trust? ( sbi famAu× child oc)

By emzys312

71 6 2

trust is the most hardest thing to get,but... is the easiest to lose... More

chapter 1
chapter 2

( chapter 3 )

9 1 0
By emzys312

Warning: ⚠️mentions of blood ⚠️


( 3rd person )

"Sh,sh,its alright emma,calm down,im right here" a soothing,soft voice spoke, as emma sobbed,holding onto their fox plush,holding back a sob,as the lady rubbed Emma's back,
"It was just a nightmare,dont worry"

"T-they were gonna h-hit me" emma whimpered,their voice shaking,as they stuttered, "Sh,sh,its alright" the lady tried to comfort emma,as she clung onto her.

"Its just another night,dont worry,im here" the lady spoke soothingly,as she continued to rub Emma's back, Emma took a deep breath,as the lady continue to hush her back to sleep..

"Sh,its alright,little Felix is here with us" the lady said,trying to lighten the mood,as emma smiled,hugging their fox plush tight, "Felix.." emma mumbled,as the lady then stood up from the bed and picked them up,cradling the child in her arms.

The lady hums a song,as Emma's little sobs,turn to hiccups, the lady continues to cradle emma,as emma hugged their stuffed fox,humming to a luluby.

The lady smiled, as she placed emma down on her bed,tucking her in,as she placed a kiss on the kid's forehead.

"Good night em" she smiled at the sleeping little child,soft snores were heard,indicating that she was fast asleep.

The lady sigh in relief,and on a little night-light,she then walked out of their room, glancing back to the little kid,who snuggled in their bed,with a quiet chuckled,she closed the door,heading back to her room.


Emma yawned,as she flip the page of her book,the door swung open,making a creaking noise ,which emma ignored knowing it's from the other kids who want to annoy her or the care takers.

Emma hums,smiling down at the book,as a knock was heard, "hello? Earth to emma" a cheery voice spoke,emma looked up with a smile, "hello andrew " emma calmly replied,as andrew chuckled, "soo.. remember that family that came over a week ago? Their here to adopt you em!" Emma confusedly looked at Andrew as he couldn't keep his excitement.

"So?" Emma spoke,unsure of the situation, "so? SO!? you have a family now em!,c'mon their here to pick ya' up,you have two or three minutes to pack" andrew said,with a grin on their face,as emma shook her head.

She rolls off her bed,her back hitting the floor,as she reached under the bed for a little light brown bag,she zipped it open, she then gets up and walks over to her closet,grabbing her sweaters,shirts,pants,shorts ,pjs,and shoes.

She then placed them neatly in the bag,as she looked at the desk that had a pile of books that sat on top, "how will i pack those?"
She then looked down to her bag,and realised,only little space was taken up,so she huffed and grabbed the important books she hadn't and loved to read.

Then emma grabbed her stuffed fox, "mhmm felix do you know which matches well with my socks? " emma asked the plush,as she made the plus point at a per of socks,as she nods,"great choice!" She chuckled as the fox plush laid down,as if they were gonna sleep.

Emma smiled,as she turned around and ran to the desk,opening a drawer,as she takes out a sketch pad, "can't forget about you again" emma cheerfully said,placing it in the bag,as she grabbed the pens and pencils case and placed it in the bag with the sketch pad.

She smiled,and zipped the bag close, she then goes back to the bed,grabbing the fox plush that sat on it,and hugged it close, and unzipped the bag again,and placed the plush inside.

A knock was then heard,as emma grabbed the bag,and rushed over, she opened the door to meet with the same little blonde,"tommy!" She exclaimed,as he chuckled, "c'mon,my parents are waiting" emma nods,getting nervous,remembering the whole awkward moment with his parents before.

Emma nods,as she followers tommy downstairs.

Kristen smiled,as emma and tommy walked over to her, emma looked down unsure,as she held the bag tight with both of her hands.

Phil came back into the room with a smile on his face, "let's go?" He asked,as emma nodded,tommy held out a hand for emma to hold,emma looked at tommy,and held his hand tight,as if he was gonna leave her.

Phil and kristen then lead the two kids to the car,tommy seemed to be excited,emma wondered what was going on his mind, "emma,sweety,could ya give me that bag so i could put it in the back" phil said,as emma slip her bag off her back and gave it to phil,

Emma fiddled with her fingers following toms,as he then helps emma get in the car, "shortie" tommy joked,as emma huffed, emma sat down next to toms,as the car then starts.

Phil looked at the viewer mirror and smiled.

As the car drove out of the parking lot, emma got up on the seat,looking out the window,seeing the forest that surrounded some parts of the place,as the car droved to the street.


It had been 7 minutes since they've taken off to the road,tommy played on his phone,as emma curiously watched out the window,looking at the things and cars that they pass by, emma looked at her reflection on the window, she giggled as she made a weird face.

As time passed,tommy goaned out of boredom, "are we there yet?" He goaned,emma sat back down, kristen shook her head as she said "not yet toms".

Emma then poked tommy's face,which tommy ignored,emma poked it again,as tommy closed his eyes in annoyances, "could you stop that" he growled, emma stopped,and turned away from toms.

Emma looked out the window to see a lovely neighborhood,she scoot over to the window more,looking out,tapping her fingers on the car door,as they came to a stop at this 2 story house.

"We're here" phil claimed,as tommy opened the car door,heading out, emma followed,going out the door tommy had opened,as she jumped down.

Kristen chuckled,heading inside as tommy followed behind,emma looked back at the car as phil took Emma's cute brown bag out the back, emma raced over and grabbed it from him,which he gladly gave her.

She then raced back,following tommy,as he chuckled,closing the back,and following too.

Kristen opened the door,as tommy rushed inside, "WERE HOME!!!" tommy exclaimed,as a deep British voice chuckled from the living room.

Emma walked in,as kristen smiled, "hello there" the teen with brown curly hair greeted,emma waved an awkward hi, as tommy went to emma, "ems this is wilbur! Wil meet emma" tommy exclaimed,as wilbur nodded,then another voice spoke up from the kitchen, "uhhhhhh,wil!, where are my m&m!?" .

"Their in the cabinet ranboo,dont worry" wilbur said to 'ranboo', who exclaimed "aha!,thanks!" Then a boy with Light brown hair went out the kitchen heading to the stairs,when he saw emma.

"Who's that?" He asked, "our new sister!" Tommy claimed,holding Emma's hand,as she lightly flinched at all the shouting.

"Ohhh,hi,im ranboo" he said,as emma smiled weirdly, "h-hi" she stuttered.

As a teen with pink hair came downstairs, "hello" he said in a monotonous voice,as he walked pass ranboo heading into the living room.

Tommy grinned, "I'll show ya to your room!" He said,dragging emma upstairs,as ranboo followed.

As tommy walked down the hallway, "this is wilbur's room " he pointed to the first door to the left, "Dave's " tommy pointed to another door next to wilbur's, "ranboo's " tommy claimed,pointing to a door with a cute drawing tapped onto the door, "and my room " tommy pointed to a door next to ranboo's.

"And this is yours" he added,pointing to a door next to his room,he then opened it, "i present you!,your new room!"he said,as emma peaked in,"cool" emma said,walking inside.

tommy smiled "glad you like it,tho i recomend you,that you should get more decorations" he said,in a fancy tone,Making emma chuckled "alright" emma then flop down onto the bed,with a sigh, "well you only have 5 minutes to unpack" tommy joked, emma shot up,and placed her bag down.

Emma then unzipped her bag,looking in it for a plush,she grabbed a fox plush from the bag and hugged it," oh my gosh,felix,you got squished! Im sorry" she claimed, the fox tilted it's head,as emma giggled, "alright" she then placed the fox plush on the bed.
"Pog!,you have a very cute plush!" Tommy exclaimed in a baby voice,as emma chuckled nervously,remembering the last time she showed her plush to someone...


" eeeewww isn't that for babies only" the kid says in disgust,pointing at the fox plush emma held, "m-my mommy g-gave it to m-me" emma whispered,with teary eyes.

" boo ho,the baby's gonna cry, what are you gonna do,cry for mommy?" The other kid said,as emma held their plush tight,
"I-im not a cry baby!" Emma fought back,as the kids laugh.

" Little emma has a baby's toy!"

"Haha" "how stupid " "cry baby!"

"S-stop it!"


Emma shook her head,snapping back to reality,as she took a deep breath " aren't you weirded out that i have a plush? " emma whispered a question,as tommy tilted his head, "no,i dont,plus it's kinda cute!" He said,as emma nodded.

as she continue to dig into her bag, she then takes her books and sketch pad,as she placed them down on the bed.

"Ohhh,you like to read?" Tommy asked,as emma nods,worried he's gonna make fun of her.

"Y-yup" emma said,her lips trembled,as her voice cracked,as her left eye twitched.

"Pog!,my big bro dave loves to read,maybe you two could get along!" Tommy exclaims happily,as emma sigh in relief.

she then grabs the pen and pencil case and placed it right next to the sketch pad,she then zips the bag close.

She sigh getting up,heading to the closet which sat on the other side of the room,she opened the closet door and placed her bag inside.

"So.. do you wanna play minecraft with me?"Tommy asks,as he fiddled with his fingers,emma looked back at tommy with a smile, "if you want to,then sure!".

She then looked back at the bed,and grabbed the books,placing them under the bed, and grabbed her sketch pad and pencil case,and opened the desk drawer and placed the two items inside,closing the drawer.

"Why are you hiding them?" Tommy asked,as emma looked at him confused,"what do you mean?" Emma asked, "why you hiding the books?" "Ohh that,well i have no where else to put it" emma said,as she shrugged,tommy nodded as he thought of an idea " maybe when we go buying for your stuff,we could get a shelf!" He exclaimed,proud of his idea.

"Alright?" Emma shrugged it off,she then grabs the fox plush that sat on the bed,hugging it tight.

"C'mon,let's go play in my roim" tommy said,as emma nodded.

Tommy smiled,as he lead emma to his room,emma held her fox plush felix tight.

-After an hour or two later-

"Yooooooooo!!!! I won!" Emma cheer-ed, as tommy laughed, "i fell into the water!" He laughed, "yo? Why you sittin like that" emma asked cheerfully, "sitting on the wall!" Tommy yelled,sitting upside down,looking like he's sitting on the wall, "ppff-" emma laughed, as she crouched down infront of tommy.

"Another round?" Emma asked,as tommy nodded, "super mario brothers!" Tommy shouted,raising his fist into the air.

After the two got bored of playing minecraft, the two decided to play mario cart,and now super mario brothers.

The two then got interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Its open!" Tommy shouted,as he sit up right on the bean bag that leaned agaisnt the wall,as emma turned to look at the door.

"Dinner,downstairs,now." A teen with pink hair ordered,as emma sunk down on the bean bag, "and could both of you turn it down,i can't even hear my music" wilbur said,walking pass the room.

"Alright!" Tommy said annoyed,as he rolled his eyes,as teen left.

"Who was that? "Emma asked tommy,who sigh,leaning on the bean bag, "that's dave,my big bro" he said,annoyed that his brother distubed them.

"W-well we should h-head downstairs" emma said,her voice almost above a whisper,stuttering lightly, as tommy nodded,getting up.

Emma got up too,both walking to the door that had been left open.

"Race ya there!" Tommy then exclaimed,lighting up the mood,as Emma's numb plain face turned to a bright smile,as she chased tommy down the stairs.

Tommy ran to the dinning area,and jumped,raising his fist in the air as he did.

"I won!" He claimed,as emma chuckled,panting,as she stood next to tommy.

Phil shook his head,as he placed the food down on the table.

Emma smiled,as tommy sat down,he patted on a chair that sat next to him,as emma went over and sat next to him happily.

As ranboo,dave,wilbur sat down,phil chuckled,as kristen came back with a plate of food,and placed it down on the table.


Warning: ⚠️ED( eating disorder) puking?(kinda?) ,blood⚠️

"Eat up!" Kristen said,as ranboo smiled at kristen which she gladly return one back.

Emma gulpped,looking at the food,as tommy then started to eat,emma looked back at tommy who happily eat,as emma stared down at the food on their plate.

Emma picked up a fork,as she stared at the food that sticked on the fork,with a gulp,emma took a bite,her free hand clutching her pants.

Emma gulpped it down,taking another.

' two bites... no.. three?' Emma's thought,as she took a deep breath,and continue to eat,making sure her hand wasn't shaking when she eat.

As they all finished up,emma eat the last of her food,she then picked up a glass of water,drinking it,as she set it back down on the table,she stood up in a rush.
"May i be excused,i need to use the restroom" emma asked politely,just like you've been tought to do,as phil nodded,emma sigh lightly in relief,and walked upstairs where the bathroom was.

Once emma was out of view,emma rushed to the bathroom,clutching the door nob as the door swung open,she held a hand on her mouth,sweat comming down her forehead,as she paniced,her heart racing in her chest, as She then closed the door shut,locking it.

-minutes later-

Emma panted,gripping onto the toilet seat, flushing the toilet,as sweat rolling down her forehead,emma stumbled down on the floor,sitting up,emma wipped her mouth that had blood dripping,she placed a hand on her burning chest,as she huffed, emma gulpped,her throat reaspy and dry,emma stood up,her legs shaking,as she held on the side of the sink,she looked at her reflection on the mirror,to see her tired pale face.

She took a deep breath,and on the foset,grabbing a cup that sat on the counter of the bathroom,filling the glass with water,gulping it down,placing the cup down,emma took another deep breath,and washed her face.

Then emma unlocked the door,and headed back to tommy's room,where tommy was waiting, "hey,wanna continue the game?" Tommy asked,as ranboo sat on the third bean bag that sat next to the one that emma sat earlier, "and ranboo wanted to join,if you dont mind" tommy said,pointing to ranboo,who eaved, "oh i dont mind at all,and now c'mon!" Emma headed over to the same bean bag she sat earlier,and gave ranboo and controler.

Ranboo smiled,as he happily took it,as tommy started the game.

Then a knock was heard,making emma flinch,turning her head to look at the door,as she looked back at tommy who was fully focused on the game.

Emma worriedly looked back at ranboo,who was the same as toms,focused on the game,emma made her character go off track
(Mario carts) as she placed down the controler and headed to the door.

"Yes?" Emma spoke,opening the door, "oh,uhhh,never mind" dave said,his face filled with hatred and disgust,emma frowned, as she nodded,closing the door slowly.

Emma clutched ger fist,as she walked back to the bean bag where she sat,she huffed lightly,tommy got up, as he cheered, "I FUCKING WON BABY!,WOOOH! ".

Ranboo chuckled,as emma flinched,as she chuckled too.

"Mhm,for your victory,maybe we should get someeeeeeee" "M&Ms!" Tommy yelled,as ranboo nodded, "m&ms " he coppied,in a suspicious tone,making emma giggle.

"Lets go get those m&ms" emma claimed,as tommy ran to the door,"let's go!"

The two giggled,as they followed toms to the kitchen,"no one's in the kitchen,we're clear" ranboo said,as both emma and tommy nodded, they then made their way onto the kitchen,tommy opened a cabinet,and took out three bags of m&ms,as he then rushedly run back to ranboo and emma,the trio giggled and headed upstairs.


The trio laughed,as ranboo threw an m&m into tommy's mouth,emma chuckled as she watches them both play around.

Tommy grabbed the bag of m&ms and eat a hand full of them,as ranboo sat there in shock,he chuckled "what the fuck! How did you fucking do that!!" Ranboo laughed,as emma nodded.

"Tasty" tommy claimed,giving them both a thumbs up.

Ranboo and emma laughed,as tommy chuckled, "another round? " tommy asked,
"Nahhh" ranboo gaoned,flopping onto the ground his stomach onnthe ground, As emma chuckled.

"Maybe we should get washed up for bed?" Emma said,as ranboo nodded,as tommy huffed, "alright" tommy rolled his eyes.

Emma then stretched her arms,as ranboo sat up, "oh! oh! oh! We should do a movie night!" Ranboi exclaimed, as tommy grinned, "I'll pick the movie!" Emma chuckled, "well we better wash up,and meet up again here"both the boys nodded,as ranboo headed out.

Tommy went to his closet,as emma headed to her room.


After an hour or two,the trio fell asleep on the bunk bed in ranboo's room,the laptop of ranboo's was still on and was still playing Clifford the red dog.

The door swung open,"kids could you-" kristen saw that the trio was asleep on the bottom bunk,as she chuckled,she kissed their foreheads one by one,closing the laptop,as she laid a blanket over them.

With a smile on her face,she headed out,closing the door behind her.


" I've done so much for you!!, yet all you to is get in trouble and make my life misrable!! " as a hand slapped her face,she placed a hand on her face,as she blinked trying to keep the sour tears at bay.

With a huff, as they continue on "BRAT,CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!!"


Emma shot up from her sleep,as she looked around innthe dark ..d-dark room,her breath hitched each time she whimpped her head around,tears pricking in the side of her eyes,as emma let out little whimpers of worry.

A yawn was heard,as tommy sat up,he confusedly looked at emma,who worriedly looked around innthe dark room,as if she was looking for someone.. or something.

Tommy scoot over ,closer to emma,tears rolling down her cheek, as tommy started to worry.

What was he gonna do? What should he do?
Tommy kept on thinking,he then hugged emma,holding her close,brushing her short curly hair,emma sobbed,hiding in tommy's chest,as he rubs Emma's back.

Uhhh,what now, tommy thought,as he continues to rub Emma's back,he rememebered the time his mom sing-ed him a song,his mom would sing it to him when he had nightmares,maybe emma had one too.

Tommy sigh,as he continues to softly rub Emma's back,he slowly starts to hum a song.

-luluby song here-

He hums,as emma continues to sob,her body trembled,as she sniffled,he tried not to freak out,but why wasn't emma heavy? Like,she was light at a feather somehow... he continues to hum,rubbing Emma's back.

After a bit,emma slowly started to calm down,her sobs turned to soft small hiccups,as tommy continues to rub softly on Emma's back.

Tommy smiled,as he wipped Emma's teary eyes,her red puffy cheeks showing,as he sadky smiled,he wondered what she dreamed of...


*3611 words*

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