Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 42

390 12 0
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

Shinobu and I ride Seiji and Miyu while Rin rides A-Un, who is being led by Jaken. Karina is walking beside Kohaku who walks next to the two headed dragon, while Sesshomaru wanders a few paces ahead of us, the sky a clear blue.

Kohaku has decided to join us for awhile which I don't mind at all, and he's congratulated me and Sesshomaru on our engagement.

Jaken heaves a huge mushroom shaped sigh of depression.

Rin questions as she peers around Un, "What's the matter, Jaken-sama?"

""What's the matter?!" Do you not sense anything?" Jaken demands to know, whipping an annoyed frown to her. As Jaken looks back at the dog demon, beads of sweat form on the back of his head as a nervous expression settles on his features.

"Sesshomaru-sama," A boy with short black hair and black eyes wearing a blue kimono with his hands tucked into the sleeves addresses, causing us to stop and face him. "Do you wish to know the secret behind your sword? Do you wish to know what Tensaiga is lacking?"

This causes Jaken to snap in a flustered tone, "What?!"

We fall silent as a breeze blows over us.

Sesshomaru queries, "You're going to tell me what Tensaiga is lacking? Really?"

"Yes," Answers the boy. "I'm sure it must trouble you greatly. The fact that Tensaiga's Meido has yet to achieve a complete circle."

"How dare you!" Jaken exclaims furiously. "How do you even know about that?!"

Sesshomaru orders without looking at him, "Silence, Jaken."

"Who? Me?" The imp questions nervously as he sweat drops. Head bowed, Jaken scurries back. "But I didn't say a word, My Lord."

Shinobu asks, "Why do you always lie like that, Jaken-sama?" Jaken simpers as he sweat drops profusely.

The black haired boy turns and takes a few steps before he pauses to gaze back at Sesshomaru. "If you wish to know more, then I suggest you follow me, Sesshomaru-sama."

Then he turns and resumes walking forward.

Jaken murmurs worriedly, "Sesshomaru-sama."

We decide to follow the strange boy wherever he was taking us.

My group and I soon arrive at a rocky and mountainous area. We step across a bridge made of earth.

Jaken speaks up, "Sesshomaru-sama, are you acquainted with this odd child we're following?"

"No," The white haired demon responds.

"Well, then, might this not be a trap if some kind?" Jaken presses.

I murmur wearily, "A trap?"

Frowning, Jaken mutters, "I don't know! Promising to reveal something that Tensaiga lacks and then leading Sesshomaru-sama to his death?"

"In that case, I'll have to kill him," Sesshomaru states. Suddenly, Kohaku, leading A-Un, stops and tugs the dragon to a halt with a gasp, brown eyes wide.

"The child disappeared!" He points out. It's true. The black haired boy is no longer there.

We hear a sound from above like rushing wind and look up just in time to see a sphere of energy forming. The sphere hits the bridge and we scream as we go down, the horses whinnying.

My brother and I topple from their backs but were scooped up by Karina, who has transformed into a Sabertooth tiger.

"The horses!" I exclaim, as Shinobu, behind me with his arms around my waist, and I jerk our heads around.

Relief washes over me when I see Seiji and Miyu wrapped in A-Un's strong tail. Rin calls, "Don't worry, mummy, we've got them!"

"Thanks, A-Un!" I breathe, hearing him grunt in response.

"There you are!" Sesshomaru snaps as he sees a figure amongst the rocks. He rapidly unsheathes Tensaiga and slashes towards our enemy. "Meido Zhangetsuha!"

A semi circle slams into the rocks but the figure dodges.

I look down as we hear Jaken screaming, the imp still falling.

Kohaku calls as A-Un flies after him, "Jaken-sama! Grab this!" Kohaku thrusts the chain of his Kusarigama towards Jaken. It wraps around him and Kohaku hauls him up.

Jaken cries in a flustered tone, tears spilling from his eyes, "Did I not just say it might be a trap?!"

I ask in surprise, "You're still Alice, Jaken-sama?"

The imp snaps back as he reaches A-Un, glaring at me with tears in his eyes, "Are you disappointed?! Did you want me to die?"

The circle vanishes, revealing a hole in the mountain. Sesshomaru sheathes his sword with a click.

"I see you've deliberately aimed at my footing," Says a man's voice, causing us to look up. "Are you so desperate to learn the secret behind Tensaiga that you'd knowingly walk into a trap, Sesshomaru?" The figure has light violet hair, fuchsia eyes and a half mask over the left side of his face, and pointy ears. He grips a staff in one hand that has a circular top that has a crescent moon and another at the bottom.

It's an ogre.

I demand to know, "Just who do you think you are?!"

Landing, Sesshomaru demands, "I do not care who you are. Now, tell me: why do you know about Tensaiga?!"

The lilac haired demon responds, "Because once, long ago, I'd faced it in battle." This causes Sesshomaru to gasp sharply. The man adds, "Although, it looked nothing like it does now—nothing at all. When I fought against your father the sword was in a different form."

Sesshomaru narrows his golden eyes at this.

Jaken snaps furiously, "How dare you make yourself look so young?!"

Sesshomaru flexes his right claws as he glares at the fuschia eyed demon. Sesshomaru launches for the demon but he jumps back in time to avoid a taste of Sesshomaru's poisoned claws as he slams them into the ground.

The demon appears higher up as he scoffs, "Hmph! Your tactics amuse me! You'll fight without your sword in order to learn its secret? You underestimate me. A deadly mistake!" The demon swings his staff and sends out another huge sphere.

Sesshomaru, A-Un and Karina dodge it as it slams into the wall behind us, the imp crying out with fright. We look back to see the sphere is perfectly round, unlike Sesshomaru's. Though it was smaller than Sesshomaru's.

The sphere shrinks as I murmur in shock, resting my hands on Karina, "How did he...?"

Jaken states, "Meido Zhangetsuha. Not bad, but Sesshomaru-sama's is bigger."

Shinobu inputs, "True. But that Meido was a complete circle."

The fuchsia eyed demon lands before Sesshomaru as he tells him, "Hmph. I'll have you know Meido Zhangetsuha was originally my technique. That's right. It was mine, until your father stole it from me. He took it..." Here, the demon removes the mask from the left side of his face. "... along with my face."

"Huh. From what I've heard this far, you've summoned me here not to reveal a secret, but to whine about your technique being stolen and your face being destroyed."

"Only one practitioner is needed for each technique. Especially considering Tensaiga is an incomplete blade," The demon says before swinging his staff and sending a Meido at the dog demon.

"Look out!" Jaken screams.

"Sesshy-kun!" I exclaim. Sesshomaru merely jerks his head to the side and the sphere hits the wall behind him.

Sesshomaru demands, "Well?! What is this secret?"

Putting his mask back on, the demon queries, "Still curious? Even as you approach your death?"

"Very well. It appears you have no intention of answering me," Murmurs Sesshomaru. He grips Tensaiga, anger filling his voice. "In which case, you are no longer needed!" Unsheathing his sword, Sesshomaru sends out a Meido that hits the wall above the fuchsia eyed demon.

He points out, setting his staff on the ground, "Sesshomaru, your Meido is needlessly large and malformed. You will never be able to create a complete Meido like I can!" Here, the demon swings his staff and a full Meido is thrust at Sesshomaru's. To our shock, his Meido is being absorbed into the enemy's. Sesshomaru clenches his teeth as both Meidos disappear.

"What?!" Exclaims Jaken.

I explain, "His Meido just absorbed Sesshy-kun's Meido like it was nothing!"

"Sesshomaru!" We look to see Inuyasha and his group arriving. Inuyasha stands on the other side of the bridge. Sesshomaru doesn't turn to him.

Sango and Miroku get off Kilala. Sango exclaims at the sight of her younger brother, "Kohaku!"

Kohaku gazes back at the older Demon Slayer as he murmurs longingly, "Sister..."

The violet haired demon's eyes land on Tetsusaiga at Inuyasha's left waist, causing him to gasp, "Could it be...?!"

"Shishinki!" Myoga exclaims, suddenly jumping up and down on Inuyasha's right shoulder.

"What is it, Myoga?" Asks Kagome.

"Huh? You're still here?" Questions Shippo.

"What did you say, Myoga? You know the guy Sesshomaru's fighting?" Demands Inuyasha.

"I do!" The flea demon chimes while still jumping up and down. "He's known as Shishinki, the Ogre of Death. He's a demon who was defeated by your father many, many years ago. He was a fierce opponent, as I recall." Myoga starts sweating profusely out of nerves.

"Is that the old flea, Myoga?" Asks Shishinki, tilting his head down at the flea. "I wasn't sure until now, but if you're here too, there can be no mistake!" With a grunt, Shishinki sends a Meido at her Inuyasha.

Myoga cries out, "That is Meido Zhangetsuha!" Kagome gasps as Inuyasha grabs her and gets them out of the way of the attack. Sango and Miroku dodge as well, and the attack slams into the wall behind them, making a perfectly round hole.

Inuyasha growls as he whirls to the ogre, "That's it!" He swiftly unsheathes Tetsusaiga. "You're gonna regret doing that! Wind Scar!" Inuyasha holds the enlarged sword above his head before thrusting it down and three blades of wind cut through the ground to Shishinki. They tear up through the mountain behind him and dust flies about.

"So it is Tetsusaiga," States Shishinki. "I'd heart that he had two sons, and now, here you are." Shishinki is revealed to be standing above the hanyo. "The old man face Tetsusaiga to his youngest, did he?"

Inuyasha inquires as he lowers Tetsusaiga and glances to Sesshomaru behind him, "Hey, Sesshomaru, what the hell's going on here? Why are you fighting with this guy?" The aristocratic assassin doesn't respond.

Shishinki addresses, "Sesshomaru, do you find it strange? Shouldn't the elder brother have received Tetsusaiga? Now why do you suppose your father left it to him instead?"

Jaken utters, "Such cruelty! Bringing up the one thing that has tortured Sesshomaru-sama. He has tried to take Tetsusaiga many times without success. He even sacrificed his arm! He'd finally given up and begun focusing training Tensaiga, and now this!"

Shinobu inputs, "Jaken-sama, your explanation makes perfect sense."

I add, peering at the imp, "But if Sesshy-kun heard it," Jaken raises his head curiously, "he would make you suffer just for saying it out loud."

Jaken gives a fearful cry and starts sweating profusely as he hides behind Kohaku.

Sesshomaru says to the ogre, "Shishinki, you summoned me here to fight, did you not? Then what are you waiting for?" Sesshomaru raises Tensaiga and slashes out a Meido. "There is no need for all this idol chatter!"

Shishinki just meets it with his own Meido and absorbs it like before.

Kagome gasps, "Sesshomaru's using it too?"

Shippo points out, "And look, his is way bigger."

"Bigger, yes, but his technique is incomplete!" Myoga exclaims as he jumps up and down on Kagome's right shoulder.

Miroku questions, "Err, Myoga? Weren't you just with Inuyasha a minute ago?"

Shippo mumbles, "He ditched him."

The two Meidos vanish. Shishinki asks, "Sesshomaru, what do you know of your sword? Do you have any idea how Tensaiga was born?" Inuyasha glances curiously to his older brother. "As I said, Tensaiga was nothing like it is now. It was in a different form back when I fought your father." Inuyasha scowls at the violet haired demon. "The truth is," The ogre narrows his eye, "Tensaiga didn't actually exist at the time. The sword I fought against was none other than Tetsusaiga." Shishinki chuckles slightly at the unhappy look on Sesshomaru's features, a shadow over them. "So you didn't know, Sesshomaru? Well, let's see, how should I say this? Tensaiga was originally Tetsusaiga—"

"Silence!" Sesshomaru snaps and sends out another Meido. Like before, Shishinki absorbs it with his own before sending out another to attack. Sesshomaru dodges it."

Shishinki continues, "Now then, I presume the old man was unable to control Meido Zhangetsuha after stealing it from me, it's rightful owner."

Kagome asks, "Wow. Is all that true, Myoga?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Myoga replies, hopping. "It is true that M' Lord was pondering how to use this technique once he'd acquired it."

Shishinki says, "That is why he cast it away from Tetsusaiga. And so, that unwanted technique, the one Tetsusaiga had no use for, was given to your Tensaiga, instead."

Inuyasha says, "So Tensaiga was cast off from Tetsusaiga?"

Kagome inputs, "If that's true, it would mean the two of them were originally one sword."

"And on top of that, if I'm not mistaken, the younger brother smells part human," Says Shishinki. "It seems unthinkable. Why would the old man bequeath Tetsusaiga, his original sword, to a mere half demon?" Shishinki sneers at Sesshomaru. "Poor Sesshomaru! It looks like your father passed you by in favour of your younger brother."

Sesshomaru scowls angrily, golden eyes flashing.

"Do you understand now?" Asks Shishinki, causing Sesshomaru to glare up at him. "Tensaiga is an incomplete sword—it cannot perform my technique. What you wield is just a part of Tetsusaiga. As such, it will never be able to perform a complete Meido. Now amount of training will change that!"

With that, the ogre swings his staff and a Meido goes flying for my fiancé.

We gasp in fear as Jaken cries, "Look out, Sesshomaru-sama!!"

"WIND SCAR!!" Three blades of wind shoot forward and both attacks cancel each other out. Inuyasha growls furiously. He looks up to see Shishinki land above him, a little away.

"So, hanyo, trying to help your older brother, are you? Well, there's no need to rush into battle. I shall deal with you once I bury Sesshomaru."

"Shuddup—!" Inuyasha is cut off by Sesshomaru slugging him in the face with a punch that throws him back. Inuyasha staggers but catches his footing. "What the hell was that for, huh?!"

Sesshomaru tells him, "Do not interfere!" He turns to Shishinki.

Shippo exclaims, "What's his problem?!"

Miroku murmurs, "Well, if everything that was just said is true, that's a lot for one man to bear."

Sango says, "You can't blame Sesshomaru for being angry."

"Still, if the technique was unwanted like this guy says, then why not just get rid of it for good? Instead, their father chose to leave it in Tensaiga and entrust Sesshomaru with it."

Sesshomaru launches for the ogre as he branches his poison claws.

"To the Underworld with you!" Shishinki exclaims as he sends out a Meido. Sesshomaru dodges it.

Shippo gasps as Miroku says, "Shishinki's Meido is powerful but small. He just has to avoid it."

Shishinki laughs, "How long can you keep this up?" With a swing of his staff, the fuchsia eyed demon sends out a bunch of Meido.

Quivering with shock, tail bristling, Shippo exclaims, "He can send out a bunch of those at once?!"

Sesshomaru gracefully leaps towards Shishinki while evading the Meidos. Inuyasha calls, "Stop it, Sesshomaru! Even you won't be able to dodge all of those!"

Sesshomaru ignores him.

"It would appear that despair has clouded your judgement, Sesshomaru," Says Shishinki. "Well, that works for me!" He sends out another barrage of Meidos.

"Sesshy-kun!" I exclaim fearfully as more and more Meidos are sent flying. Rin and I scream in fright as a Meido narrowly hits us, though we move A-Un and Karina out of the way in time.

"We have to move away or we'll get hit!" Gasps Kohaku.

As Sesshomaru nears the ogre, Shishinki slams his staff down in front of him. Sesshomaru dodges by jumping back as Shishinki mocks, "You fool. You think you can defeat me with only your claws?" Shishinki sends out more Meidos.

Sesshomaru once again dodges them.

Miroku comments, "He's doing a good job of dodging them."

Sango points out, "But his movements are becoming predictable."

Shippo murmurs, "It's only a matter of time before one of those hits him."

Kagome adds, "Plus, it looks like all that stuff Shishinki said about his father is getting to him. He's not thinking clearly right now."

"I must tell him what My Lord really had in mind!" Says Myoga frantically as he jumps on Kagome's shoulder. "It's only right that he know!" Myoga shakes his head sadly. "Ah, but sadly, I lack the means to approach. Could it be the end for him?"

"I can help with that!" Miroku offers, punching the flea demon off Kagome's shoulder. He places Myoga on a sacred sutra. "Now you have the means. See ya!"

Miroku throws the sutra towards the dog demon as Myoga cries, "I don't wanna...!"

Shishinki laughs as he lands above Sesshomaru, "Huh! At least you're good at running away."

Sesshomaru says lowly, "You are wrong. I have no intention of running away from scum like you."

"Sesshomaru-sama, please you must listen to what I have to say!" Myoga says, gaining the dog demon's attention as he lands on Inuyasha's shoulder, jumping on it. "I came over because I couldn't stay silent any longer."

"Oh?" Prompts Inuyasha with a deadpan expression.

Myoga frantically explains while jumping and flailing his four arms, "Sesshomaru-sama, you are not sleighted! On the contrary, your father bequeathed Tensaiga to you because of who you are. Meido Zhangetsuha is a fearsome attack which sends one's foes directly to the Underworld. It is not a technique that just anyone can use!"

Shishinki agrees, "That is quite true. Your half demon brother wouldn't be able to endure the demonic energy from the Underworld."

Inuyasha scoffs at this

Myoga continues, "Knowing that you were a true demon, your father was betting on your strength, Sesshomaru-sama." Myoga sits cross legged, still flailing his arms. "You see, he believed that you would eventually master Meido Zhangetsuha and be able to use Tensaiga as it was intended to be used. It was for that rea—"

"And you would have me believe that was his reason for casting Tensaiga off of Tetsusaiga, would you?" Demands Sesshomaru, turning his head away.

"Huh?" Utter Myoga and Inuyasha.

"Hm. That is a good question," Says Shishinki. "If his faith in Sesshomaru is so great, couod he not have bequeathed Tetsusaiga to him along with Meido Zhangetsuha? He certainly could have if he thought that you were priming enough."

"Well, you do have a point, there," Sighs Myoga as he deflated atop Inuyasha's head. "Hey!"

The hanyo says as he pinches Myoga between his fingers and squeezes him in front of his face, "You can't let him win the argument."

"Frankly, now even I'm starting to feel sorry for him," Groans Myoga.

"Silence, Myoga," Commands Sesshomaru. He launches for Shishinki who fires more Meidos at him. Sesshomaru dodges them.

I cry out as one nearly hits him, "Sesshy-kun!"

Shishinki utters, "Heh. He's only got one arm."

Shishinki grunts as Sesshomaru slugs him in the face with his palm, throwing the demon onto his back. Sesshomaru lands as the ogre struggles to sit up. His mask is missing from the left side of his face.

Shishinki snaps, glaring at the silver haired demon, "The secret behind Tensaiga, it is not meant to be uttered by a mouth as wretched and twisted as yours. Every word you speak brings shame to it."

Shishinki growls in frustration, "Urgh! Silence, you insolent brat!" He gets to his feet, staff in hand. "I will make you regret damaging my face, as your father did!"

"Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha cries as he charges forward.

Sesshomaru growls, "I told you not to interfere!"

"I don't care!" Shishinki sends out a bunch of Meido while Inuyasha meets it with shards of adamant. "ADAMANT BARRAGE!!" However, the Meidos just absorb them.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru leap up to avoid the attack. Just then, Tensaiga glows blue as it pulses.

"Tensaiga?!" Gasps Sesshomaru.

Tetsusaiga also glows white as it pulses. "Tetsusaiga?!" Exclaims Inuyasha before he and his brother whip glances at one another. Sesshomaru scowls as he married his eyes. "Sesshomaru, you should draw Tensaiga. Try it! Something might happen."

Shishinki tells the demon brothers as he readies another Meido, "There's nowhere for you to run, now. Prepare to be banished to the Underworld." Sesshomaru narrows his eyes at the hanyo. "Are you ready for it? Now you and your father's swords shall spend the rest of eternity in the Underworld!"

Shishinki sends out even more Meidos than before.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cries fearfully.

"He'll never make it," Jaken says while shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut.

"No, Sesshy-kun!" I scream fearfully, shaking my head furiously as I grip Karina's fur.

"Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha snaps as the Meidos near them. Sesshomaru finally draws Tensaiga.

He growls angrily, "Never, Shishinki! I will not allow my life to be taken by scum blinks you!" Sesshomaru sends out a huge and full Meido and we gasp as the smaller ones get sucked into it.

"Sesshomaru-sama's Meido Zhangetsuha has achieved a full and complete circle!" Says Jaken.

Kohaku points out, "It's swallowing Shishinki's Meido." The demon brothers land and gasp as they watch the Meido coming down towards the ogre.

"It can't be! Tensaiga's supposed to be incomplete," Gasps Shishinki. He's pulled up towards the sphere of space. Shishinki gasps in startling realisation at the aristocratic assassin, before a smirk crosses his lips. "Now I see. I pity you, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha scowls deeply. "What your father did was cruel! It was cruel, you hear!"

When the Meido vanishes, the mountain behind it is mostly destroyed.

"Wow," Breathes Kagome.

"Such immense power," Says Sango.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Says Shippo. "I mean, just look at this place."

Miroku murmurs, "Still, that was too close. A moment later, and Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would've been banished to the Underworld forever."

"Just witnessing it took years off my life!" Myoga cries, reappearing and jumping on Kagome's shoulder.

"How did you get here?" Kagome wants to know.

"What do you know? Myoga ended up somewhere safe," Miroku says wryly.

"Again," Utters Shippo.

The glow fades from both swords. Inuyasha asks as he sheathes Tetsusaiga, "Hey, err, Sesshomaru? That thing you just did, that was a complete Meido Zhangetsuha, wasn't it?" Sesshomaru sheathes his own sword and doesn't respond as he starts forward.

"Wait up, Sesshomaru! This means you've mastered Tensaiga now. I can assume that, right?" Sesshomaru pauses. "Look, father died before I was old enough to remember him. I have no way of knowing what ye was thinking back then. But, all of those things that Shishinki was saying... the Tensaiga was something the Tetsusaiga didn't need, that's it incomplete? Those were lies, right? I mean, father left Tensaiga because he trusted you and because you're a real demon."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome exclaims as she comes flying over on Shippo, in a balloon form, Sango and Miroku on Kilala.

Sesshomaru wants to know, peering back, "Why do you ask, anyway?"

"Why?! Because, Sesshomaru, I'm sick and tired of you giving me trouble about the sword!" Inuyasha exclaims in exasperation. "Let's just agree Tensaiga was your proper inheritance from father, and let that be the end of it."

Miroku murmurs, "Inuyasha is showing his respect for Tensaiga."

Kagome says thoughtfully, "I think he's trying to cheer up Sesshomaru."

"I hope it works," Says Shippo wearily, hand to his chin.

Inuyasha asks, "Can we agree, Sesshomaru?"

Turning away, Sesshomaru questions, "Inuyasha, are you blind? Can you not see it?"

"See what?"

"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru looks back at him with narrowed golden eyes. "Like it or not, you and I are destined to fight each other until the day we die. Do not forget that." That said, Sesshomaru turns around and stalks away.

"Hey!" The hanyo calls. Sesshomaru doesn't pause or look back.

Karina flies straight after him as I hear A-Un catching up.

Jaken cries, "Please, wait, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Rin asks, "Kohaku? Shouldn't you talk to your sister before we go?"

Kohaku answers, looking at her, "No. we should keep up with Sesshomaru-sama."


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