
By its_Helena_

109 1 0

A familiar voice echoed snapping her back into reality, she could barely see the blood on her hands with thos... More

Halloween night
Welcome home
Putting the pieces together
A small world we live in
Hide & seek
Back to square one
A little help can't hurt
Two sides of the same coin
The protege
Few steps back
The diary


8 0 0
By its_Helena_

Why? When? How?.. so many questions rushed in Snow's mind who for some reason was feeling guilty of John's death. The heavy wind blowed her long hair away from her face and the cloudy sky gave a spooky atmosphere, she looked in front of her and still couldn't believe the words she read « RIP John Botswon » the pain of his mother could be heard in her screams as she laid down next to her son's grave inconsolable. She turned her head away from this scene which broke her heart even more, upon doing so, she noticed little Arya who seemed to show no emotion on her face, if anything she seemed bored by the whole ceremony « weird » she thought, but after all Arya is just a kid and doesn't really comprehend what is going on. Still looking around, her eyes fell on Rick who hadn't said a word since the incident, his father said he refuses to eat or even take a bath. She had tried to pay him a visit but he wouldn't see anyone, not even her.
« I wish I could do something to ease his pain » said Snow beneath her breath. That's when a car was heard not far, it was the Sanders who came to give their condolences to the family.
« Get away from here you murderers!! » said John's mom as soon as she saw them get off their car, she picked up some sand on the ground and threw it at them while cursing their existence.
« Had my boy not gone to your place, he'll still be here with me! » she shouted.
« Honey stop! What are you doing? » asked her husband in a low voice, he had dark circles under his eyes due to the lack of sleep.
« They killed my son! My little baby, my sweetheart! » she said, falling down to the ground again. Her husband picked her up and escorted her to their car, he then came back to apologize to the Sanders for his wife's actions.
« I'm really sorry for what just happed Mr Sander, she is just going through so much pain, please understand » he said. Mr Sander looked at him with sad eyes and nod his head.
« I understa— »
« Tell your wife the next time she says such heavy accusations about my family, I'll sue her for defamation » interrupted Mrs Sanders, shocking her husband.
« Okay, I'm really sorry Ma'm » replied Mr Botswon with his head down, he then went back to his car, ready to leave the place.
« Just how heartless can you be? » said Mr sander to his wife who had her hand on their son's head, rubbing it like she's petting a cat.
« shut up and drive us back home, this place makes me sick » she said while scanning the graveyard. Suddenly her eyes fell on Snow, who was watching her intensely, she brushed it off and entered her car.

« I can't even imagine what she's going through » Arya's mom said, pouring herself a cup of tea. Arya was reading her favorite book on the couch and didn't care about what was going on around her. Few minutes later, someone was heard knocking at the door.
« Who's there? » asked Arya's mom.
« Police, we need to ask you some questions »
For the first time in an hour, Arya looked above her book and  raised an eyebrow. The police walked in and scanned the parlor while making their way to the sofa.
« How can I help you sir? » asked Arya's mom, sitting across from them. Arya had now put her book down and her attention was focused on the two men in uniform, she looked at them from head to toe, analyzing their every move. One of the officers glanced at the little girl.
« Honey, go to your room, I have to talk to them » said Arya's mom, noticing how the officer looked at her.
« Actually, we're here to talk to her » said the other.
« Her..? »
« Yes ma'm, she was among the last persons who saw John alive I believe so »
« But.. she's just a kid, I don't want her getting involved into this » said her mom in shock.
« The questions won't be hard ma'm, don't worry, you can stay if you wish to »he said.
« So! Can we start? » asked one officer to Arya.
She didn't say no nor yes, she just looked at them, not breaking eye contact once.
« Can you tell me what happened on the night of Halloween? » he asked. Arya told them how John left her to go play with his friends and how no neighbor gave her candy, they all claimed they didn't have any left which demoralized her.
« I then checked my clock and it was 10:45 so I went back where John and I were supposed to meet up but I didn't see him » she said
« And what did you do then? » asked the officer, writing notes on a piece of paper. Arya paused and looked at him.
« Any problem miss? » he asked.
« Do you think I killed him? » she said calmly, shocking her mother and the two officers.
« Oh my God, no honey, he's just trying to get as much information as he can to catch the killer » her mother explained .
« Well then.. after 5 minutes of wait, I decided it would be best if I went back home, I was sad, hungry and impatient » she said, picking her book back up to continue her lecture.
« That's it » she added. Both officers were a little confused and turned to her mom.
« at what time did she arrive home? » they asked.
« 'bout 5 minutes pass 11 I think » she said, looking at the ceiling like she's trying to remember. They took more notes and got up.
« Well, that'll be it.. good day ma'm, we'll be back if necessary » and left.
« Do you want something to eat? » she asked to Arya who didn't listen, she was busy reading her book and didn't want to be interrupted.
« 'Beyond me', gotta find time to read that book to know what she likes so much about it » said Arya's mom while going back to the kitchen.

The next day...

« John!! Breakfast is ready, come and eat before the bus arrives » Mrs Botswon shouted from the foot of the stairs. Mr Botswon was taking his bath when he heard this.
« Jo..hn..? » he wondered. He finished taking his bath, wiped himself up and got out of the bathroom to dress for work. He wore a blue black suit and a pink tie. As he opened their bedroom door to step in the corridor, he heard his wife giggling. Who is she talking to ? He wondered. As he approached, he could make out what she was saying.
« Silly boy hihihi, stop disturbing your mom and put on your shoes, your bus will be here in a minute » she said.
« Babe..? » Mr Botswon  called out, placing his hand on her shoulder.
« Who are you.. talking to? » he asked.
« What a silly question, I'm talking to John right here, can't you see him? He just told me a joke » she laughed out loud while pointing to John's bed who was empty.
« Babe.. there's no one there » he said in a concerned voice.
« What do you mean? Our boy is right there, come tell him good morning » she said, her smile slowly fading away.
« Ba—»
« TELL HIM GOOD MORNING !! » she shouted, surprising him.
« Honey, there's no one there, he's not with us anymore! John is dead ! Dead ! » he said back making sure to make eye contact with her.
« No he's not!!! He's right there, just look a little closer, he's waving at you!! »
« He's dead Maria ! I'm in pain too but this is not the way to deal with it, please stop » he said with a worried face. Mrs Botswon didn't say a word, she just went down the stairs, leaving him there in disbelief. He looked into the room who was once his son's room, entered and sat on his bed. The bed was quite uncomfortable, like there was something in it, making it hard. He lifted up the two blankets and saw a journal, just as he was about to read it, he heard a loud scream of pain downstairs. He rushed down and saw his wife cutting her veins open with a kitchen knife.
« Honey! What are you doing ??! Please stop » he said, coming next to her.
« If he's not alive, then I'll go and meet him, wherever he is ! » she said, digging the knife further into her skin.
« No babe, stop! Alright.. he's not dead, he's changing upstairs, you don't want him seeing you like this, so please stop » a smile came across her face, she let go of the knife and laughed.
« See? I told you, you just had to look a little closer to see him » she said happily. He approached her and took her into his arms.
« Let's go to the hospital, you're bleeding a lot » he said. He walked out with her, closed the door and drove to the hospital for assistance.

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