Mafia is my little puppy(mdlg)

By NotYourk

381K 10.9K 1.1K

When a stubborn and intolerant, werewolf gets classified as a little puppy, her whole life changes as she is... More

Chapter 1. Classification Day
Chapter 2. Taken
Chapter 3. Shower Tantrums
Chapter 4. Previous Littles
Chapter 5. Bullying
Chapter 6. Competitive
Chapter 7. Paintings and Baths
Chapter 8. Consequences of bullying
Chapter 9. Bandaging and slip
Chapter 10. Care
Chapter 11. Intriguing
Chapter 12. Accident
chapter 13. bottle
Chapter 14. Confession
Chapter 15. Done
Chapter 17. Attempt
Chapter 18. Promise
Chapter 19. A visit
Chapter 20. Lost
Chapter 21. Deal And Surprise
Chapter 22. Annoyance
Chapter 23. Never in peace
Chapter 24. Saved
Chapter 25. Trying
Chapter 26. Alpha
Chapter 27. Mommy and Goodbyes
chapter 28. miserable
Chapter 29. She is staying
Chapter 30. Discussion
Chapter 31. Superiority
Chapter 32. Toy store
Chapter 33. Nightmare
Chapter 34. unruly
Chapter 35. Mama's here to protect you
Chapter 36. Paci
Chapter 37. Forgiveness
Chapter 38. Kill Angel or Don't.
Chapter 39. Revenge on Eliza
Chapter 40. When did you learn to flirt
Chapter 41. Angel is a bitch
Chapter 42. Pets items shopping
Chapter 43. Suckle
Chapter 44. Party primp
Chapter 45. Drunk baby
Chapter 46. Baby Steps
Chapter 47. The Truth
Chapter 48. Making Up

Chapter 16. New

7.7K 257 33
By NotYourk

Aiden's pov

I was searching for Eliza but she was nowhere to be found. I was waiting for her in the room and she didn't come there as well. She must be with those two assholes. Yes, you're right. I still don't understand why she spends more time with them when I am her little. My wolf laughed Why do you care? I don't, just wondering. I went to the art room and saw her painting with that asshole.

"Eliza," I went to her and knelt. "I want to talk to you," She hummed and kept painting with her. "I said something,"

"yes, I heard you, speak," She said still not looking at me. "Not around her, in private," Emily pushed me and stuck out her tongue. "No, go away, she's my now,"

"HEY!" I tried to punch her, but Eliza stopped my hand and shook her head.

"Emily, apologize," She firmly said. Emily pouted and crossed her arms. "No, mommy, she ruby's now, why is she coming to you," I furrowed my eyebrows. Did she tell her about us and Ruby? I don't think she would. "Apologize," Eliza repeated. "Sorry, " She made a face. "Did you tell her?" "No,"

She sat Emily down and came out with me. "Ruby didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"You are going to be her little from now on," I laughed. "Why? Because you want those assholes?"

"Watch your language, and no, figured she is your mate as well as a caregiver, it would be better for your relation,"

I frowned and whispered under my breath. "What if I don't want to be her little?" "She is your mate of course, you would want that, don't you?" I hummed softly and walked away. She just wants Jack and Emily that's why she exchanged you. Yes, the I might want to be Ruby's little was just an excuse.

I went to Ruby's room and knocked on the door. She opened the door for me and pulled me in. She gave me a tight hug. I groaned and said "I can't breath," She laughed and broke the hug. "They allowed us," She hugged me again. I smiled "I told ya,"

She peeked at my lips and said "Of course you did," I went and sat down on her couch."And yeah, I have brought your things here," she said "So fast?" She chuckled and showed me her fangs "Vampire privileges," I threw a pillow at her. She caught it and threw it back at me. "Ow," I rubbed my face.

She sat beside me "I love you so much, baby" I smiled and kissed her hand. "I love you too," She pulled me into her breast. So soft and squishy My wolf moaned out. Stay quiet.

I made myself comfortable and cuddled into her breast. We lay in silence. She locked our hands and said "You know that I am your mommy from now on right?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. "Can I ask you to do something for me?" I nuzzled and nodded. "I have not been here for long, I have barely spent 5-6 months here," She stopped and looked down at me. "Are you listening?" I hummed.

"The other caregivers, they have been here for hundreds of years and their age is around 500s, even most of the littles are around 200, 300 but just like you, I am a teenager, they don't take me seriously, they thought I was a little for a long time,"

I shifted and wrapped my arms around her waist. Aww Tell her, we will bite them for her.  "We will bite them all for you," She laughed "I don't want you to bite them, I just wanted to lay out some rules"

"No," I sat up. "No, no rules, rules sucks,"

"Please Aiden," "No," I shook my head and crossed my arms. "For me? If I don't lay out rules for you, they would underestimate my authority over little more," I sighed, "I hate rules,"

"They aren't that strict I promise,"  hear her out, wouldn't want her to feel ashamed because of us. I rubbed my head and said "Fine but we will remove the ones I don't like," She went and returned with a piece of paper. I sat down and she started telling me the rules. "Number 1, and topmost importantly, you will call me mommy at all times,"

"Noooo" I whined. "Why not? It is compulsory here for every little one to address their caregivers as mommy whether they are in or out of their headspace," She furrowed her eyebrows. "That's embarrassing,"

"How so?" I lowered my head in between my hands and growled in annoyance.

I felt her sitting beside me. She put her hand on my neck and rubbed it. "Okay, no calling me mommy for a while but after a month, it would be made compulsory?" I nodded. Atleast, I wouldn't have to face that now.

"Okay, number 2, No fighting, number 3, Early to bed, early to rise and atleast 1 nap in the day, number 4, proper meal at proper times with 700ml milk per day, number 5 Giving the same Love and Respect you give to me to to the other caregiver,"

What the fucking bullshit is this? Eliza didn't have such rules. Right! "Can you follow them for me?" I scrunched "I don't know," She laughed and said. "Eliza never made such rules,"

"From what I heard she said you are new to all this and you are really young so she didn't want to put so much pressure on you and you were hurt for more than half of the time you spent with her, they were no time to explore much"

Hmm, that makes sense, aaand you were kind of a brat as well so. I scoffed at her. You are a bigger brat than me. "Do you think I can't take care of you?" She said softly. "Of course not!..I don't need anyone for taking care of me,"

"hmm, so that's the case, Aiden, being a little is all about letting others take care of you, that's what makes littles happy,"

"The thing is...I don't want to be a little, I hate it," She turned me so I could face her and said, "Why would you ever hate being a little?"

"Forget it," I said and pulled my hand away. "No, tell me," She pulled.

"Please" I whimpered. She stared at me for a while. "Okay," She said again "This all is going to be new to you but trust me you will love it," I hope not, the same

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