Alien-Minsung AU

By leeknowsbunnyteeth

10.2K 549 274

The perpetually lost in life Minho has been secretly pining after quiet Jisung in his university class, only... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11

Part 9

864 40 9
By leeknowsbunnyteeth

      They all went up to their rooms on the second floor of the cabin to put away their bags before meeting back downstairs in the living room. When Minho opened the door to his and Jisung's room he was surprised to see only one king sized bed there. "T-there's only one bed?" Jisung asked nervously. "Yeah I guess so... uh do you have a side preference?" Minho asked sitting down on the end of the bed. "No I don't really care." Jisung said as he sat down beside Minho. After 0.2 seconds of both their butts being on the bed they both got up and Minho said quickly "Ok! Let's go downstairs to meet everybody!" Everyone gathered in the living room area as Changbin announced "Alright! The agenda for this weekend is horseback riding today and hitting the slopes tomorrow! Grab y'all's winter gear because it is going to be cold on the trails." They all bundled up and went on their guided horseback ride through the snowy mountain trails. Their cabin was part of a ski resort and after their tour they grabbed a bunch of food to-go from the restaurant there and brought it back to their cabin. "Whose bright idea was it to take a horseback tour up here in the mountains. I don't think I will ever thaw out!" Hyunjin whined. "I thought it was beautiful." Felix said even though he was shivering. "Exactly! Besides we have a fireplace, someone just needs to light it." Changbin said. "And we have alcohol!" Chan said pulling two bottles of whiskey out of a bag in the kitchen.

"You don't even drink." Seungmin said. "Yeah but I brought it so I can watch y'all drink, and shit maybe I will have a few too if only to warm up after Changbin froze our asses off outside." Chan said. "We live in Colorado! We came to the mountains! In the winter! Did you think we were going to be sunbathing in our swim trunks?! We came here to do shit in the cold!" Changbin yelled in his loud booming voice. "Calm down, you are too damn loud!" Minho yelled back in his equally booming voice. "I'll make the fire just sit down." Minho added going to get the wood. "Chan, do a shot with me. I can't take this anymore, I'm freezing!" Hyunjin said. "Me too!" Jeongin said. "Do you want one Jisung?" Jeongin added. "Oh... uh I don't know..." Jisung said nervously. "Come on, just one to warm you up." Hyunjin said with his shot in hand. Jisung looked at how everyone else had gotten a shot and said "Ok. Just one to warm me up though." "Yeah! I'm just taking one too." Chan said pouring a shot for Jisung. Jisung held his shot as they all waited for Minho to finish the fire. With the fire now burning, Minho picked up the shot Chan had poured for him and lifted it in the middle of all of them for a cheers. "To warmth!" Hyunjin said. "To new friends!" Jeongin said. "To my senior year!" Chan said. "To Changbin's parents money!" Seungmin added as they all laughed and clinked their glasses together.

The boys somehow convinced Chan to take another shot and he was already acting tipsy. "We're a bad influence on these youngsters Minho, none of them are of legal drinking age." Chan slurred as he leaned on Minho. "You literally only had two shots, you are such a lightweight." Minho said pushing Chan off of him. "And that one's still in high school!" Chan added as he pointed at Jeongin. "That one has a name! It's Jeongin!" Jeongin said. "Oh my bad." Chan said smiling awkwardly. "In highschool? Oh keep him away from me!" Hyunjin said crossing his fingers into an X out in front of him towards Jeongin. "You don't have to worry, he's not gay either Hyunjin!" Seungmin said laughing. "Ooh! Let's play a game! Never Have I Ever! I will go first!" Chan suggested. "Never Have I Ever? What are we? In high school?" Minho asked. "No offense." Minho added towards Jeongin. Jeongin just rolled his eyes. "So if you have done the thing someone says then you take a sip of your drink. Never Have I Ever... had sex with a guy!" Chan said. Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin all took a sip of their drink and Minho looked to Jisung. Jisung lifted his drink to his mouth and took a sip. Minho took a big gulp of his drink excitedly as he thought 'Goodbye 99% and hello 100% sure!'

"You mean to tell me, that Seungmin Kim slept with a man and it wasn't me! What the hell! I don't want to play this game anymore!" Hyunjin said as he stood up about to storm off. Seungmin grabbed his hand as he said "Come on drama llama, sit down, you aren't actually upset are you?" "No... but you have to explain yourself." Hyunjin said sitting back down. "It's my freshman year in college, this is the time to experiment... so I tried it out but I wasn't into it." Seungmin said shrugging his shoulders. "Damn. That just killed my mood. Pour me another shot to help me move on from the blow Channie." Hyunjin said holding out his cup theatrically. Hyunjin downed his shot before saying "Ok, ok I have one! Never Have I Ever... topped!" Changbin, Seungmin, Chan, Jeongin and Minho took a sip of their drink. Minho again looked to Jisung, curiosity eating away at him. Jisung again shyly took a sip of his drink. Minho could feel his face flushing as he bit his lip. Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other and smirked as they high fived and said in unison "Bottom bitches!" Changbin began subtly checking Felix out this time. Felix caught him and smirked as he made eye contact with Changbin. Changbin quickly cleared his throat and looked away.

"A-Are all these going to be about sex?" Jisung asked Minho nervously. "Uh... I have one, Never Have I Ever...went skiing before!" Minho said trying to switch the mood to try and make Jisung more comfortable. Literally the whole group except him had to take a sip. "I can't believe you have lived here for 3 years and never went skiing!" Changbin said. "Everyone always wants to go on the big slopes and I don't do heights." Minho said. "I'll go on the bunny hills with you tomorrow. I don't really know how to ski, I only went once when I was little." Jisung said with his cheeks turning pink from the alcohol. Minho began to sweat looking at how unbelievably cute he was. A combination of the direction the room's conversation had been going up until then and the alcohol, was making it increasingly hard not to jump Jisung's bones right then and there. "Someone tap that old man out, he can not handle his liquor at all and we should cut him off now before it gets ugly in here." Seungmin said pointing at Chan who was looking wasted already. "I could never be ugly!" Chan said defensively as he hiccuped. "Of course Channie, you are very handsome, now let's get you to bed." Hyunjin said as he helped Chan up and started to walk him towards the stairs.

"Ok but no funny business!" Chan said. "Geez you make me sound like some kind of predator. I'm not interested in forcing a straight guy to do something with me just because he's drunk. I'm sexy as fuck, I don't need to stoop that low." Hyunjin said a little aggravated. Chan looked like he was about to cry as he wailed "Hyunjin!! I was just joking! I don't think of you like that at all! I'm so sorry!!" He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and hugged Hyunjin to himself tightly as he added "You ARE sexy as fuck and you can pull any guy you want, guys WAY hotter than me!" "Ok I forgive you. Now you aren't too drunk to walk so pick up your damn feet." Hyunjin said helping him up the stairs. "Should we help Hyunjin?" Felix asked. "Nah, let him suffer a bit." Changbin replied smiling mischievously. "Well should we all call it a night? We have to be up in the morning to go skiing." Jeongin said. "Yeah it's been a long day, let's go to sleep." Seungmin said standing up and stretching. Jisung and Minho stood up to head upstairs too. "I think I'm gonna stay down here by the fire for a little bit longer. I'm still cold." Felix said chuckling lightly. "Really? Here, take my jacket." Changbin said as he took off his jacket and draped it over Felix's shoulders. Minho and Seungmin exchanged a knowing look as they all walked up the stairs, leaving Changbin and Felix alone by the fire.

Minho was feeling slightly buzzed from the alcohol as he changed in the bathroom attached to their room. When he came out, Jisung was pulling down his shirt over his perfectly toned stomach. Minho laid down on the bed cautiously, facing Jisung. All the information that came out that night started flooding his mind. Jisung then climbed unto the bed as he said "I'm still cold." Minho raised an eyebrow since he could clearly see that Jisung was flushed from the alcohol. His rosy cheeks gave it away so Minho figured maybe it was a signal. "Come here and share some of my body heat again." Minho said tapping the bed beside him. Jisung curled into Minho's side and wrapped his arm around Minho's abdomen. They laid there cuddling for a while as their thoughts ran rampant. The month they had spent together felt like a years time and Minho was so happy to just be lying next to Jisung, holding him like that. But in his mind, partially driven by alcohol, he knew he wanted more. Wanted to feel Jisung more, wanted to kiss his soft lips. Jisung suddenly sat up a little to hover over Minho's face. Minho blinked at him without moving. It was always as if Jisung was one step ahead of him and sharing the same mind because he then grabbed his chin and pressed his lips gently against Minho's.

The moment Minho had been fantasizing for weeks was finally happening. Minho softly suckled Jisung's larger bottom lip, their lips fitting perfectly together just as he had imagined. As their kiss grew slightly more intense, Jisung lightly nipped at Minho's lips, driving him wild. Minho wanted to touch every part of Jisung all at once but not knowing where Jisung's head was at he didn't want to cross any boundaries so he just laid there as Jisung continued kissing him. Having seemingly read Minho's mind again, Jisung then started touching all over Minho as he kissed him. His cold hands traveled up Minho's shirt slowly, sending shivers down his spine. Minho was pleasantly surprised at Jisung taking the lead. Minho had imagined this for so long that now that it was happening, he didn't know what to do with himself. So he decided to just go with what felt right. Jisung who had been leaning over Minho kissing him as they laid there, was now being pushed lightly back to the bed. Minho climbed on top of Jisung, legs intertwined. He could feel Jisung's dick hardening against his leg as he pushed his tongue deep into Jisung's mouth. Minho grinded his crotch against Jisung's leg as they made out.

Noticing that Jisung was into it, they continued to rub their stiff dicks against each other through their sweatpants. Eventually Minho even stopped kissing Jisung, propping himself up on his hands as he focused on grinding his erection down on to Jisung. Minho breathed heavily as he moved faster and faster against Jisung. Jisung stared at Minho, breath becoming shallow as he moved his hips against him too. After an embarrassingly short amount of time Minho came in his boxers, only for Jisung to follow shortly after. They continued kissing each other more tenderly afterwards for a few minutes before Jisung went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Minho laid there as he chuckled to himself thinking 'I don't know what came over me, but I can't believe we just finished from grinding against each other like a couple of teenagers.' Minho laughed but inside his heart was so happy. After longing for Jisung and falling for him more and more everyday, he finally had confirmation that Jisung reciprocated the feelings. But as he continued waiting for Jisung, negative thoughts crept into his mind '...Unless he was just tipsy from the alcohol and feeling some type of way and I was the closest body nearby...' Jisung came out of the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes as he smiled shyly at Minho. 'I don't want to think about what this means right now. I'm just going to enjoy this moment for what it is. Ours.' Minho thought as he smiled back fondly.

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