The Neverseen's Last Resort

By MissMoonlark107

49.4K 613 1K

Sophie Foster is missing. The Neverseen have been inactive for years now and the Lost Cities civilians are gr... More

I want to live.


534 6 12
By MissMoonlark107


A new power now thrummed beneath Sophie's veins, a constant pulse that fueled her with energy. Ever since she'd awoken, she hadn't felt the slightest bit groggy-- which Sophie had found surprising. After being drugged or sedated, Sophie usually felt very sleepy and slow. however, this was entirely different. Energy pulsed beneath her skin, and if Sophie so desired, she was convinced she could run an entire triathlon. Maybe two.

"Sophie," breathed a relieved voice, and Sophie turned her head to see Alvar, standing in the doorway. He made his way to her chair and threw his arms around her. And were those... tears in his eyes?

"Alvar? What's going on? Did something happen?" When Sophie thought back, she remembered agreeing to undergo some sort of experiment Gisela had planned. She remembered an... imposter, though he seemed to have left. Had something happened while she was out?

"Did something happen?" she asked Alvar, voicing her concerns. A sad smile spread across Alvar's features.

"Nothing," he replied, but Sophie wasn't convinced. Despite that, however, Sophie didn't pry. She trusted Alvar.

"Let's see if it worked," Gisela chimed in, wearing a wicked grin. Striding over to Sophie, Gisela took Sophie by the wrist and examined her. Her grin widened, and Sophie squinted to see what Gisela saw in the dim cave. Inhaling a sharp breath, Sophie noticed her veins. When she'd thought a power thrummed beneath her veins, she hadn't meant so literally as them turning a golden-purple. Was that even a color? Purple with golden tips on the sides. Her veins, once a dull blue-- almost invisible-- were now easy to see, nearly glowing through her skin.

"What does that mean?" Alvar asked.

"It means," Gisela practically sang, "it worked."


Sophie grunted as the dagger flew from her hand, landing dead center of the target before her.

"Well done," Fintan nodded, and Sophie smiled under his approving gaze. Alvar had been called on a mission with Puppeteer, so she was back with her mentor for training. It seemed like weeks since she'd trained with him, and Sophie was glad to be sharing some time with him.

"How's your wrist?" Fintan asked, his voice dismal as usual. Sophie dropped her stance and returned to his side as she examined her wrist. It still pulsed with the same purple-gold colors, but ever since she'd awoken from that nightmare, her wrist had become sore.

"Still hurts," Sophie noted, twisting her arm in a series of ways to test it. "But, I'll live. Besides, it's no worse than a bruise." She shook it violently for proof, breathing her way through the pain.

"Good," Fintan said, buying it. Sophie nodded, returning to the 'X' marked in the stone floor, and picked up another dagger. She was getting good at lying-- a trait every Neverseen member had to master. Lying was what determined how skilled a member was-- and whether or not they deserved to stay in the Neverseen. As Fintan had often taught her, lie about everything.

If you're near an enemy, let them think you're far. If you're far, let them think you're near. Be strong, act weak. Weak, act strong. It was an essential part of the Neverseen lifestyle, and one of the many reasons they always won.

Thwip! The dagger pierced the end of her former dagger, her aim as true as ever. Sophie grinned, turning back to Fintan in hopes of seeing his approval. However, he seemed to be distracted by something else.

"Fintan?" Sophie asked, and Fintan snapped his head up.

"Sophie," he said in his cold voice, "you promised you'd kill the Traitor for me. Correct?"

Chills ran down her spine. She had promised that. And yet, the thought still turned her queasy. She was part of the Neverseen-- and though they were the good guys, Sophie knew every one of them had killed at least twice. Her time had to come eventually, and what better first kill than the Traitor to the entire organization?

"Yes," Sophie said, masking her nerves with a confident gaze. Fintan smiled-- a seemingly genuine smile as he pulled something from his sleeve. Sophie's breath caught in anticipation.

"He was my student, and his actions affected me most. Gisela blamed me for his mistakes, and I suffered a painful consequence."

Sophie nodded, captivated by his story. Never before had she heard these details.

"I want his death to be special," continued Fintan. "And if you'd be willing," he pulled the rest of the object from his sleeve, revealing a dagger-- carved with strange patterns and symbols, maybe the elven writing Sophie had failed to learn when she'd first come to the Lost Cities. What it read was a mystery to her.

"Kill him with this." He handed the dagger to Sophie, who twirled it in her hands, ignoring her throbbing wrist. "Drive it through his heart, and watch the magic happen."

That same fear from earlier returned, and Sophie felt ready to vomit from the idea. A deadly explosion from a far distance-- she figured she could manage. But being right there, driving a mystery dagger through the heart of someone her age, no matter the evil he'd done. Still, her façade didn't crack or falter as she sheathed the dagger.

"Thank you," she said, truly meaning it-- despite knowing its purpose. It was Fintan's dagger. She'd never actually seen it in use, but knew he carried it with him everywhere. Similar to a little child carrying their stuffy everywhere. Similar to Sophie back when her human family was alive. From ten and under, she'd carry Ella everywhere, being so sure it would keep her safe from harm. And it had, but the same couldn't be said for her family-- burned alive by the Black Swan.

If Fintan was trusting her with his favorite dagger, Sophie knew she couldn't fail. It would be almost as bad as the Traitor's treachery.

"Sophie!" Gisela sang, interrupting the moment.

"What is it?" grumbled Fintan, his smile turning sour.

"It's time!" Gisela said, grinning.

"Time for what?" Sophie asked.

"Training." Sophie looked back to her target, where both daggers still sat, one impaling the other. "I am training," Sophie said, gesturing to the target.

"Yes. You're surprisingly excellent at dagger throwing or whatever," she brushed off.

Sophie gasped in shock. "'Surprisingly'?! Why is that surprising?"

Ignoring her, Gisela continued to ramble about "opportunities" and "revenge".

"What she means," Fintan clarified when Gisela had finished, "is that, thanks to the limbium--"

"Limbium**?" Sophie echoed. "You mean that injection? I'm deadly allergic to that!" Sophie paused, stuck on her own words. She was allergic to limbium. But how did she know that? She'd never encountered it before today.

"We're aware of you allergies, Sophie," Fintan said. "Which is why we made sure to have an antidote ready. And thanks to that, we've been able to upgrade your abilities."

Sophie blinked, dumbfounded. "Uhm, what? 'Upgraded'?"

Without explanation, Gisela snatched Sophie's wrist and trailed her finger over the veins. They hummed with the contact, and a tingle buzzed through Sophie's entire arm. Once again, that same triathlon energy excited her nerves and soon, Sophie felt a new sensation of power. Something strong. Like, she could end the entire world if she simply wished it.

"Woah," she said, and Gisela- was that a giggle? Sophie brushed off the maybe-giggle and focused on the new energy that swelled inside her.

"Try inflicting," Gisela instructed. "But, without the inflicting part." Sophie's brow furrowed as she repeated Gisela's words in her head.

"Inflicting?" Sophie said. "Without inflicting?" Even Fintan laughed at that. Gisela sent them both scowls.


"Wow," Sophie said. "You're serious."

"Yes," Gisela repeated.

After minutes of anticipation and silence, Sophie gave up. "I don't understand."

"You know how to inflict, right?" Gisela said, and Sophie nodded. "So, feel that same empowering feeling or whatever it is that you feel when inflicting. But instead of releasing emotion from your heart, release it from your palms."

Taking her wrist again, Gisela traced the veins back to the center of her palm. Sophie straightened, the tingling sensation that followed clicking her understanding into place.

And, everything made sense.

Sophie didn't have power, she was power. Every bit of her being was fused with power, and that was her source. Her mind and heart no longer had their own feelings, but were one. Everything was connected.

"I... feel power," Sophie said, and Gisela grinned.

"Now, use that power with an intent."

"Intent to what?"

Gisela cocked her head, testing Sophie. She wanted to know what Sophie's decision would be. And, with nothing else that made sense, Sophie turned to the target, letting the power buzz beneath her skin. She imagined Gisela's cold fingers tracing over her veins and back to her palm's center. She imagined the power following Gisela's imaginary finger, and then, she pictured the power being emitted from her palm and shooting for the target.

Just as she'd envisioned, her veins buzzed back to her palm, and when Sophie gave her consent, she released her power. A purple-gold electric-type shock extended from her palm, whipping through the air and hitting... not the target. Instead, it crashed into the wall, leaving a hole in its path.

"Sad," Gisela sighed. "I thought the best dagger-thrower or whatever would do better."

Sophie growled, trying again. This time, however, instead of consenting to the power's release, she took over. She imagined her power being shadowflux-- an unpredictable power that demanded to be controlled. She couldn't simply ask it to obey her-- it being her power, that somehow seemed to be... self aware? She had to demand its obedience, and if that feeling ever faltered again, she'd lose control.

Strangling her power under control, she aimed for the target a second time. And this time, once the power had reached her hand, she waited. Until the power grew restless, begging to be freed. And then, only as it was bubbling with impatience and pleading, Sophie released it. This time, the target exploding into tiny bits, flying everywhere. But not fragments of the target, nor the daggers, hit the three of them. Because, instead, what fell from the air were ashes.

Sophie shot a smug grin at Gisela, and Fintan placed an approving hand on Sophie's shoulder. Meanwhile, Gisela just stood there, stunned. Her eyes were glazed over with awe, and her mouth hung agape in shock.

"Amazing," she uttered, and Sophie nodded.

"I am amazing," she said. Fintan nudged her shoulder and Sophie turned back to him.

"Let's do some more practice, alright? Figure out the ups and downs of this power. See if there's a limit?" Sophie nodded, and after Gisela left, they continued to train. 

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