC's eyes lit on him, and he smiled tiredly. "Hey, Andy."

Andy climbed back into the bunk and kissed him, reassured by the responding press of CC's lips. He's alright. He's alright. Andy had known he would be, but that didn't stop him from being immensely relieved.

"Jake! Jinxx!" Kian shouted. "CC's awake!"

Andy pulled away and smiled at his drummer, feeling lighter than he had since the argument with Ashley the night before.

The sight of CC smiling back as Jake and Jinxx appeared at the edge of the bunk was everything.


The girl still hadn't left.

It had been a full week since Jacksonville, and the girl―Jasmine―was still on their bus. Jinxx was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to leave.

The past week had been an eventful one. Somehow they'd managed to continue the tour like everything was normal, and Jinxx's days had become a blur of soundchecks, shows, and the in-between hours spent cuddling with his boyfriends and trying to ignore the very present knowledge that they had a pair of tag-alongs in the back.

Andy had been calmer since CC woke up, but Jinxx could tell every time the singer glanced towards the back that having Jasmine on the bus still wasn't sitting right with him. It killed Jinxx that there was nothing he could do to help manage that particular stressor, but he recognized that with Andy's pride, the singer likely wouldn't have accepted his offer anyway.

CC was back to normal as soon as they got onstage in Jacksonville; the first half hour after he'd awoken had become a confusing blur in Jinxx's memory of kisses and brief recaps of all that had happened, since CC had been so disoriented, but after that it was as if nothing had happened. Jinxx was relieved about that, at least―the drummer seemed no worse for the wear after his brush with the fledgling plague, and they could all breathe a little easier knowing it had passed.

Jinxx was perhaps most worried about Jake. The guitarist hadn't shown any signs of his own distress since the drive to Jacksonville, which he'd spent almost entirely in Jinxx's arms, but Jinxx had known him long enough to know that the memory of that fanatic hadn't quite let him rest yet. It seemed to Jinxx that Jake was quite good at squashing his own problems to focus on helping his boyfriends―and while Jinxx loved that about him, he didn't exactly think it was a healthy habit.

They were in New York City tonight, arriving in the Big Apple off a travel day, and Jinxx thought it'd be a good idea to get out of the tour bus for a while. Kian and Jasmine were both shut in the back (Jasmine hadn't left the room once and only ever talked to Kian), and the crew guys were running around getting things set up with the venue.

"Guys," he said, absently running his fingers through Jake's hair. "Why don't we go explore the city for a while?"

Jake glanced backwards up at him. "Why?"

Jinxx half-shrugged. "We've got time to kill before the show, and I think we all need to get off this bus."

Andy stared at him for a moment before he said, "You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

CC shrugged. "I'm up for it if you guys are."

Jake smiled and stole a kiss from Jinxx, who let him, relieved they all seemed in favor of the idea. "Where would we even go, though? It's a big city."

Jinxx grinned. "It'll be an adventure." The words reminded him of Arianna, but Jinxx shoved that feeling away. Not today.

Jake laughed. "Then lead on."

They piled out of the tour bus; Jinxx was very glad New York in winter tended to be overcast. Even with William Control, who was serving as their opener, and his helpful magical sun shield, Jinxx couldn't help but be a little paranoid about walking around during the day.

Speaking of William Control, Jinxx spotted the warlock leaning against the side of his own tour bus, a flame dancing happily across his palm.

"Ah, my favorite bloodsuckers," William said as they approached. The flame transferred itself to his shoulder, as if it was a pet.

"We're going exploring," CC told him. "We need to get out of our bus."

William nodded knowingly. "I get that. Room for one more?" He glanced at the flame. "Or two, I suppose."

Jinxx raised an eyebrow. "I suppose. Though you may need to put your flame away. I don't think the humans will take too kindly to seeing a guy walking around with his shoulder on fire."

William chuckled. "Fair point." He opened his palm and the fire returned to it, vanishing as he closed his fingers over the bright glow.

"Are you really treating it like a pet?" Andy asked dubiously.

William grinned. "You try living a couple centuries with no company. Besides, the little flame lasts longer than any living pet." He shrugged, his grin turning crooked. "Being bored for two hundred years may have made me a little crazy."

Jinxx chuckled. "Join the club."

"Are we just going to stand here talking, or are we actually going to explore?" Jake said pointedly, intertwining his fingers with Jinxx's.

Jinxx kissed him. "Good point. Come on."

They started walking, and almost immediately the sights and sounds of the city assaulted Jinxx. He'd been in big cities before, but New York was something else. Cars honked in congested traffic lanes, street vendors and hawkers shouted their wares at passersby, and people talked. Jinxx was used to the background noise of people talking by now―it became a faded hum fairly quickly―but it was so much louder here.

CC was wincing slightly. "Too much noise?" Jinxx questioned.

CC nodded. "Still not quite used to it all, I guess. Or maybe it's just that this is such a huge city."

"Aren't you from a big city?" William questioned.

CC shook his head. "Yeah, I am, but this―it's so much different from LA, dude."

William considered that. "Fair enough. I've lived pretty much everywhere in this country at one point or another, and there are definitely differences."

"Any particular place we want to visit?" Jake asked. "We're in the theater district."

Andy brightened at that. "I've always wanted to see Broadway. Maybe it's the musical theater nerd in me, but that's always been something I wanted to experience."

"Times Square is just a few streets over, too," Jinxx mused. "I wouldn't mind taking a look around there."

"It's settled, then," Jake grinned. "Come on." And he began to lead the way into the busy streets of New York.

Jinxx grabbed Andy's hand with his free one―he didn't want to run the risk of losing his boyfriends in the throng of people, after all―and laughed as Jake led them along, as if he knew where he was going.

"This was my idea," he reminded the younger vampire. "How'd you end up in the lead?"

Jake grinned at him. "Just lucky, I guess."

"Technically," Andy said, "I think William should lead―he's the one that's been here before."

"We've been to New York," CC reminded him. "Though never sightseeing, so I guess your point stands."

Andy slipped his free arm through CC's. "Of course it does."

CC laughed. Jinxx glanced back at William, trailing behind them and watching with an amused half-smirk on his face.

"Care to lead?" he said pointedly.

William chuckled. "Do I get to summon my flame again? You lot may be impervious to cold, but I'm not."

"As long as you hide it in your coat," Jinxx said, somewhat begrudgingly.

William grinned, and casually conjured the little flame, transferring it to a pocket on his shirt and shifting his coat to cover its glow. Jinxx shook his head amusedly as the warlock strode forward to take the lead.

Andy rested his head on Jinxx's shoulder briefly as they walked. "He's certainly strange," he murmured.

Jinxx laughed. "That's probably why we like him."

"I can hear you idiots, you know," William called back to them, and they all laughed.

Jinxx had to wonder as they wound their way through the busy streets how they must look to the citygoers―the five of them, all holding hands so they didn't get lost, trailing behind a cocky, confident bastard that walked the streets as if he owned them. To their credit, the New Yorkers didn't seem to bat an eye at the strange sight Jinxx was sure they must make.

"I think your idea's working," Jake murmured in his ear. "Andy already looks happier."

Jinxx glanced at him, then misstepped and nearly tripped―apparently it was dangerous to take his eyes off of where he was walking in this city. "The goal was to get everyone out of their depression, you know."

Jake smiled. "That's working, too. I'd kiss you if we weren't trying to avoid tripping in the middle of a busy New York street."

"Kiss me when we reach Times Square," Jinxx laughed. "You sound as if you'll never get to again."

"He won't if we get lost," CC pointed out.

"Ah, but that's why we're holding onto each other," Andy said.

"Oh, is that the reason?" Jinxx said sarcastically, not bothering to try and hide his smile. "I thought it was because we loved each other or something."

"No, that can't be it," Andy said, a teasing gleam in his bright blue eyes.

"Now what gives you that impression?" Jake teased, pressing himself closer to Jinxx and nearly making him lose his balance again.

"That," Jinxx said dryly, shooting him a quick, good-natured glare. "Don't make me trip."

"Who, me?" Jake grinned.

Jinxx knocked him with his shoulder. "Don't play innocent."

Andy snorted. "I doubt he's been innocent for a hundred years."

Jake's eyebrow went up. "Is that so?"

The singer grinned. "It is." His eyes gleamed, the grin turning into a smirk. "In one respect at least."

Jinxx groaned; CC laughed; Jake smirked right back. "You'd know, wouldn't you?"

"Guys," Jinxx groaned. "Save it till after the show, please."

"If you insist, Jinxxy," Jake said, his smile glowing.

Andy grinned. "You're no fun."

Jinxx raised an eyebrow. "On the contrary. I'm quite fun." He smirked. "When we're not in public."

It was Andy's turn to raise an eyebrow. "What happened to 'save it for later'?"

"I never said I wasn't joining in," Jinxx said, which set CC laughing again.

"You know, as amusing as it is to listen to you dorks flirting, if you paid a little more attention to where we were you'd realize we've entered Times Square," William called back to them, stopping at the edge of the sidewalk to let the rest of the foot traffic pass by.

Jinxx and his boyfriends came to a stop behind the warlock, staring up at the grand lighted skyscrapers of Times Square. The sight was rather breathtaking, the colorful lights of advertisements and buildings and JumboTrons sticking out brightly against the gray sky and casting the busy streets below in a wash of colors. From their vantage point, Jinxx could see the ethereal lights of Broadway to their right, the monumental facades of skyscrapers reaching to the heavens, the smaller businesses that lined the streets at a somewhat accessible level. It was all a bit of a rush.

It appeared his boyfriends were in similar states of wonder. Andy's gaze was trained on Broadway, his eyes almost glowing in the changing light of a JumboTron behind their heads; CC stared around with an undisguised expression of awe gracing his features; Jake was taking in the skyscrapers, perhaps comparing them to the ones in Chicago, the city where he and Jinxx had met half a century ago. Even Ashley looked impressed.

Jinxx caught William's gaze, smiling at the half-amused expression accompanying the warlock's usual smirk.

"Can we please go down Broadway?" Andy breathed.

Jinxx stood on his toes to kiss him. "Absolutely."

They started walking again, headed for the iconic theater capital of the States, Andy almost bouncing with excitement. William fell into step beside them, his hands in his pockets. Jinxx caught a brief glimpse of the flame in his shirt pocket, still flickering happily, before William shifted the coat to hide it from view again.

Entering Broadway felt a bit like stepping into a completely different world. The sounds of the city were different here―the noise of traffic in Times Square seemed a little muted, replaced by music and even more pedestrian noise. Colorful lights flashed at every twist and turn, and some of the big-name stage plays and musicals were being advertised high above even Andy's head. Smaller plays with less prominent signs were boasted from every theater, and the people here were more colorful too―actors in costume taking breaks between shows grabbing something to eat from the various street vendors (colorful people in themselves), at least three student groups obviously on field trips, and a never-ending mix of New Yorkers in all manner of clothing and glaringly obvious tourists staring around with wonder on their faces.

"Holy shit," Andy breathed.

"That's an understatement," Jake agreed, staring around them.

"Not that―I mean, yes that, but―look," Andy said emphatically, releasing CC for a moment to point to their right. Jinxx followed his gaze and found what had caught the singer's attention: a theater whose only advertisement, in a glowing mix of black, dark red, and white, was for The Phantom of the Opera.

Jinxx couldn't stop a smile from creeping onto his face. Andy had been obsessed with Phantom of the Opera since it debuted in 1988, even more so once he had easy access to the soundtrack. He'd bought the movie the moment it was released on DVD in 2005; Jinxx had always found it adorable how much the singer loved the story, despite how much he tried to downplay it, claiming it was embarrassing to be so into a musical theater production when his usual taste was hard rock. Jinxx had never thought it embarrassing―not that the stubborn singer had ever believed him when he told him that.

Jake released Jinxx's hand to wrap his arms around Andy's waist. "Want to go inside?" he suggested.

Andy glanced at him, surprised. "We're allowed to do that?"

"Probably not into the actual theater room the play is performed in, but I think it's free admission into the building," Jake said.

"Fuck, can we?" Andy looked so excited, Jinxx couldn't have said no even if he wanted to.

"Of course," he said, and Andy leaned down to kiss him happily, then led the way up the street to the theater.

"I think his depression has been successfully cured," CC remarked.

Jinxx laughed. "At least for now, I think you'd be correct."

They followed Andy into the theater to find him standing still in the atrium, staring around at the architecture with the air of someone who has no idea if he's dreaming or not.

"If you're here for the show," said the woman behind the ticket desk, "it's not for another two hours. The actors are on a lunch break right now and then have a half-hour warmup before we even start letting people in."

"We're not here for the show today," Jinxx told her. "My boyfriend―" The others all looked at him in surprise, but she didn't appear to recognize them, and he figured a random New Yorker would forget they even existed soon enough― "is just a huge fan and wanted to see the theater."

"I'm afraid I can't let you in," she said, softening a little. "As much as I appreciate a fan, the only time I'm allowed to let people who aren't the actors or crew into the actual theater is when the show begins seating."

Andy nodded, looking a little disappointed. "I figured, but it's still a little bittersweet."

"I'm sorry," she said. "You may take a look around the atrium, of course, but..."

Andy's smile was a little lacking the previous excitement. Jinxx took his hand again, squeezing gently; he realized how disappointing it must be, even with the knowledge beforehand that it wasn't likely they'd be able to see inside.

William shook his head and stepped forward. Before Jinxx could question what he was doing, he'd reached into a pouch of something clipped to his belt, then waved his hands in a complicated movement, leaving a slightly smoky trail behind him in midair. Jinxx realized what he must have in mind the moment he recognized the symbol.

"What the fuck―?" CC started, but Jinxx shushed him.

"He needs to concentrate," the violinist hissed.

The receptionist looked like she was halfway to calling the police, but William finished his spell before she could so much as reach for a phone, and with a quick, almost lazy wave, sent the rune flying towards her.

The receptionist drew breath, presumably to shriek, but the rune hit her before she could utter a sound. There was a slight huff on impact, and then the receptionist's whole body relaxed into what appeared to be a state of blissful ignorance.

Before CC, who seemed the most surprised about all of this (though Andy looked rather shocked as well, and even Jake―whom Jinxx knew had seen warlocks perform magic before―wore an expression of mild surprise), could speak again, William stalked forward in that way only a warlock can and began to murmur his instructions in a voice low and layered with magic.

"You'll bend the rules, just this once," he said, his voice a lilting caress. "You'll let me and my friends into the theater―actually, you'll let us backstage. Then you will come back out here, leaving the door unlocked behind us, and wait for us to come out. If anyone asks, we were never here and everything is normal. I will lift this enchantment when we return." He paused for a moment. "You will remember none of this."

The woman nodded dazedly. William dipped his fingers back into the pouch. "Give me your arm." The woman obliged―Jinxx didn't think she could have said no if she tried―and William took it carefully, redrawing a smaller version of the rune he'd cast in the air in black powder on her forearm. Once he'd finished, he stepped back and said, "Lead us backstage."

Obediently, the woman grabbed her keys and marched off around the theater. William beckoned with the hand that hadn't touched the powder for them to follow; Jinxx, after shooting a warning look at the others not to speak, did so, and a moment later his boyfriends fell into step behind him.

"Let us in," William told the woman; she was unlocking the door before he'd even finished the order.

She barely blinked when William used the hand without the powder to coax the flame out of his pocket so they could see. He looked at her and simply said, "Follow your instructions." She turned and went back to her desk without a word, and William stepped into the backstage area, letting the vampires file in past him before he dropped the commanding, magic-layered tone and sagged against a wall.

"What the fuck was that?" CC demanded, sounding more awed and confused than freaked out.

"That was me doing a very complex spell," William said wearily, his voice rough. "I've done it before, but not often, and it's incredibly draining." He looked at Andy. "Thirty minutes, just to play it safe, and also so I don't expend all of my energy before the show tonight."

Andy looked at him, wide-eyed. "I cannot believe you just did that." He smiled. "Thank you."

Jake hit the light switch, and dim overhead lights flickered on; William made no move to put the flame away, but Jinxx wasn't going to reprimand him after he'd done that spell.

"I'm curious, fledgling," William said. "Was this your first time seeing magic performed?"

"Serious magic, yeah," CC confirmed. "I mean, obviously I've seen you do little shit before, but that was the first time I've seen a full-fledged spell."

William smiled, a little tiredly. "Don't get used to it. These things take a lot of energy. It does vary per spell―curses are generally fairly low-key unless it's complicated, control spells like this are fairly harder, summoning is a whole other level of awful, and anything beyond that only the oldest and most resilient warlocks can even survive performing."

CC looked intrigued, but Andy tugged on his arm. "We're wasting time. I want to see everything there is to see back here."

CC laughed and stole a kiss from the singer. "Then what are you waiting for?"

"You guys go on," William said. "I'll wait here. I need to rest for a few minutes."

Andy shrugged and started off into the maze of props and costumes and equipment, the others trailing after him. Jinxx hung back; Jake caught his eye, and he said, "Go on, I'll catch up in a moment." Jake nodded and disappeared around a corner.

"You don't have to check on me, bloodsucker," William said. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine. You said yourself that spell was taxing." Jinxx studied him. "Besides, that's not why I hung back. I wanted to say thank you."

William half-shrugged. "It wasn't a problem. He needed this. You all did."

Jinxx nodded solemnly. "We did. It's been a rough start to this year."

William clapped him on the shoulder with his free hand; he'd transferred the fire to his shoulder so it didn't accidentally burn the leftover powder on his other hand. "Go have fun with your boyfriends. You deserve to be happy, while you can."

"While we can?" Jinxx echoed.

William shook his head. "I'm no oracle, but there's a darkness around you five―one that anyone in tune with the shadow world can feel, even if faintly. I don't like what it might mean."

Jinxx frowned. "A darkness?" he repeated. "Why would there be―?"

William shook his head again. "I don't know, Jinxx. You'd have to find an oracle. I'm sure there's one somewhere in this massive city."

It was Jinxx's turn to shake his head. "I don't need an oracle. But..." He paused. "That warning's not gonna leave my head for a long time."

William winced. "Sorry. I tend to say things I shouldn't when I'm magic-depleted." He sighed, resting his head against the wall with a dull thump. "Please go enjoy yourself and try to forget I said shit. I'm sure Andy's noticed by now that you've disappeared."

"Probably." Jinxx turned to go deeper backstage and find his boyfriends, but William's voice once more stopped him.

"You know. I've lived in every major city the States has to offer, in varying stages of their development. Seattle's always been my favorite, but there's a certain charm that New York has that I've never quite been able to get over." He peered at Jinxx through dark, tired eyes. "That's the danger of this city. Fall into its charm too long and you'll go blind to the dark sides it doesn't want you to see."

Jinxx stared at him for a moment, but William closed his eyes, the flame's light dimming slightly on his shoulder. With that cryptic and rather abrupt comment still ringing in his ears, Jinxx headed into the maze that was backstage to find his boyfriends.


It felt like everything was changing very fast around them, and Jake didn't like it.

The rest of the first leg of the Church of the Wild Ones tour had gone by so fast Jake barely registered it until they were on a plane to the UK for the Kerrang! Tour. Kian and Jasmine had left once they returned to the buses in New York; it was the only time Jasmine had spoken to any of them.

She'd addressed Andy directly. "I don't blame you. It was an accident. And I had no idea what I am, or what you were. It's no one's fault." She'd met each of their gazes with a challenging stare. "Don't let this thick-headed idiot keep blaming himself, yeah?"

"We'll do our best," Jake told her, and that was that.

In the days following, Jake found time slipping away from him, so that one show blurred into the next with very little to distinguish between them. He often got that sensation on tour, but with recent events still crowding his mind it became a constant, underlying worry that something was wrong. He took some small comfort in the fact that it seemed like the others were all experiencing the same thing; indeed, Jinxx had confided just the night before that it felt like time was going too fast for him, too.

They were in Bristol tonight, performing at the city's O2 Academy location, and Jake was restless. He couldn't pinpoint why―they'd all fed on the drive from Manchester, and they'd all been much more relaxed since New York in general. They'd all given Jinxx a very thorough thank-you after the show that night; they'd all been much lighter and happier since, and Jake wondered if they were starting to annoy their crew with how much they flirted in their downtime. He could have sworn he'd caught Yanni filming some of their longer flirt-fests.

So why was he so uneasy tonight?

He fingered through "I Am Bulletproof" in nervous preparation, only half-focused on the task. He didn't think his strange uneasiness had anything to do with previous events on this tour―he'd even managed to put that fanatic he'd run into the night of the Tampa disaster out of his mind, for the most part. The man's glowing eyes still appeared in his nightmares (which was part of why Jake made it a point to sleep as little as possible), but that was about the extent of it anymore―being around his boyfriends had helped immensely to drive the thoughts out of his head. So he couldn't explain...

Without warning, CC appeared at his shoulder. "Hey."

Jake jumped slightly, startled out of his thoughts, then looked backwards up at him. "Hi."

"Sorry, did I scare you?" CC asked.

"A little, yeah," Jake said. "It's not every day someone sneaks up on me." He noticed CC's worried expression and frowned slightly. "What's up?"

CC was fidgeting with his drumsticks. "I, um...fuck, I don't know how to say this." He apparently thought for a moment, flipping a drumstick over his fingers absently. "I've felt...different, I guess? Since the fledgling plague struck."

Jake set his guitar down and turned around to look at him properly. "Different how?"

CC shrugged. "I don't know, man. I can't really explain it. It's just..." He hesitated, apparently searching for words. "Something feels like it's changed. I don't think it's bad, it's just...weird."

Jake thought he understood. He got to his feet and pulled CC into the shadows of a pillar, kissing him softly once he was sure they were hidden from view. "I think I know what's up," he told the drummer. "Call it sire's intuition, but if you're anything like me, the fledgling plague was the final piece in really settling into the enhancements that come with being turned. It's easier to manage now, isn't it? The extra stimuli?"

CC thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Yeah, actually. The lights don't bother me so much anymore, and all the background noise is just―background noise. I think New York was a little too much because it was, well, New York, but ever since I've barely noticed the enhancements."

"It should be a little easier to control your hunger impulses from now on too," Jake said. "It only gets easier from here."

"Huh. Weird." CC shook his head. "Everything's weird right now."

"Tell me about it," Jake agreed. "I think that's the understatement of the decade."

"Decade's barely started," CC grinned.

Jake laughed and kissed him again. "Shut up."

"No." CC wrapped his arms around Jake's waist, capturing his lips again; Jake let him, purring softly into the kiss.

"That sounded like shutting up to me," Jake gasped when CC drew back.

CC laughed. "I can't win, can I?"

"Nope, never." Jake sighed, playing with a stray lock of CC's hair. "I'm glad you're okay."

"So am I. Being under with that plague...I was genuinely scared I wouldn't wake up," CC confided. "But I knew I had to get back to you guys." He smiled. "And here I am."

Jake kissed him. "I hope you know we would have ceased to function had you not woken up. We need you, Ceese."

CC buried his face in Jake's shoulder; Jake returned the hug, inhaling CC's familiar scent and feeling himself relax. "You guys are my whole fuckin' world, you know that, right?" the drummer murmured.

Jake smiled. "Yeah. We know."

CC kissed him again, then sighed. "We've got a show to play. We should probably..."

"Yeah." Jake smiled. "I still have to finish the tuning that you so rudely interrupted."

"Oh, fuck off," CC laughed.

Jake grinned and intertwined his fingers with CC's, leading him back into the main backstage area.

"I'm going to go bother Andy," CC declared.

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that," Jake chuckled wryly, and picked up his guitar again as CC wandered off, realizing as he watched the young vampire go that the uneasy feeling in his chest had lifted.

Is it connected to CC? Jake wondered. Because I'm technically his sire? He'd have to ask Jinxx―the older vampire had schooled himself in every possible aspect of the shadow world, after all.

Jake smiled, watching as CC wrapped his arms around Andy from behind, startling the singer out of his conversation with Ashley. He absently tuned his low E, watching his boyfriends interact. He loved them so much it hurt sometimes.

Even with this hell of a January, Jake thought to himself, there's no one else I'd rather be with. They're my everything, no matter what comes. That will never change.

Smiling again to himself, Jake went back to tuning.


The Kerrang! Tour had gone wonderfully, and CC rather thought the five of them were closer than ever. They were back in the States again, having reunited with William Control for the second leg of the Church of the Wild Ones tour, and they felt invincible.

Even the haters that inevitably showed up at some of the shows couldn't deter their momentum, though CC had noticed that Andy seemed to take each and every hater as a personal offense. It got worse the more drunk he was―though as yet he hadn't actively tried to fistfight anyone, so CC figured that was a win.

This tour was finally drawing to a close, signaling the start of the few weeks they'd have off―the only ones all year. They were in Chico, California tonight; CC couldn't believe it was March already, but he was excited. It was good to be back in his home state, though he'd be even more comfortable back in L.A. with his boyfriends and no touring responsibilities for a few weeks. Still, he had something to look forward to―Adrienne had called him earlier that day saying she'd be at the show tonight.

It was a hotel day, since they'd arrived the night before and not had a show to play, so CC and his boyfriends were taking the day to rest in their hotel room. They had the blinds shut tight against the California sunlight, and were all in varying positions of the comfortable domesticity that came with spending time with the ones you loved. CC had a TV show on, though it was some game show he wasn't entirely interested in; Jinxx was curled up next to him with, predictably, a book; Andy lay comfortably on the guitarist's other side, long limbs stretched out as he read a comic book; Jake laid sideways across all of them, reading the latest copy of AltPress that he'd snatched from the lobby. CC still marveled that they were able to do this at all; he'd never exactly been lucky in love, but with them it felt like he'd hit the jackpot.

Andy finished his comic and set it aside with a satisfied sigh. "I love finishing the end of a good series," he said. "Unless of course I don't have anything else to read."

Jake half-sat up to look at him. "And do you?"

"I do. But it's in my suitcase, which is on the bus," Andy said.

CC shook his head, laughing. "How rude."

"I would just go get it if someone wasn't laying on my legs," Andy teased pointedly.

Jake grinned. "I'm not moving. I'm quite comfortable here."

Andy shook his head. "I'm doomed to be bored."

Jinxx chuckled. "We could literally do so many things to keep you entertained."

Andy stole a kiss from the violinist. "Oh really?"

Jinxx smirked. "Really."

CC ran his fingers through Jinxx's hair, drawing a soft purr from the older vampire. "I mean, it depends what you wanna do. We are a little limited."

Andy snuggled closer to Jinxx's side. "Honestly? Just cuddling with you guys is okay for now."

Jinxx set aside his book. "I think that we can do."

CC had to agree. He turned off the TV; a bit of shifting later, Jake had repositioned himself on Andy's other side. The singer closed his eyes, purring quietly; CC smiled, perfectly content to just lay here with them and take a break from life.

"You guys mean everything to me," Andy murured unexpectedly.

"You mean everything to us too, Andy," Jinxx said.

"No, I'm serious. I really don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you guys," Andy said. "And I don't think I can ever put into words how much it means that you willingly put up with my shit all the time, that you're just―here with me, for me." He peered at them all, his radiant eyes gleaming brightly in the hotel room's lights. "You're my world. And I never want that to change."

Jake kissed him; CC would have done the same had Jinxx not been separating him and Andy.

"It won't change," he said instead, reaching across Jinxx to find the singer's hand. "It will never change, Andy."

Andy smiled contentedly. "Yeah. Yeah, I know."

CC didn't know how long they stayed like that, just holding each other, before a knock sounded at their door and Yanni's voice spoke through it.

"Guys, we've gotta get to soundcheck. Get your stuff ready."

Andy groaned. "I'm comfortable."

Jinxx kissed him. "I think we all are. That does not change the fact that we have to go prepare for the show."

Andy scowled. "Rude."

Jake laughed, stole a kiss, and ran his fingers through Andy's hair, still in its Prophet style. "Think of it this way―we've only got a few days left of tour, and then we have some time off where we can afford to do this uninterrupted."

Andy smiled. "Alright, that does sound nice."

"So get up," CC grinned.

Andy glared halfheartedly at him. "Fine."

A few minutes (and much grumbling on Andy's part) later, the vampires were entering the backstage area of their venue for soundcheck. As the guitarists ran through and tuned their instruments, CC wandered over to where William Control stood near the stage entrance.

"Hey," he greeted the warlock.

William nodded a greeting back. "Hello." The little flame was on his shoulder again; CC still found it hilarious that he treated the thing like a pet.

"Ready for tonight?"

"Yeah. California crowds are always exciting." William paused, then, "Speaking of, actually. I ran into a fan on my way here―she gave me these―" And he conjured a bunch of purple roses from thin air― "but frankly I have no idea what to do with them. I thought you bloodsuckers might be able to find something to do with them." He smiled a little. "I enchanted them so they'll last a little longer than usual, too. If you want to take them home after tour."

CC smiled. "I think they're Jinxx's favorite, actually. We'll take 'em."

William nodded and vanished the flowers. "I'll actually give them to you after the show, when you can get them into a vase on your bus." He studied CC. "You definitely look happier. All of you do."

CC shrugged. "Spending time with each other, man. And Jinxx's excursion into New York definitely didn't hurt."

William chuckled. "He's a real one, Jinxx. You're lucky to have him."

CC's expression softened as he glanced at his boyfriends, arranged in various places tuning. "I know. I'm lucky to have all of them."

William smiled. "As long as you know that, I think you'll be fine."

The warlock walked away without another word. CC stared after him for a moment, confused by his abrupt departure, then shrugged and returned his attention to his boyfriends. He didn't see Andy anywhere...

"Boo," Andy said in his ear, and CC jumped.

"Dude!" he protested.

Andy laughed and drew him into a quick kiss. "Sorry, Ceese. Couldn't pass up the chance."

"Hello to you too," CC grumbled, but he grinned.

"I didn't get to cuddle you earlier," Andy said. "We'll have to fix that on the bus in the morning."

CC laughed. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Andy took his hand and followed his gaze to the guitarists. "I meant it, earlier," he said. "That you're everything to me."

CC kissed him. "I know, Andy. And believe me, there's nowhere else any of us would rather be than right here by your side."

Andy looked at him. "Really?"

CC smiled, finding each of the guitarists' gazes with his own. "Really."


A/N: I wrote most of this in one day. It was a pain in the ass to start because I wrote it in the wrong order, but I'm actually really proud of how it turned out. (Also, did not intend for Jinxx's POV section to be that long, but I guess that was what the chapter demanded to work because damn.) I hope you enjoyed, please leave comments! <3

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