I would // justin bieber

By xHemmohugs

110K 2.6K 129

Justin isn't your average boy. He's mysterious, has many secrets and he doesn't let people in his life. His l... More

I would
When Two Worlds Collide *New Story*
Save You


3.6K 97 4
By xHemmohugs

I was waiting for Justin to come outside. I was giving him a ride to school or else he had to walk which wasn't bad with this nice weather, but he lived next door and I didn't mind giving him a ride.

He finally got in the car. "Hey," I smiled. "Hi. I like your outfit," he complimented. "Thanks," I said while my cheeks got a little red. "I had a lot of fun yesterday," Justin said, breaking the silence which wasn't an awkward one to be honest. I glanced at him. "Me too."

I parked the car and got out. Everyone looked at me and Justin, causing me to roll my eyes. "C'mon Jay. Let's go," I said, taking his hand and entered the building. "Heaven, they are whispering," Justin whispered, looking at me. I looked around before taking my books out of my locker. "So? I don't care. They can say all what they want. They don't know me and they don't know you either. Let them whisper. They know nothing," I said with a sigh.

"Hey Heaven," Alice said, making me jump. Why does everyone keep doing that? Does everyone like scary me or something? "Hi Justin...." she trailed off and glared at him. "Heaven, I need to talk to you," she said, giving me a look. I sighed. "I'll see you in class, Justin." I hugged him. "Bye." He said and walked off. I sighed once again and closed my locker. "Tell me what you want to say." "Why was Justin in your car? Why do you talk to him? And why do you even hug him?" she asked. "Justin lives next door. I gave him a ride so he wouldn't have to walk. Justin is my friend. He's very nice and friendly unlike you and everyone else told me. And if you give him a chance, you'd know he's nice. He isn't bad at all. You should stop judging people without even knowing what they're going through every day," I told her before walking away. I'm sick of these people.

I walked into the cafeteria and noticed Justin sitting alone at a table. I walked over to him and put my hands in front of his eyes. "Guess who?" I whispered in his ear. "Heaven?" I giggled and sat down next to him. People were staring at us. And whispering things. Okay. That's it. I can't stand this any longer! This has to end right now. I stood up. "What are you doing?" Justin asked me. "Can y'all stop staring at us and stop whispering things?! It's annoying. Yes, I'm friends with Justin. So what? I can be friends with whoever I want. I don't care about what you say, because you don't even know me. You don't know Justin either. You don't know what he goes through every single day. If you knew, you would treat him differently. Justin isn't bad at all. He's a very nice person. So stop judging people when you don't even know them or their story. You're hurting them!" I kinda yelled.

I let out a long sigh and sat back down. "What you just did has no one ever done before. Thank you," Justin said with a small smile on his face. "No need to thank me. I was tired of it. I hope they will stop now." "Me too."

"Excuse me?" Justin and I turned around to see Alice. "What do you want?" I said kind of pissed off. "I'm sorry okay." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I muttered. "I'm really sorry. You're right I shouldn't have judged Justin because I didn't know him," she apologized. I looked at her. "Fine sit down," I sighed. "Thank you," she smiled.

"You seem so happy lately," Mom said. "That's because I am happy." I smiled. "Is there a boy?" she asked. "Maybe. But I don't like him like that. He's a great friend. His name is Justin." "I want to meet that Justin." "No problem. He lives next door. Let me text him."

Me; Hey Jay. Wanna come over?

Justin; Sure. I'll be there in 5 :)

A smile appeared on my face when I read his message. "He's coming," I told my mom. She looked at me and laughed. I ignored her and continued being happy. The doorbell rang and I got up. I opened the door to see Justin. "Hey Justin!" I said and attacked him with a hug, making him laugh. "Hello to you too." I pulled back and stepped aside so he could walk in. I closed the door and walked behind him into the living room.

Justin and I have been friends for more than a week. Justin is just amazing. He's so funny. Alice gave him a chance and they're friends now. The other people from school? Well that's a whole other story. Some of them still judge him and bully him, but it's less now. I just wish they could see Justin the way I see him. They don't see the Justin I see. And the situation at home? Sometimes it's really bad. I'm supposed to go to my dad tomorrow, but I don't think I will go, because I don't want to leave Justin on his own. Yeah, he has Alice. But he trusts me more than her. I don't know. Maybe I'm going the other weekend.

Justin and I were in my room. But someone found it so funny to throw a pillow at me. I turned to see Justin laughing. I glared at him and threw the pillow back. And that was the start of our pillow fight. "Aaah. Justin!" I yelled. Justin just laughed and hit me with a pillow. I couldn't stop laughing. I didn't have this fun in ages. I jumped on him, causing him to fall onto the floor. I was lying on top of him and we were laughing so hard. Justin smirked and started tickling me. "No. J-Ja-ay. S-Stop." I said through laughs. "Never!" He replied. He finally stopped tickling me and I got off of him. I helped him up and looked at him but he was already looking at me. We were in sort of trance. Everything around us was like disappeared. But of course someone had to interrupt or moment. I took my phone and looked who was calling me.

"Hey babe." Charlotte said.
"How are you?" I asked, sitting down on my bed.
"I'm good. How are you?"
"Good too."
"You coming this weekend?" she asked.
"I don't know." I sighed.
"Maybe next weekend."
"But I haven't seen you in like two weeks. I miss you," Charlotte whined.
"I miss you too. Okay maybe I'll come. My dad will be mad if I don't come so. But I don't want to see that bitch. I hate her."
"I know. Oh my god! Heaven, I saw her cheating on your dad."
My eyes widened.
"What?!" I yelled, causing Justin to look at me.
"I'm going to kill that bitch when I see her," I hissed.
"Calm down, babe!"
"Don't calm down babe me. She's fucking cheating on my dad. She's hurting my dad. I can't let that happen. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I said and hung up.

I'm so pissed off and mad right now. How dares that bitch to cheat on my dad? I hate her even more now.

"You okay?" Justin asked. I looked at him and nodded. "I'm fine," I lied. "I know you're lying." "I'm going to my dad for the weekend. I was going to go next weekend so you wouldn't be alone. But Charlotte, my best friend, just called and she told me she saw my step mom who I hate so much cheating on my dad. I'm going kill her." "Calm down. And don't worry. I'll be fine." he assured me. "You sure?" "Positive." He smiled. "You're amazing. You know that right?" I said while hugging him. "Now I do." He chuckled.


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