in the dark

By ghostuser0007

695 21 1

Jett hates Fade; she doesn't like her and certainly doesn't trust her, simple as that. Then why are her hands... More

dreams are a funny thing
i'm in your head
like a fly in a web
fall back

face your fear

130 5 1
By ghostuser0007

Fade watches in silence as the wind agent exits the room. Her eyebrows scrunched, nothing but confusion on her mind as she recognizes that she's now alone in the training room.

What had she done to make Jett so upset? She understood that running into the arena was dangerous, but what was she supposed to do?

Jett was her teammate, someone she is supposed to trust and fight alongside; she wasn't going to risk her getting severely injured. She still cared for the younger girl, even if she gave her nothing but a cold shoulder.

Would Jett not do the same if she were in her shoes? Would she think of it too risky and let Fade face the machine alone? But Jett saved her when Maxbot nearly shot her–what was the difference between the two instances?

Fade recalled the look in Jett's eyes while she was hovering over her. She could see the worry clear as day. Jett cared for her in some way, or else she wouldn't have saved her. Then why was she so angry?

Fade felt as if her head was spinning.

She began to shake her thoughts aside, instead drawing her attention back to the arena and saw Maxbot, almost appearing to be asleep. She then looked to the ground and noticed the gun and knives still littered on the floor.

Guess she'll clean up the mess by herself...

When Fade is finished cleaning the dualists' messes it is a little past noon. She figures she should probably get something to eat, and her stomach growls in agreement. She sighs, exiting the training room and heading towards the mess hall.

When she arrived, the smell of all sorts of dishes entered her nose. From grilled chicken, to rice, to vegetables and fruits, the initiator's mouth immediately began to water.

She wandered to the table that stored all of the foods and drinks. As she made her way, she noted the amount of agents in the room. Killjoy and Raze sat together, talking amongst themselves by the window, while Phoenix and Neon sat nearest to the food. Fade could hear a faint, "I'm surprised it was only bruised, you made it sound like your hand was mangled!" Followed by, "Shut up!" Fade smiled to herself, glad the Filipina was alright. She noticed how Jett was missing from their table, odd . She then noticed Sage sitting alone in the corner of the room. Normally Fade would sit with Cypher or Omen, but seeing as they weren't here, she did enjoy Sage's company as well.

Fade grabbed a plate and began loading it with chicken and rice, she noticed that there was also salad and added this as well. Moving over to the drinks, she grabbed herself a bottle of water and made her way to Sage's table. Noticing her presence, Sage looked up at the nightmare agent and gave her a warm smile.

"Hi, Fade. I hear you've been babysitting the dualists?" Fade chuckled as she sat down across from the healer.

"I see Neon's hand is alright. That's good, thank you for doing that," Fade grabbed her fork and began cutting the chicken up, ready to take a bite.

"Yep, Jett's waist is hopefully better as well."


"Huh?" Fade stopped, her fork still raised in her hand as she stared at Sage, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Sage hummed as she took a swig of her water. "She was a bit gloomy, but at least she's not in pain anymore."

Fade set her fork down. She was confused, when did Jett get injured? "She got hurt? When? What happened?"

"She didn't give me the full details, she just mentioned that she got shot when trying to shove you to safety." Sage shrugged, picking up her fork and taking a bite of chicken.

Jett got shot trying to save Fade? Fade went into the arena trying to protect Jett and she still ended up getting injured? Guilt replaced Fade's hunger and she stared at her plate, tapping her foot on the floor.

"You know you can go see her, she's in her room if you want to talk to her. I'm sure she's not busy. I'll take care of your plate if you're not hungry anymore." It was like Sage was reading her mind. She grinned a bit, thankful to have someone like Sage on her team.

"Thank you," The Turkish woman said, standing up to go visit the white-haired girl. Sage smiled, replying with, "Anytime, Fade."

It felt like Fade nearly jogged to the Korean's room. Her heartbeat picked up as she approached Jett's door. She knocked loudly, hoping the dualist would open for her. She waited a couple seconds before she was greeted with a confused wind agent.

"I'm sorry."

The younger woman looked perplexed seeing Fade outside of her door. "What?"

"You got shot, I'm sorry I was the cause of it. I meant to help you but I only got you hurt. I understand that is why you are upset with me."

Jett was speechless and furrowed her eyebrows in anger. She specifically told Sage not to tell Fade. Is there no doctor-patient confidentiality?

"Whatever, it's fine," Jett was annoyed to say the least. She was supposed to be avoiding Fade and here the older woman was, outside of her door, looking distressed, and the nightmare agent's eyes were practically pleading for forgiveness. "It doesn't seem like it's fine," Fade remarked.

"What does it seem like, Fade? You apologized, I accepted. Why are you still here?" The sudden harshness caught them both by surprise.

"It seems like you want to hit me," Fade studied the look on the shorter woman's face. Her cheeks were growing red, anger in her eyes. "Would you like to spar?"

Jett was growing irritated. Why is Fade not taking the hint to leave her alone? Is she doing this on purpose? Does Fade secretly know of Jett's internal conflict? Fade's face was stoic, but her eyes gave her away. Jett could tell Fade felt guilty, and if sparring her would ease her worry then that's what she was going to do. Anything to get the initiator to back off and finally leave her alone. "Fine."

The walk to the sparring area was short. The room was smaller in comparison to the shooting range, but large enough for multiple sessions at once. Thankfully it was just Fade and Jett.

"Shoes on, no gloves, I want to get this over with," Jett grumbled as she took position across from the nightmare agent. Fade had experience with close combat, but probably not as much as Jett. This was perhaps a bad idea from the Turkish woman.

"You were fine with my presence before," Jett watched as Fade circled the wind agent, never removing her gaze. "Why the change of mind?" Jett was confused, what game was Fade playing?

Before Jett could respond, Fade swung. The Korean barely dodged the fist that went straight for her head. Her eyes were wide, shocked that the initiator was so bold. Jett responded with fury, using her speed to shove Fade backwards. The dark-haired girl stumbled back a bit, a smirk on her face. She thought this was funny? Jett didn't want to hurt Fade, but the older woman was testing her patience.

"You say you forgive me but I still sense anger," Fade continued, taking a few steps forward. The look on Fade's face caused Jett to take a few steps backwards. Fade's smirk never left. She raised her fists, her sleeveless shirt showed off her toned arms, her tight sweatpants hugged her legs perfectly, and that all-knowing glint in her eyes nearly made Jett's knees buckle. She looked so hot right now.

"I-I'm not angry," Jett was telling the truth now. Her heart was hammering in her chest as Fade took a couple more steps forward, causing Jett to take more steps backwards. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea, Fade." Fade tilted her head to the side in confusion, her arms still raised, paired with a menacing look on her face.

Fade was good at reading people–it was her job after all. Jett was hiding something from her. Fade wasn't trying to hurt Jett, quite the opposite, she just needed the younger woman to lash out, then she'll finally figure out what's going on inside of the wind agent's head. This was either going to change their relationship for the better or for the worst. "Why is this a bad idea, Jett?" She didn't let Jett answer before swinging once again, missing her target, on purpose .

Jett dodged once again, gritting her teeth as she clenched her fists, "Seriously, Fade, stop." Jett's anger was growing, and Fade knew she was almost there, just a little more pushing.

"Don't tell me you're scared, Jett. Fight back," the taller woman commanded, throwing another punch. This was the last straw for Jett. She had given Fade enough chances, now she was getting aggravated.

She dodged the punch with ease, and before Fade could recover, Jett kicked her legs out from under her, causing the initiator to fall backwards on the padded mat. In a swift motion, Jett fell forward, using her left hand and knees to catch herself on the mat, her right fist raised above Fade's head.

Fade watched Jett intently. Her fist was shaking, probably debating whether she should punch the older woman or not. Fade stared up at Jett, refusing to move and trying to study the dualist. There was a conflict behind Jett's eyes. Fury, confusion, worry and something else.

"You can punch me, is that what you need?" Jett's breath caught in her throat as she stared down at Fade. Fade's lips quivered, Jett glanced at them, unintentionally leaning forward. No. She didn't want to punch her at all. Jett knew Fade was trying to resolve their relationship, but with Jett's feelings, it was only going to make things worse.

Jett wished Fade wasn't trying so hard to make amends. Jett wished Fade wouldn't apologize so much. Jett wished Fade could leave her alone. Jett wished Fade hated her.

Maybe she could get her to.

Fade knew Jett was leaning closer, she wasn't sure what was going on inside of Jett's head. Fade had apologized countless times to the white-haired girl. She had given the opportunity for Jett to let her anger out. None of this was working. The bounty hunter had no clue how to get Jett to confess what was wrong.

Maybe Jett didn't know how she felt about herself? Maybe she was kicking a dead horse? Maybe she should just give up? May–


Jett's speed was forceful, the dualist had unclenched her fist, urgently grabbing Fade's head and pulling it towards her. The second their lips connect, Jett's body is on fire, and Fade's brain is short-circuiting.

Fade tasted of coffee and caramel and it was intoxicating. Jett wanted more. She wanted it all. Everything Fade had to offer. Her lips were so smooth and Jett would happily never breathe again if it meant she could kiss her more. Kiss her more? Kiss her more!?

Sirens were going off in Jett's head. She was kissing Fade. Jett was ready to pull away, her blood was running cold, the fire within her extinguishing. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

This is a mistake. This is a mistake. This is a mistake.

Then why is Fade cupping her cheek? Why is Fade kissing her back? Why isn't Fade pushing her away, absolutely disgusted?

Jett doesn't care for answers, she'll do it for the nightmare agent.

The dualist quickly removes herself from Fade's grasp. Tears stinging her eyes as she stared at the woman in front of her. The only expression Jett could read was worry. There was no anger. Why was there no anger?

"I'm sorry," Jett choked out, the younger woman was ridden with guilt and embarrassment. Before Fade could respond, Jett was gone; dashing out of the room in a blink of an eye.

Fade didn't know what to think, her fingers hovering over her mouth where Jett's lips once were.

She could still taste the sweet vanilla. 

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