Pleasure Wonderland ~ Taekook

By thebtsbubble7

5.8K 125 30

♡☆Smut & Fluff☆♡ Taehyung starts working at a sex toy shop. Little does he know his handsome neighbor Jungkoo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 part 1
Chapter 12 part 2

Chapter 10

265 8 4
By thebtsbubble7

“Are you freaking kidding me Taehyung? You told him that I like you picking up my sex toys?”

“Calm down Jimin, I'm the victim in this situation.”

The warm bubbly feeling encaged Taehyung's feet as he placed them into the bowl with the hot water. Leaning back on the soft sofa, the smell of roses filling the air.

“I can't believe you did that Taehyung!”

“Don't scream! This is supposed to be relaxing, you know?”

“I travel across the country. No one picks me up at the airport. Then, while I'm at my best friend's house having a foot bath with scented candles all around me, which I don't like by the way, I hear that apparently, I'm portrayed as a pervert who sits at home wanking off to the thought that someone knows what lube I'm using. I swear to god Taehyung, working in that store has messed you up!”

“Oh please, I didn't say that. I said you liked the idea of people knowing. Not that you sit at home masturbating because of it.”


Jimin turned around, his feet splashing water outside the big bowl.

“You said I got off on it. What the hell do you think getting off means? Painting tulips and making lemonade?”

“Okay you're right, I'm sorry.” Taehyung took a sip of wine, the cold wineglass connecting to his warm lips.

“I crossed a line. I'm sorry. You're right.”

“Thank you.” Jimin nodded and relaxed into the cushions. Closing his eyes and letting the soft piano music fill his ears.

“But. Now when we're talking about you being a pervert, how is-”

“That was not what we were talking about?!”

Jimin's hand which was heatedly gesturing was stopped by Taehyung's hand in an attempt to calm him down.

“Sch Jimin, just listen. How is it going with that guy you told me about?”

For the first time of the night, Jimin smiled widely as his cheeks got rosy.

“It's going well. I really like him…. He's sweet, caring, and funny. He's perfect.”

“Mhm. Not more perfect than Jungkook.”

“Oh please Tae, it's not a contest.”

“I'm not saying it is. But I'm just stating facts. Jungkook is perfect. So if it was a contest, Jungkook would win easily.”

“Really?” Jimin leaned his arm over the back of the sofa.  “Tell me. Tell me why he's perfect then.”

Taehyung closed his eyes, letting himself imagine Jungkook in front of him.

“Well, first of all, he is really funny. And flirty. And he's a perfect friend. He is so cute when he gets shy, but very hot after he's been working out. He always makes sure that I'm happy. He is very romantic. Did I mention cute? He's sexy and absolutely perfect.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“What?” Taehyung raised his eyes in question at Jimin.

“Why are you here?”

“Well, because, I live here, why are you here?”

Based on Taehyung's tense body language, Jimin realized that Taehyung was misunderstanding him.

“I mean, why are you here, with me, if Jungkook, the so-called perfect man is right next door?”


“I love you Taehyung, I really do. You are my best friend. My brother for the rest of my life. But listen. If Hoseok was here, I would be with him instead of you.”

“Ouch, how dare you?” Taehyung feigned a hurt feeling as he slammed his hand on his chest. “So what are you saying? Should I leave my funny little brother here while I go over to Jungkook?”

“Yes, well no, you're not older than me Taehyung!”

“I could be, with the way you're screaming you feel kind of immature.”

“I swear to God Tae. You better go over to him right now, else I need to go over and warn him of the absolute idiot that you are.”

“Aish. Enough with the compliments.” Taehyung said as he went to his bedroom to change.

“You're an idiot," Jimin said as he chuckled.

Stomping over to Jungkook's door, Taehyung had a mission. He was going to tell Jungkook the truth. The gnawing feeling was tearing down his insides. How could he do this to him? He liked Jungkook. He wanted something serious. The walls dividing them were too much. Going to bed every night, his eyelids get heavy as an image of Jungkook flashed before him.

With a shaking hand, Taehyung knocked three times on the door. It created an echo through the stairway of the building. Soon Taehyung's ragged breaths replaced the echoing sound.

Footsteps were getting closer to the door. This was it. Taehyung's eyes got wide as he felt the air cut out from his lungs.

The handle on the door slowly turned, making the door open slightly. Jungkook held his bathrobe close to his body. Eyes searching the empty hall.

“Hello? Anyone there?”

With a tired shrug, Jungkook closed and locked the door.

“Omg!” Jimin screamed as Taehyung slammed the front door shut. “What are you doing?”

“I couldn't do it. I can't.”

The tears that had been held in were now starting to hurt. Taehyung felt the pressure in his eyes and with one deep breath, they flooded down his cheeks.

Jimin rose to his feet. Quickly taking Taehyung into his embrace.

“Hey, it's okay Taehyung, it's okay.”

“No it's not, im- im like my mother.”

“You're nothing like your mother-wait.”

Realization hit Jimin as he looked at his friend heartbroken, shaking.

Taehyung didn't like talking about it. But Jimin knew, they had been friends for so long that Jimin was the only one Taehyung had told.

“You're nothing like your mother. Don't say that. What did Jungkook say?”

“I couldn't tell him! I'm exactly like her. I'm a lying, deceiving person. I don't deserve Jungkook.”

“Taehyung, listen to me, you are nothing like your mother.”

“I'm not? Really? By all means! Tell me Jimin. Tell me! Tell me how I'm different. I lie to the people I supposedly love. I'm not truthful. I hide facts about me that explain who I am as a person. I'm horrible!”

“I'm calling Miranda!”

“Nooo. Dont. Jimin. Seriously, don't.” Taehyung's red puffy eyes pleaded.

“You leave me no choice. If you really think that you are anything like your birth mother then I need backup.”
Jimin ran from Taehyung, locking himself in the bathroom.

“I swear to god Jimin!!! Do not call her. Open the door!”

“Too late it's already dialing.”


Taehyung stomped over to the sofa, defeatedly slumping down, face first. His dramatic scream was barely heard as the pillow dampened the sound.

After only a minute, Jimin exited the bathroom , cleaning broom in his hand.

“Don't attack me Taehyung. I have a weapon.” Jimin held the broom in front of him as protection. “She'll be here tomorrow morning. She's driving now.”

“What? Whyyyyyyy?”

“Sorry Taehyung, you left me no choice. As your best friend I can not let you spiral into patterns like your mother. You can hate me all you want. But I don't regret calling her.“

“Great.” Taehyung acted a bit more annoyed than he was. Knowing that Jimin cared enough to do this made him grateful. If it wasn't for Jimin, Taehyung wouldn't know where in life he was.

Taehyung fell asleep in the arms of Jimin. Wishing everything was difrent. Wishing he never would have taken that job.

The obnoxious shouting woke Taehyung from his deep sleep. Traces of last night's wine were still affecting him. The bright light pierced through the room, his hands coming up to rub the sleep from his eyes.

“Rise and shine sugar pie!”

Taehyung reluctantly turned towards the sound of the loud voice. A tall silhouette forming in the sunlight.

“Miranda. Great.”

Her long tanned legs went on for what seemed like forever. Her blonde diamond hair swaying beautifully. The pink dress she wore draped down over the top of her thighs, making Taehyung see her underwear clearly. She looked like a real life barbie doll.

The groan leaving Taehyung was muffled by the pillow he was squeezing over his head.

“Come on! Up! Up!”

Miranda grabbed Taehyung's ear, making him scream.

“What the hell?!”

“Nope. No pitying here. Get up. We're going to the mall.”


Miranda released her hold on his ear, grabbing a bag she had put on the counter.

“Here. Get dressed.”

“What is this? The bag of all the lives you've taken from people sleeping in peace?” Taehyung asked sarcastically.

“It's your outfit silly. Now chop chop. We don't have all day.”

A gust of sweet vanilla hit Taehyung as Miranda turned quickly, leaving the apartment.

“Guess I'm doing this today.” Taehyung murmured annoyed to himself. Reluctantly opening the bag.

The pink car was easy to spot as Taehyung left the apartment building. a scratchy sound was heard with every movement of his feet, the sequin pants creating a friction that could be heard at least 20 meters away.

“Did you really need to give me such a tacky outfit?” Taehyung questioned as he got into the car.

“What do you mean? It's wonderful.”

Taehyung pointed to the big silk bow around his neck, the purple fabric of the shirt glistening in the sun.

“You look great. And what kind of Godmother would I be if I didn't pass on my beautiful fashion style to you? Now, let's go. We got some shopping to do.”


Taehyung side eyed Miranda as he displayed his disinterest in this little trip to the mall. He could see that Miranda was starting to age. It was about time, she was in her late 50s. Wrinkles were forming along her eyes and mouth, clearly showing that she was a woman with joy and happiness in her life.

“What did you do with Jimin?”

“Don't worry. I sent him on a mission.”

“What mission?” Taehyung's voice was shaky as she hurriedly drove through the busy streets. He wondered how she could even drive since frost had formed on the window of the car, and she had not exactly removed it.

“It's a surprise Tiger.”

“Oh no.” Surprises were never good when it came to Miranda.

The majority of the time at the mall was spent on Miranda buying every pink thing she could see and Taehyung acting as her personal assistant carrying all the bags. It was only when they sat down to eat that Taehyung got to rest.

“Now tell me Tiger. Why are you not being honest with this Jungkook boy?”

“Agh stop calling me Tiger.”

“Why? You always wore that cute tiger onesie when you were younger. You will always be my little tiger. And answer my question. I might look like I'm plastic fantastic but I'm far from stupid.”

Taehyung knew this, Miranda was a very clever woman, working as a professor in medicine at a very prestigious university. Despite his many efforts throughout the years, he could never escape her questions.

“Fine, how much did Jimin tell you?”

“Well.” She wiped the dressing from the corner of her mouth. Putting down the big burger on her plate.

“He told me that you are working at a sex toy shop. Which you didn't tell me about by the way. He also told me that this Jungkook guy, your neighbor, is a frequent customer of said store. And that you haven't told him that you know that he is a regular at the shop or, that you work there.”

“Wow. I'm going to kill Jimin.” Taehyung shoved the fries into his mouth aggressively.


“Because he told you everything without asking me if I was okay with it!”

“Oh Tiger, don't play smart. You can't avoid my question by pretending you're angry. We both know that if you tell Jimin something then it's not a guarantee that he will keep it a secret. Now spill. What is the problem?”

“The problem is what you just said. I can't tell Jungkook the truth now. It's been way too long. He will hate me.”

“Why? Why will he hate you?”

“Because I lied of course!”


“That makes me a liar just like mom!”

“Okay first of all. Respect the dead people. Second of all. She lied to protect you. And before you get upset, I know that what she did was wrong, and cowardly, and it was a big betrayal to all the people that loved her. But, she was sick, and you know that. You can't compare this with that.”

“Still. She was a liar.”

“Yes she was. But do you really think that Jungkook will think it's the same?”

“I don't know.”

“What is it that you don't know?”

“I don't know how he will react or what he will think of me.”

“Hmm, interesting.”


“No nothing.” Miranda took the straw of the strawberry milkshake to her lips, looking at the tables next to them to avoid Taehyung's upset gaze.

“What do you mean Miranda?”

“No, you will just get upset.”

“No I won't.” Taehyung squirmed in his seat, getting anxious when she wouldn't tell him what she meant.

“It's just that, and don't be mad, but maybe. Maybe you don't like this Jungkook. I mean you don't seem to know anything about him.”

“What? How can you say that? You are wrong, I know him. and I like him. More than that, I think my feelings are getting even more serious! ”


“What do you mean hmm!? Don't just say hmm. And fyi, I know alot about him. I know that he loves to workout, he likes dogs, he loves his family, he likes to masturbate, he loves food. He has a cute mole under his lip that is perfect to kiss. His sweat smells really sweet. He knows how to melt chocolate, he is a good friend. He likes the taste of strawberry. And I think he actually likes me as well.”

“Hm, interesting.”

“What's interesting?!”

“Well if you say you know all this, then you know what kind of person he is, right?”

“Yes of course.”

“Then I have a question. How would someone like Jungkook react to your little lie? Is he the person that would shame you and break contact, or is he the one who would forgive you because his feelings for you are stronger?”

Miranda's words echoed through him. Every action. Every minute he spent with Jungkook. Was he really this blind? Jungkook was the sweetest man he'd ever met. How could he be so afraid of someone that his heart calls for so much?

Miranda smirked as she saw Taehyung's mind organizing all the information and epiphanies.

Taehyung realized what Miranda had done. She made him upset so she could easily get to him.

He took his milkshake, offering Miranda a cheer.

“Touche, that was a good one.”

“Thanks Tiger.”

“Aghr! Stop calling me Tiger! And can you please tell me what you did with Jimin now?”

“Lets just say that he is fixing a nice dinner in your apartment, that he might have given an invitation to your neighbor Jungkook for.”

“You didn't?”

“Oh yes tiger. I did.”

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