Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

147K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
5 - "Someone I Know"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
12 - "Tick-Tock"
13 - "Lifeline"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
17 - "Mental Breakdown"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
27 - "Catatonia"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

14 - "Slip of The Tongue"

4.6K 255 709
By UrbanQueen

"...Thank you so much. I really appreciate this." Allele said. He was back in his Mercedes-Benz after leaving Lotus's office. "I just have one more stop to make and I'll be home."

After leaving Lotus's office and finding out who Tom was and that Cilia had went after him; Allele was going after Cilia. She was going into a dangerous situation and as much belief as Lotus had in her, she couldn't handle a man of Tom's caliber on her own. Allele had no clue who the person was with her, but they couldn't protect her either. Not how he could protect her.

So he asked Journi to stay overnight with the boys. Two nights maximum if needed. He was going to pay her $5000. It might've seemed like overkill for only two days; but it was four kids and one had behavioral problems.

"No Mr. Cole..."

Allele closed his eyes for a split second and reopened them. It was nothing to get annoyed about, but thoughts about Cilia was overcrowding his head and he couldn't stop from thinking the worst.

"Allele." He reminded. He couldn't stand the 'mister' thing, it had always been so extra to him.

"Oh, yeah, um...it's okay Allele really. You're the one giving me the opportunity. I thought it would take forever to find work. The pay you're giving me should hold me over until I find some clients."

"Alright." Allele said. "I'll see you in the next hour or so."

"Alright." Journi said.

She hung up and complete silence took over the jeep. Allele usually rode in silence unless he was in the car with the kids. It was just how he was. It helped him to think and it was comforting. But right now his thoughts were loud, interfering with his peace and sanity.

Who the hell was it down there with Cilia? She didn't know anyone that he didn't. The only person besides Lotus that would be able to protect Cilia was White Locus and neither of her two siblings were in Virginia. So who could it be? The only two possible people Allele was thinking of was Keshawn or Dion.

The person has to be a man though for sure. Allele said to himself. He couldn't see another woman besides White Locus being brave enough to help Cilia infiltrate an illegal whorehouse. So it had to be a man and the only men he could think of that were close enough to her, to even attempt that besides her own brother, was his brothers.

In fact, no one had heard from Keshawn in a while. He barely answered calls now and Allele stopped hearing from him around the same time Cilia had left for her trip. Did he meet her out there? Or did he go with her? Unlike Breeze, Cilia had always respected Keshawn a little more because he kept his distance and understood she didn't like him. So she was always able to tolerate him more. So maybe she felt close enough to do this with him.

But Allele couldn't see Keshawn not saying anything to him about it. He wouldn't go somewhere to do something as personal as kill his wife's rapist with her, when he could've told him and let him handle it. He also couldn't see Cilia asking Keshawn of all people when she had her own brother who she was talking to again as a first choice.

Then there was Breeze. It could've been him, but again since the two had such a rocky relationship, it wouldn't make sense for her to call on him of all people. Plus Breeze's girlfriend was very territorial. Hope would have a lot of questions for him just disappearing. Breeze and Cilia didn't even like each other like that. So he couldn't see Breeze caring that much to help. Nor could he see Cilia going to him for help when they fell out every week.

So who the hell was it? Unless she hired some street nigga to help her, which would've been even weirder, Allele was at a loss. Maybe it was a stranger. A hitta from the Hunter cartel Lotus sent with her.

Nah he made that shit sound mad personal. Like the nigga knew her or some shit. Allele thought to himself as Lotus's words went through his head. Her comrade has her back and has always come off quiet...fond of her. So I doubt they'd let anything happen to her. Your wife is in good hands.

Allele grit his teeth and tried not to think about it anymore. He was on his way to Ophelia's house just to check on her before he left and to let her know the kids were going to be with a babysitter. He didn't want to leave them with her. Being their grandmother didn't mean dump the kids on her every chance he got. Just because she was an older retired woman, didn't mean she didn't want her free time or that she didn't have anything else better to do.

When Allele made it to the house, he parked in the driveway. He had a key since Ophelia gave all the grandsons one; but he still liked to ring the bell. He rang the bell and Ophelia opened the door.

Allele stepped inside and his blood started heating up. Brandy and Bonnie sat on the couch, Bonnie with the remote in his hand and a frown on his face.

When he saw Allele though, his frown lessened, but was still present. Allele glanced around the house and saw food going on the stove. Ophelia must've been cooking in the kitchen.

Allele's eyes met the pair's in the living room again. What the hell was Brandy doing with Bonnie? Had he been to this house before? He was laid back with the remote in his hand like he had.

Brandy stared at Allele, feeling her nerves getting the better of her. She wasn't nervous, in fact she was getting annoyed because she could tell he was angry.

She was done trying to apologize and kiss her sons asses. She did what she did, she paid for it and that was that. If they didn't want to forgive her, that was on them. She couldn't spend what was left of the rest of her life chasing them.

Allele looked away from them, swallowing. There was something so weird about Bonnie being here. He knew for sure Keshawn or Breeze didn't know. Bonnie wouldn't be here if that were the case.

Allele looked away and at Ophelia. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure honey, come on." Ophelia touched his arm and led him to the kitchen.

"That man with your daughter, you know him?"

Ophelia sighed, she didn't know Bonnie that well. All she knew was that the boy was too young for Brandy. But he was of age and so was her daughter and she couldn't tell her how to live her life.

"Yeah, he comes here sometimes. I think he's about you or Dion's age." Ophelia said looking at him with sympathy. "All I can say is try not to judge your mother."

It was clear she didn't know what he was really talking about. She didn't understand how dangerous Bonnie was. Brandy did know, though.

"He ever been over here when the kids were here?" Allele inquired.

Now Ophelia started looking concerned. She rolled her eyes around putting a hand on her hip like she was thinking back on it.

"Yes...I think so." Ophelia said not able to remember. She never remembered Bonnie talking to his children, but he might've been here when they were here.

Allele stiffened his jaw but didn't say anything.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is good." Allele reassured. "Is he polite, respectful?"

"Baby what's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing." Allele smiled.

His kids weren't staying here tonight and clearly right now Ophelia was safe around him. So even though something had to be done about him coming over here, right now wasn't the time to address it. He didn't feel the need to cause a scene and create worry about Bonnie. Obviously he's been here multiple times before. So he didn't want to put Ophelia in an awkward position of having to put him out.

"I just came by to see how you were doing. If everything is okay." Allele said.

"Yes everything is fine baby, thanks for asking." Ophelia smiled, touching his cheek.

Allele started chewing the inside of his cheek as he looked away from her. He would always be awkward with affection from others if it wasn't his kids or Cilia.

"Also, I'm going to Richmond, Virginia for two days. Cilia went out there and I'm going to meet her there. I'm leaving tonight. The kids will be at the house for a night or two with a babysitter."

"You're gonna have a stranger at your house watching your kids for two days?"

"She's the lady that use to work at the daycare they were going to. Journi. They know her. She just quit and is in need of work so I thought why not."

Ophelia arched an eyebrow. "Does Cilia know she'll be in the house?"

Allele shrugged and itched the back of his neck. "No. But I'm not gonna be in the house either and it's only for two days. It's not like she's staying for a week or anything."

"Does this Journi woman have a boyfriend?"

Allele was feeling awkward, did Ophelia think he wanted Journi or something? "I don't know. She's just my children's babysitter. I'm not aware of anything in her personal life."

Ophelia nodded. "Well okay, baby. If that's how you feel. Would you mind giving me her number? I can call and check in with her if she can't reach out to you or Cilia for whatever reason."

"Of course." Allele said, giving Ophelia Journi's number. He would inform Journi he gave her number to their grandmother when he got home.

Ophelia turned back to the pot to tend to her food. Allele slyly went into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He placed $800 on the counter. Sometimes she didn't like to take it. Hopefully she would notice it when he left. She got money on a daily from him, Keshawn and Breeze and still had her social security and pension. She was living very comfortably.

"I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick and then go." Allele announced.

"Alright honey."

Allele walked off to go to the bathroom. He didn't even look at Bonnie on his way pass. When he entered the hallway he bumped into Brandy who was coming out the bathroom.

The two of them shared a hostile glare, making Allele mutter. "You can't help yourself. Disgusting."

"No you and your miserable ass brother Dion can't help yourselves. What? Because he's younger? Grow the hell up, I'm a grown woman and can do what I want. You have no right to have all this animosity toward me. I didn't even raise you. Save all this pent up anger for Tamika."

"You sleeping with a nigga the age of your sons, who was the same nigga they was beefing with. Now you got him at your mother's crib? Keeping your legs closed is less important than your relationship to your kids?"

"You let me worry about my kids. You are not one of them so it doesn't concern you." Brandy lashed out. She didn't want to say all of that but she refused to be disrespected anymore. It was getting old. "I speak to Keshawn and he's the only one who's giving me a chance, so that's all that matters. Do you have anything else to say or not?"

Allele mumbled something disrespectful and she swore she heard a 'whore' or 'smut' somewhere in his comment. Brandy quickly intercepted him, ready to smack the shit out of him.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" She said, eyebrow arched. Both of them were keeping their voices low.

Allele just stared at her, saying nothing.

"Oh, okay." She said, moving out his way.

He smirked and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

When he came out Brandy was back on the couch with Bonnie.

Ophelia was by the front door. Allele went over and gave her a hug, staring at Bonnie on his way out who smiled and waved.

Walking down the driveway, Allele sent a quick text to both Keshawn and Dion.

Ya'll mother buggin'. She really fucking Bonnie. Had this nigga at Ophelia crib.

Allele started the engine and backed out. On his way home, a text notification pinged on his phone and Allele read it at a red light.

Keshawn: smh.

Allele wanted to ask why he hasn't been coming around lately. But if he did ask and Keshawn was with Cilia, it might spook him and make him leave Virginia and come back down to show himself, to "prove" he wasn't hiding. So in case it was Keshawn; Allele didn't want to rouse suspicion. He wanted to see who this person was for himself.

Allele got to the house and saw Journi's car parked in the driveway. He opened the front door and the kids jumped out and tackled him with a hug. That was always the highlight of his day. When his children were excited when he came home.

"Hey, ya'll been behaving?" Allele asked. He had been gone mostly the whole day. Now it was 3:00pm. Journi had left iHop with them since 8:00am this morning. "Not giving Ms. Journi any problems I hope."

"No! Daddy Ms. Journi play bowling with me on my Switch. She help me hook it up to the tv and we play bowling." Phenix said. A band was around his wrist. The Switch controller in his right hand.

"That's great." Allele said.

He walked further into the house and saw the game hooked up to the television on pause. Journi was sitting on one couch, a band around her wrist as she held the Switch controller in her left hand.

Alix, Jaxon and Casi sat across from her on the other couch watching them. They were gonna take turns. All the boys wanted to go against Journi. So when her match was done with Phenix, someone else would try against her.

Journi smiled hard when she laid eyes on Allele. "Hey."

"Hey." Allele mumbled, nodding his head at her.

Her hair was in a messy bun. It seemed to be her only hairstyle, but it fit her. She had a bunch of silver earrings in her right ear and she wore tight dark denim skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. She smelled of Winter Candy Apple lotion from Bath & Body works.

"Uh...I hope it's okay." She said motioning to the game that was set up on the screen. "The boys said you hook it up for them all the time so—"

"Yeah you straight, don't worry about it."

Journi nodded and gave a polite smile.

"I would give you a tour of the house but I'm sure the kids did that already."

"Actually, they tried too but I wouldn't let them. I didn't want to walk around your house without you here, it would feel weird." She admitted. "So if you want to give the the tour, that's fine."

Allele had to admit she was a very pretty woman. Seemed a little too bubbly to him, though. She wasn't outright ditsy, just smiled a hella of a lot.

"Actually...I ain't gon' lie. I'm a little tired. Mind if I sleep for a few hours and then walk you around?" He was leaving the house to hit the road at eight o' clock. He was driving so he wanted as much rest as possible.

The ride to Virginia leaving from here was five hours. It was a long way but less of a paper trail than flying. He would still be picked up on camera at gas stations and toll booths. But it was better than having evidence he left the state at the time bodies were dropping in another state. Which Allele was almost sure would end up happening. He didn't see this turning out with no deaths.

"Of course." Journi said.

"Oh and I gave their great-grandmother your number. Her name is Ophelia, she might call to check in on them once or twice."

"No problem."

"'Preciate it ma." Allele touched his chest with the palm of his hand.

Journi felt her coochie tighten. He was so...sexy. She had a man so she knew she shouldn't be feeling this way. But it was a man she didn't love anymore and was just with because honestly she was with him for so long, she didn't know how to leave. But even if that was her case, in Allele's case he was married. So she knew she should chill.

Journi's cellphone started ringing from upstairs the same time Allele turned toward the kids. Her phone was loud. She put the controller down and excused herself as she went sprinting toward the stairs to get it.

"Alright guys, daddy is leaving tonight. I'm gonna be gone for two days. But the good news is I'm gonna come back with mommy."

Mixed emotions travelled through the living room. Their mommy wasn't here and now their daddy leaving put a sour taste in the children's mouths and dampened their mood.

Phenix frowned, folding his arms across his chest in disappointment. Alix and Jaxon looked neutral, but they were bummed out as well. But it was Casi who was sitting in between Alix and Jaxon who started to cry at the top of her lungs.

Her noise both startled and annoyed Jaxon. He covered his ears and looked at his dad. "Why are you leaving?" He shouted, trying to talk over her screaming.

"It's not for long guys. I'm..."

Jaxon couldn't hear anything over Casi screaming and crying. It was deafening and he felt like his ears were ringing.

Jaxon got mad, looking next to him. "Shut up stupid!"

"You shut up! And don't call her stupid, stupid!" Alix hollered back.

Phenix turned his head in his brothers direction and glanced at them to see if they were gonna fight.

"Both of ya'll stop it, now. I don't wanna hear that stupid word." Allele said sternly.

"But she won't shut up!" Jaxon said tightening his hands over his ears. Jaxon kicked Casi's foot with his foot.

"Jaxon!" Allele said.

Alix hit him and the two started fighting. Allele easily separated them, holding them on either side of his body by their shoulders. He lowered himself so he was their height and kept looking back and forth between them.

"I know ya'll not fighting right in front of me. You two crazy?"

There was silence, both of them knowing better than to answer.

"You didn't have to hit him." Allele reprimanded Alix. "I'm standing right here. You knew I was gonna handle him for hitting his sister, you don't attack your brother when you see me standing right there. Don't do it again."

Casi was still hollering but Phenix was hugging her.

Allele then looked at Jaxon. "And Jaxon do not kick your sister. She's a baby, she doesn't know any better. I told you about hitting girls as well. Keep your hands to yourself. Stop hitting your siblings!"

Alix not knowing his father could still see him, stuck his tongue out at Jaxon.

Allele's head made a sharp turn as he looked at Alix. "Boy, don't play with me. Last warning."

Alix frowned.

Jaxon had his fists balled, staring at Alix. His eyes were a slight shade of pink, his anger traveling through his body and tensing his posture.

Allele sighed. "Alix, go in the lounge room. I'll talk to you just now."

Alix followed his dad's instructions. Jaxon's eyes following him the whole time. Casi had quieted down as Phenix was hugging and rubbing her back. He was kissing her and telling her everything was okay.

Allele took Jaxon's hand and led him over to the couch. He sat down and sat Jaxon on his leg. The boy was still rigid, fists still folded and puffing air through his nose.

Allele had never really seen Jaxon interact with Casi. He would say one or two words to her, but nothing much. He felt like Jaxon disliked her because he was jealous of how much Alix loved her. He was only four so maybe he didn't grasp she was blood related to him as well and only thought his brothers were related to him because they looked like him. But he felt Jaxon was jealous when his other two brothers gave Casi attention because he only saw the three of them as siblings.

Allele rubbed Jaxon's back but didn't say anything for a moment. He felt bad for him. When he got angry he couldn't help it. But he couldn't be babied, he would become worse.

"Jaxon I know you get upset sometimes but you cannot hit or kick your siblings. Especially not your sister, she is a baby and she's a girl. Remember what daddy told you about hitting girls? You can't do that."

The child didn't say anything.

Allele unrolled his fingers so he wasn't clenching them. He wanted him to relax. The father held his hands and occasionally kissed him on the cheek as he spoke to him in a low tone.

"I only yelled at you because you yelled at your sister."

"You always take her side! Her was making my ears hurt!"

Allele was assuming he was trying to say she was screaming and it was hurting his head, but he couldn't articulate himself properly.

"I only yell because her yell first!"

Allele had to admit that was fair. He was a baby himself, only four-years-old. So he didn't understand why he was being reprimanded and she wasn't.

"Jaxon stop yelling. And first of all she was upset because she heard me say I'm leaving. She was sad. You could've hugged her or tried to make her feel better."

"No! I don't want to hug her, I don't like her!" Jaxon declared.

"She's your sister."

"Her not my sister!" He argued.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. You still have to say sorry either way. And stop yelling." Allele gripped his chin, forcing the boy to look up at him. "You just heard me say stop yelling. Phenix bring your sister over here."

Phenix walked over with his little sister in his arms. Casi had her head on Phenix's shoulder and her legs wrapped around his waist.

Allele nudged Jaxon softly. "Say sorry."

He didn't say anything. Casi herself was peeking at him, waiting to hear him talk.

"Jaxon you heard what I said? Say sorry."

Jaxon was staring at her hard. The look in his eyes so fiery. Casi groaned and buried her face in Phenix's neck. Jaxon was scaring her. "...Sorry." Jaxon finally said.

Allele put him down on the couch to sit beside him. He pulled Phenix closer to kiss Casi on the forehead. Her face was full of dried tears. "You're okay baby, don't cry. And thank you for taking care of your sister Phe."

Phenix smiled, loving acknowledgement from his dad.

Allele found Alix in the lounge room. He was just sitting on the shearling sofa, frowning. He told him that Jaxon couldn't help his anger sometimes and told him why it wasn't okay to antagonize him. He doubted whether Alix understood Jaxon had a problem, but explaining was worth a try.

Just then, Journi came back down the stairs. The atmosphere felt a little different. She could tell by Jaxon's face someone just got in trouble. Phenix, Casi and Alix were no longer playing the game but now back on regular tv. While Jaxon was sitting by himself in a corner, staring a hole in the sides of all three of his siblings faces.

"Pay him no mind." Allele said, seeing her standing at the foot of the stairs, watching Jaxon in the cut. "He went and sat there on his own."

"Okay." Journi said. She could tell he got in trouble, she was use to his behavior at daycare.

"So uh...I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap. I should be up at seven o' clock and gone by eight. If they get hungry while—"

"Is your wife gonna be okay with this? Like when she walks in here and sees me."

Allele remembered Journi didn't know Cilia wasn't here. Even so, her comment reminded him of what Ophelia was saying earlier. Maybe he was slow, but he was curious on why everyone thought this was weird. She was a babysitter and was being paid to babysit.

"Why would she mind?"

Journi looked at him but looked away the minute she saw his eyes on her. His eyes were penetrating.

"N-nothing, you're right. It's fine, go to sleep. I got everything down here." Journi said.

Allele retreated to bed and as soon as he laid down he was out for hours. His alarm had to wake him up. He got up and went in the shower. When he got out his phone was ringing. He saw Breeze's name on the screen. He put it on speaker so he could get dressed at the same time.

"My bad I didn't answer your text earlier. But what you mean she mess wit' Bonnie? You saw him at the house?"

"Yeah, today." Allele said, slipping his jeans over his boxers.

There was some noise in Dion's background but Allele couldn't decipher where he was exactly.

"Dion, imma hit you back in two minutes." He had to pack his clothes.

"Aight, the kids and the wife okay?"

"Yeah, we're good. The kids are the kids and Cilia is Cilia."

Breeze laughed. "Man you two are a trip. Next time ya'll beefing she going to a hotel. I don't want her in my place crying about you wanting to fuck her sister an' shit. Oh real quick, you heard from Keshawn? This nigga been ghost for a while."

Allele looked at the phone where it was laid out on the bed. The seconds were ticking by on the call, the only thing visible was Breeze's name. He could hear a miniature voice coming through the line.

Allele picked the phone up and put it to his ear.

"...Allele did you hear me? I asked if you heard from Keshawn."

Allele was in disbelief, what did he mean next time he was sending her to a hotel because he didn't want her in his house crying about them? The only time Cilia had ever been out the house after a fight was the night they said all those crazy things to each other.

This morning on video call Cilia told him she went to a hotel and paid for it with her card that night. Was it a lie? Did she specifically say she used her card and not the joint account card because she knew he wouldn't be able to track her personal card? Not that he would've tracked transactions on their joint account. Her words were enough for him, but now he was unsure.

"Allele?" Breeze called on the other line, lost.

Allele noticed Breeze didn't even realize what he said. It was the slip of the tongue. Obviously one of them were lying about her whereabouts that night; and it couldn't be Dion. He just repeated something that was said in the argument. He wouldn't have been able to do that had he not gotten the information from the main source.

"Uh...n-no. Nah. I didn't hear from him." Allele answered. She was at Breeze's house that night? I was there, right downstairs. Why didn't Dion say anything to me? Is that why he was acting so weird that night? Because he had Cilia in his house? Allele thought.

"Okay, well if you do hear from him soon, hit me back."

"...Yeah." Allele said, he hung up and looked at his phone for a second more before putting it down and rubbing his closed eyes.

He packed his one bag in silence and was done in twenty minutes. Allele carried his suitcase downstairs and met all the kids. They were sitting around while Journi was reading them a story.

Cilia usually did that but in bed while they all laid cuddled up.

"Alright guys, I'm out, come give daddy a hug."

The kids ran over and gave him hugs and kisses. Jaxon didn't, he was still upset. That was until Allele motioned him over and he couldn't resist not going. He ran over and hugged his dad.

Journi followed him to the door to close it behind him. "See you when you get back Mr. Co—Allele. Safe travels."

They made eye contact and he nodded. "Thank you. Please take good care of my kids."

Journi's fingertips pinched the door, turning yellow. She didn't know why it sounded so direct, so personal. Almost like it was their children. She watched kids for eight to nine hours a day so she was like a second parent.

Journi smiled wide, glad her sepia brown skin hid the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"I will."


Hunter mall was loud and lively as hundreds of people walked back and forth. Parents and children, teenagers, old people, solo people, others walking their dogs or simply hanging with their friends.

Lotus was proud of his accomplishments as he looked around. The mall was a legitimate establishment that would bring in millions of dollars a year.

Gene would inherit every square inch of it when he died. Or if he died earlier than expected, Gene would get it when he was twenty-one. His son would get damn near everything he had. His shares in the restaurants he owned in Dallas, almost all the houses and cars he owned and his multiple bank accounts. He left some money and assets for his mother and brother although Emery left them set already; but that was just the type of man he was. His son would get everything from him. It was all written in his will already.

The kingpin sat on a wooden bench inside the outdoor play area as he watched Gene running about having fun. No bodyguards or guns, just him and his boy.

Lotus specifically had the play area built with Gene in mind. It was obviously sensical and smart money wise to make the mall child friendly, but honestly he built it with his child in his thoughts. And he watched with pure admiration as he was the only one enjoying it.

The mall was complete, but Lotus shut down the play area for a few hours while they were there to let Gene enjoy it. Gene was shy and didn't do well around crowds with noise and where everything was fast paced. So he wanted to give his child free reign to have fun.

The outdoor play area was sea themed. It had six wooden benches inside for parents or guardians to sit and watch their babies. There was a large wooden boat with stairs inside and a slide sticking out the back. On the ground there was a small blue tube for the babies to crawl through and sea creatures like an Octopus, a crab, a shark, different colored jellyfish, a big seashell and circle shaped post for the kids to sit, stand or jump from post to post. There was a chain over a rock and other little sea oriented details. The play area was for one to three years old. Just built to give adults a chance to rest their feet while their small children entertained themselves.

Gene was running around touching and feeling everything. There was a sign out front that said: Access Restricted. Lotus locked the gate as well. Some people stop and stared, wondering why he was in there with a child despite the sign, others attempting to get in with their babies like him, but he would have to constantly remind them it was closed.

Lotus watched Gene sitting down, feeling on the crab. He was trying to figure out what it was. He was touching and feeling things a lot lately. Lotus was sitting on the bench closest to the chain over the rock, so Gene was a few feet away, his back to his dad. Lotus stared at him with so much intensity and love.

Gene looked over his shoulder where he last remembered his father to be. "Daddy!"

"Yes handsome."

"What dis'?"

"A crab."

"A cab?" He mispronounced. He loved to repeat a confirmed statement.

"Yes. A crab is a sea creature."

"Sea key-chure?"

"Yes baby boy."

Gene stood up and ran off, he bumped into the yellow post.

"Daddy dis'?"

"A post, you can sit or stand on it."

"Okay." He wasn't interested and ran off toward the other end.

Lotus had his eyes on him the whole time, unaware of the smirk on his face. That little boy brought so much joy to his life. Just being able to call Gene his made Lotus feel like the king of the world.

Lotus heard footsteps approaching and was getting ready to tell the person the play area was locked when he saw Noelle Wright and June Phillips, his business associates. June was the lawyer, the main person of contact and Noelle worked with her, she was her paralegal.

Lotus stood and punched in a key code, unlocking the gate for the two women. They stepped inside and Lotus closed the gate again.

June was in her early forties but looked good for her age. She was short at 5'4 and had long hair that flowed down to her back, but kept it wrapped up in a bun. She was Hispanic and use to getting attention from men whether younger or older.

Noelle was over a decade younger than June. Skin smooth and almost midnight black. Her hair was in long Senegalese twists that fell down to her back as well. She was at least 5'5 and was just as beautiful, her smile lit up the room and she wore a pantsuit. Her perfume was fruity and she wore a tiny pendant around her neck.

Lotus didn't feel bad about having them meet him in the playground. It might've been unprofessional, but they were the ones who begged him to meet today. Apparently they were too busy to reschedule and this was the day he had already planned with his son. So technically, they were interrupting on his time with his son.

Lotus shook June's hand then Noelle's. When he shook Noelle's hand smiles passed between them and the handshake was a little longer than necessary.

They walked over to an area where the two ladies sat on one of the benches and he sat on the yellow post. He turned in an angle where he could see them and Gene at the same time.

"Alright Mr. Hunter, so the mall is open and complete. But as you know we're here to finalize the paperwork that still needs to be done. In addition you can still add and take away from the mall after you sign your contracts today. The only thing you will have to do is update your contract to reflect any changes made."

"Of course." Lotus said, knowing that.

"So I have a suggestion. Which if you listen too, you can sign today and once you add the changes, update your contract later on. Or you can add the changes first but instead of signing today, I can push the signing off for another three months and make the updated contract and have you sign then after the change is made."

"What's the change you're suggesting?"

"Making another disability ramp at the Starbucks coffee shop." June said crossing one leg over the other.

June pulled out a paper that had a layout of the mall. She pointed to the place she thought would legally be smart to place another entry and exit for disabled people.

As the two spoke, Noelle looked at Gene. She had no idea Lotus had a child. Though it made sense for her not to know, they didn't know each other like that. Just flirted here and there. She watched the little boy who was so engrossed with the hard plastic shark. She watched him trying to climb on top of it but he was too small.

She was trying to get his attention, she loved small kids, but he was too consumed in his mission to be worried about them.

Lotus noticed the paralegal smiling at his son and trying to get his attention. He smirked knowing she didn't know he was blind.

"...Because you don't want people to say there is only one side to get in and out for the handicap. You want there to be multiple enter and exit options." June said.

"Correct, but as you can see, there is a section where an aesthetic garden has been placed," Lotus pointed at the drawing, "so it makes it impossible to build the ramp because they would intersect."

June nodded when she saw what he was saying. "So what you can do—"

Her phone rang and she put a finger up to take the call. She was very busy with different clients. June got up and walked off. Once they were alone, Lotus turned to Noelle.

"He can't see you." Lotus said to the woman.

Noelle looked at him. "Excuse me?"

"He's blind he doesn't know you're looking at him."

Noelle was surprised. There were blind people in the world but she's never met a blind child before, let alone a baby. His eyes looked normal, she was assuming it would have that whitish-gray color.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry."

Lotus waved her off. "Hereditary gene in my family on my mom's side."

She nodded. Noelle flipped a twist over her shoulder and fixed her posture, now feeling bad.

"So how have you been?"

Noelle looked at him to see his mysterious brown eyes on her. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the handsome man. She hardly ever got attention from men because her tone was too dark for most. When they went outside it was June who had the attention of all men from all races. Especially with Lotus Hunter being a dark skin black man, those were the ones who didn't find beauty in her the most. So she couldn't tell if he was just being friendly or if he really was flirting.

"I've been good. Yourself?" She questioned. Noelle had a deep accent Lotus was crushing on. She was from Gambia and the heavy accent was so cute to him.

"Can't complain. I've been alright." He said being honest.


Lotus looked in his direction immediately. "Yeah?"

"I want gummy worms." Gene was walking slow with his hands out in front of him, trying to find him by the sound of his voice.

"No more sweets Gene."

"Peas?" He begged, attempting to say 'please.'

"No not today. You can have real food. Do you want fish?"


"Baked chicken?"


"Want Pierre to cook you something when you go home?"

"No." He was close to Lotus, making the father smirk.

"Want me too?"


"Alright Gene." Lotus said amused, not paying him any mind. He was just saying no just to say it.

Gene finally made his way to Lotus who lifted him up with a playful grunt and immediately started drowning him in kisses, only for the boy to push his face away in annoyance.

Lotus looked up and saw Noelle had a smile on her face as she watched them. They were so cute. An active father was such a turn-on to her. So many men thought bonding and being affectionate with kids was a woman's job.

"He looks just like you." Noelle commented.

"That he does." Lotus said, proudly. "Do you have any?"

"No." Noelle said.


"Is that an appropriate question Mr. Hunter?" Noelle wasn't offended, just flirting.

"No. Did it offend you?"


Lotus could tell by her smile she wasn't serious. "Well I apologize for my inappropriate question Ms. Wright. Do you accept my apology?"

Noelle's pretty white teeth peeked from behind her full glossed up lips. "I'll think about it."

"Over dinner?" Lotus asked shooting his shot. They've had multiple conversations over weeks that weren't always business related. He felt he could take the chance.

"Sorry about that." June said, returning.

June sat down and professional talk resumed. As she spoke Lotus and Noelle kept stealing glances at each other. They would look at each other when the other wasn't looking or get caught looking. There were smiles and blushes moving between them while they half listened to June talk.

"...Did you hear me, Mr. Hunter?" June interrupted. She noticed them flirting for the better half of eight minutes now and it was annoying her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't."

June repeated herself and Lotus answered her question. Gene found himself feeling his father's face as he spoke. He was bored and wanted to be entertained. Lotus kept moving his hands but Gene wasn't letting up. Attempting to feel all over his dad's face as if he didn't know his face already. Noelle giggled, it was cute and sweet.

For the rest of the meeting, once everything was wrapped up; the two ladies stood, making Lotus follow suit.

This was technically the last meeting he needed to have with them. The mall was complete and all contracts were officially signed. He would make the changes for creating a ramp for the disabled and make an updated contract later. Their services were no longer required.

"Say bye Gene." Lotus said taking his small hand and waving it for him.

June had a tight lipped smile on her face and waved quickly before walking off. Noelle came in her own car so didn't need to run behind her boss.

She smiled wide, waving back at the baby even though he couldn't see. Gene was clutching onto him for dare life like his dad was about to offer him to her.

"Gummy Worm say bye." Lotus encouraged.

"Bye." Gene whispered.

Noelle was so smitten with the kid. "He's so adorable."

"Thank you." Lotus kissed his knuckle and let his wrist go. Gene put the other arm around his shoulder, wrapped around Lotus's neck like a rapper's diamond chain.

"It was nice doing business with you Mr. Hunter."

"We can meet again for dinner. Only if you want, no pressure. If you say no, no hard feelings. I just think you're very intriguing, Ms. Wright."

Noelle's cobwebs were tangled in a bunch in her panties. He looked good and she would be lying if she said she didn't want to sample it. See what he was all about. But going on a date with an ex-client might be weird.

"...Okay. You have my number, call me and we can work something out."

Lotus winked.

Noelle turned and giggled, speed walking her way out of the play area and toward the parking lot.


Richmond, Virginia

Breeze knocked on the hotel door firmly. He'd been waiting outside for twenty minutes. Cilia finally opened the door and was grilling Breeze the same way he was grilling her.

After giving her the initial ammo she needed to go after Tom; which was telling her where he lived—Breeze ended up learning more. Something way more sinister. Like at the prostitution events Tom ran, women seen walking around alone were taken as prostitutes. It was said that the guests knew those rules. So if she went there alone and would've resisted a man's advances, they would immediately know she was an imposter. Because his guests already knew women were always suppose to be standing with a man. So Breeze alerted her the minute he found out, then came out to help her execute her plan since technically she couldn't enter without a man.

"You think this is a fashion party? We here to kill a rapist. You in there playing dress up."

"I'm not in there playing dress up. He knows my face, I have to change my look. If he sees me with you he'll know something's up. He saw me with Allele twice already."

Cilia had on a black ponytail wig. She put on dark brown contact lenses and put a dot near her mouth as a fake mole. She wore a black sleeveless dress but it came down to her ankles. She wore big hoop earrings and heavy makeup to try and alter her face. She came off average or okay looking. It was the look she was going for to make herself as unmemorable as possible.

The long dress was also part of the rules for the women. Those being accompanied by men had to wear long dresses. Cilia didn't know why but she would do whatever she needed to get in.

Breeze stared at her, she looked so different. He had never seen Cilia with long, let alone a different color hair than caramel brown. Due to the makeup as well, he wouldn't be able to recognize her on the street if she walked past.

"Be honest Dion, your honesty is what will make this work. Do I look really good or really bad?"

Breeze was amused. "It's not bad but it's not good. You look...different I guess?"

"Meaning it's not my cutest look?"

Breeze nodded, not wanting to say more than that and hurt her feelings.

"Good." Cilia nodded. "I don't want to cause attention to myself. Hopefully less people notice me because of the average looks. Ready?"

Breeze thought dramatically toning down her look was very smart. He kept it simple with a three button suit and a black satin shirt underneath. They walked off and got a taxi using the hotel service and went to The Fan District.

These events were attended by real life legendary men. The type that could make bodies disappear without a trace. Men with ties to the government and men who were the government. Top list actors, hitmen, politicians, rich kids, anyone with an extremely high ranking.

They were in the taxi, Breeze resting his head against the glass yawning. He didn't get any sleep last night. The couch he slept on was hard as a rock. He and Cilia were in the same hotel room, but he slept on the couch and she on the bed. Trying to remain as low key as possible on a murder mission, there was no need for the multiple hotel rooms.

"You're tired?" Cilia asked. She felt like ants were crawling on her skin. Like she was on Red Bull and Hennessy at the same time. She was too anxious to sleep.

"Yeah man, that couch like concrete." Breeze complained.

Cilia didn't say anything the rest of the ride. Her mind was set on what might go down tonight. She didn't know what awaited them and she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little worried. They didn't even have guns with them. They were suppose to be normal customers, so guns wouldn't be permissible. Besides, guns would make too much noise any way. The best method was to kill quietly and exit the function just as quietly.

Cilia and Breeze arrived at the address thirty minutes later. The one story house was a sight for sore eyes. White paint covered the 4,778 square foot house. The small lawn with shrubs atop, was boxed in by brick. A small circle shaped balcony was sitting on the above floor being held up by four big posts. Every light in the house was on.

From this point on Cilia was Tiffany and Breeze was Xavier. They had practiced all their answers back at the hotel. They were together for a year and engaged and wanted to experiment by coming here. They had to pretend to be a romantic relationship, there was no other way. It's not like cousins or brothers and sisters would be here trying to fuck a prostitute together.

The first thing Cilia noticed was there was no one lingering outside the house. Usually at parties and events some people were smoking and drinking outside. Not a soul stood even on the sidewalk. She couldn't hear music coming from the house either. All of that is to not bring attention to what's really going on inside, Cilia analyzed.

Hand in hand, her and Breeze walked up to the house. They rang the bell and was let in. They stepped inside and the door closed in behind them. Cilia got a peek into the house. She was taken aback by how old time it looked.

The wood flooring was covered by a bunch of bright red ugly patterned rugs. There was a large square mirror on the wall next to the oak wood front door they just walked through. And an open room with two floor to ceiling windows and a piano, was to the right. The light fixtures were simple yet so antique looking. This place looked like something out of the 1900s.

It was crowded with people everywhere. A man and woman were sitting on the piano bench, the man playing and the woman drinking and rubbing his back. People talked and laughed and like Breeze had mentioned earlier, there were some women who were walking by themselves. The ones who were alone seemed to be dressed more freely, they wore short skirts instead of long dresses. The women who were near men wore long dresses and clung onto the arms of their men like they didn't want to be mistaken for a whore.

"Passcode." The guard said.

Breeze had kept the password from Cilia because he knew if he tried to explain it she wouldn't allow him to do it. And if that was the case they wouldn't be able to enter the house.

Cilia got nervous, a password? How the hell were they suppose to know what the password was?

Breeze dropped to one knee and found his hands up her dress. That shocked Cilia and she was sure it showed on her face. She looked down at Breeze, as stiff as a board. He kept his eyes on her trying to convey through his eye contact that it was okay.

His hands snaked up her legs. Her skin was so warm and soft. She seemed to gain a little more weight than he remembered, but she was still a small girl. He found the sides of her underwear and dragged them down her legs.

Cilia felt her stomach tickle. It didn't excite her, it was scaring her. Breeze stood up and showed the guard her panties. He nodded and Breeze balled the underwear in his fists.

"Second password."

Breeze turned to Cilia, seeing the flushed look on her face. She was obviously shook. But he didn't know how to warn her beforehand.

He leaned down and pecked her lips twice.

The guard nodded and ushered them inside. But Cilia took her underwear back from him and put it on from under her dress right there. The dress was almost sweeping the floor. It was long so no one saw anything when she put it back on.

When they entered the room, Cilia's ears were steaming and red. It was quiet and awkward.

Breeze pulled her aside to explain what that was all about.

"A dude that frequents my club came here before. He told me the passwords, that's how I know. They set their passwords like that to ensure we are who we say we are. Meaning we're romantically involved. A brother or uncle or father isn't gonna reach under his niece, sister or daughter's dress and take her panties off or kiss her on the mouth. So if we were really together we wouldn't have a problem doing those things. The reason they have the women wear long dresses is when the men go under her dress to take her panties, the dress is her shield. It won't expose you to anyone else."

Cilia could feel her voice shaking as soon as she opened her mouth. "And you couldn't tell me that beforehand so I could've prepared?"

"Cilia if I woulda told you this back at the hotel, we'd still be in the hotel because you wouldn't have got what I was trying to say. It was one of those things where I had to do it and show you it was not as bad, instead of explaining it. The explanation would've sounded crazy."

Cilia finally gave him eye contact, her brown contact lenses making her look so different. "You just went under my dress and took my underwear off."

"I didn't feel anything or see anything Tiffany." Breeze assured, but she obviously knew that. She felt where his hands were.

"Let's just go." Cilia said, her heart was hammering. She wanted a drink when she saw a woman serving drinks on a tray, but she wanted to stay sober for this one. No mess ups, she wanted an in and out situation.

The two moved through the crowd, watching how other people conducted themselves. Everyone was talking and laughing, drinking and eating. They all seemed to have known each other forever. Or were just making friends really quickly. Cilia only wanted one person but didn't know how to go about getting to him.

Cilia's eyes looked around, not noticing anyone who looked like Tom. She was hoping he wasn't the type that hosted parties and didn't even attend them.

Determined to find him, she tried to walk off but Breeze grabbed her hand.

"Where you going?" He asked, "You have to stay close. Women can't walk around by themselves, remember?"

They walked hand in hand and found their way into another room. There was a brown table with a piece of red cloth on it and a black tray on top. Braced up against it was a sofa that could fit two people and directly across from the sofa was a fireplace and two chairs on either side of the fireplace, with windows behind those chairs.

Cilia needed to find Tom by the end of the night. She had too. She was already off to a sour mood with no sign of him so far. Despite it had only been fifteen minutes.

Breeze spoke through his teeth. A light smile on his face in case anyone was looking. "You gotta calm down, we'll find him."

"What if he's not even here?"

"We can ask around for him. Tell people we just wanna say hi."

Cilia got a little nervous, would he be able to recognize her through the costume? She was confident she looked completely different. But maybe approaching him directly wasn't the smartest.

Breeze saw a man coming up to Cilia from behind. He saw the drunken look in his eyes and pulled Cilia into him right before the man reached for her hand. Cilia confused, looked up at Breeze then behind her, seeing a strange man. He looked Greek or Italian. He had a tapered beard and a head full of fluffy raven black hair with dark brown eyes; but he obviously liked to drink.

"She's not for sale."

"You can also share." The drunk man stated. It was true, the woman didn't have to be a prostitute. If they wanted to switch or share partners that was welcomed as well.

"My woman is not for sale. Keep on moving." Breeze said.

The man put his hands up and walked away. Breeze looked down at her, smiling. His dimples came alive but Cilia ignored it. She cleared her throat. "T-thank you."

"Why you thanking me? I'm your man I'm suppose to protect you. Your baby daddy Lil' might not think so, but I guess that's why we're two different niggas." Breeze joked.

"Whatever. What lie did you tell your bitch for her to let you come out here anyway?"

Breeze's dimples deepened. "Why she gotta be a bitch? Why is she even on your mind? I told her what I needed to tell her."

"I guess."

"What'd you tell your man?"

"What I needed to tell him." Cilia responded.


Tom sat upstairs in a secret room somewhere inside his house. He stared at his surveillance camera at the skinny woman with the long black ponytail and the man with the dimples next to her, in the three button suit. Guards said their names were Tiffany and Xavier.

Tom never had new people in his circle, it was how he kept his prostitution ring running for so long. The more people that got invited, sooner or later someone was bound to talk. So he always kept the same people. And because he didn't recognize their faces, the whole time they were in the party a background check was being ran on them. They could've been college students. Virginia Commonwealth university was right there; college students have wondered in by accident before.

Tom had no idea who they were or ever remembered seeing them, but they knew the passwords. Either they got the information from someone who's been here before or they really were regulars and his memory was going bad. He was 64, so sometimes he did forget.

A guard stepped into the room. "Sir, we have nothing on Tiffany or Xavier. They practically don't exist. No records of them ever attending one of your events before."

Tom's nostrils flared, were they undercover police? That was the only thing that made sense. They were infiltrators.

Tom stood up and ran a hand down his large belly. He looked over his shoulder and at his men. "I'm going down. I want five of you in the attic. I'll have the woman sent up there. Do what you have to, to get answers when she gets up there. I'll keep this Xavier man with me and do the same thing."

The guard spoke into his earpiece, ordering four men up to the attic. Tom exited the room with two men behind him as he went to go introduce himself to the partygoers.

When he made it downstairs, everyone started clapping. He walked into the room and looked around at everyone. Then he looked directly at his two imposters. They were smiling and clapping with everyone else, trying to blend in. It only angered Tom, so he would make sure it would be the last smiles they would ever make. 

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