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By jopoly_

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๐Ÿ—เผ„๐–๐ข๐ฌ๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ง


2.3K 152 78
By jopoly_


She loved the loud noises. The booming, ear bleeding, gong that signified her father's return to the island after a long day. She loved his loud laugh and his stomping when he watched her dance and spar. She loved the cheer of her father's goons partying with bright lights and music. She loved the loud clang of her large sword against her fathers spiked metal club.

But she loved the quiet, subtle noises more. The sound when she stomps in fresh soft snow, when the sound of water droplets from the year's rainy season hits her body, most of all, the quiet winds that blew through her hair while she talked with her father on top of the island.

Closing her eyes, hearing the sounds of the ocean beneath her, her heart beating softly in her chest, and the voice of the Moon telling her the stories of the humans she's seen throughout the years.

"What does it tell you this time?"

Her father asked quietly, almost a whisper coming from his mountain like body. He didn't dare to disturb her concentration.

"She tells me there was once a great pirate, eight hundred years ago..." The small girl mumbled while the whispers from the craters grew louder.

"Joy Boy."

Her father's heart nearly skipped a beat. What a horrible name he had to hear.

"He had a wife."

She smiled, unaware of her quivering father.

"Mother Misery."


The desert kingdom of Alabasta. Considered a Paradise in the Grandline with a loving king, Nefetari Cobra, and even one of the Seven Warlords guarding its citizens. It's known for its bold spices and perfumes, its friendly people, and of course its grueling desert that held ancient artifacts.

The Marine party that was led under Captain Smoker, pursued the Strawhats to this wondrous place. Walking through the fabled bazaars and stalls of Nanohana, it looked like he didn't enjoy all the commotion. There were stares and whispers from all the people as they stalked, side-eyed, and scouted the area of any traces for a certain pirate.

"There seems to be quite a commotion over there, Smoker." Said a young woman with short navy hair, named Tashigi, who was the man's secretary and sidekick. Smoker looked in the general direction of the noise and crowd that began to grow.

"Oh look, one of the customer's dropped dead." Tashigi said plainly while looking at the restaurant and inside the bar. She listened carefully and observed. The man with a familiar tattoo on his back had his face practically dug into the food while he had a fork in the air, seemingly frozen in his position.

"He must've eaten a desert strawberry. He looks like a traveler."

"Desert strawberry?"

"It's a poisonous spider that looks just like a strawberry. You collapse days later after eating it."

"How sad...He looks so young."

His head suddenly jolted up like a jack in the box.


"He's alive!!"

Ace looked around in confusion while crumbs of food fell off his face.

"Whaddya know...I fell asleep."

The crows dropped dead at his idiotic antics. The pirate still looked confused and faced the bartender in front of him while chewing his now cold food.

"You hired these comedians?" He asked in full seriousness while jabbing his thumb at them.

"No...We were just worried about you." The poor old man sweatdropped, dumbfounded by the strange traveler.

"By the way, mister, have you seen these two people?"

He pulled out two crinkled bounty posters from his cargo pants while showing the bartender. He studied the poster, one of a young man who held a large smile that was as bright as the Sun even on paper while wearing a strawhat. The other of a woman with white horns that protruded from her head, and carried a large hunk of metal in the holster attached to her back. Before the poor guy could answer, the suffocating smell of smoke suddenly filled the room.

"You've got a lot of nerve to showing your face around here." A gruff voice came from the doorway. Ace looked over his shoulder to see the familiar white color of a marine uniform.

"What's Whitebeard's second division commander doing here...Portgaz D. Ace?"

The said pirate simply grinned back.

"I'm just...looking for my family."

The air grew tense as Ace fully turned his body to face Smoker. Whispers and gasps filled the room. Nobody dared to try and stop them.

The marine puffed out another cloud of smoke, "I'm looking for another pirate right now. I'm not interested for the bounty on your head." Even though he said this, some smoke started to circulate along the floor, slowly inching to Ace's position. He of course, noticed this. His smirk grew with his eyebrow raised. "Then can't we get along?"

"No can do-"


Suddenly a burst of splinters and wooden planks propelled Smoker forward, tumbling along with Ace through multiple shops and stalls. What remained was a flabbergasted crowd, a cloud of dust, a crying shop keeper, and a boy wearing a red vest, jean shorts, and strawhat.

"A restaurant!! I'm starving!" He smiled as if his day was just made. "Mister!! Give me food!!" He completely disregarded the giant hole he had created in the store, and the customers who stared in disbelief. As ordered, the bartender quickly gave him at least ten plates of meat and other dishes which were practically inhaled in a matter of seconds.

"Who the hell..." The fire bender grumbled, saying sorry to the passing citizens that were disturbed by the commotion. He finally reached back to the restaurant only to find his little brother stealing all the food.



Smoker completely trampled the pirate while forcing his puffs of smoke to the younger rookie. The boy looked at his familiar face, going back to his poor memory of Loguetown.

"UR DAT MOKE GUY!" He started, with food puffing his rubber cheeks like a chipmunk. In translation: You're that smoke guy!

The captain swept up the food, mumbling a "Banks bor ba bood!!" meaning "Thanks for the food!!" And sprinted out of the restaurant not even leaving a dime on the counter.

Ace and Smoker called out to him, but his ears were already filled with the shouts and talk of the passerby's in the market. Tashigi attempted to cut him down, but of course unable to as he sprung himself up to one of the buildings.

Not far, she watched under her silk white cloak that concealed her identity. With her curiosity piqued, she disappeared into the winds filled with sand.

"I won't let you get away!" The Marine huffed while chasing the pirate. His crew poked their heads just above a brick wall to see their mentally challenged captain run away from the horde of people. They took it as a sign to start running, they trusted their captain enough to know he'll never get caught.

"White fist!!" His gloved hand launched out to reach him as the smoke morphed his arm. The Whitebeard pirate quickly conjured up his flames to stop him, but there was someone before him. The familiar feeling of the cold winds against his skin, nearly blowing off his hat.

"Whirl Vacuum."

On cue of her monotone voice, the smoke started to spin and slowly dissipate into the air.

The runaway pirate looked over his shoulder at the new voice, to see a tall woman with white horns and a large sword held by her hands. Her white cloak was ruffled in the wind, and since her hood was down he saw her hair that glistened under the hot desert sun. There was a feeling of deja vu in his heart, but he couldn't quite remember where he had seen her.

He was entranced, he wish he could mesmerize longer.

"Oi, Luffy!! Get to the ship!"

His first mate with minty green hair, a mean look on his face, and shorts with a shawl called out to him. The rest of the crew had already started running to the docks. He followed, but his mind still lingered to his savior.

"Who are you—?" Smoker started while pulling back his devil fruit powers. He didn't even need to finish his sentence as he recognized her. He remembered his coworkers words,

"If you ever see this woman, pursue her immediately!"

But how could this poor captain pursue this monster. Her gaze was dark. She was the same height as the marine, but it felt as if she towered over him. He was powerless here. His smoke against her furious winds, it was obvious who'd come out unscathed.

Ace stared from the side of the battle, while his flames started to weaken under the winds. His eyes conflicted of guilt and obsession seeing her familiar face. He stood still, as he watched his love continuously deflect Smoker's attacks. For once, the fire user felt cold. As if he missed the touch of somebody else.

Tashigi evacuated all the other citizens who already ran away to avoid the flying objects that circulated around. Including all the Marines who could barely stand through the speeds of winds. Some even tried to shoot her with their muskets, but it was futile as they were immediately put off trajectory and dug into the sand.

Smoker tried every move he could. He wasted at least five cigars just to get his smoke somewhat near her. Something felt off. His breath was drastically shorter than before, and it wasn't because of his smoking this time.

'She's slowly taking the air out of my lungs!'
His chest felt tight, as if there were a thousand needles piercing through it. Until he could no longer heave out another breath, he fell on his knees.

"Listen, you marines." Her voice was carried in the winds like an echo. "Tell your silly government officials that they will never catch me, or that Straw hat pirate." Her frown showed off her canines like a rabid beast's.

The second commander of the Whitebeard pirates, now hiding behind a food stall, furrowed his eyebrows in confusion of her words as he watched keenly. To his surprise, her gaze shifted over to him. Her eyes were void of anything. He frantically stood up from his hiding place, reaching out his hand

"My love, wait—!"

But in a blink of an eye, the winds pushed him and everybody else back and onto the sand. Once they all looked up she was gone.

The Strawhat pirates were quick to set sail by the shore of Alabasta. Karoo, Vivi's partner, was sent on a mission to deliver evidence of one of the Seven Warlord's schemes.

"Luffy, who was that woman that stopped the Lung Cancer guy?" Zoro, the infamous three swordsman of the crew, yawned while resting on the side of the Going Merry.

"No idea!" The captain grinned. He was just glad he had a cool mysterious ally on their side. Probably.

"Huh? A woman saved Luffy!?" The blond chef, Sanji came out of the kitchen with a cold tea drink just for Nami and the princess.

"Yeah! She was all like, whoosh and woooo" He tried imitating the winds that completely floored Smoker. Nami, Vivi, Usopp, and Chopper listened, completely dumbfounded at the fact somebody would go out of their way to help their stupid captain.

Suddenly, a thud came from the top of the crowd nest. The crew fell silent, preparing weapons and fists as they tensed at the thought of an intruder.


A greasy man popped his head into view with a grin, much to Luffy's surprise.


Both young men grinned at each other, confusing the crew.

"Everyone, this is my brother!" He smiled, and Ace jumped down from the crows nest to the main dock. Seeing their captain this excited and giddy, made the crew just as joyous. His smile was the most contagious thing in the Grandline after all. They all said their greetings, and the crew all thought the same thing.

'How could somebody as serious and intelligent as him...'

Luffy started to pick his nose while talking to Ace with a grin.

'Be related to our captain!?'

"Anyways, Ace what are you doing in Alabasta?" He flicked away the booger.

"I'm resolving a matter of business, so I thought I'd stop by and see you!" He chuckled as he squat down on the railings of the ship.

"Why don't you have some tea?" Sanji tried his best to be welcoming as he poured another iced tea.

"No thanks, my matters here are gone."

"Won't the navy be after us soon?" Nami frowned at the thought of having to navigate all around the island.

"Not likely...that woman took care of them." Ace held his heart on his sleeve. His smile and bright gaze suddenly dimmed. It was clear to the crew that she was somebody to him. 

"Do you know her!?" Luffy's eyes sparkled. The feeling of being mesmerized by her started to act up once again. It was unfamiliar, to have such admiration for a person he only got a glimpse of. But something told him he'd see her again.

"She was the reason I came to Alabasta," Ace revealed, "but it seems she's here for you." He wouldn't admit it, but confusion and jealousy was held in his chest. The crew tilted their heads, who even was this woman?

"I wanted to give this to you, Luffy." Ace handed him a piece of a blank paper. "A kid brother like you, makes a big brother worry." He smiled while tying his hat securely to his neck. His younger brother looked at the paper in confusion, nothing was written on it either.

"Next time we meet, will be on the high seas!" He back flipped off the deck, causing the whole crew to gasp as the leaned over expecting the anchor boy to sink. Instead, he comfortably stood in a crescent like raft with a single sail. Inspired by the horned woman herself, he decided to create a boat that was powered by his devil fruit powers called The Striker. 

Without another word, bright orange flames burst from his soles and jolted the raft at blinding speeds. Up ahead, were the Billions from Baroque Works, an organization Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords, directed. Ace smirked, he saw it as a way to show off in front of Luffy's friends.

The Striker sunk under the water, simply propelled by the force of Ace as he leaped over the five ships like a rocket. The Billions continued to frantically shout, 

"He's in the air! Shoot 'im down!" 

The once water submerged raft popped up from the ocean once again, as Ace gracefully landed on it with a 'thunk' and 'splash.' This action created enough momentum and kinetic energy, as he reeled his fist in that conjured fire as bright as the Sun with his infamous move, Fire Fist!

All at once, the ships lit up with fire on top of the ocean. The creaking and crackling noises heard all the way to the Strawhat crew as they stared in awe at the fleet crumbling apart. A few crewmates and their captain were determined to become even more powerful than Ace.

With the ocean currents, the Going Merry was swept into the Bank of Sandora River. Everybody's spirit seemed to be uplifted with their interaction with Ace. Nami, who was on the upper deck, looked at the map which was generously gifted by Vivi. She made sure the ripples in the water, the temperature, and clouds looked right. But the wind seemed to be swaying in a way that was unpredicted, making the Going Merry stray away from their destination, the Yuba Oasis.

Luffy, on the main deck, started to change into the thick clothes the princess offered so he wouldn't get sunburnt. Just as his vision was blocked while trying to put on a head scarf, he suddenly felt his feet being lifted off the ground.

Out of thin air, a tall looming figure in white appeared, carrying the captain by his clothes. Zoro was quick to act first, taking out two of his swords and charging towards the bizarre person. He aimed for their head, careful not to cut down Luffy who was still swinging his legs, confused. In a blink of an eye, a grand and heavy sword easily blocked Zoro's katanas and knocked him back to the railing of the deck.

Luffy, who finally got his head through the shirt hole saw the familiar face. But this time, instead of her emotionless and blank stare, her eyes shone like stars as they met Luffy's. He was mesmerized once again.

"I've finally found you!"


greasy ace my beloved<3

pls give me feed back on this chapter and vote !!

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