Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios

By 553Butterfly553

1.5M 30.4K 43.3K

A set of scenarios with Itachi, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Tobi and Deidara. Some strong language and suggestive... More

1 When You First Meet
2 When You Meet Again
3 When He Finds Out You Have A Boyfriend
4 When Your Date Goes Wrong
6 When You Both Confess
7 Your First Date/First Kiss
8 Your First Fight
9 Making Up
10 Moving Into the Hideout/Meeting Their Friends
11 When They Are Sick
12 A Normal Day in the Hideout/A Month Later
13 When They Walk in on You Taking a Shower
14 When You Are Jealous
15 When They Get Drunk
16 When They Are Jealous
17 Second Date/ When Someone Flirts With Them
18 When Their Partner Flirts With You
19 When They Try To Spice Up The Bedroom Activities
20 When Their Partner Embarrasses Them
21 When You Make Them Jealous
22 When Someone Catches You Two Making Out
23 When You Almost Die
24 When They Are Gay for a Day
Author's Note
25 When They Are Sad
26 When They Admit They Want Children
27 When You Walk In on Them Taking a Shower
28 When They Are Being Perverted­
29 When an Akatsuki Member Hurts You
30 When You Get Kidnapped
31 When They Realize You've Been Taken
32 While You Are Captured
33 When You Get Rescued
34 When You Accuse Him of Cheating
35 When You Find Out You're Pregnant
36 When You Talk In Your Sleep
37 When They Talk In Their Sleep
38 When You Introduce Them to Your Family
39 When They Try To Cook
40 When They Are In a Bad Mood
41 When You Get Lost and They Find You
42 When You Are In a Bad Mood
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
Author's Note About Updates
43 When It's Your Birthday
44 When It's Their Birthday
45 When You Wake Up With Them
46 When They Propose
47. When They Call You Fat
48. When You Get Married
49 When You Have a Baby
Final Author's Note
Question From The Author
Madara Uchiha or No?
Madara Uchiha Scenarios
Akatsuki Boyfriend Scenarios - Part 2

5 When You Find Out They Are Akatsuki Members

36.1K 812 988
By 553Butterfly553



You were hanging out with a few of your ninja friends. They were discussing the evil organization, the Akatsuki. You of course had heard about them, but you didn't really care too much about it. You only began paying attention when they told you what the leader of the organization is rumored to look like.

"Orange hair and covered in piercings?" You questioned, just to make sure you heard right. Your friends nodded their head and asked you why you asked. You came up with some lame excuse that they accepted. Once they left, you waited around for Pein to show up.

"Hello _____." Pein said as he finally arrived at your house.

"You are the leader of the Akatsuki?" You asked, not even saying hello to him. His eyes widened for a second before returning to normal.

"How'd you find out?"

"My friends. Why didn't you tell me?"

"For my safety and yours."

"Well were you ever going to tell me?"


"Well, I guess I can't be mad at you. it does seem like something you wouldn't normally tell a person you met randomly."

"Thank you for understanding."

"You're lucky you're cute." You grumbled as you shook your head.

"I'm lucky because I'm what?" Pein asked, even though he heard you clearly.

"Nothing..." You responded, a bit panicky.


Zetsu always wore his cloak. You didn't know what the cloak was for or represented. Well, you weren't sure until you saw a bingo book with an Akatsuki cloak in it. You then realized that Zetsu must be one of the members that haven't been identified yet. You rushed to your garden, where Zetsu oddly normally appears as if he's living there.

"Zetsu!" You yelled as you burst into the garden. Sure enough, said plant man came up out of the ground.

"What is wrong _____?" The white half asked. "We were sleeping." The black half grumpily replied.

"When were you going to tell me you were a part of a secret evil organization that wants to complete world domination?" You sad quickly, hoping he understood all you had asked. Both the black and white half stared at you, shocked.

"Never." The black half said as the white half said "Eventually."

"Which one of you is lying?" You put your hands on your hips.

"Him." They both responded.

"Well whichever it is, I wish you would have told me."


"It's pretty cool and I have no problem with it."

"She knows our secret, we should kill her now." The black half whispered to the white half.

"Um, how about no. I'll keep your secret, just don't kill me."

"Fine. You can live." You smiled at Zetsu but were concerned that he was really thinking about eating you.


You had taken a trip to the Sand Village to talk to someone about puppets. While you were there, you found out that Sasori was once a part of the Sand and that he became a killer and such. You were shocked, but kind of saw that coming. Then you found out that he was a part of the Akatsuki. You didn't see that one coming.

Once you got home, it was a few days until Sasori appeared again. He was all ready to go and make more puppets but you had to know if what you heard was the truth or not.

"Sasori, can I ask you a question?" You asked as you entered his workshop within your town.

"What is it?" He responded, not too thrilled about being questioned.

"Are you an Akatsuki member?"

"Yes I am, who told you?" He seemed angry.

"Someone from the Sand Village."

"What is your opinion of it?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I mean it's completely fine with me as long as nothing bad happens to me because of it." You smiled at him. He seemed relieved but tried to hide it.

"Well, that is good then." He brought out the puppet you two were going to be working on. The two of you went on with your day like nothing had changed.



It's been a few days since you last saw Itachi and you were beginning to worry. He told you he'd be away for work, but you never got a chance to find out what he does for a job. You were worried he'd end up getting killed or something.

It was around midnight when there was a knock at your bedroom window. You had been awake reading, so you weren't as freaked out as you would have been if you were sleeping. You looked over at the window to see Itachi.

"Itachi?" You questioned as you set your book down and got up out of bed. You opened the window and watched Itachi fall in. You could see that he was hurt and bleeding. You also noticed that he was wearing a certain cloak. Even though you were from a small village, you still knew of the Akatsuki. You just didn't know of any members specifically, until now. "Itachi are you okay? What happened to you?" You had suddenly remembered he was laying there bleeding on your floor.

"A tailed beast was stronger than I anticipated." Itachi mumbled, clearly not happy about being wrong about a situation.

"Dammit Itachi! You're bleeding on my floor!" You helped him up and took him to your bathroom. "So you're in the Akatsuki?" You asked as you began to treat his wounds.

"I am. I apologize for not letting you know until now."

"No, it's alright. Now hush, you have to shut up so I can stop all this bleeding. By the way, when you're alright, you are cleaning all this blood up."


You and Kisame hadn't seen each other lately. He said he had to go do his job before he got in trouble with who he worked with. You tried asking him who he works for, but he told you that you wouldn't want to know and that he doesn't want to risk you hating him after finding out what he does. So, you let it go for now. You weren't sure if you wanted to know after you heard that.

So here you are, spending a normal day outside in your fenced in backyard when your normal day went weird. Once second you were feeding the birds and then the next, Kisame fell into your yard looking uneasy.

"K-Kisame?" You stood up and went over to him.

"I'm sorry to barge in like this, but people are after me." You nodded your head and then paused. You noticed the cloak he was wearing.

"You are a member of the Akatsuki?"

"Yes, I am." You sighed and pulled him into your house. You weren't too thrilled about who he was working with, but you weren't about to let him get caught and killed.


Hidan had come out and told you about him working for the Akatsuki. At first you didn't believe it but he showed you his cloak and ring he wears to prove it. He made comments about how he loved to hunt down the tailed beast and kill anyone who got in his way. When you asked him why he didn't tell you right away, he joked and told you that you weren't worthy to know. Clearly it was all one big joke to him.

After that, you avoided the normal spots where Hidan would be around. You weren't sure how to react around him yet. It seems like Hidan forgot about you, until he showed up at your house.

"Hey _____ let me the fuck in!" It was about 3am when you heard the loud knocks and his yelling. You got out of bed and went to your front door. You opened it, ready to yell at him when you saw him. His right arm was sliced off and his left leg was hardly attached.

"Oh my Jashin! Hidan what happened?" You pulled him into your house and sat him on the couch. You ran off to get the sewing kit before he could answer you.

"I got my ass kicked by my fucking partner and then he refused to fucking sew me back together!" Hidan yelled, loud enough that you could hear him clearly in the room you were in.

"So why did you come here?"

"Because I figured you'd help me!"

"I will, just shut the hell up!"


Kakuzu was off doing whatever job he has to do, so you were catching bounties. You managed to catch two, with the help of some ninja stuff that Kakuzu had taught you. You were now at the collection office waiting for your money.

"Here you go _____." The man said as he handed you the money. "If you run into your Akatsuki boyfriend, Kakuzu, tell him I have some information about high bounties that he was interested in."

"Alright, but he isn't my boyfriend...wait Kakuzu is in the Akatsuki?" You questioned when you realized what he has said to you.

"He is, and judging from your reaction, he did not inform you."

"No, he did not." With that, you stormed out of the collection office with your money. You went home and threw the briefcase at the wall, denting it. You were furious, not that Kakuzu is an Akatsuki, but that he kept it from you.

"You seem angry." You let out a scream and turned to your couch. There sat Kakuzu.

"You!" You yelled, pointing at him. "You are a part of the Akatsuki and you didn't tell me!" You yelled at him. For a split second, you could see the shock in his eyes. He didn't have his cloak on or his ring on, so he wasn't sure how you knew about it.

"How did-"

"The collection's office dude told me. Why didn't you tell me? I'm not mad about it, I find it awesome. I just don't know why you didn't tell me." You sat on the couch next to him.

"I should have told you. I apologize."

Tobi *Spoiler in Chapter*

Tobi asked you to not mention his voice after you heard it. You were a little freaked out still, so of course you agreed. It took a week for Tobi to come back around. He told you he was working, but no specific details.

So now here you are wrestling with Tobi after both of you ate a bunch of candy. Suddenly, a ring fell out of his pocket. You've seen an Akatsuki ring before, so you instantly knew what it was.

"Tobi?" You questioned holding the ring up. He gasped and snatched it away from you. "You're an Akatsuki member?"

"Does _____ hate Tobi now?" Tobi asked worried. You giggled and tackled him.

"I could never hate you Tobi, but you're hiding a lot from me and it makes me sad."

"Tobi doesn't want _____ to be sad. Let's go to your house and Tobi will tell you what you need to know." With that Tobi dragged you off to your house. When you were both inside and made sure no one else was around, Tobi took off his mask completely and told you that he is really Obito Uchiha. He confirmed that he was in the Akatsuki and that no one else was allowed to know his true identity. He also told you that he would try to be more open with you as long as you could keep a secret. You could tell he was sorry, so you forgave him. After all, he was still your best friend Tobi even if he was another person also.  


You hadn't seen Deidara for a few days now. He told you he was going to work and that he'd be back eventually. Before he left he taught you how to infuse your chakra into clay to detonate it. So now you are at a craft store, buying the specific type of clay he told you about. You were walking through the isles when you walked into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." You looked at the person to see Deidara in an Akatsuki cloak.

"_____ what are you doing here, hn?" Deidara asked, shocked to see you.

"I'm here getting clay so I can practice..." You took a step back and looked at him. "So you're an Akatsuki?"

"Yes, clearly, hn."

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Not until I knew how you felt about the Akatsuki, hn."

"Well I'm fine with it. I'm mad that you didn't tell me though." The two of you walked the rest of the way to the clay and grabbed some.

"I'm sorry, hn." He suddenly said. "My partner put it in my head that if you found out then you'd hate me, hn." You just couldn't help but giggle. He was nervous on the inside and you could tell even if he'd never admit it.

"I don't hate you Barbie."

"Good, hn. Well I should get back to my mission now. I'll be done in another day or so, hn."

"Alright, good luck Barbie!"

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