The Academy.

By Kenny_YATES

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Just another day in this fine academy. New experiences, new people, and maybe people to crush on- but you did... More

Chapter 1: Good Days.
Chapter 2: Tunneling Deep.
Chapter 3: Pandora's Box
Chapter 4: Coming Clean.
Chapter 5: Subtle Preparations
Chapter 6: Ever So Close.
Chapter 8: Worst Nightmares Revealed

Chapter 7: Tunneling Deeper

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By Kenny_YATES

As they walked right in, numerous thoughts came to Noella as she thought about these tunnels. First, the Library connected to a strange locker room, that was still being used... And the tunnels from the cafeteria connect to... Wherever this is going to lead.

A part of her wonders that maybe the tunnels connect on where you found them, and since the library was already proven by her encounter... Oh god, her stomach churned when she thought about where this could lead.

Trust me, out of all the things she ate from the cafeteria... She's hoping that she didn't eat what remained of those poor ghosts. May that be the firm reason she brings her own lunches from now on. 

Regardless, they continued on, but the corridor doesn't seem to end any time soon, almost like it's looping, or never-ending. 

It just made her anxious... It's like the place is learning about her. If the building was alive all this time, and knows about what's going on, she became concerned that she could have signed all of their death warrants just by poking the bear. 

But they're also here for Raymond. If more than anything, maybe they can bargain with whoever's running the show, and leave them alone after that. Surely even they can be understanding about that, right? Hopefully?

Noella only gulped when she felt that might not be the case. Yet, they're too deep in, and they can't just pull out. 

"I'm starting to think this could be a trap.... We should stick together." An said with worry... and all of them had the same idea by huddling up together as close as possible.

However, it didn't solve the unease, the hall was starting to feel like it was endless, and looping. Noella felt herself getting nauseous from the thought, but she pressed on. Not a moment of weakness to her friends, and to keep on going. If they're going this far, it'll be all for Raymond. 

Unfortunately.... Fate has... other plans for them. As they kept on going, Noella felt the floor starting to give way, but it felt strange as it didn't feel like it was crumbling, it was going soft and malleable! 

But she couldn't spend another second pondering it, as it opened through, and all three of them screamed as they plummeted down. 


Noella groaned, feeling limp and drained. She slowly opened her eyes as she overcame the grogginess of what felt like hours of being blacked out. Unfortunately for her.... her glasses are missing. 

It's not like she needed them per say, but it truly does help sometimes when she had to read something and the letters could be too small for her to see properly, but that's mostly on the book for the most part.

Regardless, she had to get them, much less find them. She started to feel around in where it could be, surely it can't be far off, it's should be around where she is. However, that's easier said than done when it's hard to see anything because of the dim lighting, and the distracting scent of coppers, bronzes, and iron. Wait, what?! 

She felt herself be concerned when it fully registered in her head. What room would smell like that? Is this some sort of engineering room, a lab, or a manufactory of... something. Maybe robots, or would it be dangerous weapons? 

She can worry about that later, and speak of the devil, she found them. The glasses not landing too far away from her, but not close enough where she felt them with her hands. With a swift hand, she picked them up as she got to her feet and putting it on. With her glasses on, she looked upon the room once more, and to her dread, it confirmed her theory. 

It was a dimly lit room, the lights low, and the room was tiled with bronze. Why was it in bronze? Surely, steel would be better aesthetically, but bronze just doesn't make sense other than the fact if you want to go antique, you go for something old fashioned. But her biggest concern would be are the many workbenches, workstations, and even industrial tools that machinery that make it clear that if something needs to be mass produced, they have the means to do it. 

But what are they making is now the biggest question.  With that, she decided to investigate it herself, and with what she has seen, the ones who were here are quite busy... Too busy. She saw the stocks and frames of firearms that not only look otherworldly, but also look like they were made of technology not of this time. Sure, they look outdated as they resembles the firearms of old when they were flintlocks, but that's not the only thing they were working on.

She looked around some more, and found mechanical arms, legs, wires and gears... Along with plates bent into shape, what could they be working on with all of this? Prosthetics is something she understands, but at the same time, it's also doubtful there doing this out of charity. God knows for a fact that if they were, they'd all know. 

It didn't take long for her to put two and two together to realize that the bits and bobs laid out is for something even greater, but her biggest reveal was when she opened one of the doors from within. Of course, she knew that it was going to be a storage room, but she didn't expect it to hold what she saw.

It stored a massive assembly line of machines and conveyors, and what she saw were... robots. Men of steel being built by the droves, many of them large, and shining brightly from their bronze plates it was almost blinding, but her biggest concern was that there's already many of them! Thousands upon thousands of automatons lined up neatly like a row of soldiers upon a clear section in the room, and to say it's frightening is an understatement! If the abomination was trouble before, then these are an even bigger nightmare.

Just what they could be planning to use them for? Why do they have to hide such a massive army, it's not like they're planning to take over the world, right?

This is becoming overwhelming... The school has so many secrets, and she's just dreading what else would it be. 

She started backing up from the room, not liking the things that she's seeing, but she stopped when she heard strange, skittering noises that didn't sound too friendly. Out of cautious curiosity, she turned to see what it was, and what she saw, she wished to regret it. It was three entities staring at her from the doorway, vaguely human shaped and seemed to be made by some form of... black, inky sludge. At first, she was willing to assume that they didn't notice her, until one of them screeches at her. 

Fear gripped at her even harder, and she returned to the room once more, hoping that she can at least, run, or evade them. But that was easier said than done as they make it clear that they don't like her as they start closing in. With that, she ran as fast as she can, but where can she even go? She can't just hide, what if they can smell her scent?! 

In her panic, she ran, deciding that an course of action is better than one, but she also ended up staring at one of the automatons lined up in formation. From there, she saw herself in a state she didn't think would fully come to her.

Fear... Actual fear. From the reflection she saw from the machine, she found her hair being slick, and clinging to her face, sticking due to the sweat she's starting to make, her eyes bloodshot in her state of being, and how she herself was breathing heavily. She could hear her heart beating from the adrenaline she's experiencing, and with the how... Scared she was. Why did she think it was a good idea to go here, this was madness. 

Was Raymond even worth saving at this point? 

The screeches from the creatures snapped her out of her daze, and from her sudden onset of intrusive thoughts as she remembered that she was in the same dangerous place he is in. She looked around, looking for an escape route until her eyes landed on the automaton once more. 

'There has to be a way to turn it on!' She thought as she looked for something like a button to activate the machine. If it's going to be built like a brute, then surely it has to at least be good enough for a fight, right?

She tried her best to look despite the overwhelming pressure she feels as it literally could be the difference between life and death for her, but she wasn't able to find anything. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn't be able to find it as one of the monsters lunged at her, just barely being able to avoid it and she watched it crash into the automaton she was trying to activate. Things start taking a turn for the worse as the creature started taking form, disgusting hands start forming and jutting from it's inky mass, along with a foul tail and legs, essentially taking form of a primate as if it realized... this is a good way to neutralize the threat. 

Noella can only stare in fear from the sight, and at this point, she doesn't know but to just accept her fate, or just run away once more. But whatever she's thinking of right now gets put away as she hears something... And she heard a whirring hum as the downed machine's visor glows, it starts to move, and it grabs the monster by the tail. 

The creature only looked at it in confusion, only for the machine to throw it away, having it fly across the room as it stood up, and looked around. Noella quivered when she noticed that these things were already intimidating as is, as they stood 8 ft high. They become much more scarier when it's actually active. 

As it looked around, it's sensors saw her, and at this point, Noella had to think fast, and wave her arms in distress, yelling out to it. 

"Help, these things have gone rogue!" She said to it. "They're trying to kill me! Please, I didn't do anything to warrant it!" 

Of course, this could fail for her, but trying to reason with a robot build by the school deep beneath it's bowels sounds like a sane option when you're dealing with nightmarish abominations beyond human comprehension. Especially if said creatures will literally adapt to how to do the job of killing you. If bullshitting a robot into thinking you're one of the people that made it, or someone that it's supposed to listen to, then that shot in the dark is the least stupidest thing you can do. Still stupid, yes, but better than nothing. 

To her relief, and to her gratitude, it marched off, it marched onto one of the monsters coming after her, and engaged them in a fight to the death. The first one died unceremoniously as it was flattened into a pancake by the automaton smashing it's fists down as if it was to kill a spider in the most brutal way possible, and it punched one out of the way with a right hook before unveiling guns built into it's arms and shooting at it without impunity. 

From there, Noella saw a big opportunity for her run, get out as best as she can, and she looked out for routes to see a way out. After finding a door, she quickly ran to it before glancing back at her newfound "Friend". She sees it fighting off the monsters effectively as it throws it's punches and utilizing it's weapons. She felt a little bad that she was effectively abandoning this thing, but at the same time, she can't just tote around something she barely understands, and her survival matters more. 

She opens the door and runs inside, leaving the carnage outside for someone else to worry about it. After she locked the door, she slumped to her knees, leaning against the door as she took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down from the gravity of the situation. The more she stays separate from the others, the more her doubts come into her mind, and you can't really blame her. She isn't really cut out to be a hero, much less try to undertake a "mission" to even save Raymond. 

The only reason why she's here is because of him after all. If she just went home, left him alone in the school, she would have continued on in her placid ignorance of the school, the only thing she's doing is denying it's dark secrets because how would they be true? She would've dismissed them as nothing more but dumb rumors and conspiracies as she focused on graduating, get a job, or whatever life is taking her to see. Now, she's in the bowels of the school, dealing with it's secrets. 

A part of her wished this was some kind of dream, or hallucination, but she has already seen enough to know it isn't a lie, this was the truth. The only thing she can ask herself is why would such a thing be done? Why would her school try to build such a dark, and ominous underbelly of what they have to hide?  Centuries worth of a history that was kept underneath the school. 

She can only breathe a sigh of concern as all of this come to heed... Just what kind of goal do they have to make such a thing...? Though, the only way for her to know that is to do what she dreads, figuring it out. Although, it might be a good idea to check in with her friends. 

She pulled out her phone and turned it on, checking to see if she has any contacts with them. To her horror... She forgot to have them exchange numbers... And forgot to have something like a handheld transceiver to remotely stay in contact. 

"We really are fucking doomed." She wailed to herself in a whisper. If they were going to do such a thing, they should have realized that they needed an alternate way to talk to each other. They really are in trouble now, and it's all because they were too stupid to prepare for such a thing. She can only blame herself for not thinking ahead, and now, she and her newfound friends are now gonna die for nothing. 

"Guess I can write myself a will, or something...." She says, resigning herself to her fate, and looked upon her phone once more. She went into her little app for notes specifically, and started typing the letters in.... Until she notices one little thing. She heard voices... Voices beyond the room. She tries to hone in as best as she can, trying to make it out. 

It vaguely sounded like An's voice, calling out her name. She quickly gets up and looks around the room, and looks for another door. As she does, she ends up realizing something. The room she's confided in was a classroom, but not just any other classroom. It was the same room that Shop Class was being taught in. Well, maybe not the same room, but they used the same layout as one. From here, she couldn't help but look at what was being made. A good portion of the tables were empty, and yet, she noticed that all of them share one thing in common... She barely understands the sequence and letters they are configurated in, but she also knows that it could be some kind of code. 

Jswjo Nfoepab, is what she saw on the teacher's desk. Why did it have to be written like that? Is it supposed to be some kind of language? If it is, it's odd, and somewhat stupid... Unless, it isn't used as a language, but as a system? A system for them to identify, and to ensure that all of this stays in one group. 

She snaps pictures of all these codes, and even types them down in her note that was supposed to be a will. It was a spur in the moment idea, and it was something stupid, so might as well use it for something useful. She'll check what kind of code it's supposed to be 

With that out of the way, she gets out of the classroom, and tries to follow the sounds of An's voice... It didn't really sound like anything, but gibberish coming out of her mouth, but it was still her voice nonetheless. Yet, she stopped to think. She has already seen the monsters that came and tried to subdue her, along with the aberrant that faced off with her at the day Raymond disappeared. How is she supposed to be sure it's her, and not a trap made by the school? 

Maybe it would be a good idea to have something just in case. From the hallway she's in, she saw more of the suits of armor lining the walls, and she checked if anyone can see. Since there's no one here to witness her crime, she nabbed a sword from the suit and held onto it, and continued with following the sound of An's voice. As she travels through the halls, she noticed that the route started feeling familiar to her. If she remembered correctly, if one were to go to the cafeteria, they would have to go north of the shop class's room, take the first left, before heading northeast to get there. If that were to be the case, then that means the underbelly seems to built in parallel to how the school was built in the first place. It's a bit odd, taking into account since that would end up meaning some of the students would have noticed how hollow the flooring is at times. Then again, if it was like that, then the underbelly would have been discovered ages ago.

Then again, it's foolish to think that it's built like that. Only a fool would seem to think that it can be built sitting right underneath it, but at the same time, who would build such a thing? Didn't they check to see if there is an underground.... temple underneath the foundation? Something like that can happen, but at the same time, that doesn't answer the fact that the rooms she encountered seem to connect with the actual school itself. The most obvious answer for her, is the most frightening one she can think of. 

The school was built on top of something ancient... Dark... Horrid. Why else would they build it atop of something like a temple? Maybe, not a temple, but it's the only thing she can think of right now. What also doesn't help is the fact that all of this is in use... She remembered the man in the mask, the one that saw and left them alone. Now that she thought about it, it was quite odd that she clearly got caught, along with Raymond, snooping around when everyone is supposed to be at home. Why would they just leave them alone? Did they assume they were just fooling around, and didn't care much for it. 

At the same time, there was something familiar about that figure... She doesn't know what it is, but it felt like that person knew them, and that's why they left them alone. Could they have been a teacher? If so, then that will be a problem... Some of the staff could be using this place. 

Was there a cult working here? Because if so, then the fact that some of the teachers could be working for them is as mortifying as it is strange... What reason do they have for them to be here, in her own guess, to worship some kind of... Pagan god? Were they even here to worship something? She doesn't know, and as far as she concerned, the mystery is a horrific one. This doesn't feel like some kind of mystical misadventure, no, it was something dreadful, and if someone within the school knows about this underbelly, this is bad.... Really bad news. So far, she only knew of the janitor, and whatever he knows that could be lurking here, he's against it, so he couldn't be the one in the mask. 

Maybe she'll worry about it once she regroups with everyone... As she thought about it, the path in front of her glows, and she cautiously follows it. As she does so, she noticed that the path led her to some kind of Lounge room inside of the underbelly. Could this be something that the people here use to unwind, or sit down and have a talk with? She's not sure, but all she knows is the fact that there are roughly two other doors that connect, specifically at the west, east, and of course, south, from where the path led her. Now that she thought about it, this was pretty much the same path you have to go to at the school, where if you were heading for the lounge, just go straight ahead and take the right path after passing the cafeteria, and from there, you'll find the lounge, something that she caught a glimpse off whenever she passes by. Hell, the only difference was the fact that it was connected by two doors and.... an Elevator? Could this be a way out, or a way to get in? 

"Man, the fact that there's so many ways for you to get in makes it worse for me...." She mumbled to herself at the thought... This just adds proof to the fact that something is actively using the underbelly. 

As she thought about it, she remembered the article she read about the missing students, and the monster she encountered... Could they be connected, and if so.... It made her go green, and she gagged at the thought of it. 

No words needed to be said for such a horrific idea... Regardless, she can be safe in this little room, but... Where is An? She heard her voice, yes, but.... Now that she thought about it. How did she actually hear her voice? 

"Fuck...." She cussed at herself at the realization, but her musings can be a concern later as she heard something growling at the east door, and she slowly looked over in horror, dreading what she would end up seeing in her last moments.

A white blur managed to bust the door open, before quickly kicking it closed  as it's companion tried to regain it's bearings until Noella realized what she was looking at. It was her "Comrades" Zach and An, she quickly rushed over to them to see if they're okay, but she managed to catch a glimpse of what they're running away from. 

It was a large, hulking beast, at least, from what she can tell from the darkness beyond the door, the only thing that seemed to provide any kind of illumination are the ominous glowing lights that is from what she can assume could be it's chest, and along with other parts of it's body... Unfortunately, she can't really assume much because of how little she can see... The only thing she finds frightening about is how she caught it's hands from the light in this room. They weren't really hands, but claws. Claws made to rend, tear, and break, and she can already tell that these things are big enough to slice a man in half, or even crush them into a pulp if need be. 

It was then she noticed that it wasn't going to try and get closer, and it seemed to growl at them. Then she saw runes and glyphs glowing from the doorframe. Must be a failsafe to ensure the Lounge stays as a normal room. As it retreats away, she returned to dealing with An and Zach again. She can see the fear and adrenaline on their faces, and Noella's concern for the place grew even more when she saw how shocked An looked to be. Even though she didn't spend a lot of time with each other, she knew that she didn't seem to take everything too seriously, especially in regards to her mischievous antics giving her reputation. If it wasn't for the fact that her hair was already white, the color would've drained just from the shock. 

Zach was taking this better though, but he was regaining his strength. He took a deep breath and sighed, and he pushed himself up before looking at the two of them, his face, serious, but also shaken as well. 

"We were in over our heads..." He said to them as he fixes his hair. "We didn't prepare. I can't believe that I let ourselves jump in without even thinking anything through." 

"Zach, it's alri--" 

"No, it's not alright! Not at all!" He cut her off. "Let's not kid ourselves here, this part of the school is dangerous, and we let ourselves jump right in to danger, and I blame myself... I blame myself for the fact that I was the first one to come here." 

Noella can only slump her shoulders in defeat as he said that. It's not like he's wrong, they went inside without considering the fact that the very same creatures could be waiting to come out of the woodwork, ready to rip their faces off in a moment's notice. She saw that herself with Raymond, and she saw that too with those horrid goo monsters that came after her. 

It's only a matter of time until the underbelly realizes that these students will keep on snooping, lurking, and investigating it's darkest secrets, and whoever could be here can't afford that to let them see anything damning to it's existence. Whatever beast that chased An and Zach here is clear proof of it. But it's still wrong to just let him blame himself for something that they were all guilty off. They nearly paid the price for their stupidity, it was only a miracle that they are even alive to rethink their position. 

"C-come on..." An stuttered out as she slumped against the wall, trying to calm herself down. "You can't blame yourself, dude, this was... also on me, okay? I was the one that brought up the door." 

"But I was still the one that said that it'll be a good idea to look... I should have known better." 

"Come on, don't be too hard on yourself. What, don't tell me you're gonna reconsider saving your friend?" She said to him, hoping to be reassuring with a smile, but that only made Noella somewhat dreadful of his next decision. They can't just let him die here, much less abandon him. The three of them also had a close brush with death, so if they give up now, what they have seen and risked will have been a waste of time. 

"I'm not gonna give up on him." He declared to her. "It's just that we should've planned, okay? Let's head back, meet up with David again. The elevator here should connect to the front." 

An held onto his hand as he held it for her, and was promptly pulled up to her feet. Noella looked at the weapon on her hands, and decided to leave it. Maybe she'll pick it up the next time they come back here for the next excursion, but she doesn't want to try and explain why she's carrying a medieval weapon to everyone. What mattered now is for her to join them on the elevator, and thankfully, it worked like a normal elevator. 

=Academy Garden: [2:30 PM]=

As the elevator reached their stop, they were surprised to find themselves at the gardens, greeted by the sights of fountains, trimmed bushes, and just everything that is to be expected in regards to a fancy, well kept garden that can be found at luxurious and regal places. The only difference were the amount of edible fruits, plants, and even mushrooms to accommodate botanical studies and foraging classes, along with gardening, but that's just par for the course. 

Thankfully, the class has already ended, and the students quickly got up and headed back into the halls after they dealt with a lecture about wild edibles. All that matters to them is that they don't get caught by a teacher. 

However, the one that did surprise them was David, who seemed to be waiting for them. Purely for the sole purpose of trying not to be distressed as he lost them. 

"There you are!" He yelled out, but trying to at east be gentle about it. "I was looking for you, and I thought you made a fool out of me!" 

"Things came up and, we weren't able to hit you up. Sorry about that." He said to him, and thankfully, he did take that to heart as he calmed down a bit. 

"Regardless, you should have at least let me know, but enough of that... What did you find? Y'know, in regards to the school's secrets?" 

As An and Zach were about to share their perspectives, Noella managed to beat them to the punch as she showed her phone to him. 

"Can you figure out what these mean?" She said, referring to the codes she found in her own path before she met them. 

David narrowed his eyes as he took a closer look, and he becomes intrigued as he recognized what they are. 

"Caesar Cipher...." He mumbled as he thinks about it. "I'll see what I can do." 

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