Keenry Stories

By MultiPassions

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Just A Bunch Of Cute Keenry Scenes Written By Yours Truly More

Let's Skate
The Pickup
Jealousy Jealousy

Happy Birthday Robby

485 8 0
By MultiPassions

This chapter is being posted on February 4th, Robby Keene's actual birthday in the show. For the first time in forever he has a group of friends who appreciate him and are actually a good influence to him. The best part about all of this...he has a girlfriend who loves him deeply.

Tory's POV

Tomorrow is the big day...Robby's birthday. Robby is a lot of firsts in my life...first crush...first kiss...first boyfriend...I've never had anyone else to celebrate in my life other than my mom and brother so this is a first as well. I want to throw him a big surprise party, it's the big 18 and he deserves to have a party where he is being celebrated, surrounded by the people who love him which is why I'll be getting their help too.

Tory's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door and when she opened it she saw Robby.

Tory: Hey babe. *She kissed him*.

Robby: Hey, what are you plans for today?

Tory froze at that question because her true plans were to leave right before he had knocked on the door so she could go meet her friends for the preparation but of course she couldn't tell him that.

Tory: Uh Brandon isn't feeling too good and my mom's caretaker if off today so I'm playing nurse all day.

Robby: Oh really? Can I help?

Tory: No you don't have to do that. Last thing you need to be is around sick people, especially with your special day tomorrow. Let me handle this and I will text you throughout the day okay?

Robby: Okay well know I'm here. I'll see you later.

He pulled her in for a quick kiss before riding off on his skateboard. Tory was able to take a quick breath of relief as she closed the door and texted the group that she was gonna be a tad bit late but she was still coming. She grabbed her keys, waited a few minutes and then made her way over to the LaRusso's house where everyone was waiting for her. She walked through the door and was greeted by everyone.

Eli: There she is, the woman of the hour.

Miguel: About time you got here, you left us all on the edges of our seats while waiting.

Tory: Sorry about that, the man of the hour showed up at my place for a bit so he stalled me.

Sam: So what do you have in mind for the party?

Tory: Okay well let's be real here, the LaRusso's have the best place so if it was okay with y'all I was wondering if we could host it here or the backyard so it's less of a mess.

Stingray: Or we could host it at my place and have unlimited no rules fun.

Tory: Understandable but I feel like this place feels more familiar to him and I already have my excuses in order for us to come to the LaRusso's so yeah.

Daniel: It's perfectly fine with me, we can have this place ready in no time.

Tory: Okay great, thank you. I'll be bringing him here at 6 tomorrow so be ready. So I already have the day planned, I'm taking him rollerskating, then out for a quick non filling bite to eat, then to a Dirty Dancing movie marathon that is playing in the park.

This got a look of confusion out of everyone.

Tory: Yeah I know it's a crazy coincidence but it's perfect since Robby grew up watching that show. Then finally I'm taking him to our special place and then Sam at 5:45 I need you to text me. It doesn't matter what you say, I just need my phone to go off so I can start my excuse to come here.

Sam: Okay setting the alarm now. Miguel set one too just in case so we got a backup alarm.

Miguel: Got it.

Tory: So the decorations are already paid for at the stores, you'll just need to go pick it up and bring it back here. Cake will be ready tomorrow at 4, Demetri and Eli I'm trusting you with that pickup. Can I?

Demetri: Yes ma'am we got it.

Eli: We won't let nothing happen to it.

Demetri: I will be driving be the way...sorry man you can drive wild sometimes.

Eli: Sorry man, The Hawk just likes to come out when I'm driving but again Tory don't worry we got this. I'll keep the cake safe in my lap while Demetri drives.

Tory: Good. The cater will be coming at 5 as well so we just need someone here to make sure they can be let in and set up. They told me they don't need to stay here which is good because their trucks would spoil everything as me and Robby pull into the driveway.

Amanda: I love how even though you just got our permission to use the house, you still had everything set to still come here.

Tory: Cause I knew y'all wouldn't say no.

Daniel: You know us well.

Tory: Everything else is just making sure y'all have your gifts for him if you don't have them already and making sure you dress nice. I want tomorrow to go perfect for him and I appreciate you guys helping me. If you think of anything else he might like just let me know so I can approve it.

Eli: Girlfriend of the year.

Everyone chuckled as they all went their separate ways to prepare for tomorrow. Tory felt a little knot in her stomach and she needed to rub her stomach to calm it down a bit.

Devon: Are you okay Tory?

Tory: Yeah I'm fine, just nervous about the plans that's all.

Eli: Don't worry Tory, we won't let you down or Robby.

Demetri: Yeah, y'all scare me too much, even more when y'all are together so best believe I'll do everything in my favor to make sure that cake gets here safe on time.

Everyone laughed at that comment and soon everyone was gone, leaving Tory by herself. This day came a lot faster than she anticipated. Now she had to make her way back home and make sure all of her plans were set in stone for tomorrow. When she got home her mom was doing fine, their caretaker was actually there so she wasn't worried about that and Brandon was playing with his toys in his room. Tory then went to her room to get comfortable and relax. She noticed herself getting tired and when she sleeps, she sleeps hard and long so she made sure to set an alarm for 11:59pm so she could be the first one to wish Robby a happy birthday. Literally minutes after setting the alarm she was out like a night.


Tory jolted awake at her alarm and since she remembered what it was for, it didn't take long for her to gain her senses and click on the FaceTime app. Once 12:00 hit she called Robby and when he answered she could tell he had gotten woken up by her but she didn't care.

Robby: Hello?

Tory wasn't gonna admit it but his sleepy voice was so sexy.

Tory: Happy birthday sexyyyy!

Robby: There is no way you waited till midnight to tell me happy birthday.

Tory: Of course I did, how could I not?

Robby: Well thank you baby.

Tory: I love you Robby. In the morning come over so I can give you some birthday cuddles and maybe a little something extra.

Robby: Yes ma'am.

Robby was lucky that his face couldn't be seen in the dark cause it was super red with blush right now.

Tory: Alright well I'll let you get back to sleep, goodnight handsome.

Robby: Goodnight beautiful.

They kissed their phones before hanging up on each other.

The Next Morning

Tory was awoken by a slight knock at the door. Since she took too long to answer they ended up letting themselves in. She knew who it was cause the only spare key available was in Robby's possession. She took a quick breathe mint before Robby opened her room door. He was greeted with a huge smile from Tory's face.

Tory: There's my birthday man, come here.

Robby closed the door and Tory opened her arms and legs so Robby could lay his body right on top of hers. He immediately went in for a kiss which resulted in her straddling his whole body with her legs. Their hands got tangled in each others hair, Robby's saliva escaping his mouth and entering Tory's. He could feel himself growing which made Tory giggle into the kiss and made Robby pull away.

Robby: What's so funny?

Tory: Don't play dumb.

Robby tilted his head in confusion and the next thing he knew Tory pushed him off of her undid his pants and the rest is well history.

Two Hours Later

They were both laying in Tory's bed cuddling for a little bit longer before they finally had to get up.

Tory: Come on Robby, you know we can't stay here forever.

Robby: Why can't we? That was the most fun I had in weeks.

Tory: I know but I have stuff planned and we can't be late. We have to leave soon, now get dressed.

Robby: Do we have time for a shower?

Robby grabbed her ass and pulled her back onto him.

Tory: We? Who is we?

Robby: Come on, it'll be beneficial for the both of us.

Tory: You're lucky you're the birthday boy. But no funny business, the bathroom is right next to my brothers room.

Robby: Can't make any promises Tor.

Tory: Oh you better Mr. Kenne otherwise you will be punished.

Robby: You wouldn't dare.

Tory: Watch me.

Tory smacked his ass as she made her way to the bathroom.

Tory: So are you coming or what?

Robby wasted no time rushing to the bathroom, pulling her into a kiss and closing the door.

20 Minutes Later

After they were both cleaned up and dressed they made their way out the door and to their first activity which was rollerskating.

With The Others

Eli: Okay people! Let's get the decorating started.

Miguel: Man Tory really went out with these decorations.

Demetri: I can't wait to see what the cake is gonna look like. I bet it's extravagant.

Sam: Miguel can you go get the ladder out my garage so we can put these streamers up?

Daniel: Already on that. Let me handle the heights. You can go see if the ladies need help in the kitchen.

Sam: Wow confine me to the kitchen.

Daniel- Sam I-.

Sam: I'm just teasing dad.

She laughed as she made her way to the kitchen. There she saw Shannon, Amanda, Carmen, and Yaya all praising what they were eating.

Sam: What's going in in here?

Carmen: Just loving my mothers cooking. Tory sent over some of Robby's favorite foods and she is just bringing them to new heights.

Shannon: She has me beat and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Sam: Can I try some?

Yaya: Of course!

Yaya got a clean spoon and dipped it into her creation to give to Sam. The look on Sam's face was priceless.

Sam: This is literally amazing, Robby is gonna love this! What else do y'all have up your sleeves?

Amanda: You're just going to have to wait until 6. We are all good in here so you can go back to the decorations if you'd like.

Sam: Yes mom.

Despite Sam not being in there for too long, Daniel was able to hang up so much stuff. Almost looked like a whole new house.

Kenny: Hey do we have a table for the presents yet?

Sam: Yes we do, it's right in that corner.

Kenny: Thanks, I hope this can make up for the stuff I did.

Sam: Kenny, we all did things that we regret. The only thing that we can do now is learn from them and grow as humans who sometimes make mistakes. Robby cares for you deeply and just you bring free from Cobra Kai's grasp is more than enough to make him happy.

Kenny: Thanks Sam.

They fist bumped each other and after that Kenny made his way to the gift's table.

With Keenry

They just got done with rollerskating and now it was time for a light snack so their day could continue.

Tory: Where do you want to eat?

Robby: Well I'm not too hungry but maybe we can DoorDash some breadsticks from Olive Garden.

Tory: Are you serious? Just the breadsticks?

Robby: Don't knock them until you try them.

Tory: What address would we even put for them to deliver?

Robby: How about Olive Garden itself?

Tory: You are so crazy.

Robby: That's probably the only way to get them without having to eat in and spend a fortune.

Tory: Okay fine let's go. Order while I drive there.

By the time they got there, their dasher was actually just walking out the door.

Robby: Hey um excuse me, that is my order.

Greg: You're Robby Keene?

Robby: Yes.

Greg: What are you doing here?

Robby: This is the one way to guarantee breadsticks without going inside and getting a full meal.

Greg: Smart choice. Enjoy these, they are hot and fresh.

Robby: Thanks man take care.

Robby grabbed the bag and made his way back to Tory's car and was about to dig in but Tory stopped him by grabbing the bag from his hands.

Tory: Ah ah ah, not yet.

Robby: What whyyyyyy?

Tory: You'll see in a few minutes.

Robby grew a bit pouty and needy while tapping Tory's shoulder hoping she'd give in and give them back but she didn't until she pulled up to the park.

Tory: Wouldn't you rather enjoy these breadsticks while watching Dirty Dancing?

Robby: I fucking love you.

Tory: Let's go!

With Demetri & Eli

Demetri: Okay it's about that time, let's head over to Publix so we can pick up the cake.

Sam: Okay guys please be careful, we do not want to bring out the Cobra in Keenry if y'all mess up.

Miguel: What's Keenry?

Sam: Tory and Robby's ship name. Thought it was cute, just thought of it today. Gonna tease them with it tonight.

Eli: We got this, it's a simple cake delivery. How bad can it get? Let's ride!

Demetri started the car and Eli immediately put some music on to jam to as they moseyed their way down to Publix. Something they weren't expecting was a super long line in the bakery area.

Eli: Oh you've got to be kidding me. Any other time it would've been dead and dry in here!

Demetri: Hey relax, hopefully we get far in 15 minutes and even then the party doesn't start for another hour. Remember who we're doing this for. For Robby? *He holds out his fist*.

Eli: For Robby. *He fists bumps him back*.

At The LaRusso's

Daniel: Alright guys I must say, this house is looking and smelling great. Robby is going to love this but one thing is missing. Where's Johnny?

Right as he said that Johnny came through the door.

Carmen: Johnny where have you been baby?

Johnny: Look outside and that will tell you.

Everyone gathered at the front door and gasped when they saw what used to be his Cobra Kai car in a whole new light. It had been painted red and black, had a new tag, interior, and had been deep cleaned from the inside out.

Johnny: This is my gift to Robby.

Daniel: Johnny this is amazing! How did you afford all of that!?

Johnny: Had to start living my life right eventually ya know. Started saving up and bam here we are. Robby deserves a good and safe set of wheels.

Shannon: Oh Johnny! *She hugs him*. This is amazing, Robby is going to freak when he sees this!

Johnny: Is there any place we can hide it so he doesn't see it when him and his girlfriend arrives later?

Daniel: I know just the spot, I'll drive it around back.

Johnny: Thanks LaRusso. Now is there anything else that needs to be done?

Miguel: Uh yeah the backyard still needs some decorations so we can all go help with that. And soon the catering trucks will be here with the food and we can all help with that too.

Johnny: On it!

With Keenry

Robby: Man I don't think I can ever get tired of that movie.

Tory: I loved being reminded of the dance we did at prom.

Robby: God we have grown so much since then but that night will be something I will never forget.

Tory smiled as she pulled into the back parking lot of the amusement park they went to after prom.

Robby: Trip down memory lane huh?

Tory: You know I had to do it. I mean this was the night that started it right?

Robby: You're right.

They decided to get in the back seat so they could cuddle each other better as they watched the amusement park ride swing back and forth.

Robby: You looked so beautiful that night, it only confirmed my crush on you more.

Tory: Thanks...that night I wasn't sure of my feelings but I definitely fell harder than I could've ever imagined. I didn't plan on falling in love again after Miguel but seems like fate had other plans.

Robby: And I'm grateful for fate everyday.

All of a sudden Robby pushed her out his lap and pinned her down on the seat.

Robby: You're mine Tory Nichols.

Tory: Then fuck me like I'm yours.

Robby: With pleasure.

We can only imagine what happens next. The next 30 minutes were filled with pure love being transferred from each other. It was their best session yet and being where it all began only made this more meaningful. By the time they were done and cleaned up Tory's phone went off right on cue.

Tory: Hey Sam needs us so we're about to go to the LaRusso's.

Robby: Everything okay?

Tory: She didn't say so I have no idea.

She turned her head away from Robby so she could let out the little smile that escaped her lips as she pulled out the parking lot.

At The LaRusso's

Sam: Okay everyone they should be here in a matter of minutes!

Miguel: Wait where's the ca-.

Demetri: WE'RE HERE!

They came busting through the door almost breaking it off the hinges.

Devon: What took so long!?

Eli: There was a long line and most of them were filled with fucking Karen's who had complaints over dumb shit.

Demetri: But we're here and that's all that matters.

He places the cake down on the table and everyone made last minute touches before they finally saw Tory's car headlights shine through the windows.



One minute later Tory and Robby came walking through the door. The lights cut on and everyone sprung up and shouted.


Robby went into a quick shock and put up his fists before he realized the people in front of him. That was then replaced with the biggest smile you could ever imagine out of him.

Robby: What is this?

Miguel: A surprise party that was carefully orchestrated-.

Tory: By yours truly. *She kisses him*. Happy birthday babe!

Robby: Thank you so much...all of you! This will definitely be a day I will never forget.

Amanda: Now come on and let's eat! You have a pretty wide variety to choose from Robby.

Kenny: Happy birthday man! *He dapped him up*.

Robby: Thanks Kenny, glad to see you here.

Kenny: Really?

Robby: Of course. *He smiles at him*.

Yaya: Ven Robby, déjame prepararte un plato. (Come Robby, let me fix you a plate).

Robby hesitated since he didn't know Spanish but Miguel came to the rescue.

Miguel: She is about to fix you a big plate so I hope you have a big appetite.

Robby: I do man thank you. Thanks for sharing your family with me.

Miguel: It's our family man.

They gave each other a quick side hug before Yaya pulled him away and soon everyone was at the table eating and having a great time.

Robby: I love the taste of homemade food and my favorite places, best combination.

Johnny: You have a badass appetite, you get that from me.

Robby: I know I do dad. *He laughed*.

Johnny: I'm really glad I could be here for this one, and I'm going to be here for the rest of them too. If I'm not it's cause you are out traveling the world and doing amazing stuff. But know if you're here in Reseda on February 4th then I'm here for you. I love you Robby.

Robby didn't realize it until Johnny wiped them away but tears were falling from his eyes. Johnny leaned in for a hug and Robby never moved faster. It was a nice sweet moment that was long overdue. After everyone got done eating it was time to open the gifts. Most of them were karate related but some did include video games, necessities, and matching couple fits from Tory. Once he got done Johnny finally made his move.

Johnny: Alright there is one gift left.

Robby: Did I miss one?

Johnny: No you didn't, just follow me but Nichols be sure to cover his eyes.

Tory: Will do.

Tory slowly led him to the back back part of the backyard. Daniel was going to make sure the car couldn't be spotted from nowhere. Everyone was following behind them with anticipation as they finally made their way in front of the car. Johnny places the car keys in Robby's hand and at that moment Tory uncovered his eyes. Robby fell to his knees in a millisecond.

Robby: YOU DIDN'T!?

Johnny: I DID!

Robby got up and pounced on his father and they started shaking each other like crazy due to all the adrenaline flowing through their bodies. They jumped up and down and even cried a little bit more as the others cheered for them. Robby pulled away and touched the car and all he could do was stare.

Robby: This is really mine?

Johnny: Yes Robby, I couldn't have you on that skateboard everywhere you went. You needed a sturdy set of wheels so I bought it back from Stingray, changed the interior, cleaned it, and boom here it is.

Robby: This is the best day of my life, I love you dad.

Johnny: I love you too son. Now less talking and more driving! Let's take this on a joyride WOOO!

Robby: WOOOO!

Everyone laughed as the two pulled out of the backyard and onto the street, still hearing the car as it got further away. After an hour they finally returned, everyone else was doing their own thing and soon enough Robby was able to find the love of his life waiting for him in the backyard.

Tory: How was the joyride?

Robby: *He chuckles* It was amazing Tory, today was absolutely perfect from start to finish. How much was all of this?

Tory: Robby don't even worry about that because I would spend it all again in a heartbeat. Whatever it takes to make you happy and feel loved because you out of all people deserve that Robby.

Robby: I don't know what I did to deserve you.

Tory: You were just you Robby...that was more than enough to make you mine.

Robby: Tory Nichols, I love you so much.

Tory: Robby Keene, I love you more.

Robby: Stop lying.

They smiled as Robby pulled her in for a kiss, he didn't care who saw them. They had been making out for five minutes before they got startled by someone.

Sam: Awwwww Keenry is looking so in loveeee. *She teases*.

Tory: Keenry? What's Keenry?

Sam: It's Robby's last name and your first name put together. It's y'all's ship name and y'all will learn to love it.

Robby: I already do, it binds us together in a way no one else can. *He grabs her hand*.

Tory: You're so cheesy.

Robby: And you know you're in love with it.

Tory: Point Keene.

She pulled him in for another kiss and soon they heard fireworks. They looked up and soon slowly looked back into each other's eyes and had one final kiss under the colorful lights once again.

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