Pokémon Best Friends: Movies...

By GLPikachu13

571 17 3

This fanfiction will involve two series of stories, Haru and Yuki's adventures in the big time movies and wit... More

Three Trainers In Pokémon Vacation
Pokémon Best Friends: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back
Three Trainers In Pokémon Winter Vacation! Part 1
Four Trainers In Pokémon Rescue Adventure!
Pokémon Best Friends Movie 2: The Power Of One
Lienus In Pikachu & Pichu
Pokémon Best Friends Movie 3: Spell Of The Unown
Lienus In Pikachu's Winter Vacation Part 3
Pokémon Best Friends Special Movie: Mewtwo Returns
Lienus In Pikachu's PikaBoo
Pokémon Best Friends Movie 4: Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: Voice Of The Forest
Lienus In Camp Pikachu
Pokémon Best Friends Movie 5: Heroes - Latios And Latias!
Lienus In Pokémon: Gotta Dance!
Pokémon Best Friends Movie 6: Jirachi: Wish Maker!

Lienus In Pokémon Winter Vacation! Part 2

16 1 0
By GLPikachu13

Opening (Rev)

(Lienus In Pokémon Winter Vacation! Part 2)

1, 2, Sing For You!

Haru: Mabushī aozora ni,

Todokisōna basho e to!

Yuki: Sō kokoro ga,

Hitori de ni,

Hashiridasu yo!

Chihiro: Soko kara utaeba,

Tōku made hibiku!

Tsubasa: Waki agaru,

Kono melody!

Both: Ai no rock 'n' roll!

Ash: Tadoritsuku made wa,

Umaku ikazu ni!

Rara: Toki ni korondari,

Tsumazuitari shita kedo!

Haru, Rara And Tsubasa: Tsurai tte utsumuitara,

Yume nante kanawanai!

Yuki, Ash, And Chihiro: Mō namida wo fuitara ho・ra!

Unsion: Kirameku taiyō mieta!!

1, 2, Sing!

Daisuki na uta,

Ima utaō!

Chorus: (Utaō!)

Unison: Takusan no kagayaku egao ni Say Hello!

Mirai e no Stand Up!

Only one!

Jibun shika utaenai uta wo!

Chorus: (Kyō wa kitto!)

Unison: Tsutaetai yo kono daiji na kimochi min'na non,

Sono heart made!


Call & response de!

Opening Over

With The Ten Trainers

We now see a cold snowy winter morning at a cabin, Misty, Brock, Ethan, And Kris are seen exiting the cabin.

Brock: Who has the list?

Misty: I do.

Ethan: Hey, Lienus.

We now see Haru, Yuki, Ash, Rara, Chihiro, And Tsubasa seeing the four Trainers off with Riolu, Zorua, Pikachu, Togepi, Poliwhirl, Sandshrew, Togetic, And Celebi.

Lienus: Yes?

Kris: We're going into town to buy a couple of things.

Ethan: You six are in charge while we're gone okay?

Ash: On it, Just leave it to us.

Psyduck and Vulpix showed up as Chikorita does also pushing Pikachu away and looks up to Ash.

Misty: Keep an eye on Togepi for me.

Brock: And Vulpix, You behave yourself, Ya hear?

Kris: See ya later.

Lienus: Bye.

The four Trainers leave as Riolu, Zorua, Pikachu, Togepi, And Vulpix make their way to the table next to a window to wave goodbye.

Pikachu: (Bye guys!)

Togepi: (See you!)

Vulpix: (Come back soon!)

Yuki: Well, What now?

Haru: Maybe we should just look out for these guys, In case they run into trouble.

Chihiro: Ah, How much trouble can these little Pokémon cause?

Tsubasa: Yeah, They're well behaved right?

Rara: Just keep an eye out for them, Got it?

Ash: Yup, And who knows. Maybe we'll run into an adventure.

Riolu and Zorua then jumped up to Haru and Yuki who caught their partners.

Zorua: (Yuki, I'm a little bored.)

Riolu: (Yeah, Let's do something Haru.)

Haru: Okay okay, Settle down.

Yuki: We'll have plenty of time to play.

Chikorita and Psyduck make their way over, Chikorita leaping up onto one of the chairs. The rest of the Pokémon - Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Poliwag, Heracross, Geodude, Hinami, Isami, Murkrow, Sentret, Ethan's Cyndaquil, And Kris's Totodile - come out of the back room.

They quickly make their way to the table to say goodbye themselves, Bulbasaur smacking Chikorita off the chair and into the wall. While the Pokémon say their goodbyes, Chikorita is not happy about this.

Chikorita: (Geez...!)

Pikachu: (Bye! Huh?)

Pikachu notices his breath forming a fog on the window as Riolu and Zorua came up to him.

Riolu: (Cool, How does that work?)

Zorua: (Do you just breathe on the glass?)

Bulbasaur: (You do it too.)

Squirtle: (Okay.)

Squirtle and Bulbasaur soon blow fog clouds of their own.

Squirtle then takes it one step further, Pushing its face into the fog, Leaving a perfect imprint in the cloud.

Squirtle: (Wow, This is neat.)

Togepi sees this, And practically begs Pikachu to do the same.

Togepi: (You do it Pikachu, You do it!)

Pikachu: (Okay okay.)

Pikachu takes a deep breath, then blows onto the window, Making a big cloud, Which it proceeds to leave an imprint of its face in.

Pikachu: (Did it! See Togepi?)

Togepi: (I wanna try! I wanna try!)

Togepi steps up to the window and tries to do the same, But it cannot quite manage to blow a cloud big enough or permanent enough. It just laughs it off, As do the other Pokémon.

Sandshrew and Togetic came up to this and also do it too.

Togetic: (Amazing.)

Sandshrew: (I could do this all day.)

Poliwhirl: (Let me try as well.)

Celebi: (Me too! Me too!)

Lienus just chuckles at this.

Ash: They sure seem to be having fun.

Ash then notices back on the floor, The still-upset Chikorita is sulking.

Pikachu sees Chikorita's emotional pain and makes his way over, Trying to cheer Chikorita up.

Pikachu: (Hey Chikorita, Why so glum? Come an okay with us.)

Chikorita: (Hmph!)

Pikachu: (Huh?)

Riolu: (Oh boy...)

Zorua: (Not again...)

Ash: Easy Chikorita, Don't start a fight...

Pikachu: (What Ash said, Can't we just be friends?)

Chikorita: (Get away!)

Chikorita angrily waves her leaf, Smacking a slipper on the floor up into the air, Off the wall, And straight onto Togepi's head.

Lienus got shocked by this as Togepi tears up and bursts into tears, And the Pokémon start getting worried.

All of the other Pokémon, Except Pikachu, Chikorita, And Vulpix, Start making funny faces to try to get Togepi to stop crying, But without much success.

Vulpix saves the day, However, By waving its multiple tails in front of Togepi.

Vulpix: (There there Togepi.)

This cheers Togepi up as Bulbasaur, Squirtle, And the seven partner Pokémon sighed in relief.

Lienus sighs at this before turning to Chikorita madly.

Ash: That's crossing the line Chikorita! You're behavior against Pikachu is unacceptable! Do you wanna go back inside your PokéBall?

Chikorita looked at Ash in shock before saddening and even more upset than ever, As she then ran off.

Surprising the others as they followed.

Ash: Chikorita wait!

Rara: Don't leave like this!

Chikorita rushed out of the house as Lienus and the partner Pokémon followed.

Riolu: (Chikorita!)

Zorua: (Get back here!)

Chikorita, Looking back to see the others chasing her, Doesn't notice the large icicle hanging down in time to stop, And she rams into it.

The others see this and start laughing, Which only angers Chikorita further.

Chihiro: Now that was funny.

Tsubasa: Wow, What pretty icicles.

Tsubasa playfully knocks on one of the icicles, Which chimes much to the Pokémon's amazement.

Pikachu: (Wow!)

Squirtle: (I wonder...)

Squirtle knocks on a different one with its head, Which makes a different toned chime.

Pikachu: (Cool!)

Squirtle: (It really is.)

Celebi: (Everyone together!)

Psyduck, Geodude, And Poliwag proceed to knock on icicles themselves, Each making a different chime.

Psyduck: (Cling.)

Geodude: (Clang.)

Poliwag: (Cling clang clang!)

Pikachu: (Hey, I've got an idea! Heracross, Try using your horns to cling the icicles.)

Heracross: (Oh I see, Okay.)

Getting the idea, Heracross hits the icicles in a row, Producing a downward scale of chimes. The Pokémon, Enjoying the tune, Start hitting icicles in order to make a makeshift tune.

Rara: Now this is fun, Isn't it Chikorita?

The still-upset Chikorita, However, Breaks up the fun by launching a Razor Leaf at one of the icicles, Causing it to almost fall on Squirtle, Making it fall backwards.

This surprises Lienus as Chikorita giggles, Then launches three more Razor Leaves, One almost hitting Heracross, One just missing Bulbasaur and Poliwag, And one crashing harmlessly against Geodude's head.

Pleased with herself, Chikorita runs off again. Pikachu is in the middle of pulling Squirtle back up when it notices Chikorita running off and goes after it, causing Squirtle to fall back onto its shell again as the other partner Pokémon and Lienus follow Pikachu.

Pikachu: (Chikorita!)

Riolu and Zorua: (Come back!)

Lienus: Wait!

Chikorita runs into what looks like a park, With Pikachu and the other Pokémon following, Togepi hitches a ride on Vulpix's back, And Psyduck brings up the rear.

Poliwhirl: (Chikorita! Stop!)

Togetic: (Where is she going?)

Sandshrew: (Just slow down will ya?)

Chikorita turns on the speed, Races down a stairway, And suddenly goes into an out-of-control slide on an ice rink as Lienus stop at the top of the stairs.

Ash: Chikorita!

Haru: An ice rink!

Yuki: Oh boy...

Pikachu: (Oh wow!)

Riolu: (That looks like fun!)

Zorua: (It certainly does!)

Suddenly, The other Pokémon end up crashing into Pikachu, Sending all of them tumbling down the stairs.

The rest stops short, But Pikachu ends up face-sliding on the ice.

Pikachu: (Look out!)

Chikorita: (Ahh!)

With no way of stopping itself, Pikachu ends up colliding right into Chikorita. They both go sliding across the ice, Chikorita eventually digging its leaf into the ice to stop them.

Pikachu and Chikorita gradually separate themselves.

Pikachu: (Sorry about that. No hard feelings?)

Chikorita: (Hmph.)

Chikorita just walks off the ice. She stops only long enough to turn back and stick its tongue out at Pikachu. This leaves Pikachu sad and disappointed along with Lienus.

Back at the other end, Lienus watched the other Pokémon as Poliwhirl and Poliwag are skating across the ice, And Psyduck is face-sliding.

We now see Hinami and Isami sliding together happily.

Hinami: (This is fun bro!)

Isami: (I know, Right?)

Hinami and Isami looked behind them noticing Murkrow on top of Sentret as they slide fast forward.

Murkrow and Sentret: (Gang way!)

The two past Hinami and Isami as they spun around uncontrollably before falling down as Hinami was dizzy while Isami was mad.

Isami: (Watch where you're going!)

Hinami: (I'm dizzy...)

Cyndaquil and Totodile were skating together as they were making figure eights.

Totodile: (This sure is fun.)

Cyndaquil: (I know right?)

Sandshrew, Togetic, Celebi, Bulbasaur and Squirtle make their way out to Pikachu, Togepi riding on Bulbasaur's back.

Sandshrew: (Forget her Pikachu.)

Togetic: (Yeah, Let's have fun.)

Celebi: (My thoughts exactly!)

Togepi: (Pikachu! Pikachu! Can I get a push?)

Pikachu: (Alright, Give me a second.)

Pikachu picks up Togepi and sets it down to slide it across the ice much to Togepi's delight.

Togepi: (Whee!)

Squirtle: (Hey, I wanna try! Bulbasaur, Help me out!)

Bulbasaur: (Help you out? Well, Okay.)

Squirtle lays on its shell, Withdraws into it, And Bulbasaur gives it a push; It goes sliding, Plowing through Poliwag and Psyduck, Bouncing off the fence, Tripping up Heracross, And crashing through Vulpix. Its ride, However, Slams to a halt as it slams into Geodude, Causing it to become dizzy and fall over as Lienus sweat drops at this.

Chihiro: That looks like it hurt...

Tsubasa: I'll say...

Chikorita, Watching this, Realizes they're having fun, When suddenly Meowth's voice is heard.

Meowth: Hey, That looks like a lot of fun, Ha!

Lienus turns to see Meowth at the top of some stairs.

Ash: Meowth? What are you doing here doing here?

Meowth: Just on my day off. Anyway, Your Pokémon will get hurt if they keep slipping around like a bunch of banana peels. Now, Watch, Meowth will show ya how it's done.

Meowth makes his way down to show them how it's done, While Togepi's ride bumps him into Pikachu, Knocking him down.

Meowth: First, Remain calm and in contROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL!

Meowth makes his way onto the ice, But suddenly panics as he loses his traction, But manages to catch himself on his claws.

However, He suddenly starts accelerating, And realizes Poliwag is sweeping the ice in front of Meowth like an Olympic Curler.

Meowth: Ahh! I can't stop!

Chikorita soon slides out to assist, And Meowth is sent into a speedy slide that results in it shooting off the ice and into a tree. This results in a pile of snow falling on it, Much to the laughter of the other Pokémon as well as Lienus.

Chihiro: That furball sure went for a ride.

Tsubasa: You can say that again, Funny.

Meowth then came out of the pile of snow as he shook some off.

Meowth: I don't find that funny...

Meowth got confused when he saw Vulpix curling for Bulbasaur giving Meowth an idea.

Meowth: Oh yeah? I'll show you!

Rara: Oh no...

Meowth makes his way out and starts sweeping too, and soon, Bulbasaur is sent on a similar ride as Meowth, With similar results. He too, Crashes into a tree and gets buried in snow.

Ash: Bulbasaur!

Meowth: Hahahaha! Now that's funny! Hahaha!

Then, The angry Bulbasaur bursts out of the snow.

Bulbasaur: (Why you!)

Bulbasaur then wraps Meowth up with a Vine Whip.

Bulbasaur: (Take this!)

Bulbasaur then sends Meowth into a wild spin on the ice. As Vulpix, Poliwag, And Chikorita soon appear near Meowth.

Chikorita: (Vulpix, Poliwag!)

Vulpix and Poliwag: (Okay!)

The three start sweeping, Making Meowth go even faster.

Squirtle: (Incoming!)

Squirtle panics and withdraws, Getting sent skidding by the spinning Meowth. Meowth ends up sending Pikachu and Togepi into spins, And gets pinged off Geodude like a Pinball hitting a bumper. Squirtle and Meowth are now heading right for each other, And they soon collide, Sending Meowth flying.

Meowth: Even without Team Rocket, I'm blasting off anyway...!

Meowth yelps and soon disappears into the sky. The Pokémon are having another laugh at Meowth's expense while Squirtle pops out of its shell, Wondering what happened.

Chikorita suddenly pops in next to Pikachu again.

Chikorita: (Okay, I admit, That was fun. We sure showed him.)

Pikachu: (Yup, Looks like Meowth's blasting off alone.)

The four soon share another laugh as Lienus smiles at this.

Tsubasa: Hey guys.

The other five turns to Tsubasa who takes out ice skates.

Tsubasa: Let's join in.

The rest of Lienus all smiled at this.

Ash: That sounds fun.

Rara: Yeah, I'm in.

Chihiro: Hm, I suppose I could try.

Haru: Us too Yuki.

Yuki: Well okay, I guess.

Lienus all was practicing skating on the ice as Haru helps Yuki while Ash and Rara were practicing by themselves with a bit of struggling and Chihiro holds onto Tsubasa not wanting to fall.

The Pokémon soon noticed Lienus coming towards them.

Haru: Riolu.

Yuki: Zorua.

Lienus: Everyone!

The Pokémon smiled and all nodded as they all begin to enjoy ice skating.

Go!! Restart

Ash: Tanoshii,

Dake ja-,

-Nai koto bakari demo!

Rara: Dekita,

Toki wa,

Hyaku bai ureshii yo ne!

Chihiro: Tama ni,


Zenryoku de butsukarou!

Tsubasa: Itsumo,

Ima miteru,

Sora wa aoi you ni!

Yuki: Kuyokuyo shinai! Tsumazuki wa,

Haru: Seichou no inbiteeshon!

Unsion: Tsugi no suteppu e,

Saa susumou!

Iku ze! Right now!

Minna de ue,

Muite tachiagarunda yo!

Nando datte sa,

Joushou kiryuu!


Chorus: (Go!!)

Unsion: Tobinorou,

Chorus: (Go!!)

Unsion: Hoshi o mezasou!

Chikutto itamu,

Kimochi daite ikou yo!

Shinjirareru kara,

Kirameku mirai!



Hazu da yo,

Go!! Risutaato!

Go!! Yeah!

Go!! Yeah!

Go!! Yeah!


Song Over

As sunset comes, Lienus and the Pokémon are still happily sliding away on the ice.

Ethan: Hey!

Lienus and the Pokémon turned to see the other four Trainers were back.

Kris: We're done shopping. You guys having fun?

Lienus: Totally!

Pokémon: (And us too!)

Lienus and the Pokémon all head off the ice.

Brock: Come on, Let's get back to the house.

Ethan: Looks like everybody got along just great.

Kris: I'll say, They must have been the whole time.

Misty: Be careful Psy...

Then suddenly, Psyduck trips when he exited the ice rink.

Misty:... duck...

Lienus's Pokémon hop up to their Trainers who catch them as they all laugh happily together.

Next Short

On a starry Christmas night, In a house with a decorated Christmas tree, The ten Trainers were now getting ready for bed.

Ethan: The sooner we get to bed, The sooner Santa Claus will come.

Brock: Wonder what he'll bring this year?

Kris: Well, We'll find out in the morning.

At the same time, Pikachu entertains Togepi by making funny faces with Riolu, Zorua, Poliwhirl, Sandshrew, Togetic, And Celebi as Lienus watches them before noticing the other four Trainers getting ready for bed after hanging some stockings as Lienus does too.

Ash: Come on Pikachu, Bedtime.

Haru: Us to Riolu.

Yuki: Same here Zorua.

The partner turned at that as Pikachu, Riolu, And Zorua headed to bed with their Trainers.

Pikachu: (Okay!)

Zorua: (Coming!)

Riolu: (Alright!)

Misty: You too Togepi.

Rara: Poliwhirl.

Chihiro: Sandshrew.

Tsubasa: Togetic, Celebi.

Togepi: (Whoopee!)

Poliwhirl, Sandshrew, And Togetic: (Right!)

Celebi: (Yay!)

The Pokémon all go to their Trainers' beds and cover themselves with the blankets.

Brock: Good night everybody.

Others: Good night.

The camera pans to the Christmas tree outside as the lights in the cabin turn off and the ten Trainers and their Pokémon go to sleep. As outside, Shooting stars flicker and pass through in the sky.

Next to the fireplace where Ash's bag is, Chikorita pops out of her PokéBall. She soon looks around and soon sees Ash in bed sleeping.

Chikorita: (Ash!)

Chikorita rushed to Ash's bed before spotting Pikachu lying next to Ash and is instantly jealous, So she uses her vines to take him out of the bed.

Chikorita: (Haha, Mine!)

Then, Chikorita jumps in the bed and covers herself with the blanket.

Chikorita: (This is right...)

Togepi wakes up and Bulbasaur, Heracross, Vulpix, Poliwag, Psyduck, Squirtle, Geodude, Hinami, Isami, Murkrow, Sentret, Ethan's Cyndaquil, And Kris's Totodile came out of their Balls.

The commotion wakes up the seven partner Pokémon as well as Lienus, Except for Tsubasa, Who got up a little and yawned. Togepi and Chikorita emerge from the covers and rush to join the others.

Rara: What's going on...?

Ash:... It's time for bed... Huh?!

Ash then saw Heracross sucking the pollen from Bulbasaur's bulb again as Bulbasaur smacks him with Vine Whip.

Bulbasaur: (I told you to stop that already!)

Heracross: (Sorry, I'm hungry...)

Chikorita rushed to the window with Togepi following her as Chikorita jumped up to the desk looking out the window.

Chikorita: (Wow.)

Togepi tries jumping to the desk too, But its too small.

Togepi: (Hey, I wanna see too!)

Bulbasaur: (Here, Let me help.)

Bulbasaur uses Vine Whip to help Togepi up to the table.

Yuki: What are they doing?

Haru: Not sure, Let's check it out.

The five of Lienus came over to the Pokémon as Tsubasa slowly wakes up and yawns soon looking at the others coming up to the window as Tsubasa rolls out of bed and crawls to them.

Then, All Pokémon are looking through the window and seeing the decorated Christmas tree.

Chikorita looks up at the sky and sees several shooting stars before a dash of red light streams across the night sky.

Everyone is curious and presses their faces against the glass to have a closer look, Which causes the window to accidentally open and they fall out.

Lienus: No way!

Lienus soon put on coats and rushed outside to see the Pokémon all in a pile of snow.

Tsubasa: Everyone.

Chihiro: Are you okay?

Pokémon But Riolu, Zorua, And Pikachu: (Let's go!)

The Pokémon, Except for Riolu, Zorua, And Pikachu, Instantly bolt into the pine forest and towards the red light as Psyduck trips and slides. Riolu, Zorua, And Pikachu Burst out of the snow shaking it off before turning back to the others leaving.

Pikachu: (Hey wait up!)

Zorua: (Come back you guys!)

Riolu: (Don't run off like this!)

Ash: Let's go after them.

Everyone else nods in agreement as they follow the Pokémon into the pine forest.

After a while of running, Lienus and the Pokémon see something glowing up ahead as Lienus was amazed when they saw Santa Claus and his sled as he was down with his Stantler who was looking so good.

Santa: Hmm... This doesn't look good.

Rara: Santa Claus...!

Tsubasa: The real one...!

Chihiro: Amazing...!

Haru: Something's wrong.

Yuki: Come on.

The three boys rushed to Santa as the rest followed.

Ash: Santa.

Santa then turns to the group coming towards him.

Santa: My, What a surprise. It's Haru, Yuki, And Ash. As well as Riolu, Zorua, And Pikachu. And new friends I see.

Rara: You know him?

Ash: Long story you hit. Santa, What happened?

Santa: I'm afraid my Stantler here's a little under the weather.

Riolu touch the Stantler's forehead as Zorua does too.

Riolu: (It has a fever.)

Zorua: (And a pretty bad one.)

Santa: I've love to let it rest, But we've got important work to do.

Chihiro: Very very important work. If Stantler doesn't get better...

Tsubasa: No Christmas for anybody. What can we do?

Santa: Well, I have some berries to keep down the fever...

Santa then shows a couple of berries in his hands.

Santa: But these are all I have left.

Haru then gets an idea as he looks up the berries with his IdolPhone and soon gets information.

Haru: Got it! These berries that Santa has can only be found in one place. And that's somewhere around here not far.

Yuki: That's awesome! Santa, Let us look for the berries. If we work together, We'll find them in no time!

Santa: Oh thank you.

Ash: Okay everyone, Operation berry search is a go!

Unison: Yeah! (Yeah!)

The group heads out in search for the berries through the snow and the bushes. But it was so dark, They couldn't find anything.

Ash: This isn't gonna work, It's impossible to find anything out here.

Rara: How are we ever gonna find those berries in time.

Pikachu saddens before getting an idea thinking about the Christmas star from the tree.

Pikachu: (I've got it! Everyone, Listen up!)

Everyone turns to Pikachu in confusion.


Everyone returns to the Christmas tree looking up at the star.

Riolu: (Oh I get it now Pikachu!)

Zorua: (We can use the star as light.)

Pikachu: (Exactly.)

Togepi: (That's genius Pikachu!)

Pikachu: (Chikorita, A little help?)

Chikorita: (You got it!)

Chikorita then uses Razor Leaf to bring down the star on top of the Tree. The star lands onto Pikachu's head. He uses his electricity to power it up, And the light helps them see in the dark as they search for the berries as everyone cheers.


Everyone returned to searching for the berries but despite their enthusiasm, The search is yielding no results so far.

Chikorita, Heracross, Murkrow, And Sentret were searching with Ash while Togepi cheers.

Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Sandshrew, Togetic, And Celebi search with Rara, Chihiro, And Tsubasa but still nothing.

Squirtle was now using water gun to clear some snow as it was hit a rock he fired at much to Squirtle's exhaustion and disappointment.

Riolu and Zorua also found nothing as they were by a tree.

Riolu: (They just haveo to be around here.)

Zorua: (Ugh! But where?! There's nothing but ice and snow around this forest!)

Zorua kicks a tree in frustration as a pile of snow came down on Psyduck trapping him in a ball much to Riolu and Zorua's surprise.

As Psyduck rolls away as the snowball gets bigger. It crashes from tree to tree and soon slides on curvey slides causing it to get fling up high as everyone else got shock as Lienus ran away when Psyduck came down crashing into the Pokémon.

Lienus got silent until Vulpix used Flamethrower to melt the snow as Pikachu lights up the light while the other Pokémon were still a little surprise but Togepi just cheers.


Everyone was now on top of a mountain as Pikachu's light twinkles and the group came together except for Vulpix who was elsewhere.

Squirtle: (I couldn't find them.)

Chikorita: (Me neither.)

Bulbasaur: (Same here.)

Geodude: (I as well.)

Psyduck: (Me too.)

Heracross: (Me three.)

Poliwhirl: (Me four.)

Hinami: (It's getting super late guys.)

Isami: (We'll never find them like this.)

Murkrow: (But we can't give up now.)

Sentret: (Yeah, Santa and Stantler are counting on us.)

Cyndaquil: (There has to be some place we haven't looked.)

Totodile: (Yeah, But where...?)

Everyone else saddens as they all suddenly hear Vulpix in the distance.

Vulpix: (Everyone! Come quick! I found them!)

Pikachu: (You did?!)

Riolu: (Alright!)

Zorua: (Lead the way!)

The Pokémon rushed over to Vulpix as Lienus follows.

Ash: Did Vulpix really find them?

Haru: My guess is as good as yours.

Yuki: Where are they Vulpix?

Vulpix: (Up there.)

Vulpix suddenly perks up and points to a berry bush growing from a steep cliff, And the others spot the berries as well.

Chihiro: All the way up there?!

Tsubasa: But it's too high!

Rara: We'll have to climb it.

Togepi: (I'll go!)

Togepi decides to make the climb, Though Pikachu pulls it to safety.

Pikachu: (No Togepi!)

Sandshrew: (It's way too dangerous.)

Poliwhirl: (For all of us too.)

Pikachu: (I know. What to do, What to do...)

Togetic, Celebi, Sentret, And Murkrow looked at the audience and just shrugged as Ash tries to climb.

Ash: Don't worry, I'll get them.

But Ash immediately slips down as Haru and Yuki were about to go instead.

Haru: Leave it to us Ash.

Yuki: Yeah, Rock climbing is our specialty.

Togetic, Celebi, Sentret, And Murkrow narrowed their eyes at this.

Haru: Though it does look a little steep...

Yuki: We'll just have to pull through Haru.

Riolu: (Be careful Haru...)

Zorua: (You too Yuki...)

Murkrow: (Ahem, Hello?)

Sentret: (Are you guys dumb?)

Everyone turns to the four Pokémon in confusion.

Togetic: (Aren't you all forgetting something?)

Pokémon: (What?)

Celebi: (We fly.)

The four Pokémon flew up to the berries and picked them as they quickly flew down and everyone cheers for them.

Chihiro: Alright Celebi!

Tsubasa: Togetic too, I'm so proud.

Haru: Same with you Murkrow and Sentret.

Yuki: Now let's hurry and get these back to Santa and Stantler.

Everyone was in agreement before a strong wind suddenly blew by causing the flying Pokémon to let go of the berries by accident much to everyone's shock.

As Pikachu rushed towards the berries and jumped to catch them as he was about to go off a cliff, Before he was grabbed by Ash who jumped at him.

The two held each other's tight before Chikorita and Bulbasaur's vines catch Ash as the two looked up and smiled seeing their friends caught them just in time.

Haru: Hang on you two!

Yuki: We gotcha!

Ash: Thank you, Everyone.


Everyone hurried back to Santa Claus as they soon saw him caring for Stantler with a wet cloth.

Ash: Santa!

Santa: Everyone.

Santa got up turning to the group coming towards him and Stantler as Pikachu gave him the berries

Pikachu: (We've got the berries.)

Santa: You've found some. You've found some of the berries. Hoho. That's wonderful.

The Pokémon all came up to Stantler and began feeding it the berries.

Santa: That's right, Good Stantler.

Shooting stars pass by as Lienus and the Pokémon watched Stantler finish eating the berries, As Stantler soon got up and cries out feeling much better now.

Santa: Sounds like there's going to be a Christmas after all.

The Pokémon all cheered at this as Lienus smiled at each other.

Santa: Thank you all. Every single one of you. Now Stantler and I have some presents to deliver. Let's go Stantler.

Santa makes Stantler head off as it cries out and the two take off in their sleigh as the Pokémon follows them for a bit.

Santa: Away!

Santa and Stantler fly off in their sleigh to continue their round the world present deliverie

Then, It started snowing as Santa flies away with the moon shining behind him.

Santa: Merry Christmas!

Lienus and the Pokémon wave bye to him. As Lienus turned to each other and grinned as they high fived with each other.

Yume De Yozora O Terashitai

Rara: Kimochi dake... Hoka ni nanimo nai?

Tsubasa: Chigau ndayo,

Kocchi kite,

Kokoro no me de mitara!

Chihiro: Dare no mune ni mo negai ga aru!

Rara, Chihiro, And Tsubasa: Taisetsuna,

Kono basho de,

Kanjite miyou!

Ash: Nami ga utsushita,

Hoshi no kagayaki!


Akogare no iro!

Haru: Itsuka ka-,

-Nau koto o shinjireba!

Yuki: Ashita e no,

Michigan ga tabun,

Ash, Haru, And Yuki: Wakaru nda!

Rara: Sore wa kaidan,

Rara and Tsubasa: Soretomo tobira!

Rara, Chihiro, And Tsubasa: Yume no katachi wa,

Rara, Ash, And Tsubasa: Iroiro aru ndarou!

Rara, Haru, And Tsubasa: Soshite tsunagare,

Rara, Yuki, And Tsubasa: Minna tsunagare!

Ash: Yozora o,

Terashi ni ikou!

Unison: Kienai,


Kienai no wa!

Ima made jibun o,

Sodateta keshiki!



Kesanai you ni!

Koko kara hajimarou,

Tsugi wa tobidasou!

Ash, Haru, Rara: Sore wa kaidan nano ka,

Yuki, Chihiro, And Tsubasa: Soretomo tobira ka!

Unison: Tashikametai yume ni deaete,

Ash: Yokatta,

Ne tte,

Unison: Tsubuyaita yo!

La, La, La, La!

La, La, La, La!

La, La, La, La!

Song Over

The next morning, Ethan, Kris, Misty, Brock were all enjoying their presents.

Kris: Wow! Look at all the presents!

Misty: This one has your name on it Togepi.

Togepi: (Yippie!)

Brock: Here's mine! Here's mine!

Ethan: This is gonna be the best Christmas ever. Isn't it guys?

Ethan turns to Lienus who were with their Pokémon partners on the couches looking at their presents as the tags said "Thank you for your hello, Santa". Lienus and their Pokémon smiled at this before turning to the others.

Lienus: You bet!

Meanwhile outside, The Christmas tree is revealed to have the same star on the top, But tipped a little.

Ending Rev


Haru: Sā junbi wo shiyou,

Chorus: (It' s a special day!)

Rara: Ano momi no ki wo!

Chorus: (Are you ready for it?)

Tsubasa: Ono de kiri taoshite!

Chorus: (Let's have a party from now on!)

Haru, Rara, And Tsubasa: Christmas tree ni shichaokka?

Chorus: (With so much love!)

Yuki: Koakuma mitai na,

Ash: Santa ni henshin!

Chihiro: Min'na ga sorō,

Yuki, Ash, And Chihiro: Christmas nan-

Unsion:-Te! Miracle desu nā!

Chorus: (I wish you a very merry Christmas!)

Unsion: Kocchi,

Oide yo!

Best Friends to issho ni,

Tokubetsu na hi wo sugosou!

Haru: Ehon mitai na,

Rara: Yume no sekai de!

Tsubasa: Christmas☆Starlight!

Unsion: Uchi ni,

Oide yo!

Odayaka de nigiyaka na,

Ichinichi ni shiyou!

Yuki: Yozora ni hora,

Ash: Kagayaiteru ittōsei!

Chihiro: Mitsukeyou!

Haru: Ichinen ni ichido dake no!

Yuki: (A silent night...)

Ash: Taisetsu na hi dakara!

Rara: (A holy night...)

Chihiro: Min'na de atsumarou yo!

Tsubasa: (Christmas starlight...)

Unsion: Sore ga nani yori suteki na,


Song Over

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