
By peacefulty

3.7K 180 32

It was a stupid, idiotic bet. Now she has to spend twelve weeks in couples therapy with a man she has never m... More

Dirty Little Thought
Four Days
Hurricane Meredith
I Bet
Fool me once
Jousha Riley
Yes, I kissed him
Rain, Rain, go away
Shitty Car Rides
Doctor Dandridge
Rainbow Spit
Grand Gesture
Pockets full of Posies
Ashes, Ashes, We all Fall Down!
More Than Just Roommates
Mommy Dearest
Funeral (Part one)
Funeral (Part Two)
Fate Keeps Pulling Us Together
Until Death Do us Part
Runaway Bride
Spoke Too Soon?
Not So Happy Ending

Crack In The Glass

125 7 0
By peacefulty

"Derek?" She whispered not remembering much of what happened tonight.

Getting up from the chair in her room, he immediately rose to see her. She noticed he looked tense but his gaze softened as soon as they locked eyes. He carefully hugged her not trying to rip out and of her I.V cords. "God you scared me." He replied still hugging her.

The hug broke. "What happened?"

"What happened was you didn't drink water or sleep at all during your forty eight hour shift. You collapsed due to dehydration and ended up getting hypothermia due to freezing cold rain."

"I remember somebody picking me up, I think. Was it you?" She noticed his wet clothes.

"If you're asking if I was your knight in shining armor then yes." He smiled trying to make her laugh.

"You are not my knight in shining... whatever." She grinned.

She frowned.

"What is it?"

"I can't afford rent and this hospital bill."

"Let me pay for it." He offered.

"Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes. "I'm not letting you do that for me."

"But I want to. Meredith," He caught her attention. "I am a world class Neurosurgeon. People fly from all around the world to see me, I am more than comfortable. Let me at least do this for you."

She gave him an endearing look. "I don't know how to repay you."

"By taking care of yourself. You scared me."

Her heart began to beat faster. He looked really upset. She felt deeply for him and she was hurting him. A word wasn't said nor did it need to be. She stuck out her arm to hold his hand.

She observed his sopping wet clothing. "You should change."

"I don't want to.. I don't want to leave you."

"I'll be here when you come back, not like I can go anywhere." She comforted him.

He hesitated looking out the door and back at Meredith. At the point he was shivering and she was basically pleading with her eyes. "Fine." He ran out of the room quickly to find a new pair of scrubs.

While he was gone she scrolled through shitty cable television looking for anything at least a little bit enticing to watch. She ended up watching some raunchy reality tv show.  A nurse came in and behind her was a familiar face, Josh. The color rushed out of her face. "What are you doing here?"

"I was worried. I called you a thousand times and there was no answer then I thought she told me about her first shift. So I called around and now i'm here."

"I see." A part of her just really didn't want him to be here.

Against her will he hopped into the bed with her immediately spooning her. She felt uncomfortable, but she was supposed to want this in a guy right? He hadn't actually done anything to hurt her and made good conversation but in this moment she would do anything to get him off her back (literally). She began anxiously biting at her lip and she wanted to puke. It had been so calm a few moments ago.

Breaking her from her trance he said something that shocked her to her core. "I know it's too early and we just met a few days ago but Meredith, I think I'm in love with you."

Her eyes widened and out of pure terror of not knowing what to do she began to fake snore. She was really selling it too. Derek who now had on dry scrubs entered the room. The look of anguish over took his face, not that Meredith could see anyway. Josh noticed his badge. "You're a neurosurgeon? Is something wrong with her brain?"

"I well uh.. whoops looks like I have the wrong room. Sorry about that." 

No. No, you don't have the wrong room. Come back and save me from this mess.

Josh rolled over pulling on one of her I.V cords. She couldn't help but break her plan and whimper in pain. It was apparent he was asleep but now she was in a ton of pain. Tears pooled at her eyes. She didn't want to bother him, hell she didn't even know him. So she sat in pain until visiting hours were over. Her arm was now bruised and she felt completely weak. She didn't understand how twenty four hours ago she felt on top of the world with Derek and now she felt completely helpless. This wasn't her, she wasn't shy.

Derek passed her room without entering or even looking at her.

"Derek." She called out after him.

"What?" His face full of disdain and resentment.

"I miss you." She sounded like she was about to cry.

"I'm working."

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