Try Me (18+)

By noena11

1.2K 38 0

A Dark Romance Witnessing something she shouldn't have, Ezra is thrust into a dangerous of sex, drugs and mu... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


53 1 0
By noena11

The Encounter

"You're still here?" Ian asked, leaning over her shoulder to peer at her Ipad and study notes.

"You're still here as well." Ezra pointed out, using her elbow to push him away from her slightly. He was disrupting her study rhythm.

"Yeah well the library is closing so we need to leave." Only then did she realise that they were indeed the only ones left in the room and the lights were slowly being shut off. She groaned as she packed up her things, she felt as if she hadn't achieved anything and her final exams as well as her resits were looming over her, a never-ending sense of dread.

"Damn it's dark." She muttered as she and Ian stepped out of the library on to the empty road, aside from a few cars and fellow students leaving as well.

"Yeah really dark."He agreed, staring up at the dark sky, barely lit up by the moon. The streetlights weren't much help either. Half of them flickering on and off, or not even on at all. "Will you be alright on your way home?" He asked with worry and Ezra rolled her eyes before hitting his chest playfully.

"Don't be ridiculous. We live in opposite directions and my place is only a walk of a few minutes. You stilll have to take bus. Besides, I'm sure the boys are waiting up to finish that one drama with you. Sonny wouldn't shut up about it."

"Which one? Alice in Borderland?" He questioned with a furrowed brow and Ezra nodded. "Yeah loves that one. I do worry though, he's already quite a strange kid and I wonder if loves it so much because of the violence and the dark concept."

"Ian please." Ezra laughed, shaking her head with a fond smile. "He's a kid and in he's in that weird violent video game phase of being a teenager. My brother was the same, they grow out of it, trust me."

"Well, if you say so." Ian checked his watch, eyes widening slightly. "I got to go, the bus is leaving soon. I'll see you tomorrow, same time!" He said while runnning off towards his bus stop. Ezra waved him goodbye before putting on her headphones, beginning her small walk home. Suddenly, her nostrils picked up the smell of smoke and she could see the flickers of a large blaze in the distance. She looked around desperately, there was no sign of any first responders and she figured those inside the burning house must still be asleep, it was well past midnight anyway. She found herself running towards the burning building, phone out to start calling the fire services. Her mind raced as she tried to remember her lecture on how to to treat burn wounds and emergency situations, God she hoped she could get there in time. Just as she turned the corner a loud banging sound echoed through the empty street and she held back a shriek, she clenched her eyes shut, hoping the building hadn't collapsed and whoever was inside could still be saved. However as she opened her eyes she was met with the sight of two men holding a body between them, they're eyes set on her. Something told her they weren't here to help with the fire and might've probably caused it instead.

There was silence as the two men looked at each other before looking back at her. Ezra didn't hesitate to turn around and start running, she knew there was no sense in trying to figure out what they were doing or debating whether to call the police or not. She could do all that when she was safe or not at all, this was something she felt she needed to stay far away from and not get involved in the slightest.

"Fuck." Yong exclaimed as he watched the girl run away, "Take care of him, I'll take care of her!" He yelled at Noah as he began to chase after her.

Ezra could hear the footsteps of someone chasing after her but she didn't turn to look, that would only slow her down and she needed to maintain a distance between herself and the man. She ran and ran, completely forgetting she was asthmatic and didn't even have her inhaler with her. Whatever, she'd rather die due to an asthma attack than by the hands of whoever those people were. Suddenly she felt something wizz past her, cutting her ear slightly. He had shot at her. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned the corner, her heart rate increasing rapidly. This was no longer a case of simply getting to safety; in a matter of seconds things had turned into a scene that could have been taken from a thriller. She rushed to hide behind a large dumpster, holding her hand against her bleeding ear. She rested her head against the wall as she tried to control her breathing, she had only been trying to get home from the library. How did things get like this?

"I know you're here woman." Ezra heard her attacker yell as she saw him walk into the alleyway, gun raised. She closed her eyes in despair. Fuck. He was going to find her any moment from now and for some reason the man seemed hell bent on killing her. Too be honest, she didn't even see enough for him to be doing all of this. "You made me run, I hate running. So, come out and let's make this quick or I'll find you and have the pleasure of dragging this out. I missed the chance for a good killing spree today anyway, seems like I get to make up for it with you." His words were dark, voice sending a chilling shiver down her spine and Ezra fought the urge to cry with fear, that wouldn't do her any good now anyway. She leaned her head back and stared at the sky; well, if she was going to die, she might as well die fighting. She refused to let her family and friend be called and told her  body was simply found slumped against a dumpster. No, she would defend herself and die a dignified death.

Wait a second.

Why did she have to die? She didn't do anything. Hell, she hardly saw anything anyway. Why was she being chased down and shot at like an animal for the simple crime of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. With a new found confidence she got up from her hiding place, hands raised as she walked to face her assailant head on. Was she stupid? Perhaps. Was she going to die? Most definitely. But, she didn't deserve this and she was at least going to make that much clear. Taking deep breath, she looked up bravely only to widen her eyes slightly in suprise. He was handsome. She had expected a sleezy, moustache-bearing, foul-smelling asshole. The man in front of her was still an asshole; except he had a clean face, long, black silky hair with perfect loose curls which she could imagine would be heaven to run her hands through. His eyes were dark and dangerous which perfectly matched the rest of his solemn demeanour. At least she would die living some girl's Wattpad dream.

"I didn't do or see anything, neither did I force you to run after me. If you hate running then you just should've stayed put and finished whatever the fuck you were doing dickhead." The man cocked his head to the side, face stoic but his eyes glimmered with amusement. He lowered his gun slightly.

"Darling, I think you're forgetting I'm the one holding the gun." His voice was smooth and Ezra hated it. This would be so much easier if this man wasn't attractive; now when her death would appear on the news, people would romanticise her killer instead of chastise him. She could already see the crazy fangirls he would amass at the cost of her death. God why couldn't he be ugly.

"You're going to kill me anyway, at least make it a fair fight, drop your gun. It's the least you can do asshole." Yong chuckled sardonically, he put his gun on the floor slowly, all the while his dark eyes remained on her.

"Such an uncouth mouth on such a pretty girl." He tutted before sending a grim smile in her direction. "Have it your way darling." This was it. Ezra's one and only chance to defend herself, whether she was going to die or not depended on this moment. The odds were against her, she knew that but she had to try. Fuelled by anger of the evening's sudden and unjust turn of events she dropped her bag, which she forgot she was even holding on to, and rushed towards Yong. He grinned, putting his hands out in front of him, ready for the attack. But to his surpise, Ezra suddenly fell to the floor, using one clean kick of her legs to sweep him off of his feet. He fell on his back, blinking up at the sky in shock. A girl had knocked him to the ground with one move. Ezra got up quickly, knowing that toxic masculinity would come into play soon and the man was going to attack harder, driven by the humiliation of being floored by her. Without hesitation she delivered a swift kick to his face as soon as he got up. He stumbled backwards and Ezra followed up quickly with a punch. However Yong was able to dodge it, spitting out blood from the kick before turning to his head to look at her. If she had thought his look was dangerous before, his gaze was now deadly. So much so Ezra lowered her trembling hands slightly, praying he would make her death quick.

"You know how to fight, darling." He complimented as he walked towards her. With each step forward, Ezra took a step back. "But it's getting late and I'm tired of playing." With that he rushed towards her and Ezra turned around to start running however Yong used the same clean sweep she had used previously to knock her off her feet. Her head hit the ground roughly causing her vision to blur. She attempted to get up, trying to clear her vision when she felt him grab hold of her ankle and pull him towards her. Soon he was on top of her, hands around her neck as he looked down at her smugly. "I'm sorry things have to be this way darling." He whispered into her ear. "It's a shame really, you're quite a strong and beautiful young lady. We must have been enemies in our past life." His grip on her neck began to tighten slowly. "Let's be lovers in our next." he said, kissing her cheek gently before sending her a wink. And with that her air flow was cut, hands instinctively going to her neck as she fought for air.

Yong's face remained stoic as he looked down at the struggling woman, her eyes stared up at him but something about the way she was looking at him bothered him. Most of his victims would have been begging for mercy, eyes filled with desperation at this point. However, she was glaring at him, nails digging into his skin. Not out of desperation to live or fear of dying but out of anger. She was pissed off and something about that made his mind go into overdrive. Who was this woman? He suddenly released his hold.

"Why aren't you begging to live?" He questioned, grabbing her chin roughly and forcing her to look up at him.

"Because I don't deserve to die." She spat back, voice hoarse. Without warning, she stretched out her hand to reach for the gun he had put down earlier, slamming the butt of it into the side of his head before pushing him off of her and getting up to run away. Yong touched the his head, looking at the blood with a wicked smile before looking at the woman who had run off.

He was going to make her his.


Noah smoked the last of his cigarette, looking at his watch as he waited impatiently for his friend. "Where the fuck is that bastard?" He muttered to himself when he suddely felt his phone ring.

"Noah?" Hendrix all but yelled through the phone.

"You don't have to fucking yell idiot." Noah spat, dropping the cigarette to the floor before stepping on it.

"Oh sorry, I'm at Chan's club so I can't hear shit. Are you guys done yet? Join us!" He rolled his eyes when he heard the music in the background.

"We ran into a little problem, Yong's dealing with it right now and I don't know if he'll be up for clubbing after it."

"What kind of problem?" Hendrix asked,worried.

"Nothing we can't handle. You kn- Wait, I'll call you back in a second." Noah turned the phone off quickly as he spotted Yong's approaching silhouette. "What took you so long?" He asked, walking to meet him however he stopped in stance when he saw the woman that was slumped over his shoulder.

"Is she alive?" Noah questioned with wide eyes, stumbling over his feet slightly as he followed Yong towards his car.

"Who knows." He said with a grin as he opened the car trunk dropping Ezra into it before slamming the door shut. He turned to Noah who was still staring him wide-eyed. Yong patted his shoulder before rounding the car towards the drivers seat.

"Where are you taking her?" Noah asked just before he closed the door.

"Home." Was the response he got before Yong sped off, leaving Noah behind to contemplate what havoc his friend was going to wreak now.

A/N: What are you thinking about the story so far? Don't forget to vote and comment! 

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