By 3txr_girl

16.1K 170 823

Robin Arellano fell for his best friends sister, I wonder what he'll think. Set in 1979-1980 More

Shitty first day
Things never change
A/N again :/
Blood and Tears
"its not as simple as that"
The paper that ruind it all
Bathroom of my nightmares
"What about Robins?"
Pillow Fight

First day

1.1K 18 35
By 3txr_girl

Me, Finn, and Gwen all walked home after Robin went inside and Finn said goodbye to everyone

We were walking for around 10 minutes before we made it home

We finally made it home and when I opened the door It was like I never left

I never even got a "welcome home" or "hey" from my dad, since he was already passed out on his usual chair

"I see nothing's changed" I say looking around at all of the beer bottles and mess around the house

Finn gave me a sad look before walking upstairs

"We should get to bed" he said to me and Gwen

"Yeah, we should" I say nudging Gwen's shoulder

She gives me a faint smile and we head upstairs with Finn

I go into my room, only to see not a thing has changed

Everything was just how I left it

Even the clothes on the floor

I smile seeing my room was the exact same

I put my bag down and go into my bathroom

I took my skincare bag in with me and took out everything I needed

I did everything I needed, and wanted to do before bed

I grab my pj's out of my bag and put them on

I pick up all of the clothes off of my floor and put them away

I then make my bed and clean up so my room looked nicer

I then went into my bathroom and cleaned up

I went back into my room and sat down on my bed

I grabbed my bag and took out my sketchbook

I take out a pen and start drawing something

I didn't know what to draw so just drew whatever came to mind

After about 5 minutes I realize what I was drawing

A bandana


I don't know

I stop drawing and put my book away before hearing a loud noise coming from Finn's room

Then giggling

I get up and slowly walk over to Finns room

I slowly open the door and am met with Finn and a girl closing the window

"Who's that?" I ask from the door

Finn quickly turns in fear that he had been caught

The girl looks at him with an "oh shit" look on her face

"Uhmm.. Y/n.. this is my uh.." he looks at the girl

She has a small smile on her face

"She's my girlfriend" he says

She let's out a smile

"No. Way" I say

"What? Is it that hard to believe?" He says, almost offended

"Uhmm.. yes" I say

I look over to the girl

"Uhm Y/n.. this is Donna, Donna this is Y/n" Finn says

I smile

"Hi" I say

She repeats me

"Hi" she says with a smile on her face

I smile before saying

"Alright, I'm gonna go to bed.. don't make to much noise" I say winking at Finn

"Y/n ew!" He says realizing

I smirk and close the door before walking back to my room

I lay down and look at the clock

It says "12:17AM" so I lay down, in an attempt to sleep


I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear from my nightstand

I get up and start getting ready

I put on clean clothes on and brushed my hair and teeth

I got ready and did my makeup and all that stuff

I went over to my bed and grabbed my bag, packing it for school

After I got everything all packed up I started heading downstairs

I was gonna make breakfast but was met with beer bottles and dirty dishes everywhere in the kitchen

I sigh at the sight before grabbing my bag and heading over to put on my shoes

Suddenly I hear a voice

"Y/n, leaving already?" Finn says behind me

"Uhh, yeah" I say pointing over at the clock that said "8:24AM"

Finn let's out a small laugh

"What?" I ask

"School doesn't start for another half hour y/n" he says

"Ok, we still have to get there" I say

"It's a five minute walk y/n" he says raising an eyeborw

"Ok! How was I supposed to know?" I say laughing

I take my shoes off as Finn goes into the kitchen

"I know your probably hungry and your gonna hate me for this cause you just took your shoes off, but if we leave now we can get food before school" Finm says with his head in the fridge

"Yeah ok" I say putting my shoes back on

Finn goes upstairs to I assume get Gwen

He then goes on the phone and calls someone as Gwen gets her things together

After she was done and Finn was to they both came up to the door

"Robins walking with us" Finn said turned to Gwen

"I thought he was grounded" she said

"He is" Finn said

Me being stupid I forgote who Robon was, so I asked

"Who's Robin?" I ask

"That kid from last night, who drove us" Finn said

"Ohhh, ok" I say grabbing my bag

We leave and start walking to this unknown place to get food, when all of a sudden we hear someone yelling behind us

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