The Anti-Villain | Robin Love...

By Petparty123

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Hypno-aka Y/n L/n-is a thief from Gotham who's making her way up the criminal ladder... well, sort of. The vi... More

Before You Read
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of his Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
The Apprentice Part 1
The Apprentice Part 2
Season 2
How Long is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Fear Itself
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Winner Take All
Aftershock: Part 1
Aftershock: Part 2
Season 3
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven, or How to Make a Titananimal Disappear
Titans East: Part 1
Titans East: Part 2
Season 4
Don't Change that Dial
Employee of the Month
The Prophecy
The Quest
Mother Mae-Eye
The End
The End Part 2
The End Part 3
Season 5
Revved Up
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Snow Blind
Hide and Seek
Calling All Titans
Titans Together!
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
Tokyo Troopers
Wilting Cherry Blossoms
Picolo Special
Next, Next Book


695 24 9
By Petparty123

The soft patter of rain on the ground outside fills the silence. The moist air moves through the hallway of the hotel, leaving behind a chill on my skin. It's like having the world breath for you, and after everything that's happened it feels deserved. I step away from the door to the communal bathroom and over to a partially open window. The breeze is stronger there as the night forces it in through the crack.

Much like when we first arrived, Tokyo is bright, with millions of lights sparkling and flashing like stars. It doesn't hold the same awe as earlier, especially now that I've seen so much of its darkness. It just looks like any other city now. In a way, it's comforting.

I breath in as much of the damp, chilly night air as my lungs will hold before turning away from the window. The wooden floor of the hotel makes no noise as I walk over it, leaving just the rain and occasional rumble of thunder to fill the quiet.

The mayor put us up in this hotel. He arrived at Wakkamono Shuppan shortly after the fight ended. Luckily, when Robin explained everything the mayor believed us, even though it meant Tokyo's hero was a fraud. I thought he was gonna run us out of the country, but instead he's planning a big celebration tomorrow to honor us as Tokyo's new hero's.

The hair on the back of my neck suddenly stands on end. After the week we've had, I automatically assume it's an attack so I whip around. To my surprise and joy, I see the black haired Titans leader standing in front of me. Immediately my face softens which allows him to relax as well.

"Uh, hi," Robin says. A smile slips onto my face.

"Hi." I step around the Boy Wonder to lean against the wall nearest to him. From this change in angle I can see red dusting his cheeks beneath his mask. In an attempt to make himself more confident Robin puffs out his chest a little, though he just as quickly deflates when his gaze meets mine again. His blush spreads across the rest of his face, even tinging the tips of his ears.

"So... are you excited to be going home?" I'm sure that the joy on my face disappears. Not fully, but a sadness creeps in to replace part of it.

"More relived than anything. I thought we'd be locked up here for the rest of our lives." Robin's face settles into a more serious look to match my own.

"So did I..." he pauses and stares into my eyes with a small smile, "but I'm glad you were there with me. Who knows how much worse it would have been if I was there by myself."

"I'm glad I was there with you too." Those words seem to sooth Robin, as he straightens up out of his awkwardness and the flush on his face lightens up. Neither of us take our eyes off the other and we both share fond smiles.

"Y/n?" My name falling from his lips makes goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Yes, Dick?"

"Do you... want to try us again?" Suddenly I feel like I'm standing in a ray of sun. Warmth envelopes me and I can even feel the tingle of it on my skin.

I let out a little choked laugh. "Desperately." A matching, wobbly smile appears on Robin's face.

"Me too." Before either of us know it, I leap forward and wrap my arms around the Boy Wonder. I press my face into his neck and just relax as he places his hands on my back. The side of his head touches mine and I can feel his breath on my ear. "I love you."

"I love you." The two of us bask in each others closeness. It's been so long since we've last hugged.

Then a girly giggle breaks the silence. Robin and I pull away from each other and look down the empty hallway.

"Shh, Star. You're gonna give us away," Cyborg's voice scolds.

"I apologize," the redhead replies in a joyful whisper. Robin and I share an amused look before sneaking towards the voices. The Boy Wonder leans against the edge of the wall with a smirk on his face, while I lean around him. To my surprise all of the other titans are there, just around the corner. I guess they noticed us missing from our rooms and came to investigate.

"You guys need to work on your spying," Robin says. Everyone jumps, but Beast Boy adds in a yelp for good measure. "I guess we know what to work on when we get home."

"Ugh, how can you even be thinking of training at a time like this?" the shapeshifter groans as he throws his head back.

"Hypno and Robin are together again, yes?" Starfire asks.

I look over at Robin with a smile, which he copies. "Hm... it looks like it." That's all the redhead needs before she starts clapping and squealing in delight. There's a lightness in my chest from her approval and excitement.

"About time," Cyborg says with a teasing grin. "Y'all being broken up was weirder than y'all not being together from the start." Chuckles leave my lips while Robin rubs at the back of his neck.


Cheers and shouting rumbles through the crowd spread out before us. They fill up the street in front of the stage and some even seem to be standing on balconies and overhead sidewalks. All of them are throwing confetti into the air, which becomes almost thick enough to block my view of the buildings. The excitement that emanates from them almost feels suffocating from the sheer mass of it. I'm so used to crowds screaming and running away from danger that all this celebrating creates a knot in my throat. Surprisingly—and much like their mayor—they have taken to us quite well. Maybe a little too well.

Before any panic can really set in, a warmth envelops my hand. I rub my thumb over the slightly course material of a familiar green glove to ground myself. Robin's hand squeezes mine and I take a deep breath to further settle. Who knew it could be so overwhelming to be celebrated.

I look over to my right to give Robin a thankful smile, but Cyborg catches my attention. His gaze scans over the crowd before looking at Robin and I, then he looks back at the crowd. He does this a few times before a grin breaks out on his face as he comes to some conclusion in his head.

He leans over towards Robin and I. "So I guess you two aren't wanted anymore." I roll my eyes at the bad joke, but look out at the crowd again. Everyone is clapping and throwing confetti. Everyone. There's not a single shred of fear among them. No distrust or anger. They're simply celebrating what we've done.

Then I feel eyes on my profile. When I turn to catch the culprit I see Robin. There's an intensity to his stare, but a softness to his gaze that makes my face heat up.

"I wouldn't say that," he says in reply to Cyborg. An amused snort escapes me at his meaning.

"I'd say we're both still plenty sought after," I coo as I lean in towards Robin for a kiss. The metal male gags, causing the pair of us to chuckle before our lips can touch.

The floor of the stage creaks from my left and the crowd becomes silent. From the corner of my eye I see the short frame of the mayor. The older man in a gray suit and glasses walks over to stand beside us. He's angled to face us with his back partially to the crowd. He bows at the waist to a forty-five degree angle while the rest of us go a full ninety.

The stage creaks again as the mayor moves. His glossy black shoes appear in my vision, then I feel something heavy be placed around my neck. Once the mayor moves on to Robin I look down and see a shiny medal with a star on it hanging from a thick blue ribbon. I bring a hand up to brush my fingers over the smooth metal. There's a chill to it that makes the tips of my fingers tingle. I'm so hanging this on my wall once we get home.

The mayor's voice carries across the crowd as he moves on to Cyborg. "For uncovering the truth, for pursuing justice and protecting our city from a treacherous evil, I present these medals to Tokyo's newest heroes... the Teen Titans!" We all stand up straight, out of the bow, and the crowd cheers again as more confetti falls from the sky.

"So," Beast Boy starts as he steps closer to Robin. He puts on a sad, pitiful look. "I guess we have to go back home now, huh?" The other titans lean in to listen in on the Boy Wonder's answer.

The Titans leader glances at each of them before a small smile appears on his face. "You know, Beast Boy... sometimes, even heroes need a vacation." He then turns to me and speaks quieter. "And I think I promised you one a while ago."

The green male cheers then wrings his hands together as he thinks. "Okay, next time, we're going to Mexico!"

"Before we go anywhere, we need to head home first." Robin almost imperceptibly gestures with his head towards my (pocket/belt). I give him a confused look before the weight of a certain stolen ring helps me realizing what he's hinting at.


The door to one of the most expensive jewelry stores in Jump City slides open effortlessly in front of me. The movement creates a little breeze that feels like it could steal my breath away, even though it's so gentle. My shoes feel like lead as I step inside the pristine building. Right in front of me is a plain white desk with a security guard sat behind it. His name tag reads Herbert.

He looks up from his computer monitor as soon as he hears my footsteps on the linoleum. His eyes widen once they land on me and it makes my breath freeze solid in my chest. Suddenly all the air in the room is gone and all I can hear is my heartbeat in my ears. But I push through it. I take another step forward and a mixture of worry and intrigue appears on his face.

Gently, I reach into my (pocket/belt pouch). The slow movement does nothing to calm him as his right hand quickly disappears under the desk, either for a silent alarm or something for self-defense. I'm hoping more for the latter.

I try to keep my voice steady as I speak but the words catch in my tightening throat. "I've... been meaning to return this for some time now." Herbert relaxes a little but keeps on the defensive.

I pull out the ring and his eyes widen further, this time in shock. The trinket tinks as I set it on the desk and step back. It looks so tiny but extravagant against the bright white furniture. "I'm also really sorry for being your personal pain. It... it won't happen again."

Herbert looks up at me. It makes my stomach knot and my skin rise in temperature. Cautiously he reaches out for the ring and it makes my heartbeat pick up speed. Though nothing happens once he wraps his fingers around it.

He looks back up at me and I expect him to start scolding me or shouting, but he does neither. He simply nods his head and gets up from his chair to return the ring where it belongs.

As his footsteps become quieter I can feel my heart slow down and the air more easily return to my lungs. The building no longer feels suffocating. I take a breath and turn towards the door. With no more lead in my shoes I head back outside.

Robin stands a few feet away from the door with his arms crossed in waiting. As soon as I come into his view he raises a questioning brow. I'm not even sure what to tell him. I wouldn't say I was forgiven, but I don't think Herbert suspects me of any future crimes. At the moment I'm in a gray area.

So, my only answer is a joke. "Well, he didn't arrest me, though he was very quiet." Robin nods his head but seems to see my uncertainty.

"He was probably glad you brought it back," the Boy Wonder suggests.

"Yeah." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and avoid Robin's eyes. "I wish I hadn't taken it in the first place... but I'm glad I finally got to return it." My words bring a smile to his face, like I just told him the best news in the world. He places his warm hands on my shoulders and pulls me a little closer.

"You know, a year ago you wouldn't have said something like that." His grin gets wider and I can feel one of my own appearing on my face to match his. "I'm proud of you." My breath catches and I feel like I'm floating. A lightness forms in my chest as I come to a realization.

"I'm proud of myself too." The pearly white grin on Robin's face grows even wider and I can't help but match it perfectly. He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, and of course I return his embrace. I'm proud of myself, I don't think I've even thought that before.

Robin pulls away, just enough so we can see each other. "To celebrate do you want to go and eat? Just the two of us?" A teasing smirk makes its way to my lips.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"I am."

"Then I'd love to." We both lean in and our noses brush. It sends goosebumps over my skin and butterflies into my stomach. Our lips touch and I can practically see the curly-fonted The End behind my eyelids.


Thank you everyone for reading The Anti-Villain! This is the longest thing I've ever written in my life—it's actually the length of a full novel—and I am very proud of myself for sticking with it. Unfortunately I don't remember when I started writing this book but I know it took me several years to finish it and I want to thank everyone for reading it even when it wasn't very well written or thought out.

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