Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Nobles vs Pirates

22 1 0
By Otar3000

The Dunkinker pirates kept striking at the snow wall which proved to be tougher than expected for some reason.

They soon found out why, there was solid ice within it which was confusing... usually a giant snow ball consists of just huge mass of snowflakes...

'Ay wait a minute!'

As they kept getting through, one of them could swear that they saw a silhouette

'Cap'n Bouff there seems to be somethin' inside!'

'What be it bilge rat? I ordered to remove everythin' that there we don't need already! I don't plan to freeze me bones!

He scoffs before continuing 'I tell ye Cap'n there be someone inside this here icycle!'

An irritated captain comes over "You better have something useful or else I'll slit ye'-"

His irritation then gone from confusion to shock as he tries to make something out of the images

There were two tall ladies and the three of little brats... the latter appear to be like poor people from the streets

One lady was silver haired and white suits which made it very difficult to notice her amid snowflakes

The other was with red or brown hair with blackish suit... and a familiar symbol...

And then he remembered something...

"Men! brin' me the bounties that there we 'ave o'er 'ere!"

They did exactly that as big nosed pirate handed over the papers of latest bounties to the scarred captain

As he searched over them, Elsa was gettting ready to remove the dome

She creates two blades and a bo weapon out of freezing air for herself and Anna

Anna looks at the William, Karl and Amelia

"You stay here. We will leave as soon as they're taken care of."

Williiam : But maybe we can help!

Anna - No, not this time! It'll be safer for you to get behind us!

Amelica : I'm not agaisnt fighting back but maybe we should talk ot them first?

Elsa - Amelia, these are pirates! They won't even care to listen!

And then the captain laughs out in amusement

"You are damn right on that! Why should we when we can ransom you both for some more doubloons!"

Big mustached pirate says "Of course we will captain! Look how many of these pigs we have here!"

Captain slams him in the head

"Not that you imbecile! Men, it looks lek we have two old queens of arendelle here! King Hans put would pay a whole lot for their heads!"

Some crewmates were shocked while some were delighted at the news

"Men prepare the chains and cells! An' be ready if they start fighting! Ye can do whatever with the brats!"

One with big beard yells "LET'S RANSACK THEM!"



Captain - Ah aye! with these bounties 'ere, we wont need them anymore! HAHAHAHA!

Hearing all of this did two things, scaring three little northuldrans and enraging two sisters

The pirates didn't know who thy were dealing with here

And they are about to find out

Next thing they knew was when the blizzard came into their cabin blasting them away

Shocked and angry, the captain stands back up only to see the two queens eyeing him and his crew who were taking up blades and guns, thirsty for blood.


And so the pirates clashed with the sisters who were superior to them in fighting skill

Anna as supreme commander of Arendellian army, have grown in her prowess and for many years managed to drive back numerous invaders when prepared and focused. She had to hold back agasint northudlrans but not agasint thse pirates.

Elsa as a powerful Fairy Queen of Ice, trained very well in both fighting capability as well as in creatively using her abilites when her mind was clear. Her mind was clouded with rage when fighting Bron, but not now!

And so they have managed to beat pirates back and out of cabin and are now fighting on deck, away from the kids and prisoners below

Anna manged to outmaneuver her attackers throwing them off the ship while Elsa used her bo weapon to redirect their attacks on their own

Anna however while distracted was shot in the shoulder by the captain who cackling sinisterly

However there was yet another thing pirates are notorious for, they follow no rules but their own.

Pirates then began opening fire at Elsa with cannonballs

She narrowly managed to make a wall in time before she got shot in the foot

"Ghh you're fighting dirty huh!"

Captain Alamar - There be no such shite as fair or unfair in the pirate's world! Fire men!

Anna quickly hides behind the mast as gunshots are heard

'Godspeed! So these are the fire arms! They are as deadly if not deadlier than thrown stones!'

Captain Jan de Bouff - AHAHAHAH I Can't wait to have you in my hands! I'm sure whomever pays for you won't mind if we have some fun with you!

Captain sure was confident in himself and his crew if he had the gall to boast like that, that was his undoing as after hearing this something within Elsa just stirred

Her leg got healed up as he stood up and started charging towards the captain who tried to shoot her again but the gun froze in his hand strangely

Giving an opening to Elsa who managed to tackle and pin him down after which she encased his hands in icey cuffs


"Do anything to my family and I'll make sure you won't have fun with anyone anytime soon!" Her tone had venom in it that had the captain on edge

'Ay let our Cap'n go! Or Or this lady here will get bullets in 'er 'ead!" - Alamar, a pirate whose nose was drilled with gold ring, held Anna by a gun point as the other two teammates stand by him, targeting Elsa for any funny moves

His threat earned Elsa's attention and as she glared daggers at him, the possiblity of death had came up in the mind of an edgy pirate

He was panicking for his life, for some reason he believed that he wasn't gonna leave this place alive

Anna noticed this so she decides to be reasonable "Listen it doesnt have to end this way, just let us go and we'll be on our way!"

Alamar - Oh I just don't buy that we can do that here when our Cap'n is in 'er 'ands! So batten down yer hatch, matey!

His two mates then smell something burning in their backsides before they painfully jump up yelling and runnnig off with one of them falling off the ship

A kid William and Amelia appeared from behind them as they held a torching sticks

Anna - You? Why are you here!?

Elsa - We told you to stay down there!

Captain used this distraction to get away from Elsa as he gave his next order

Captain Bouff - Shoot 'em both it ain't matter anymore! We can bring 'em in dead!

Just as the pirates prepared to take their aim, they were intercepted by the released people from the cabin who slammed them with barrels and took their weapons

Karl came out of the cabin while more people who refused to join their crew had took to the deck, starting a slave rebellion and led the heavy fighting

Amelia - You freed everyone right?

Karl - None are left chained I confirm!

William - So mutiny against piracy has begun!

Alamar whom has recovered his butt, walks towards them "Why ye insignificant little-!"

He was met with Anna’s fist to his face as the freed slaves tackled him

Big nosed pirate then noticed a set of danish ships approaching their destination and yelled out to the crew

'Ay the danish navy's comin' this way!'

Hearing this the crew grew anxious, if they stay here they won't be able to fight both released slaves and the naval forces

So they amde their decision in panick "ABORT THE SHIP!"

Captain - No! Stand an' fight, ye cowards!

"Oh nO! I ain't about to go back to me jail!"

And one by one they started to abandon the ship, all while their captain watched in horror

He refses to believe that thisis how it ends for once a dutch privateer turned great pirate who led dunkinkers in the North Sea.

He was brought back to reign once more, to gain back the glory and freedom he enjoyed.

And yet he failed and so he may have to answer to those very people whom revived him.

The danish navy won't let him go either... there is no way out...

His eyes then landed on Anna as his hadns clenched to the point of bleeding, his eyes glowing yellow...

If he's gonna go down here, he'll gonna take her with him.

He charges at Anna with all his might and speed, as if his life depended on him!

Anna however won't fall for that again and instead ran at him but before he catches her she slides under him and hit his wooden leg so he'll lose balance

And so he did as he leans against the ledge him by his beard "Surrender now!"

As if feeling the eerie whistle of death, he was grabbing his gun lifting it to shoot but then felt something sharp pierce his chest

This caused Anna to stand back as she watched him get choked after which he falls off the ship into the cold waters

She looked back at Elsa in shock

Elsa didn't love that look one bit

The stiffening silence continued for a while before it got interrupted by a kid signaling for the navy ship

Amelia - Over here! Over here!

Anna regained her composure... eyeing Elsa and giving her an unspoken message

'Not now. We'll talk later'

One Elsa reluctantly took for now.

The danish officer - Er alle okay? Er der nogen pirater her?

Anna - Vi har det relativt okay, officer. Og nej, piraterne er blevet besejret.

The officer then changed his stance when he saw Anna and started talking on Norwegian

"Your majesty?...What are you doing here?"

Anna - It's good to see you too officer Alexander...

Alexander then inspects the surroundings, coming ot the conclusion that pirates indeed been taken care of and hostages were freed

O. Alexander- You're hurt your majesty?...

Anna - Just in the shoulder don't worry...
Anna then rubs her belly and realises suddenlt now that she's been risking greatly. She was lucky it hit her shoulder... had it been hit a little lower...

O. Alexander- Your majesty?...

Too pained by the thought, she pushed it away instead focusing on the main question...

Anna - Officer... if you are here then we must be in seas of the Southern Isles...

Alexander said nothing simply nodding in return

Though he noticed that queen Elsa looked more alarmed instead of relieved

Anna - If so then we would like to have a word with one Princess Ariel and Prince Eric.



Wow I finally done it. New content, new region and new interactions.

I've got this idea of pirates scuffling from this episode here : watch?v=O02iGrrUV8g&t=1s

And honestly I'm dissapointed, so much content of Frozen yet none feature pirates. Wouldn't anyone be happy if our loveable disney princesses turned disney queens fought against the scum of the sea? I'd certainly would.

One would say Elsa has anger issues apparently, which is really out of chracter or is it just the result of straining years? Where is this rage come from? We'll see what caused her yandere mode. And she didn't even use everything she has in her fighting arsenal yet.

Jan de Bouff was a Dutch renegade privateer who, during the Dutch War of Independance, entered Habsburg service and raided shipping as a Dunkirker during 1602. Last time in december 1602, he was battling against dutch ships and it is unknown whether De Bouff survived this battle; there are no further recorded incidents following the battle. So I had him (and maybe more notorious pirates) be brought back in time via 'means' which you'll find out about eventually.

Alamar - Spanish name meaning "gilded or coated in gold''


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