That Boy

By 90sp00kyn3w

397 69 18

Pensacola, Florida When a 12 year old little boy with blue eyes and blond hair was found drugged and Unconsc... More



17 4 0
By 90sp00kyn3w

2 months later

Though his body has never been recovered, he haunts me in my every movement. Everytime I saw anything blue, it directly reminded me of the color of his eyes. I could hear his voice, laugh, anger; everything we'd been through replayed vividly in my mind. I truly am scarred and scared of my wellbeing. I see him at every corner, no matter where I am. Every time I lay on my couch alone, I sensed his presence lurking behind me like he always did. Every time I sleep with all the lights inside my room turned off, I hear my door creak even though I locked it. I hear things, I see things..

I covered every small space inside my room, I stuffed my kitchen cabinets with herbs and spices in order to avoid him hiding there; watching me.

Zach was concerned. He tried to invite me to a reunion party. I rejected his invitation. He came over every weekend, and called almost every night to make sure I was doing alright. Ms Martinez did the same as she would sometimes sleep in my house with me just because she was worried.

I saw Charlie in my sleep almost every night and I woke up feeling lethargic, scared and haunted. The dream was repetitive, it's all about
Charlie and me, we were on the boat back that day, and he attempted to drown me and dragged me deep into the ocean with him.

I couldn't fathom his intentions that day... was he trying to kill us or me? What haunted me the most is his fate. He's nowhere to be found, he was deep inside the ocean floor, possibly his flesh was consumed by the sea creatures. Who knows what creatures? Could be the massive ones, could be the little ones...


"Mel, you need a therapy, you know that?" Zach said as he drove, we're on our way for a quick grocery shopping since it was our day off from work.

"I don't have time"

"No. You should make time for it. Even Mike was worried about you. Listen, I have an acquaintances-"

"Yeah, right. Please give me their number"

Zach sighed in despair, "Only if you're serious about going to therapy"

"I am, trust me. I really have to forget that little demon" I replied.

"Okay. I'll send your contacts to him"

Once we made it to Walmart, Zach parked his car and the two of us got out and went straight inside as I pushed the trolley, following Zach as he entered the spices and herbs aisle. His gaze scanned through the shelves as I waited behind.

Not long after that, I saw two kids chasing after each other, running past the aisle. One of them happened to be blond, it truly reminded me of him. It honestly freaks me out a bit.

"Mel, which one do you prefer, black pepper or white pepper?" Zach asked.

"Obviously black. They're tastier"

"Okay" He then put two tiny jars of black pepper inside. As I pushed the trolley following Zach, suddenly a tiny hand gripped over my waist. I jumped a little due to the shock, it was that blond little boy I had seen earlier.. Though he didn't resemble Charlie since his eyes were brown, his side-swept bangs surely matched his.

"Oh hey, can I help you?" I tried to greet him despite being agitated.

He giggled, then he sprinted away from me without a word.

"What a little creep" Zach shook his head while smiling.

"Zach..I think we have to go home now" I suddenly feel agitated to the point where my head is aching a bit.

"Are you alright?" Zach seemed worried as he approached me.

"I'm trying"

He then sighed, grabbed whatever he needed from the shelves, then went straight to the cashier as I pushed the trolley. The memory of that little blond boy giggling floated vividly since it happened several moments ago. Did he watch me all along? Did he specifically target me??


After quick grocery shopping, Zach and I made our way back to the parking lot. The sky was cloudy and somehow our surroundings got a bit foggy. In the corner of the parking lot, I saw a little blond-haired boy, standing up in the corner of the parking lot, wearing similar clothes as Charlie. I sensed he stared at me vehemently, his evil stare traveled directly to my soul and it truly frightened me. As if he wished harm upon me, as if it's eating me alive.

"Mel?" Zach waved his hands at me, breaking my reverie.

"Charlie?" I muttered as my gaze was fixated on the boy.

"What?" Zach turned his head towards the direction I've been eyeing, then he shook his head in confusion, "Mel, you're seeing things, come on, get in"

I gulped my spat in tension as the fog now surrounded the little boy, and within seconds he vanished into thin air right after the fog covered him. 

"Right. It wasn't Charlie"

"Of course. How could it be, Charlie? He was never found", Zach replied.

Both of us get inside the car, he then started driving.

As Zach drove through a desolate road, the fog somehow intensified and I ducked my head solely because I didn't want to see the sight of Charlie out of the blue.

I'm inside you
Why did you let me drown
Why did you kill me
I'm not dead
I'm here inside you

I heard Charlie's voice whispered through my ears. I ruffled my hair frantically as I began to scream uncontrollably to the point where Zach had to pull up next to the side of the road solely to calm me down.

"Mel! What's wrong with you?" Zach asked in annoyance.

"I think.. I didn't know..Charlie told me it was all my fault!" I glared my eyes at Zach, he gulped his spat as he avoided eye contact.

"Mel, it's not your fault at all. That boy intended to kill you by purposefully damage the boat engine. You got that? That voice in your head couldn't control you. You're stronger than this. I know it's a form of trauma, I understand what you've been through but Mel, life goes on. Don't let it eat you" Zach lectured me.

I nodded in response without a word...

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