A Pirate once from Scotland

By Blue_Jay-

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By Blue_Jay-

A young royalty named Alek was the oldest of his other three siblings, who rules besides his mother and father, the rulers of Scotland. He had done his job fairly well as second class royalty considering his parents first class royalty and his younger siblings 3rd class royalty. All he had to do was abide by his mother and fathers rules to succeed into first class royalty.

He was doing quite well for years until one moment that just starts the beginning of his journey. He hooks up with a peasant girl not of royalty but, even if so royalty or not, hooking up with a lady or a lad was forbidden until marriage.  His mother and father then threw him on a boat as he was no longer of royalty.

As if that, the crew hailed his royalty and made him the new Captain of the ship while the one of lower class was haled from his position with a fight and ended up being keel hauled, barely surviving.

He had cut of his hair to make it shorter as so it wouldnt get in the way as well as earning his pirate name Alek Twany-Stygian

Well along this journey through the vast seas, a pique love interest of a young lad arose as weeks and months passed from their venture from the cold of Scotland

This was just the beginning  of a new life

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