A Web Strand Away

By The_Evil_Lucifer

10.5K 345 287

(Wednesday Addams x Spider-Man Dad!Reader) After an unforeseen tragedy, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man... More

Y/n's Info/Bio
Chapter 2: Before Nevermore || Pt.2
Chapter 3: Indirect Meeting
Chapter 4: A Recurring Nightmare

Chapter 1: Before Nevermore || Pt.1

2.4K 83 92
By The_Evil_Lucifer

Sup peeps, it's your favorite procrastinator here. I'm writing this as a mock-up to see if I can make a story balancing some key things. Fatherhood, responsibilities, consequences, love, and priorities.

I know I'm not good with updating things, it's an issue. Anyway, let's begin, shall we?



A blur and a rush of wind is what people would describe the speed of this second generation webhead. Normally, the citizens of New York would see the hero enough to see how he moves gracefully in the air. It was always a sight to see, entrancing the kids with his tricks. Truth be told, he only does it to make their day a bit better.... while also annoying the residents with his wall-running and yells of excitement.

Spidey speeds through the air, spinning web after web, going as fast as he could. He thwips a web and pulls. Kicking a leg forward and drawing an arm back as he pulls himself ahead, striking a pose... What a poser.

[Yes, I know the stories. I don't care, I like the suit.]

Why is he going this fast? Well, it's kind of difficult to explain.

"Got eyes on the Spider."

Okay, maybe not so difficult.

A shot was heard before Y/n felt his arms get pinned to his sides, making him fall on a rooftop below him. "Oof!" Landing straight onto your face is always going to hurt, landing on it 20 feet in the air? Even worse.

"Ow... I'm going to feel that in the morning" Y/n said as he sat up.

"Goddammit" he struggled to get the binds on him, "The hell is this made out of?" he thought as thuds of trained assassins land behind him. He looks over his shoulder, four Hydra agents stood before him, wearing their 'on-the-low' attire. Though, it seems awfully like a ninja costume to Y/n.

"Hey guys, Halloween already? Or are you guys cosplaying as the low budget main characters of Lego Ninjago? If you are, you failed. You guys need to have other colors than black" He quipped, getting no response. "What? Did I catch you-" a blade was thrown at him, he simply leans his head to the right.

"Alright, technically you caught me." He casually dodges another.

"Okay, I'm getting a sense that you're getting annoyed. Are you annoyed?" He joked as he kept dodging their blades.

"I feel like you're testing me, which I don't usually mind, but you see- I'm kind of busy." Y/n jumps forward and kicks one across the cheek. He quickly avoids a swung-down sword, narrowly missing his torso. "Whoops, missed me!" He laughs as he side-steps a larger member who was trying to tackle him. "Toro! Toro!" He yells before lunging back, two 'ninjas' collide into each other. "Aww, you guys are cute! Spending time with your favorite webhead."

He ducks a right hook, "I am your favorite webhead right?" Y/n questioned, getting hit on his arm. "Ow- Okay! okay! I get it. You prefer the original!" sidelining one, then kicking another in the chest, he rushes into the larger man in front of him, shoving the muscle of the group, making him stumble. "That's how you properly pull a bull. Heh, that rhymed."

Jumping up onto the large man, Y/n wraps his legs around the head and swings his body. Using his momentum and the man's weight to toss him onto his back, before kicking his head, knocking him out. "Nighty-night! Well, it's morning-" he dodges a jab and another hook.

"-but you get what I'm trying to say." He leans slightly into the way of an incoming sword, just enough to cut the binds.

Fully mobile, he kicks off the sword-wielder and web yanks one into the air. Elbowing the man's temple. Another assassin out. With some distance between them, Y/n stretches his arms. His bones satisfyingly pop "Ah, that's a good stretch."

The two remaining Hydra assassins look at him intensely... well, that's what it seemed like anyway. "Y'know, I know a certain merc with a foul mouth who would love to talk blades" He yawns.

"Alright, let's get this over with. I'm super late for a meeting." Y/n steady's himself and launches himself into the air as the assassins jump up to meet him in the middle. It looked straight out of an action film, with no one to see.

[Timeskip; Brought to you by Y/n and his two gals reading a book.... up in a web hammock in the corner above Wednesday's bed]

Y/n lands onto the large helipad, seeing the Quinjet stationary. Heading into the building, he sees the Avengers talking to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nicholas J. fury.

Nick Fury to the heroes and public.

Pirate Man to Y/n. Though Fury heavily disapproved of it.

Before he could sit down, a voice spoke "Spider-Man, how nice of you join us. You're late." The Avengers looked at him, some sympathetically while others were worried; Y/n awkwardly stood in front of the couch.

"Uh, sorry I'm late. I overslept, then there was a mugging. After that, I was helping out the police with getting a burglar, and four Hy-"

"I didn't ask for your morning routine, don't be late." Fury ordered, before going back to the matters at hand, Y/n sighs in discontent as he sat.

"We have been getting some strange reports in a discreet town, our agents suspect some sort of trafficking ring going on there. Though not an ordinary one, as one of the doctors we captured stated." A picture of a very creepy doctor appeared in front of the group. Bald, a beard, and weird glasses that reminded him of Doc. Shivers ran down Y/n's spine as he remembered the four tentacled man.

"He definitely doesn't look like a classic evil mad scientist." The billionaire playboy said, as Cap rolls his eyes.

"Who is he?" Natasha asked, as Barton ate some grapes.

"This is Dr. Hugo Strange." Fury stated.

"Strange?" Banner looked over his glasses, peering at the image. "No relation to Dr. Stephen Strange, if that's what you're wondering Dr. Banner." Fury assured.

"He's been detained and brought in many times over the years, before we caught him in this case." Tony raised his eyebrow, "What does he have to do with this?"

"We don't know, we're keeping tabs around the areas where he was seen, if something comes up, we'll know. What we do know, is that the trafficking isn't as normal as others. Claimed he was on the brink to discovering something about the human psyche, just kept blabbering about."

"So, what's the mission?" Barton spoke up, as he sat up properly. "For The Avengers, the usual." Fury paused, before continuing. "This will be a mission for Spider-Man to take."

The Avengers were taken back, as was Y/n, since he didn't think Fury would trust him with an actual mission. Let alone a solo act. "I know what you're thinking, if there was any other way, I would have taken it."

"Of course," Y/n bitterly thought, he was used to this. This misjudgment, being underestimated, and not trusted. It was the norm for him, ever since he picked up the mask.

"Why him?" Tony asked.

"Because we need someone to get inside a strange looking school that has been under our radar until recently. We need him to figure out the anomalies around that area... reported sightings of immensely large and bipedal wolf-like creatures. Along with... Ahem, fish people." Fury looked around, seeing the confused faces of the heroes.

"And all of you are too well known around the world to do that, as for Romanoff, she'll be sent for a mission regarding an organization similar to Hydra... that she herself- is an expert on. Barton will accompany her." Natasha very slightly flinched.

"School? I don't need to go to school. I'm a genius, come on!" Y/n thought

"Back to the town situation, there's a rise of missing people along with reports of mutilated bodies in the woods around the area of some of those individuals. Papers say it's a bear responsible for it, though the pictures say otherwise."

Images come across the holographic screen, Y/n looks and feels like hurling. "I thought I would get used to something like that by now, shows how much I know."

"Where is this located?" Steve stood up, looking at the map. "The town's called Jericho, one of the first few places were settlers...settled." Y/n snickered.

"The school Spider-Man will be attending is named Nevermore, a school made for 'outcasts' as locals call it" Fury sent pictures of the building, with students walking around.

"Outcasts? Funny, I might fit in." Y/n fiddled with his web-shooters a bit, before pulling the mask up to the bridge of his nose and taking a large bite off an apple he took from the side table. "Though, their uniforms kinda suck"

"That is all for today, Avengers, resume your day. Spider-Man, speak to me at noon" Fury ended the connection, his holographic footage paused and disappeared.

"Well, that was something" Clint got up and walked to the kitchen, patting Y/n's shoulder.

As the team went on to do their own things, Steve stopped in front of him. "Y/n, you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Y/n looked up at the old timer, taking another bite "Just making sure... listen, if you ever need to talk-"

Y/n raises up his hands, swallowing the piece of the apple. "No, I'm fine" he reassured Steve, who nodded his head. Though he knew better, who would be after such loss.

"Alright Y/n, have a good day alright?" The webhead nodded his head timidly, "...Yeah" Cap smiled sympathetically before walking off.

He hated those looks. Pity. It didn't feel genuine. His intellect, self-guilt and blame overlaps it. Y/n is much like his mentor in that regard, he looks down before taking a final bite of his apple.

"Y/n. Come here for a sec." Tony said, leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen. Y/n inwardly sighed before walking toward him.

"How are you doing?" He asked, looking into the lenses of the mask. "I'm doing alright. Holding up."

"Mm. Have you been eating? drinking water? Sleeping 8 hours?"

Y/n silently groaned and leaned his head back. "Yes. I ate, drank three bottles of water, and got some sleep."

"How many?"


"How many hours did you sleep?" Tony peered, slightly frowning.


"Yeah sure. Listen, I know what a tired man looks like, you look like one right now."

"Huh? What do you-"

"Terrible sitting and standing posture, slump shoulders, slow movements. Slight swaying of the body, mostly the head.... Droopy eyes with bags underneath" Tony rambled, pointing them out.

"How'd you- I'm wearing a mask."

"Hello, I'm a genius." Tony's frown slightly turns into a small smirk.

"Right. Sometimes I forget" Y/n lightly laughed.

"Hardy har-har. Anyway, I was like that in my first years as Ironman."


"Everyone's had those days for their own reasons. It's bound to happen, don't worry about it" Tony explained.

"I guess.... that obvious huh?" Y/n scoffed, almost disappointed to being figured out so easily.

Then again, the Iron-hearted man has been doing this longer than him.

"Yup...have you visited him?" Tony cautiously asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.

"No, not yet. I'll do it today though, after patrol and a talk with Fury." Y/n looked down.

"Okay, I'm heading to the lab. Banner will be in, we're trying to make a durable armor that can go up against our jolly green giant. Wanna come with?" Stark pointed to the elevator, Y/n shook his head. "No, not today. I need to go work out a bit. Let out some steam, y'know?"

"Alright, I'll see you later?"


"You better, come on the gym's on the way down." Tony patted his shoulder before heading to the elevator.

Y/n sighed, before following. This was going to be a long day.

[Timeskip; brought to you by Wednesday watching Y/n chase Violet across his room's ceiling.]

It was some time after noon, Y/n forgot to call Fury. But he didn't care, he was on the heels of a stolen car, occupied by three passengers and a driver. Spider-Man swung high up and dived towards the car.

Landing on the roof, the impact dents the metal as he delivers a right hook into the top, "A decent-sized opening" he thought, before yanking one out. Placing a device onto the man's chest before he went too far.

The device sprung out, causing a large amount of web to be released and restrain the man against the side of a furniture-moving truck.

Spider-Man dodges a bullet and webs up the gun along with the man and pulls them out, he elbows the thief's chin and throws him up. Shooting a web to his torso, and spinning another strand to a nearby light pole, before attaching the two lines. Letting go, the man was pulled underneath the pole, he swayed roughly, struggling to get out.

The web-slinger evades another bullet, before harshly grabbing the shooter by the collar of his jacket and yanking him out.

He over-threw him a little, so he twists his body to grip the man before he fell onto the 'fast moving' road. He pulls hard, slamming him on the roof. Then attaching him to a wall with a web, and letting gravity do its work. "One more left" He thought.

Spider-Man jumps to the right side of the car shooting his webs to the roof. Tucking in his legs- he immediately pulls himself in with one foot out, shattering the window. In-turn, causing him to kick the driver out, with the car door following after breaking from its hinges.

He sticks his feet onto the door, utilizing it to land on the street behind the car, he shoots a web at both; instantly pulling both strands. Struggling momentarily before the vehicle comes to a stop, Spidey uses the momentum to launch himself into the air and swing away from the scene.

[ 0:12-0:15, then 0:25-0:33]

"Damn car thieves. If they put those lock-picking skills to proper use, they'd have some decent cash." Y/n thought, swinging between alleys.

He shoots a web above him and pulls himself up. Soaring through the sky he flips backwards, before attaching another web and continuing forward.

"Shit, it's past noon. I have a hunch he's gonna call me in three.... two...." a ring went out, as his comm informed him of an unknown number calling.

Normally, people would let it ring, hell, even hang up. Y/n knew better, so he answered.

"Spider-Man. Late again." Pirate Man said.

"Really? You don't say" Y/n sighed.

"Third time this week, I'm here to debrief you on the mission. Since I know you zoned out during that meeting."

"Zoned out? What do you mean? I heard-"

"Do you know when you're going to be taken to Jericho?" Fury asked.

A pause ensued.

"Uhhh... yes?" Y/n could have sworn Fury didn't say anything about when he was going to leave. Was it really getting this bad?

Nick sighed, "Listen, May and I talked-"

Y/n froze, forgetting to spin his next web. "YOU WHAT!?" Quickly web-zipping onto a light pole, he put a hand up to his comm. Pedestrians underneath stared up at him, having heard his yell.

"The hell's wrong with this freak?" One murmured.

"Sorry!" Y/n swings away, and perches on the corner of a vacant rooftop. "Y-you spoke to May?"

"Yes, it's not that difficult to find out who you are Y/n" His heart stopped, remembering similar words. Exhaling, Y/n spoke "Right, of course...I gotta be more careful."

"Y/n, this is a serious mission we need you to take...but we also wanted you to take this time to reflect. This was seen as the most logical choice: You'll be out of New York for some time to get away from...those areas that might have some unpleasant memories. Of course, you'll have a few months at best to complete your mission" Fury explained.

"So, he lied about choosing another way huh. Well, that's Director Fury for ya. buncha lies and secrets" Y/n thought, shaking his head.

"Furthermore, you will be given a room for her and yourself. Since an abnormal agent of ours has connections at Jericho, we'll accommodate you into the area. You'll have everything you need." Fury added.


he said her.


"- /n.... Y/n, are you listening?"

".... Fury."


"I want her out of them."

"I don't know what you-"

"Don't bullshit me. Nick. Take her out of any damn files you have on me, and my family. Now."

"Y/n, you're in no position to-"

"Actually I am. It's my family's information and right to privacy."

"I understand that, but S.H.I.E.L.D has an updated state of the art anti-hacking tech that-"

Y/n, infuriated, punches the corner of where he was perched. "Apparently not good enough, I don't need to remind you that same information costed me-us, too much."

Fury frowns, "No you don't, but this is different, it has Stark and Wakand‐"

"Nick, you know I have the abilities of a spider, right? Of course you know, you most likely studied him when he made his day view. And years after that...That's how you knew who I am...and you know what we're like when the people we love is at stake."

"Yes, I know."

"Then you know what we're capable of when we're angry. Take her. Off. The damn. Files."

"Fine, I'll have one of my trusted-"



"I want Maria Hill to do it."

"You're pushing your lu-"

"And so are you. This is topic not up for discussion. I'm ending the call now."


"Send me the details of the mission through a secure line."

"Don't you hang-"

Y/n hangs up.

After taking a deep breath, he exhales.

A tear falls out of his eye, though no one could see it. He stands up, surveying the landscape.

"One thing left to do before heading home" He thought, before free falling and attaching a web. He went off to the direction of his destination... The hospital.

[Timeskip; Brought to you by Wednesday reluctantly getting her hair done by Violet as Y/n smiles at them]

Y/n walks through the hospital hallways, walking past open rooms. Some were patients talking with their families, others saying goodbye. Each step he took got heavier and heavier as his guilt grew, finally at the room's door, he could hear the machines at work.

They were loud. Too loud. Probably just his head, but he couldn't help it. He could hear breathing, how rough and dry it sounded.

After a long moment, he enters the room. The chemical smell was bad enough, but knowing this room had patients die inside made it worse.

Y/n walked up to the side of the bed and sat down close to the window. He placed his hand on top of the patients. A moment passes.

"Hey man, it's me again.... Y/n, duh who else? Matt Murdock? Sorry, bad joke" he laughed under his breath, sighing at the end.

"...I uh, I miss you a lot... It's hard not hearing your jokes while we tag-team a group of bad guys. Or the funny poor excuses for why you're late at when you get home... Speaking of which, May misses you too, obviously. Hell, everyone does. It's been too long" Y/n teared up.

"The doctor said this is a getting serious. Y'know- this coma where you either wake up... or don't."

He looks down and squeezes his hand gently, "God, I don't know what to do. I'm so tired, so damn tired... I dunno know how you did this for so long man. I-... I just..." Y/n chokes up.

"A part of me wants to give up, I know I shouldn't. It would be selfish of me if I did, it isn't fair to you or to her... I know what you'd say... 'Yeah, you sure sound tired N/n'-"

"-and I am... I know you'd understand. You're one of the only ones who could" Tears glazes his eyes until it was too much to hold, he blinks. Tears roll down his face.

"A-and I miss her so damn much. Too much... I dream of her almost every night- I want it to stop. It's exhausting to have something right there, just arms distance away... only for it to get taken as soon as you reach out for it."

The heart monitor keeps beeping. Reminding Y/n that the man is, at the least, alive.

"I don't know what to do. I-... why do I keep doing this? Putting on the mask, missing hours on end with Vi."

Just then, his phones ringtone went off. Y/n swallowed his spit, pulled his phone out and answered, "Hey May, what's up?"

"N/n, when are you coming home? It's getting dark out."

"Yeah, I know, I'm on my way" Y/n said.

"Are you visiting him right now?"

"Yeah, I am"

"Okay, any updates?"

"Minor, but the doctor said that it's progress" Y/n explained.

"That's good. Get home quickly, and safely" May jokingly ordered.

Y/n chuckles, "Ma'am, yes ma'am" he complied.

"Oh, before I forget, someone wanted to talk to you- sweetheart come here! Papa's on the phone!" Fast footsteps could be heard, along with giggling. "She's on her way, let me put this on uh- face time, was it?" She asks.

Y/n lightly laughs, "Yup you got it Mama G" He moves the phone from his ear, quickly wiping away his tears before tapping the icon and facing the screen.

He smiled seeing May's face, before a small girl appeared next to her, "Papa!" She exclaimed.

"There she is. My little troublemaker." Y/n said, in a hushed tone.

She giggles again, grinning "Where you at?" Y/n looked at the bedridden man. "I'm visiting your uncle."

His daughter, Violet, tilted her head, "Really? Is he okay now?" Y/n stared for a moment before looking back at the screen. "Yeah hun, he's still sleeping, that's all."

She makes an 'oh' face (Insert Pikachu's surprise face), "Oh, okay! Are we going to play tag on the ceiling when you get home?" Y/n snorts at her question, which she notices and says "Piggie."

Y/n laughs. This is what he needed today, a reminder of why he's doing it. Of why he keeps pushing. It's for her. The small things make it count, and quite literally.

Oh, as for the ceiling comment, she has the same abilities as Y/n... and May found out Y/n's secret a long time ago. She also knows her nephew's secret. However, she chooses not to tell him that she knew. 'To spare him some mind' she said. As for how Violet has his power, that's a sensitive story to tell later.

Y/n sighs wholeheartedly, "Alright pumpkin, I gotta go. I'll be home in a few minutes. And yes, we'll play tag on the ceiling." Violet cheered and ran off screen.

May looks at the hyperactive girl with a smile, before she looked at the disheveled young man on her screen, worry shown on her face. "Y/n dear, you look horrible." Y/n nodded his head, "And you look beautiful, Mama G"

"Aw, why thank you. Wait- oh no mister. You're not gonna get out of this that easily." May retorted, with a smile.

"Ah damn."



"Y/n." May said, using 'the tone'.

"Okay, my bad" He says, extending the 'ay'.

"Get home soon, alright?"

"I will. Violet- Be a good girl for your grandma."


"That's my girl."

"Say goodbye to your papa, Vi."

"Bye papa, wuv you"

"Bye sweet pea, I wuv you too"

Y/n and May chuckle at the girl's antics. "I'll see you at home May, be there around twenty minutes or so, if I'm lucky." May nodded her head and said her goodbyes. Ending the call, Y/n sighs and pockets his phone.

He stands up and grabs the man's hand once more, "I hope you get better soon, Violet wants to play dress up with you." He chuckles, "I had to take your place as her living mannequin doll. Never knew how difficult it was to stand still for so long until now"

Letting go, Y/n walks to the door and takes a final look behind him before leaving the room. The clipboard at the end of the bed sways faintly, the name of the patient bolded on top corner of the paper:

Peter Benjamin Parker


Sup dudes, hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'm actually quite excited. Really quick, I wanted to thank y'all for your support.

As always, Luci out!!!

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