Little Nightmares June and th...

By bruhiwriter1

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Mono despises Six yet the two get married on the agreement of working as accomplices in order to gain more po... More

Introduction: A New Partnership
Chapter 1: June
Chapter 2: Oddities
Chapter 3: Unfolded Truths
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Seeking the Truth
Chapter 6: New Feelings
Chapter 7: Jack
Chapter 8: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 9: It All Unveils
Chapter 10: The Boat
Chapter 11: Friends
Chapter 12: The Barrens
Chapter 13: The Hotel
Chapter 14: A Ballroom and Answers
Chapter 15: Answers
Chapter 16: Fluff
Chapter 17: Jack's Past
Chapter 18: Too Many Things At Once
Chapter 19: Rail City Part 1
Chapter 20: Rail City Part 2
Chapter 21: Rail City Part 3 A Harsh Truth
Chapter 22: Resolutions
Chapter 23: A New Alliance
Chapter 24: The Blind Eye
Chapter 26: Family Reunion
Chapter 27: Our Fates Meet Again
Chapter 28: The Last Chapter

Chapter 25: A Silent Way Back Home

41 1 0
By bruhiwriter1

I don't even dare look  back as I hear Jack's sobs and my mother's whimpers as I get on Andrew's  carriage which is being driven by a shadow and shadow horse.

"Let's change your size, it's becoming annoying being much taller than you," he replies before aiming his hand at me.

I feel weird when I feel my small figure grows back into my original one as Andrew uses his powers on me.

"Shall  we?" Andrew asks when I am finally back to my normal stature. It  suddenly feels weird being tall again but I don't respond while I step  inside while holding tightly onto my arm which hurts like hell.

It is warm inside as I sit down on the nice cushioned seats before Andrew follows sitting right in front of me.

He gives me a sinister smile before the carriage begins to speed off.

I don't talk as I feel his gaze penetrating my soul, I don't even want to know what he must be thinking as he eyes me.

"You're wounded," he suddenly states and I shrug while I feel my blood slowing down.

"May  I?" he asks while scooting to my side and I flinch at his touch over my  hoodie. Memories of when he grabbed me at the manor flood back and my  body suddenly backs away as I feel fear overcome my senses.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he suddenly states before pulling my hoodie off.

I  feel naked when I am only left in my undershirt and he looks at the  wound on my shoulder. It's a fairly large cut and is still bleeding.

"Here let me bandage that for you," he replies taking a gauze from a small compartment and tying it firmly around my shoulder.

"That's better," he replies once he is done.

He then sits down on his regular spot before looking out the window while placing his pale hand under his chin.

I  suddenly feel confused by his new behavior, perhaps he is only  preparing for consuming me, I shudder at the thought but at least my  family and friends will be safe.

"How long till we get to Pale City?" I ask and he suddenly directs his attention to me.

"We  need to take a direct ship to Pale City, that will be six days and then  we will wed the weekend after," he replies and I give a short nod.

"How is my father?" I ask and he sighs.

"Worried about you," is all that he responds yet I find it difficult to believe after all that he's made me go through.

I don't hate him but I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive him.

I clench onto the seat as I feel every bump and thud from the road until we finally reach the port.

Neither  I nor Andrew speaks to each other as we are greeted at the entrance of a  nice metallic ship with a group of maids already there to attend us.

I make my way inside as Andrew accompanies me to my own cabin before bidding me farewell.

It's been a long day and all I want right now is a bath and some sleep.


"Come in," I respond tiredly before a young maid comes inside with a bucket full of hot water.

"I'm here to assist you on your bath miss," she tells me looking down.

"Thank you and please I'd rather you refer to me as June," I respond.

"Very well June," she replies before scurrying to the washroom.

I can hear her pouring the water and arranging everything before coming out.

"Would you like me to bathe you?" she asks politely.

"No, I'd rather do it on my own," I reply sighing.

"Very well do you need anything else?" she asks.

"Some food would be great," I respond, I'm hungry surprisingly so she only nods before scurrying away.

I sigh again before removing all my dirty clothes and submerging myself inside the warm waters and soap.

I  wash my hair first before scrubbing all the dirt and dried blood off my  body. I notice the scar on my leg, Jack had healed it back at the other  boat. I miss him already so I only shake the thought off before I end  up hurting more.

I can't stop thinking about him.

His lips on mine.

His hands on my own.

His body hugging mine.

His rain scent.

His luminous eyes which I crave to see at least once more.

I put on my sleeping gown once I am done bathing before the maid comes rushing inside with a platter and silver glass.

"Anything else?" she asks, she seems nice.

"May I know your name?" I suddenly ask and she flinches a bit at my question.

"My name is Leslie," she replies shyly and I send her a weak smile.

"Nice  to meet you, Leslie, I hope we can get acquainted," I respond and she  suddenly looks up at me. Her face is not that warped as the other  residents I have seen and her figure is quite petit.

"I hope so too June," she replies before leaving.

I open my platter and see eggs with hashbrowns and orange juice which has been poured already into my glass.

I immediately gobble it all before brushing my teeth and plopping my body onto this fancy bed.

I feel my body slowly drift away while I try to ignore all these agonizing thoughts.




All the runaway children.

They'd all be safe now.

Even if it hurts me to the deepest part of my being I have to let go.

I hope they can forgive me.

"Miss, wake up," a sudden voice rings into my ears.

I groan annoyingly as I feel a hand shove me lightly.

"What is it?" I respond a little too rudely.

"The  master wants you to have breakfast with him, I'm here to help you get  ready," she replies as I feel my eyes flutter open to meet Leslie's  gaze.

"I see I'm sorry for being rude," I reply before sitting up.

"May I know what you'll like to wear today?" she asks while tossing a few dress options on my bed.

"I  frankly don't care, would you mind picking something?" I ask and she  nods taking out a long blue dress with a red embodiment. I'm so  accustomed to wearing red so it feels a little weird when I try it on.

It's  tight around my waist and reveals some of my cleavage so I immediately  pull it up to hide it as much as I possibly can before putting on a pair  of Victorian boots.

Leslie helps me tie my hair into an elegant bun before accompanying me to the dining area.

Andrew  is already waiting for me at the dining table, he is wearing a dark  green suit and red tie without a tophat this time. He immediately  flashes me a smile while pulling out a chair for me to sit on.

I thank him quietly before sitting down and resting my arms on the table's top.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks me once I am seated down.

"I did," I respond shortly before adjusting my napkin on my lap.

"I'm glad to hear that," he replies.

A group of servers brings us our plates with delicious food I'd only read about and seen in books.

Pancakes with syrup along with eggs and hash browns are brought to us with apple juice.

It smells heavenly and I feel my mouth water, I haven't had anything like this not even at the manor.

I try to eat as quietly and politely as I possibly can while I try to ignore Andrew's gaze on my body.

I just realized my cleavage is still showing and I feel my cheeks fume when I catch him staring down.

More than anything I feel disgusted while I try to ignore what must be going through his perverse mind.

"Do  you eat food too?" I ask him dropping my fork a little too harshly, he  tilts his head slightly before he stops eating from his plate.

"I do what did you think I ate?" he asks and I scrunch my eyebrows.

"People," I respond shortly and he lets out a small laugh.

"I see your attitude has changed in contrast to the one you had before," he replies and I feel my blood boil.

If only I had the blind eye.

If it only wouldn't risk Jack's life.

I'd already have ended him.

Instead, I have to have breakfast with him while we ride on this stupid boat back home.

I only look away but I can still his eyes digging holes in my skin.

"I  also eat that...people if that is what you want to know," he replies  and I feel my skin grow pale when he stands up from his seat to come  towards me.

He doesn't say anything until he places a hand around my bare shoulder.

"I wouldn't eat such a beauty like you though," he murmurs and I flinch.

"I know what you are after, so stop playing games with me," I hiss but he only chuckles.

"You  may feel clever June but you still have so much to learn," he replies  and I flinch even harder when he kisses my cheek tenderly.

"I will leave you be, but be back in time for dinner," he replies before leaving me to my own inquiries.

I sigh once he is gone before finishing my meal which I leave not a crumb.

I later return to my cabin where Leslie is already waiting for me with an envelope in hand.

"There is a letter for you June," she replies handing it to me which I gladly take.

It is from my father and I suddenly frown.

I hesitate on whether I should open it or not.

"Is there a problem?" she asks suddenly and I feel my hands squeeze the envelope.

"It's fine, can you give me a minute?" I ask and she nods before leaving me alone.

I feel my fingers slowly tear through the envelope as I pull out the small letter attached to a small photograph.

I eye the photo of Mono and Six as children and raise a brow before reading the letter written in my father's handwriting.


If  you are reading this then it means that he has found you and that you  are already on your way home. I have missed you so much my precious  daughter and I cannot wait to see you again but I must tell you the  truth once you arrive. I rather tell you in person than in a letter what  I will relate to you here is that I am Mono and your mother is Six.   I'm sorry for keeping so much from you but I promise we will talk when  you arrive. No more lies and secrets.

With love,

Your father

P.S.  That is a photograph I took with a camera I found while trying to  survive with your mother during our younger days. I want you to have it  so please take good care of it.

I frown at my father's letter.

He sounds loving but I know his intentions.

I clench onto the letter with my fist while feeling my eyes well up again.

My father and mother look so happy in the photograph despite the fact that they had to go through so much.

I feel droplets fall onto the floor from my tears.

My  mother had told me my father seemed to love me but I find that hard to  believe. I feel like a puppet spread on a platter for Andrew to eat.

I hear Leslie knock again.

"Come in," I reply trying to remove my tears.

"Are you alright?" she asks with some concern and I frown even harder.

I'm not.

"Yes, I am thank you for asking," I reply smiling.

All of a sudden she takes out a small handkerchief before handing it to me.

"Thank you," I reply taking it and removing my tears with it.

"I'm so sorry miss, you must have had it hard," she replies with sympathy and I snort a bit.

"You have no idea," I respond handing her back her handkerchief.

"Was it really that bad?" she asks me and I nod.

"I  can't be with the people I love in order to protect them," I respond  sadly and she lets out a sigh before placing her hand on my arm.

"I see, from what I can tell you are very brave so don't give up hope just yet," she replies honestly.

"No I am not," I counter but she only smiles.

"Yes you are I've never seen anyone stand up to him like that," she replies but I don't want to think about it much.

This is already too hard.

"You  know if you need to talk I'm here, I cross my heart and promise not to  tell a soul whatever it is you tell me," she suggests and I ponder on  it.

It wouldn't matter even if I tell her anything either way Andrew knows everything at this point.

So I tell her while she listens carefully to every word of my story.

It almost feels as if I am sharing with her a fairy tale with a darker twist.

I tell her about the free zone.

Bits of my parents.

Some of my visions.

The monsters I had to see and kill.

And finally, I tell her about Jack.

By that point, my tears are already falling off my face and she has to hand me her handkerchief again.

"Thanks," I mutter whipping away all my tears again.

"That...was so..."

"Cowardly," I finish for her but she shakes her head.

"That was so amazing, you are truly brave!" she exclaims and I glance at her.

She is beaming brightly with hope at what I had just told her.

"What? But I gave up hence why I am here," I reply but she shakes her head again.

"You have shown me that there is still hope, even in this world," she replies and I give her a sad smile.

"If  I am marrying Andrew it is only to save the ones I love, I couldn't  even try blasting him," I reply looking down before she places a hand on  my shoulder.

"Perhaps things may look on edge right but there may be a bit of sunshine around the corner," she replies.

"Even in such never-ending rainy days?" I ask.

"Yes even then, so don't give up just yet," she replies and I sigh.

"Maybe you are right," I reply and I can see her smile under her mask.

"I'm going to get some fresh air, I will see you shortly," I tell her and she nods.

I go outside to the deck to feel the air around me.

The waves splash slightly against each other while some seagulls roam the air looking for fish to feed on.

It smells like salt water mixed in with some rays of sunshine and for a second I forget why I am here.

I  let my hair loose from the bun and allow the strands to flow with the  rhythm of the air. For a moment I also feel tempted to jump off, that  would end it all.

The pain and suffering but then I remember that might put at risk the lives of those I care about.

I sigh while I close my eyes taking the scent in and ignore any sour thoughts that may try to penetrate inside my brain.

"It's quite a view isn't it?" the voice startles me until I open my eyes and see Andrew standing beside me.

I only nod trying to ignore his presence.

"You've been quiet," he notes but I don't respond.

"Wouldn't you like to know how your family is?" he asks and I unconsciously growl under my breath.

"That is not my family," I answer harshly but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Your father does miss you, I have no reason to lie about that," he replies and I frown.

"Your mother-" but I cut him off.

"She is not my mother so I'd prefer you refer to her as something else," I snap and he sighs.

"She has also missed you as well," he finishes and I cross my arms in the process.

"Isn't  having me here already enough, why must you bring them up when it's  clear I am not fond of them?" I ask dryly and his one eye looks at me  with some hesitation before responding.

"Because you need to know," he responds before leaving, I am left in question by his attitude.

The following days I need to ride this ship are silent.

I talk to Leslie most of the time and my conversations with Andrew are very short and vague if we do talk.

I walk around the deck and sometimes read in my spare time when I am not having my meals or talking with Leslie.

It's boring yet I do not complain while I try to bear all of this.

It  surprises me that Andrew does not molest me as he did back at the manor  yet I find it relieving that I do not have to see him that much.

It  takes us exactly six days to get to Pale City and we arrive on a  Thursday evening. It's cloudy but surprisingly it does not rain one bit.

I hug Leslie goodbye, she will be the only one I miss from the ship.

"Be brave June," she whispers into my ears and I smile before descending down the ship.

I ignore the people entranced in the static when I follow Andrew inside another carriage that will take us home.

I look slightly outside the window and it looks all much the same.

The death odor is still the same, meaning that the tower is still eating souls.

I only close my eyes all the way until the carriage comes to a complete stop.

I have arrived home.

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