late | jjba stardust crusader...

By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

5.9K 148 76

late /lāt/ doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time "he was late, just as al... More

Zero - Initial Character Information
One - More Fairy Godmothers?
Two - Please Count Me In
Three - Fly Flying on Our Flight
Four - Here We Go Again
Five - Fire and Metal
Six - Elements Clashing
Seven - Who Nose?
Eight - We Were Mooned?!
Nine - Mmm, Monkey.
☆ - April Fools Special
Ten - Pongo vs Homo (sapiens? sexual?)
Quick Update

Eleven - We Are Singa-POOR

93 4 0
By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

First-Person Point of View

"You're a dumbass. We're alive." Jotaro grunted through sobs I was letting out.

"Eh?" I immediately stopped crying and lifted my head up. Everyone else was nodding at Jotaro's statement.

"I don't know how you slept through all that commotion, Miss (L/n)." I heard a chuckle from across the boat... Avdol was laughing at me. At this point, I was just really embarrassed, so I tried to move on from the fact that my first thought was that everyone died instead of surviving.

"I can sleep anywhere and through anything! It's a talent! I'm always tired!" Puffing out my chest with a hint of pride. It's true. I love my sleep.

"That's just depression." While combing his hair, Kakyoin made that snide remark. This stupid, pretty boy is just ruining my vibes.

"Anyone would be if they were a main character travelling with their homosexual supporting cast."

"HEY! Why would you be the main character?" Polnareff whined. Seriously? Mans is proving my point with his tone of voice.

"Because I wouldn't whimper like that if someone called me a side character." I crossed my arms, trying to be serious, but I couldn't help myself from giggling at the end of the sentence. I probably was just a side character, but it was funny pissing the mains off while I could.

A tugging moved my view down to beside me. It was Anne, thank goodness she was okay... "It was so crazy (Y/n)! The big ship transformed into a shabby little boat!" She was in awe; that's what seeing a stand does to you.

Wait a second... how could she see that happening?

Probably reading my expression and guessing that the rusted gears were trying to turn in my mind (they couldn't—I struggle with thinking), Mr. Joestar answered the question I never asked.

"It was very powerful and ferocious, making it visible... keep in mind that it is a sign of things to come." He spoke the last part of the statement in a low tone.

I nodded my head in understanding. How was I going to survive from here on out? Sure, I would not willingly throw myself into battle, but what if no one was there to protect me? I am honest about my powers and would not survive against 2 chickens.

Okay, I probably would. But my point still STANDS! (hehe)

With the silence that fell upon our boat, I decided to maladaptive daydream using the beautiful deep colour of the sea as a canvas base.

But just as I started, it ended just as fast. The direction I looked towards had something we all were looking for... a boat!

"HEY GUYS!" I excitedly shouted and flailed my hands, motioning everyone to look at what I was looking at, too... I was too happy to use my words, but I'm glad everyone understood what I was trying to say.


Third-person Point of View

Once upon a time, there was a prince from the island of Sumatra who travelled the seas, seeking new lands. Eventually, he happened upon an island inhabited by white-manned lions called Singas, an island he named Singa Pura.

Today, its straits bustle with ships and tankers from around the world! This nation that shares both Western and Eastern heritage thanks to free trade is Singapore!

"Good grief. We finally made it to dry land." Polnareff breathed a sigh of relief once everyone had gotten in order after getting off their boat.

"We'll stay at a hotel tonight and figure out our route to Egypt." Joseph Joestar and the rest of the group began looking around at the buildings close to where they were standing. Where would be an adequate place to stay for them?

After all, money was of no issue to Mr. Joestar.

After finding an extremely tall building with free tropical palm trees at its front, Mr. Joestar decided. "All right, let's stay at that one."

However, as the crusaders were about to begin walking to their desired designation, repeated whistling came behind them.

"Hey you, with the flat top!" The officer was pointing ambiguously between (Y/n) and Polnareff.

"I think it's very rude to comment on a woman's body monsieur." Polnareff jumped to your defense, then turned to you and winked. (AN: No matter what tiddie size you have he will jump in, I'm part of the itty bitty community so like this does apply to me LMFAO).

The officer was taken aback for a quick second before regaining his composure. "NO. I'm talking about YOU!" He stuck his finger directly in Polnareff's face.

"Wait for a second, his tits are HUGE! You can't call him flat! That's an offence to his big boobs!" (Y/n) started staring at Polnareff's chest, inspecting it very closely to see what the hell the officer was talking about. In fact, the men were blessed in that department; why use the world flat to describe any of them?

Kakyoin pulled her back. "He means his hair..." he whispered through clenched teeth, putting his hands over her mouth to make her stop talking. "Sorry, officer. She... um... went through surgery, and the anesthesia hasn't worn off. Please forgive her." This was an obvious lie, but they needed a plausible (but not arrestable) explanation to make the officer allow some leeway for (Y/n)'s behaviour.

"Alright." The officer just glanced at them and turned to his main issue -- Polnareff. "You threw this trash, didn't you? That's a five-hundred Singapore dollar fine!" He threw up five fingers to emphasize the cost.

"No way... five hundred?" Polnareff was confused. First, he didn't even litter, and second, that was outrageous to him!

"Here in Singapore, the law prohibits littering and fines all violators for doing so! That means you!" There was a sign in plain sight warning people about this law; the officer didn't understand why they didn't obey it when it was right in front of them.

"Five hundred Singapore dollars..." Kakyoin was trying to convert the amount into yen.

"...That's about forty thousand yen." Joseph Joestar was quick with the conversion; after all, a man with a lot of money must know his international rates!

Avdol was relating to Polnareff's confusion, "Trash?"

The officer continues to point his finger in an accusatory manner, probably really annoyed at the fact that the second these foreigners got off their boat, they began to litter and disrespect his country's rules, "Are you clear on that, punk?"

"Trash?" Polnareff was baffled. They didn't even have any trash to throw out.

Pointing down at his feet, the rest of the group looked at what the officer was referring to while Polnareff maintained eye contact to be polite.

"What are you talking about, sir?" His eyes were the last to follow the finger, and they met... his luggage.

Avdol accidentally let out the giggle he was trying to keep in.

"All I see on the ground here is my own luggage." The second those words left Polnareff's mouth, the officer realized his grand mistake.

"So you've got me a little confused," Polnareff says, putting his finger on the officer's chest. "Would you be so kind as to tell me what trash you're referring to, officer?" Now, Polnareff bent down, putting his hand on the officer's shoulders, with a devilish sneer.

An audible gulp could be heard. "You mean, that bag's your luggage?" The officer smiled very nervously. "Yeah, you got it," Polnareff replied.

Polnareff was a very tall man compared to the officer, which added to his nervousness. "I'm terribly sorry..."

The entirety of the crusaders began to laugh.

"It's his fault for using a trash bag." (Y/n) giggled, mainly speaking to Kakyoin.

As they were laughing, they heard a higher-pitched giggle (that could not have been (Y/n)'s). Turning to the origin of the sound, there was the young Anne, who had been watching the whole scenario go down.

Everyone stopped laughing and stared at the girl. Wasn't she supposed to go see her father now? What was she still doing here? Feeling awkward, Anne turned away in a slight tantrum, but she still did not leave the group.

"What's up with this kid? She's still following us like a lost puppy?" Polnareff questioned Anne's intentions.

"Anne, we all thought you were going to see your father?" (Y/n) walked towards Anne and sat beside her. Maybe she was lost and didn't know where her dad was; after all, any country is large and vast for such a young girl.

Polnareff was not as patient towards Anne as the only girl in the group, "Stop hanging around and get going. Shoo!" At this point, (Y/n) threw her shoe at the Frenchman, giving him what he requested.

"THAT'S RUDE, SHUT UP." (Y/n) seethed. Then she turned for Anne's answer.

"I'm meeting up with him in five days. And I can go wherever the hell I want!" Anne retorted back to the man, annoyed by her presence. "I'm not taking orders from you jerks." She turned away from the group's men and hugged (Y/n)'s arm.

(Y/n) patted Anne's hair and walked towards Joseph, Avdol, Kakyoin and Polnareff to discuss what they should do.

Anne looked towards Jotaro with puppy dog eyes that pleaded to let her stay with them.

"It's not safe for a little girl to accompany us." Avdol was trying to be reasonable in this situation.

"Yeah, I kind of agree. But she also would be the safest with us. There's a lot of bad people out there. Hell, there was a bad monkey that attacked her." (Y/n) didn't want to leave Anne alone, especially if she was going to have to wait five days to see her dad.

Jotaro walked up to the group and silently joined the conversation.

"Well, maybe she lacks the cash for a place to stay," Kakyoin spoke up. This was the most probable situation. Where would a young girl like her even get such funds?

Joseph nodded, "Then that's it, we'll have to get her a room." He started to turn to Anne, but (Y/n) put her hand before him to stop him.

"She still needs a proper guardian. We can't leave a little girl alone." (Y/n) quipped.

"Alright, (Y/n) and Polnareff. Get her to come with us, and Polnareff—try not to bruise her ego."

"You got it," Polnareff smirked and waved off the request. (Y/n) walked first towards Anne.

She sat down beside the young girl, "Hi Ann-"

"Hey! You're stinkin' poor, aren't you?" Polnareff interrupted the girl, who had a much closer connection with Anne. (Y/n) smacked her forehead. There was no way Anne would come along easily now.

"Polnareff, shut u-" It was as if her voice was invisible to the man.

"Consider this your lucky day, freeloader." Anne sighed at this.

"Don't we all use Mr. Joestar's money. We're all freeloaders, man." (Y/n) She puts her face into her hands at the end of her sentence. Is this how the others felt when she spoke? But also, why was there now competition against (Y/n) for the 'Most likely to piss someone off' award?

Everyone else chuckled at the two.

"Well, let's check in..." Avdol always ensured the group stayed on a tangent. "Right..." Joseph agreed.


AN: skeleton notes, also the screencap account I use doesn't have the folders organized (stupid X) and i do not wanna scroll four years back to find part three so there will be less screenshots from the anime :( but its ok you guys are here for the humour right??? RIGHT>??>>


dumbass we're alive

oh okay lol



polnareff this chapter

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