Spideypool (one shots)

By myherokeith

368K 6.1K 6.8K

Because who doesn't love spideypool, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and crazy merc with a mouth Deadpo... More

That ass doesn't lie
That ass doesn't lie pt 2
Heat pt2
Obsessed pt 2
One bed
One bed pt2
Wrong number?
Wrong number pt2
Valentines day pt2
Drunk pt2
Fake date
Fake date pt2

Valentines day

4.6K 107 115
By myherokeith

Since it's coming up soon, let's have a special chapter.

Everywhere he looked, hearts, pink, fluffy lovey dovey, romantic stuff; you name it, peter had to see it.
He felt bitter about it all, since he was single, been single for a long time and with Valentine's Day coming up it made him feel worse.

Peter busied himself with work; both at the daily bugle and being a hero.
His camera was set up with the timer, then Spider-Man got into frame, posing for the shot.
He swings around and does a backflip, capturing it perfectly.

"Doing a little selfie shoot?"
He turns around to see Deadpool, the merc who always managed to find him.
"Go away deadpool."

"Can I get a photo too?"

"No, this is for the daily bugle."
He sets the timer and jumps up posing in mid air, Deadpool gets closer to check out the camera.
"So your name is Peter Parker?"

"What? No." He freaks out and rushed to grab the camera.

"So you stole it?"

"No, I'm doing it for a photographer for the daily bugle, he's scared of heights so I take the photos myself." He thanked his quick wit.

"Does he give you a cut of the money?"

"I don't need it, I'm just helping him."

"That's lame. So why can't I get my photo taken? I need some publicity too."

"Ugh fine. One picture." Spider-Man holds the camera, aiming for Deadpool, who stood like a statute.
"Well pose, you wanna look cool right?"

"Oh yeah." He gets his swords out and puts them in a x form, and turns his body slightly to the side in a fighting stance.
"That was good." Spider-Man said after taking the shot.

"Can we do one more?"

"No, I have to give this back to him and do my job." Without another word he jumps and swings away, Deadpool was left feeling sad.

Peter gave the photos to his boss the next day, in hopes he wouldn't say anything too bad.
"Okay, gross, nope." He flips through the photos with boredom, "oh this is nice, you did really well with this one parker." He holds the backflip photo up, "if we wanted to make a Spider-Man on ice musical." He spoke rudely.

"Sir, all these photos are really good."

"Yeah, but they don't show the danger that Spider-Man is."

"He's not a danger, he saves people."

"And I'm the mayor of New York." He takes a puff from his cigar, "what else you got?"

"That's all I got sir."

"Well that's a bust, get me better pic..."
Suddenly someone slams the door open, with the secretary following after, "sir you can't just go in there."

"Who's peter Parker?"

"Um, I am." He twitched in slight fear.

"Well hello, I hear you take pictures of Spider-Man and I want my pics taken too."

"And who the hell are you? A new menace?" JJ spoke.

"I'm your friendly neighborhood psycho, Deadpool."

"This is brilliant, Parker I want you to take photos of this guy, we can make millions with this new character."

"But sir.."

"No buts or yours is out of a job."

"Looks like we're gonna be working together." Deadpool got closer to peter, looking him up and down, "by the way you have a nice butt."

"Don't get so close to me." Peter pushed him away, the merc was surprised by his strength and chuckled to himself.

Peter and Deadpool walked through back alleys, looking for the best place to take pictures and not bother the people.
"How about we go on a building?" Deadpool suggested.

"I can't, I don't like heights."

"Spider-Man said that, but I don't believe it."

"It's true, let's just stay on the ground." He was really hoping that Deadpool wasn't smart enough to piece anything together.

"Boring, but fine." Deadpool kicks a rock while peter sets his camera up.
"Hey the V day is coming up, got a hot date?" Deadpool asked.

"No, I'm too busy working."

"Fuck working, you're too cute to be single, especially on Valentine's Day."
Peter blushed at his words and turns around to hide.
"Awe you getting shy?"

"Shut up, let's just get this over with."

"Quick question, do you like men or women?" Deadpool spoke softly.

"I'm not answering, please focus."

After an hour of being annoyed and taking a bunch of photos, Peter was tired. Deadpool however, was bouncing off the wall.
"You're like a kid on sugar." Peter comments.

"Try crack it's fun."

"No thanks, I got what I need, hopefully my boss will like them."

"Let me take you to dinner." Deadpool jumps and stands in front of Peter.

"I don't date villains."

"But I'm not a villain, I'm um well, what does the internet say, a chaotic neutral."

"I like to date people who's faces I can see, so bye." Peter goes home while Deadpool sat and had a long thought process.

The next day, peter gave his boss the Deadpool photos, and he surprisingly liked most of them. One would be used for the front cover, and Peter already knew he was going to make it seem like Deadpool was a villain.
"I got it, new menace arrives, the city is under attack."

"Sir, that would put everyone in a panic."

"Exactly, that's how we sell more, people will want to stay updated." He says with a grin.

"Wow, I'm starting to think you're the real criminal mastermind here." A man walks in, he looked very professional in his black three piece suit.

"Why do people keep barging into my office? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm wolf, James wolf. And I would like to speak with the photographer of the Spider-Man pictures."

"That's me." Peter smiles softly.

"Would you like to join me for lunch?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, Parker, don't go working for someone else you hear." He yells as peter followed James out the door.

Peter silently followed james outside, and to a black bmw.
"Get in." Said James.
Peter was slightly nervous, but gets in and they drive to an abandoned warehouse.
"Um, what are we doing here?"

"Having lunch." He smiles, but his eyes weren't smiling.
Before Peter can react he felt something prick his side, he looks at the back of the seat and saw a needle, his vision started to blur and then he fell unconscious.

When Peter woke up, he found himself unable to move, as he was strapped to a table. A bright light blinds him to his surroundings.
"What's going on?"

"I'm going to have you for lunch." James walks in front of the light.

"What does that mean?" He struggles against the rope, but the drugs still affected him.
James simply smirks devilishly and holds up a fork and knife.
But before he could get closer the light went out, Peter could hear chocking sounds and then a thud.
The light comes back on to reveal Deadpool.

"Hiya, didn't expect to see you as this guys latest victim."

"Why are you here?"

"I've been trying to catch this guy, he's a fucking cannibal."
Peter was shocked, he never thought he'd ever run into an actual cannibal.
"Um, thank you for saving me."

"No problem. Maybe I could take you on a date now?" He unties him.

"Still no, I don't even know who you are."

"My names wade Wilson, I only wear the mask because I'm absolutely gross underneath."

"What do you mean?"

"I have scars, like a space cat clawed my shit up, or like leather face tried to take my face but then stitched it back on me but not in the right order. Or like.."

"Okay, okay I get it." Peter stops him.

"But I think you're cute and I wanna take you out."

"Can I at least see your face?"

"If you agree to a date at my place, I'll cook you the best meal ever, and I won't wear the mask."
Peter was intrigued, and Deadpool did kind of save his life.
"Okay, I'll have dinner with you."

"Yes." He giggles excitedly.

"I'll give you my number, let me know when you want to do this." Peter blushed at how cute the merc was being.

"Valentine's Day is a few days away, can you wait until then?"

"Um sure."

In the days leading up to their date, peter and wade texted all day. Peter was surprised that someone like Deadpool; Wade, could actually be funny and nice.
When Valentine's Day came, Peter was nervous. It was his first date in a long time.
"I don't know what to wear." He paced around his room.
"What if I look stupid in everything?"
"What if he tries to have sex with me?"
So many things pop in his head and he didn't know how to deal with it all.
He panics and calls wade.

"Hiya peter, you coming over soon?"

"I don't think so."


"I don't know what to wear, I feel like my stomach is gonna fall out of my butt, and I'm scared I'll do something stupid." He rambled.
Wade stayed quiet trying to process everything that Peter said, and in the silence he realized what he said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say all that. I'm panicking."

"Peter. Breathe."
He takes in a slow deep breath and lets it out.
"Good. Now tell me where you live, I'm coming to get you."

"But I-."

"Nope, you can wear anything, I just want to spend time with you."
Peter reluctantly gave his address and waited for Wade to show up.

When he heard the knock, time was slow as Peter hesitated to open the door.
"Peter, it's me."
He finally opened it and saw a man with his hood up,  face hidden.

"Yeah, hiya." He looks at peter, his red plaid shirt looked so cute on him, and his hair was fluffy, Wade wanted to mess with it.
"It's nice to finally see your face."

"It's kind of scary to look at, sorry."

"No. You don't look scary, I'm sorry you had to go through that." He genuinely worried for him.

"Thank you." Wade felt relieved that Peter wasn't scared of him, "come on, dinner is waiting."

When they walk into his apartment, food wafts in the air, steak and potatoes, with side salad, and bread rolls. Peter could smell all that, and more.
"Wow, you really went all out."

"I told you I would." He leads peter to the dining table, giving him a glass of wine.

"Thank you."
Wade went back to make sure everything was ready, he finally took his hoodie off, to reveal a suit underneath.
"Wow, why tell me to wear anything and you look like that." Peter felt under dressed.

"Because I want to impress you, you don't have to do anything to impress me."
Peter blushed at his straightforwardness, he takes a sip of wine, wishing it would actually take affect on him.

Dinner was served, Peter was drooling at how good everything looked.
He digs in and wade couldn't help but stare, watching Peter's face light up at the delicious food.
"You're so cute."

"No I'm not." Peter blushed.

"Yes you are."

"Well, you look handsome in that suit."

"Yeah, the scars are very attractive." He smiled with a hint of sadness.

"Self deprecation in not funny, wade." He takes on a serious tone.

"Humor is all I got."

"No, you're a good person, you get rid of bad people, and you're nice, and um, your eyes are beautiful like the ocean." He blushed wildly, giving compliments was not his forte.

"Wow, I've never had anyone say that before." Wade smiles softly.

"I mean it."

"Peter, be my boyfriend."


"I'm serious, I don't want just a date with you. I want you to be mine."
Peter was not expecting that, he thought Wade was just wanting to spend a day with him to not be alone. He had wishful thoughts of something more, but didn't think it would be possible.

"I will."

"Really?" Wade jumps up.

"Yeah, I've enjoyed talking with you and getting to know you. I want more than just a date too."
Wade was so excited he picks Peter up in a hug and spins around.
"This is the best Valentine's Day ever." He sets him down and looks at him, "sorry if I made you dizzy."

"It's okay."
Wade caressed his cheek, peter moved closer to him, feet taping against Wade's.
"Peter, can I kiss you?"

Wade leans down to the shorter one and gently pressed his lips to Peter's lips.
Peter wraps his arms around Wade's neck and pressed into him, making the kiss more sensual.
When they pull away, both were blushing.
"I don't want this night to end, but I also don't want to rush anything and scare you." Said wade.

"Um, yeah."
After they finished dinner, wade took peter back home.
"I had fun tonight." Wade spoke softly.

"I did too."

"We'll have more fun another time, now that you're my boyfriend."
Peter blushed brightly and looks down.

"Get some sleep, peter."

"Good night, wade."
Wade leans in and kissed his cheek, forehead, other cheek, and finally his lips.
"I'll call you tomorrow."

Peter went to bed with a smile on his face, once he got home, Wade did too.

Part 2, pure smut?

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