Rise of the Jedi Order

By soulfox1305

2.3K 55 18

Years after the Empire has fallen a new order has taken over name the First Order but there is still hope in... More

Village attack, Rey meets Alina and BB-8
Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina
Millennium Falcon, Han Solo
Rathtars, Snoke, Map
Maz, Lightsabers, Republic Destroyed
Takodana battle, Leia Organa, Resistance Base
Face reveal, plans, infiltration
R2 and R3 wakes up, Luke and Aayla
Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke
Jedi texts, Ambush
Holdo, Rose, Maz
Lesson one, Canto Bight
Lesson two, DJ, Fathier's freedom
Axel, The truth, Yoda
Snoke's Destroyer, Evacuation
Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice
Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base
Luke and Aayla vs Kylo Ren, Spark
Sidious alive, Hyperspace skipping, Force Training
The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana
Sith Dagger, Force Lightning, Plan
D-O, Kijimi, Babu, Location
Rescue, The Truth, Death Star
The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death
Kijimi destroyed, Preparing, Leia lightsaber
Battle of Exegol
Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, The Jedi Order

Battle of Starkiller Base

68 3 1
By soulfox1305

3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Resistance Base in the command centre a Resistance Officer said "General, their shields are down" Raising his arm C-3PO said "Thank the Maker" Looking at the hologram Leia said "Han did it" She looks to Statura "Send them in" Walking to a console Statura said "Give Poe full authorisation for attack".

A Resistance Com said "Black Leader, go to sub-lights on your call" Poe said "Roger, base" Flipping a switch Poe said "Red squad, Blue squad, take our lead" Pressing a button A Sullustan speaks Sullustese and Red Leader said "Dropping out of lightspeed" He turns a switch the Resistance come out of hyperspace heading to Starkiller Base they follow Poe making a turn heading for the oscillator.

The X-wings open their wings Poe said "Almost in range" They towards it fast "Hit the target dead centre" Staring at the oscillator "As many run as we can get" Snap said "Approaching target" A Sullustan speaks Sullustese they went down towards the oscillator avoiding the gunners an Officer said "Fighters incoming" Hux walks to the window a 2nd Officer said "Coming at 28.336" A 3rd Officer said "Forty-five" Hux stares angry "Shields up".

He turns "Shields up" Hux walks and looks at an officer who turns Hux said "Dispatch all squadrons" Nodding the Officer said "Yes, General" Hux turns while Poe said "All right" He move his controller "Let's light it up" They Resistance fire at the oscillator hitting it causing a few explosions flying up along the surface before spreading a Pilot said "Ah, direct hit" He laughs and another Pilot said "But no damage".

Jess turns her head Poe said "Yeah, we gotta keep hitting it" He move his head "Another bombing run" They turn their ships around "Remember, when the sun is gone that weapon will be ready to fire" Poe stares at it "But as long as there's light, we got a chance" BB-8 chirping rapidly looking in a direction is a lot of Ties coming "Guys, we got a lot of company" A few X-wings heads towards them and fire destroying a lot of Ties in their way passing the oscillator.

Meanwhile a Stormtrooper is leading a group forward a Stormtrooper said "We think they may be splitting up" A couple of officers walk over a bridge "Heading to quadrants 4 and 5" Finn watch them go before look at Han and going forward with him, and Chewie aiming his Bowcaster following Finn said "We'll use the charges to blow that blast door".

Han looks at the door "I'll go in and draw fire, but I'm gonna need cover" Han looks back to Finn he ask "You sure you're up for this" Staring at him Finn said "Hell, no" Han sighs "I'll go in and try to find Rey and Alina" Unknown to them an area outside the window opens "The troopers will be on our tail" Han looks pass Finn "We have to be ready for that".

Staring Han begins to nod "There's an access tunnel that leads..." Finn notice Han nodding "Why are you doing that" Finn nods back "Hmm" Chewie grunts looking "Why are you doing this" Han keeps nodding "I'm trying to come up with a plan" Using his pistol to point pass Finn who turns to see Rey and Alina climbing out of the area and going up Finn walks up to the window watching them he laughs looking to Han who walks over smiling and Chewie joins them.

Alina POV

After we climb onto the platform, I sense around before nodding to Rey who climbs up holding her blaster looking around going down a hallway she aims her blaster we make a turn, and we yelp only to see Han, Finn, and Chewie there we were shocked to see them Han ask "You two all right" I nod at him Rey said "Yeah" Nodding I said "Same here" Han said "Good".

We look to Finn who ask "What happened to you two" We stare at him "Did he hurt either of you" Blinking I ask "Finn, what are you doing here" Finn said "We came back for you two" Chewie exclaims Finn looks to him while we glance to Chewie and to Finn who turns back "What'd he say" Rey said "That it was your idea" We hug him I said "Thank you".

Finn hugs us back he ask "How did you two get away" Rey said "I can't explain it" Shaking my head I said "We'll tell you later" Then Han said "She's right escape now, hug later" Me, Finn and Rey let go looking at him we follow them to a door Finn press a few buttons on the console making the door close Chewie grunts holding Han's coat.

3rd POV

Meanwhile the Resistance continues to fire on the oscillator a gunner turns firing as a X-wing flies pass with a couple of Ties behind him and fires destroying the X-wing as Snap flies with a Tie behind him Snap said "I got one behind me" He looks back and forward while Jess is looking "You see it" Jess said "Yeah" She looks to the side and back "I'm on it".

Coming out from the snow is big gun that fires missiles Jess while a X-wing fires at a Tie only to get hit heading down noticing Jess calls "Burillo's been hit" She moves her X-wing Snap said "Watch out for ground fire" Burillo crashes into the ground.

Alina POV

We came to a stop watching the Resistance battle Han said "They're in trouble" I watch a X-wing destroys a Tie "We can't leave" Han turns "My two friend's got a bag full of explosives" He turns back "Let's use them".

3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Resistance Base at a console Lieutenant Connix ask "General, are you seeing this" She turns to Leia and Statura who both turn a Resistance Controller said "Another X-wing is down" The Controller turns his head "That's half of our fleet destroyed" C-3PO said "And their weapon will be fully charged in ten minutes" He points at the hologram turning his head "It would take a miracle to save us now"

Suddenly Conix looks at the radar she said "General" Leia and Stratura look to her "I'm getting a reading of ships coming out of hyperspace" Stratura ask "First Order reinforcements" Looking to him shaking her head Connix said "No" Turning Stratura said "Alert Poe about this" The Resistance Com said "Black Leader do you copy".

Destroying a Tie and avoiding another Poe said "I read you Base" The Resistance Com said "There are ships coming out of hyperspace" Poe looks up to see coming out of hyperspace is 60 Vulture droids heading down Poe said "I see them" The Vultures spread out firing at the Ties destroying them "Their droids" Catching Leia's attention "They're on our side destroying the Tie Fighters" Realising Leia whisper "Fulcrum".

Meanwhile at Starkiller Base a door opens Han, and Chewie both fire at the two Stormtroopers who both turn and fire back taking cover Han went right and Chewie went left they fire taking cover Han fires killing a Stormtrooper while Chewie fires killing a 2nd Stormtrooper who spins by the shot. Han motions Chewie who growls.

Han takes off his coat while Finn, Rey and Alina run to the door that opens going in Alina and Rey open a couple of panels Rey reach in and pulls out a power source making the door in front of Han. Chewie and Fixer open Han said "Ah" They walk through "The two girls know their stuff" Chewie growls ducking under the door they walk down the hallway until they reach the inside of the oscillator.

Pointing Han said "We'll set the charges against every other column" Chewie growls moving his head "You're right" He looks around "That's a better idea" Han motions Chewie "You take the top" He look at Han "I'll go down below" He holds the detonator "Detonator" Chewie grunts taking it Han motions the spot "We'll meet back here" Chewie turns heading down one path and Han went down the other going down.

Han makes a turn going under the ladder as Chewie went up a ladder he puts the bag down carefully and grab an explosive setting it and press the button causing it to charge as Han presses a button and sets the explosive Chewie kneels pressing the button and sets the explosive underneath a path while Kylo Ren walks with Stormtroopers behind him making a turn to see more Stormtroopers standing at a door to the oscillator that opens.

Kylo Ren enters, and the Stormtroopers follow him inside Kylo Ren stops looking up before looking to the Stormtroopers he said "Find them" The Stormtroopers split up heading in two directions as Kylo Ren walks away and Stormtroopers search the area some went up the stairs and others on the lower level and Han sees them before moving.

Alina POV

Rey, Finn and I got off the speeder I said "Rey, Finn" The sun is almost gone I turn and follow them we head for a ladder and begin to climb it.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Kylo Ren walks slowly looking around before turning and head in a direction, but little did, he knew Han stands behind a pillar staring at Kylo Ren who walks on a pathway and slowly Han begins to follow he walks up the stairs to the path Han calls "Ben" That made Kylo Ren stop and the Stormtroopers aim their blasters at Han.

Chewie notices them before looking over the edge to see Han there Chewie growls watching Kylo Ren turn around looking at Han he said "Han Solo" He stares at him "I've been waiting for this day for a long time" Han breathes before walking on the path.

Alina POV

We reach the door that opens we run inside and look down to see the Sith and Han who is walking to him on a path Han said "Take off that mask" He walks closer "You don't need it" The Sith ask "What do you think you'll see if I do" Taking another step Han said "The face of my son" We watch the Sith takes his helmet off.

Sith said "Your son is gone" He stares at Han "He was weak and foolish like his father" Slowly Han step forward "So I destroyed him" Han said "That's what Snoke wants you to believe" He stares at him "But it's not true" Han stops walking "My son is alive" But the Sith said "No" He shake his head "The Supreme Leader is wise".

Taking a few steps forward Han said "Snoke is using you for your power" He stops in front of the Sith "When he gets what he wants, he'll crush you" They stare at each other "You know it's true" But Han's Son said "It's too late" But Han said "No, it's not" He took a step forward "Leave here with me" He stares "Come home".

The Sith stares at him "We miss you" Moving his head a bit the Sith said "I'm being torn apart" Han stares at him "I want to be free of this pain" The Sith move his gaze "I know what I have to do..." He shakes his head "...but I don't know if I have the strength to do it" But Han shake his head "Will you help me" Han said "Yes" He took a step closer "Anything".

I suddenly had a bad feeling right now and the Sith drop his helmet before looking at Han and took his lightsaber off and hold it to Han who takes it me Rey and Finn look behind us to see the sun is almost gone, we look back to see the Sith activate his lightsaber and stab Han my eyes widen Chewie Rey yells "NO" I grip the railing sensing the dark side in the Sith.

The Sith pulls the lightsaber out of Han I said "No" I feel tears falling we watch Han reach up and touch the Sith who had an emotionless face before falling off the path and below until he was out of sight.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Leia suddenly sits down lowers her head before raising it and close her eyes.

Alina POV

Chewie howls fires hitting the Sith causing him to kneel and the Stormtroopers fire at them Chewie fires killing one we avoided the shots and fire back at them I took a deep breath Rey and Finn fire at the Stormtroopers.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Chewie fires killing another Stormtrooper before heading into the hall he holds the detonator and press the button and the explosives activate destroying areas.

Alina POV

We watch the explosion go up destroying more parts than we notice the Sith looking straight at us before getting up and limps over the path I said "We got to go now" We turn and leave the oscillator.

3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Resistance Base looking Ackbar said "The oscillator' been damaged..." He looks at a Resistance member "...but is still functional" Another member turns then the alarm beeps a Resistance Member said "Admiral, their weapon will fire in two minutes" Statura looks to her for a moment.

Alina POV

Finn, Rey and I climb over a boulder before running into the forest Finn said "The Falcon's this way" We follow Finn passing trees then a lightsaber activates making us stop looking to one another we walk forward to see the Sith standing there staring at us he said "We're not done yet" We took breathes staring at him Rey said "You're a monster".

The Sith said "It's just us now" He shake his head "Han Solo can't save you" He hits himself grunting I notice blood on the snow looking back I said "You can't stop us" Rey aims her blaster, but the Sith use the Force sending Rey flying hitting a tree I turn but he uses the Force and sent me flying into a tree I black out.

3rd POV

Finn watch Rey and Alina hit the snow Finn takes his blaster off threw it and runs over to them "Rey, Alina" He kneels "Rey, Alina" Finn shakes them but neither didn't answer Finn picks them up "Rey, Alina" He taps their faces while Ben walks forward "Oh, no" He stares at them "No, no" Ben moves his lightsaber "Rey, Alina".

He spins his lightsaber catching Finn's attention raising his head Ben yells "Traitor" Angry Finn stares in front of him before lowering Rey and Alina down on the ground before taking the Luke's lightsaber he stands up and face Ben holding the lightsaber up and activates it Ben points "That lightsaber" He glares at Finn "It belongs to me".

Staring at him Finn said "Come get it" He runs yelling and clash lightsabers against Ben who moves forward making Finn move back Ben swings and Finn avoids before slashing at Ben who block twice before pushing Finn back and swings his lightsaber at him but Finn blocks each one moving back more and fell on his back.

Ben wince turning around and hitting himself again as Finn crawls back a bit before getting up making Ben turn and moves avoiding Finn's slash and move to the side making Finn stumble pass Ben turns spinning his lightsaber walking to Finn who is ready, and they clash twice Finn walks back avoiding a swing before locking sabers against Ben being press against a tree.

They stare at each other Finn grunts then Ben use one of the small lightsaber sides to touch Finn who gasp and scream while Rey and Alina slowly come to their visions were daze hearing Finn screaming before Ben pulls back and swing his lightsaber at Finn who ducks and hits the tree and move around Ben and they clash again.

Finn swings hitting Ben's arm making him turn holding it he grunts Ben turns back and blocks Finn's slash and spins the lightsaber out of Finn's hands sending Luke's lightsaber flying and stab in the bank of snow while Ben punch Finn making him turn and slash Finn's back causing him to groan and collapse on the snow.

Ben deactivates his lightsaber and looks to Luke's lightsaber and notice he reach out and use the Force to make the lightsaber move a bit but it didn't leave the snow Ben keeps using the Force watching the lightsaber move a bit Ben stops before he grunts using the Force again and the lightsaber move out of the snow but it went to Ben who leans back and the lightsaber went pass him to land in Rey's hand.

Alina POV

We stare at the Sith who stares back at us Rey holds the lightsaber and activates it and I put the pieces of the lightsaber together and activate it staring back at the Sith who activates his spinning it and we run forward and clash against his Rey yelling swinging once and the Sith blocks and slash making him block mine moving back.

Rey and I move forward swinging our lightsabers at the Sith who ducks making me slash a tree that falls down the Sith swings at us and we clash moving back Rey strikes only to deflect and I swing to be block and duck the saber and move back with Rey and another tree fell down we stare at the Sith who spins his lightsaber and I clash against him using the Force to move him back.

3rd POV

Meanwhile the Resistance and Vultures continue to battle at the Oscillator a X-wing takes out a Tie then another Tie fires hitting the X-wing seeing this a Jess saw this and a Pilot said "We just lost R-1" Poe moves his controller Jess said "We're overwhelmed" She turns her X-wing "What do we do" She press a button "It isn't working".

A group of Vultures fire destroying Ties in their path and a Resistance pilot stares at the oscillator he said "Black Leader, there's a brand new hole in that oscillator" Poe leans to look and see the hole "Looks like our friends got in" Looking forward Poe said "Red Four, Red Six, cover us" Red Four said "I'm on it" Looking Red Six said "Roger" A Vulture fires destroying another Tie.

He turns his Arc Fighter and Poe said "Everybody else, hit the target hard" He stares forward "Give it everything you got" Poe leads the Resistance and Vultures toward the oscillator destroying a few Ties while Poe, Red Four and Red Six went into the trench heading for the Oscillator firing at the gunners that attempt to shoot them.

Noticing them Poe said "We need some help here" He move his controller "We need some help" Red Four said "Coming in" Jess said "Watch out" They avoid the gunners but Red Six got hit he calls "I'm hit" He crashes into the wall Poe looks back and forward a Vulture sways avoiding getting hit flying behind Poe said "All teams, I'm going in".

Jess and a Vulture sway their ships "Pull up and cover us" Jess pulls her control she said "Good luck, Poe" They went up as two Ties try to shoot Poe while an Officer said "Weapon fully charged in 30 seconds" Hux stares forward he said "Prepare to fire" Poe sway his ship avoiding the gunners and Ties he press a button for the wings to close and turn his ship to enter through the hole entering the oscillator.

Poe opens his wings and fire destroying the power coupling areas causing them to explode Poe went back out through the hole out of the oscillator going up with a couple of X-wings and Vultures following them as the oscillator explodes sending a shockwave throughout the base causing large number of explosives.

Alina POV

I block another strike in a trench moving back and Rey blocks a couple moving back I block a few times and lean back avoiding the saber we turn and run I use the Force to knocks some branches down into the Sith's path we climb up the walls on either side and the Sith grunts I run to the snow looking back to see Rey jumps and the Sith grunts swinging his lightsaber missing her.

Rey gets up and the Sith runs towards us we clash again I swing making the Sith duck and move back and Rey went by passing the saber I swing cutting the branch making it fall and the Sith moves back me, and Rey run forward until we turn back facing the Sith who walks towards us we swing our lightsabers and the Sith blocks.

I move clashing a few times grunting and backflip a few times looking to Rey who stumbles towards me blocking a strike I swing at the Sith and move back for Rey to strike the Sith blocks both attacks we move pass some trees and clashing again I hear a rumble and look back to see the area in front of us collapse.

We look back to the Sith who walks and swings his lightsaber we block moving back we grunt and the Sith strikes making Rey yelp and I grunt blocking it we lock sabers against the Sith making us move back more towards the edge I grunt keeping it back and Rey straining the Sith said "You need a teacher" He looks to Rey "I could show you the ways of the Force".

Rey ask "The Force" She looks to me and I said "Now is your time" Nodding Rey close her eyes I close my eyes feeling the Force flow through us and I open my eyes at the Sith we broke the lock going around away from the edge the Sith turns and swings his lihgtsaber but we avoided it Rey and I clash against him again.

We spin clashing each time and made the Sith move back at each strike I slash getting his leg and cloak the Sith grunts falling to his knees Rey, and I stand side by side staring at the Sith who groans and swing his lightsaber we dodge and yell hitting both shoulders causing him to stumble back Rey runs forward and raise her lightsaber at the Sith who blocks.

I run after them and swing making him block my attack for Rey to kick him to the ground, we circle him either side watching the Sith slowly groaning he gets up and swings his lightsaber at us and we block and swing at him the Sith use the Force to stop ours and I grab his wrist with the lightsaber I yell pushing the lightsaber towards the ground.

The Sith yelling I use the Force to make him let go Rey swing her lightsaber down disarming the Sith and slash his face making the Sith scream falling on his back me and Rey stare at the Sith who now has a gash on his face staring back at us suddenly a rumbling is heard and the ground between us and the Sith collapse causing to make a giant trench I deactivate my lightsaber and Rey did the same we turn and head back to where Finn is.

3rd POV

Meanwhile a hanger is collapsing in the control centre the alarms are beeping officers are clamouring a Lieutenant moves away from the window before turning an Officer said "All eyes on that Tie fighter" The Lieutenant walks and a 2nd Officer said "We're losing power rapidly" The Lieutenant walks pass the controls an officer name Datoo calls "Lieutenant".

He grabs the Lieutenant "Get back to your station" But the Lieutenant yell "Just look" He moves away "We won't survive" He heads for the door "Even Hux is gone" He runs out of the centre while Hux runs into a room he calls "Supreme Leader".

He looks up at Snoke "The fuel cells have ruptured" He stops staring at Snoke "The collapse of the planet has begun" The hologram frazzle Snoke said "Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren" Rubble falls from the ceiling Snoke raise his head "It is time..." More pieces fall "...to complete his training".

Alina POV

We reach Finn kneeling next to him Rey said "Finn" He didn't answer I grab him and turn him around I said "Finn, wake up" We shake him, but he didn't respond Rey put her head on his chest and I lower my head then a light caught our attention I look up to see the Falcon turning towards us with Chewie in the cockpit.

He lands the Falcon getting out and running to us we help Chewie get Finn in his arms and he carries him to the Falcon running up the ramp placing Finn on the bed we move with him to the cockpit and begin to get the Falcon up turning it around and fly up leaving the planet quickly.

3rd POV

The Falcon flies pass a destroyed mountain then Poe arrives seeing them he said "All teams, I got eyes on them" He flips a switch above him following Jess smiles and Snap said "Yes" All Resistance fighters and Vulture fly away following the Falcon from the collapsing planet causing it to explode making it the sun.

Pressing a button Poe said "Our job's done here" He smiles "Let's go home" The rest of the Resistance pilots all went into hyperspace as the remaining 43 Vultures went to hyperspace in another direction.

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