draco x harry

By syd34sydney

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harry potter More

Harry's Holidays
Harry's Break
The Quidditch World Cup
Back To Hogwarts
Tri-Wizard Champion
Promises and Truths
Revived Friendship
Dancing Queens and Dates to the Yule Ball
A day full of Dragons
Potions and Help from a friend
The Golden Egg
A Christmas Together
The Yule Ball
Coming Out
I love you
Romance in Hogwarts
Loving Waters
A disturbing Letter from a mother
A Secret Garden made for Love
A Ghostly Proble
A Hexagon of Love
Chasing down A Gryffindor
Broken, but in Love
Appointments, Snogging Sessions, and a Birthday Party
A Birthday to Remember
Romantic Hedges
Grief and Sorrow
Dementors and Depression
Venice, where the heart is
Detentions and Umbridge
Therapetic Discoveries
A Quidditch Problem and Christmas Troubles.
A Surprise Visit
A Family Christmas
Ungrateful Lessons with Snape
A Serpent's Tragic Ending
I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.
The Burrow
New Light, New Love
Tortured Souls
Deceased and Loved
Trials and Justice
Loss and Suffering
Planning big, but still grieving
The Endgame of the Hogwarts Massacre
In Quidditch Matches, The Distraction is Love
Love Potions, and Heartbreaking Dreams"
A Blue Wren
Meetings with a Star


109 2 1
By syd34sydney

Draco Malfoy was worried. Utterly worried. Harry had been looking much more depressed and duller for the last few days. It was more than how Harry would normally be, duller than he'd ever seen him. He didn't even think Ron and Hermione even saw the difference in Harry. Draco knew there were now two more days until the end of school and that Harry had to go back to those darn muggles for two weeks. Two weeks is still a long time, too long for someone who looks so dead to the world. He still had to give Harry his birthday present, even if his birthday is during the holidays but he didn't know if he'd even be able to see Harry at all.

Whenever Draco did talk to Harry, Harry would just be nodding sadly and replying numbly with 'Yeah' and 'I'm fine'. Draco didn't believe those words. Just by looking at Harry, he could tell how depressed he was. He's tried getting Harry to talk about anything that's bothering him, but Harry just keeps saying that he is fine and that there is nothing to talk about. The only way he can help Harry is if Harry lets him, but Harry's been ignoring everyone, even Ron and Hermione. Harry wouldn't pay attention in his classes, even if it was the last week of school and Professor Snape kept snapping at him which Draco knew only worsened Harry's state.

Draco kept staring at Harry during classes. In every class, Harry would stare at this one place in the classroom and nod off into his thoughts. As good as Draco was at multitasking, his main focus was on Harry. He didn't know how to help; he didn't even know if he should book an appointment for Harry because of the state he was in. He couldn't even sleep himself as he was too worried for Harry. He noticed how Harry never went to breakfast, Lunch or Dinner at all. He didn't even believe it when Harry said he went to the kitchens. He didn't need to even talk to Dobby as he saw the pain in Harry's eyes and that pain just tore at Draco's heart.

Draco found Harry walking alone to class and decided to catch up to him. It didn't take long as Harry was walking so slow. As soon as he was side by side with Harry, he intertwined their hands together. He watched as Harry looked up at him, those dull, dreary eyes staring back at him. He smiled down at Harry even though he was frowning from the inside. When he saw Harry give him a small smile which he didn't know was fake or not his smile grew so he kissed his cheek. No cute tinge of red on Harry's cheeks that he'd normally see.

Draco sighed and rubbed his thumb over Harry's lips, "I love you so much, Harry," he said, letting a tear fall down his face. "No matter what. I'll always love you. So please, if you ever need to talk to me about anything, I am here for you." He watched as Harry slightly nodded and he wished he could just look through this boy's mind and see what he's thinking so he could try to understand and help as much as he could. His heart fluttered and his cheeks blushed as Harry wiped the tear from his eye with his thumb and kissed his cheek. At least he knew Harry was still capable of showing and giving love, even if his demeanour was so damned numb and lifeless.

"I love you too, Draco. More than you'll know," Harry said tiredly, zoning out for a bit. "And I'm sorry for running off the other day."

Draco shook his head and cupped both of Harry's cheeks. "Don't worry about that, Harry. All that matters is how you feel. I understand you were mentally unstable then, and I'll support you every step of the way." He rubbed his thumbs over Harry's cheekbones and kissed him. He smiled as he felt Harry kiss back. He rests his forehead against Harry's and whispered, "We better get to class. We both know how angry Professor McGonagall gets when her students are late."

Harry gave a small forced smile. "Sure, let's go."

Draco smiled and walked with Harry to Transfiguration. He doesn't even know how Harry can get to classes on time when he walks so slow. He notices how Harry even somewhat glides away from him even if they're holding hands. And when he moves closer to Harry, Harry glides away again. When they entered the classroom, they took their normal seats together and Draco kept a close eye on Harry.

"Good morning, students," Professor McGonagall said, peering around at her students. "Today we'll be learning about the spell Floris. Can anybody tell me what the spell is used for?"

Hermione, who sat next to Pansy, raised her hand.

Draco knew that Harry was just trapped inside his invisible box. When Hermione finished her ranting about the spell, with a flick of Draco's wand and mutter of "Floris," a Lily appeared in his hand. He took off the stem and placed it on Harry's ear as he remembered Harry doing that to him a little while back but with a rose.

When Harry turned his head to look at him, Draco smiled and whispered, "You're beautiful." Draco's smile grew as he saw that beautiful red tinge on Harry's cheeks appears. He kissed Harry's cheek, even though it earned him a stern but amused look from the strict professor. Draco chuckled and heard a faint, "You're beautiful too," coming from Harry. He squeezed Harry's hand from under the table and focused on the lesson. He muttered another "Floris," which a delicate red rose appeared, and he gave it to Harry.

Harry gave a small smile, not a fake one but a real smile. Everything sweet Draco does, tend to make Harry feel a little better. Harry decided to just practice the spell, muttering "Floris," and watching as Hibiscus', Poppy's and Hydrangea's appeared on the table. He gave Draco the Hydrangea as he believed it was the prettiest flower from the lot, and because Draco was the prettiest person he ever knew. But as he gave Draco the flower, his arm was still throbbing from last night's cutting session after the nightmare. Not the nightmare he usually gets but the new one. The one where his mother, father and Cedric are all disappointed in him. Just by thinking of the nightmare sank Harry back down into his depression.

Draco sighed when seeing that familiar numb and empty look on Harry's face like he was a dead man. He squeezed Harry's hand again, hoping it can bring him back to life. It didn't work, Harry just stared at one particular spot for the rest of the class. Draco stared down at the Hydrangea Harry gave him, it was prettier than the other flowers Harry conjured, and he couldn't help but smile lovingly at the boy he loves so much.

By the time class finished, Draco stood by Harry's side until they got to the Fat Lady's portrait. Draco would have loved to go into the common room but didn't know if Harry would want him to or even if the Gryffindors. So, he just watched Harry disappear behind the portrait without even a kiss goodbye. He sighed and was about to head back to the Slytherin common room, but he turned around, said the password, and entered through the portrait. He rushed through the common room, ignoring everyone but looking for Harry. A girl with brown hair pointed up to the boy's dormitory and Draco gave a nod of thanks and headed up to the dormitory. He knocked on the door, just like how Harry's dormmates asked him to do when visiting but nobody answered. Draco sighed, turned the doorknob, and rushed inside. Empty. He dreaded the worst that Harry could have gone to and done. That moaning girl's bathroom.

Draco stormed down the stairs to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When entering, he could smell a kind of metallic aroma. It was blood as he knew. He looked around the bathroom, checking every stall but nobody was there. He leaned against one of the bathroom stalls and sighed, raking his hand through his hair and hoping Harry's okay. However, he didn't know that he was being watched.

Harry sat in the corner of the bathroom in fear and shock, he covered his mouth to stop him from breathing so heavily. Draco was here. He was lucky enough to have remembered putting up silencing and privacy wards around himself when he first came down here so he sighed in relief knowing Draco couldn't hear him. But what Harry wondered was why Draco was down here.

Did Draco come looking for him? Did he do something wrong to upset Draco? Well, he knew he didn't give a goodbye kiss, but he just felt too depressed to do it. He couldn't. He'd just break down into tears and cry all over Draco, just like he did on the night Cedric... No... He couldn't think of that right now... The guilt was still building up inside him and he could never forget it.

Each night the new nightmare just got even worse, he started having anxiety attacks again and it was horrible. But, the look on Draco's face made Harry just want to go up to him and tell him that he is okay, but his fresh cuts were still bleeding on his arms and didn't want to get any blood on Draco. It was too dangerous to get up and clean off the blood as Draco is just a few meters away from him.

Harry just stared at the frustrated Draco. If Draco's frustration was because of him he felt worse. He then heard a familiar ghostly wail and looked up to see Myrtle floating down from the roof, staring at Draco and them at him. He hoped Myrtle really couldn't see him, so he gave her a small wave with his good hand. To Harry's fear, Myrtle waved back. Harry backed up until his back was against the wall, he watched as Myrtle floated down to Draco.

Draco looked up at the ghost girl and sighed. He wondered if she had seen Harry somewhere, anywhere. "Hello, Myrtle."

"Hello, Draco," Myrtle said, floating in front of him with a curious smile on her lips. "Why are you here? This is a Gryffindor girl's laboratory."

Harry tucked his blade and tin in his robe pocket and pulled his sleeves down over his wet cuts, not caring if he bled through them. Yes, Draco. Why are you here? he thought to himself.

"I know, Myrtle," Draco said, raking his hair through his hair once again in a gesture of frustration. "I'm just trying to find my boyfriend, Harry. I'm really worried about him. He's been looking so much more depressed and dead to the world these days."

Myrtle smiled and looked from Draco to Harry and back to Draco again. "You don't have to worry about Harry as he's right over there!" she said, giggling and pointing to the corner where Harry was.

Harry gestured Myrtle to Shh! and to cut it out whatever she's trying to do. He really doesn't want to be found, especially with freshly cut wrists that made him numb from the guilt and pain he'd been feeling.

Draco swiftly looked to where Myrtle pointed but didn't see Harry anywhere. He looked back at Myrtle and narrowed his eyes. "I don't see him," he said, frowning. "Please, do not toy with my feelings, Myrtle!"

Myrtle broke down into sobs at the harshness towards her. "But he is!" she cried, her arm still pointed to where Harry's location was. "He's over there! He put up some kind of spell and so he's not seen!"

Harry glared at Myrtle as she just told Draco what he had used and where he was. He quickly got up, not caring if he's bleeding through his long-sleeved shirt and moved from the corner a bit but stayed in his wards.

Draco looked back over to where Myrtle said Harry was but still didn't see him. "He's not there, Myrtle!" he said, sounding a little bitter in his tone, and his eyes seemed a little tight. "Are you blind or something?"

"I am not blind!" Myrtle yelled and ghostly tears were running down her pale face.

Draco leaned his head back and banged it on the stall wall. He winced and sighed, hoping Harry was somewhere surrounded by friends. "Alright, and I'm sorry," he said just to calm down the ghost, but he did mean to apologise to her. "Just please, don't say he's somewhere when he's not."

"But he is over there!" Myrtle yelled and flew over to where Harry was. She floated just above Harry's head. "He's right below me! I told you, he used some kind of spell so you can't hear him or see him."

Draco sighed and walked over to Myrtle, what he didn't know was that he was standing a couple of feet in front of Harry. "I don't see him, Myrtle," he said, looking up at the ghostly girl with a frown. "Do you remember what spell he used exactly?"

Harry gulped and took a few steps back; afraid the wards might wear off. He didn't want Draco to find him, even though in his heart that's exactly what he wanted. To feel loved, to be loved, to make love and everything in between.

"How am I supposed to know?" Myrtle said, wailing again. "I was too busy sobbing about what my life could be like if I never died. And maybe I was destined to die."

Well, that's depressing, Harry thought. Draco was still quite close to him; he could just reach out and run his hands through his hair but didn't want to be caught and questioned as to why he was here.

Draco rolled his eyes at Myrtle's sad life dreams. "Right..." He tried remembering every silencing spell he knew of and privacy charms. He could only think of a few.

Harry took this as a ticket to leave. While he knew Draco was thinking, which he knew was such a cute look on the Slytherin's face, he slowly made his way around the edge of the bathroom until he knew he was at the end of his silencing and privacy ward. If he ran now, Draco would surely see him from the corner of his eye. He looked up at Myrtle who was watching him curiously.

Myrtle looked back down at Draco with a curious smile. "He's about to leave, you know?" she told him

Draco looked around the bathroom with a frown, not seeing anybody. "Myrtle. Please stop," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. He hated this! He needed to see Harry. Needed to speak with him, to let him know that it isn't his fault if Harry believes it is his fault for Cedric's Death.

Harry wondered if he could extend his privacy wards. He muttered the incantation, pointing his wand at the end of the previous ward. He didn't know if it worked so he slowly walked towards the door to exit, watching Draco cautiously in case he turned around and could see Harry. When he was by the door, he ran through the exit and up the stairs to his dormitory.

Myrtle shook her head, wondering why Harry wanted to leave so quickly. "He just left," she told the blonde Slytherin. "Sorry."

"Did you at least see what he was doing down here?" Draco asked worriedly, staring at the exit out of the bathroom where Myrtle said Harry was. "That is if he was here. I just need to make sure..."

Myrtle sniffed. "He usually comes down here to bleed from a..." she began to tell Draco what Harry uses but forgot. "What's it called?" she asked herself and also Draco. "A very sharp thingy."

Draco sighed in frustration and worry. If Harry really was here, does that mean that he was... cutting? But what about all the techniques the doctor talked to him about? Isn't Harry using those techniques anymore? Maybe he just feels too depressed too... "Did you see where he kept his blade?"

Myrtle pointed to the cupboards on top of the sink, but directly at the opened cupboard. "Over there. He kept it in some kind of... tin," she said and sniffed again like she was going to break down into more sobs.

Draco walked over to the cupboards and looked through them. Nothing. There was nothing in the cupboards. Harry must've taken them up to his dormitory. Harry would probably hide it in his trunk, and Draco thought that he will have to have a look when he's not there. Or search with Ron, just to be trustworthy. "What colour was the tin?"

Myrtle shrugged as she said, "Green."

"Thanks for the help, Myrtle," Draco then said, and he bit his lip as he hoped to find Harry soon. "I'm going to go find Harry." He hurriedly walked towards the exit, hearing the lonely ghost tell him to visit more often.

Draco rushed up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room. He admits that it's cool to have a ghost friend. He just doesn't want a ghost boyfriend. The first stop was the common room, nobody was there so he guessed it was lunchtime. Maybe Harry went to lunch? Merlin knows Harry must be starving, and he sure was hungry. He rushed out of the common room, past the portrait and to the Grand Hall.


When Harry entered his dorm, he was lucky to be alone. He walked over to his trunk but hesitated. Should I use some kind of spell to hide the tin then? Myrtle's bathroom is too risky a place for me to cut now. Bloody Myrtle told Draco where he was and what spells he used. He noted that in the future, he should use Godric's room as Draco wouldn't be stupid enough to try to open the other doors without having someone with him.

Godric's bathroom was the best place to go to now if he needed to cut. But, oh well, over the holidays I can do my worst. Harry decided to hide the tin containing the blade under his pillow. It was a good place to hide it as nobody would look inside a pillow. It may be uncomfortable, but he doesn't sleep anymore anyway. But, what about the laundry? When do the elves do the laundry? That would be bad if they found the tin containing his blade. So, where should he put them? How about his school robe pocket? It sounds like a good idea.

Harry then grabbed the tin from inside his pillow, tipped the tin upside down and let the blade fall down onto his hand. He dropped the tin inside his trunk and placed the blade in his robe pocket. This way he can head anywhere with the blade and use it to bleed out his emotions anywhere.

Even though it was dangerous, Harry headed to the boy's bathroom to wash off his arm. He made sure nobody was in the boy's bathroom and pulled up his sleeve. He hissed in pain as his blood was stuck to his jumper. He walked over to the sinks and ran water over his arm, dried his arm with a drying charm, pulled his sleeve back down and headed back up to the dormitory.


As Draco had entered the Grand Hall, he scanned the Gryffindor table for Harry, and he was nowhere to be seen. He scanned the Slytherin table and yet, he was not there either. Harry was still not eating unless he had been eating in the kitchens, but Draco didn't believe that. He really should ask Dobby if he's been with Harry at all but was caught off guard as a hand had wrapped around his own. He looked at the person, hoping it was Harry, but it wasn't.

"Draco?" Ivy said, looking at Draco curiously. She could sense his worry and grow worried herself. What was he worried about? Where was Harry? "What's wrong, Draco?" She was studying Draco like she could read his mind.

"It's nothing, Ivy," Draco said, pulling his arm out of her strong grip. He looked over at the empty space between Ron and Hermione. "Um... can you go find Harry using your... abilities?" He looked back at her, frowning. "I'm really worried about him."

"Sure," Ivy said with a firm nod. She'll do anything for her cousin, and for Harry who she needs to find. She too hoped Harry was okay. "Can I br-"

"No, you cannot bring Lavender," Draco said at once and nodded his head to the exit of the Great Hall. "She'll slow you down. I just need to make sure Harry's... somewhere in a comfortable place. I also need to talk to Dobby." He started walking out of the Great Hall, really wanting to know if Harry's been keeping himself healthy or not.

In long minutes, he finally got to the portrait of a fruit bowl. Ivy sighed caught up to Draco just in time as the portrait swung open. But as she just made it to the portrait, it swung shut on her. She sighed and decided to go on and find Harry.

Draco was immediately greeted by Dobby as he walked in. "Dobby, this is urgent," he stated quickly, urgently. "Has Harry came to you for dinner, lunch or breakfast at all this week?"

Dobby shook his head. "Harry Potter has not come to Dobby since Draco's surprise," he said with little excitement from the memory of that day, but he didn't see the worry in Draco's eyes until a few seconds later.

Draco nodded. He felt disappointed. "Okay," he said in a silent voice while thinking about ordering Dobby to deliver Harry breakfast, Lunch, and dinner in bed. It's so he can go over to Gryffindor and stay with him, make sure Harry eats, and spend much more time with him. "Thank you, Dobby."

Dobby then saw how worried Draco looked and frowned. "Why is Draco Malfoy asking Dobby this?" he asks the Slytherin. "Is Harry Potter okay?"

"I'm not too sure, to be honest..." Draco said, folded his arms, and trailing off. He didn't want to worry the house-elf since he knows house-elves can feel the emotions of wizards and witches.

"Wherever Harry Potter is, Dobby can teleport to," Dobby assured Draco with a smile, and Draco's eyes seem to light up a little. "If Harry Potter is anywhere in the castle, Dobby can find him."

"Do you know where he is now?" Draco asked and hoped Ivy had found Harry already. But then again, he wants to find Harry first. He wants to be there when Harry's not feeling himself, when he wants to harm himself, and when Harry needs him the most.

Dobby apparated away but in three seconds he was back. "Harry Potter is sleeping."

Draco sighed in relief but was still worried. Harry had lied, he hasn't been to the kitchens to eat. He wouldn't know how Harry wouldn't eat as his stomach would be rumbling madly. "Okay, good. He needs his sleep."

"Does Draco want Dobby to apparate him to Harry Potter?" Dobby then asked. "It is no problem for Dobby to do so."

Draco bit his lip in thought. This could be his chance to find where Harry hides his blade, or blades if he has more. Or, he could watch over Harry while he sleeps. But then again, he doesn't want to snoop in Harry's stuff. Even though Harry is his boyfriend, it doesn't mean he is allowed to go through Harry's items as it's an invasion of privacy. But he also wanted to watch Harry sleep peacefully. "Sure. I'd like that."

Dobby nodded, grabbed hold of Draco's hand and apparated Draco up into the Gryffindor 4-year boy's dorm room.

When Draco looked around at the familiar red and gold settings, he noticed a lump on Harry's bed, so he walked over and sighed. He looked over at Dobby but he'd already apparated back to the kitchen. When standing over Harry's sleeping body, he ran his hand softly through Harry's raven hair and smiled at his beautiful sleeping boyfriend. He wanted to hop into bed next to Harry but didn't want to wake him, but he walked to the other side of the bed and slowly laid down beside Harry. He wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and just laid there silently, listening to the little snores coming from Harry. Such cute little snores.

In a matter of minutes, Harry started shaking and Draco knew he was having a nightmare. He sat up and rubbed at Harry's upper arm, trying to awaken him. When Harry didn't wake, Draco started shaking Harry. "Harry! Wake up!" he yelled. He was thankful nobody was in the dorm except himself and Harry. "Harry!" he yelled again, shaking harder at his sleeping boyfriend.

Harry finally woke up from his nightmare, his tearful eyes immediately opening as he felt hands on his sides. He swiftly sat up, turned around and thought he was dreaming and seeing an angel. "Draco," he said with a broken voice. What on earth is Draco doing here? Well, yes, he's always allowed in Gryffindor Tower...

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry in a tight embrace. "Shh, Harry! It was only a nightmare," he said softly, kissing Harry's forehead. "You are safe. I'm here now, and I love you with everything I have."

Harry frowned and hugged him back tightly, thinking Draco could just disappear from his touch if he let go. This is exactly what he needed. His lover with him while he's not feeling his best. "I love you too, Draco."

"Did you want to talk about the nightmare?" Draco asked, rubbing soothing circles on Harry's back and gave Harry's forehead a kiss. "Mother says it always helped me when I got them as a child and it's never let me down."

Harry shook his head and pressed his head into Draco's chest. He didn't want to tell anybody about the nightmare, not even Draco. "No," he whispered.

"Alright, then," Draco said, still rubbing circles in Harry's back. He does hope that Harry will tell him someday about the pain from deep inside and what's actually causing it. "Oh, and Harry?"

"Yeah?" Harry asked numbly, his hand running down Draco's hip. It's just a little kind gesture for Draco, not anything sexual.

Draco pulled out of the hug but still kept Harry close. He stared back into emerald eyes and placed a hand over Harry's cheek. "I love you so much, Harry," he said in a soft whisper.

"I love you t-"

Draco leaned in with a smile and ended the space between them, kissing Harry lovingly. Harry kissed back slowly and passionately, snaking his arms around Draco's shoulders. Draco reacted by slowly pushing Harry back down onto the pillows and lying on top of him.

Harry didn't want to have sex even if he knew it does lift his spirits up. He would just feel dirty and miserable if he and Draco do decide to have sex. He pushed Draco up so their lips disconnected, and Draco looked down at Harry with confusion and concern. "Can we not... you know, please?"

Draco nodded, "Alright, no shagging," he said with a smirk and leaned back in to continue what he started. Shagging was honestly on the bottom of his list right now even if he craved it at least three times a week. They were interrupted when the door opened and Seamus and Dean came rushing in, kissing, and taking their clothes off until they were only in their boxers.

Draco smirked at the couple wanting sex and whispered, "Should we tell them they're not alone?"

"Nah," Harry said awkwardly and drawing the curtains around them shut with a flick of his wand. "Let them do... that."

"Alright," Draco said and leaning back in for a long lingering kiss with his wonderful boyfriend. Once Harry and Draco started hearing moans, which wasn't for a couple of minutes, they started giggling. Well, Draco was doing most of the snickering. Harry was trying not to think about what was happening in that bed not far from them. Harry pulled Draco down into a kiss to stop him from snickering as he could be disturbing Seamus and Dean from their fun. Draco kissed back eagerly, his arms supporting his weight on either side of him. When they pulled out of the kiss, and they knew that Seamus and Dean stopped doing their thing they fell asleep next to one another.

But of course, Harry didn't fall asleep at all. He just lay there silently watching Draco fall asleep. Those silver glistening eyes drooping closed, worry lines relaxing, lips reclining, and breathing becoming lower. Harry played with Draco's soft hair as he slept, twirling the strands of hair around his fingers gently. Draco looks so beautiful when sleeping, Harry thought as he kept playing with Draco's hair.

Harry was too scared to go back to sleep, he didn't want to wake Draco up because of the nightmares so he just lay there and silently read until morning. But when it got close to morning when Draco would wake up, he decided to give the Slytherin some actual pleasure. He zipped Draco's fly as far down as it could go, and pulled down Draco's white boxers and pulled out Draco's cock. He licked his lips, wanting to taste Draco's rawness and thought fuck you depression. I can suck my boyfriend off whenever I want and not feel disgusted about it. He grabbed the base of Draco's cock, gave a good hard sniff of his boyfriend's musky scent and opened his mouth to accommodate the velvety head into his mouth. From there, he got to work in pleasuring and loving his boyfriend's manhood.

As Draco woke up, he was staring right back into his favourite emerald green eyes. But then he realized what Harry was doing, and the intense pleasure of Harry sucking and bobbing his head up and down on his cock overwhelmed him, making him hard in just a split-second and he moaned out loud.

He totally forgot about Harry's dormmates but they didn't matter right now. Not when he's got the most beautiful man's perfect lips sucking his dick and worshipping his manhood. He reached down to Harry's dark hair which he threaded his fingers in.

Draco's chest became a little hot, his cock was coated in Harry's saliva, and he knew he wouldn't last long. He doesn't know how long Harry's been doing this for but knows he's coming close to the edge where his orgasm will roar through him and out into Harry's mouth. He wants it so bad though. His hands gripping Harry's hair tighter, he couldn't control himself and thrust up into Harry's mouth.

He actually had a thought about Harry butt naked, facing the front of the bed and still sucking Draco off, and Draco getting a full face of Harry's arse which he sees himself licking up Harry's crack and pushing his tongue deep inside Harry's arse hole. It's just a position he thought about. Giving pleasure both ways.

Suddenly, Draco cried out and his orgasm rushed through him and out into Harry's mouth, spurting pulse after pulse of come into Harry's throat. Harry swallowed it all down eagerly, kept deepthroating him through his orgasm, and rolled the salty-sweet taste of Draco over his tongue. He couldn't get enough of Draco and cleaned the Slytherin's cock semen-free with his mouth.

Draco smiled, exhausted, and leaned up for a morning kiss, not caring about the taste of a part of him that Harry worshipped and has in his mouth. All that mattered was if Harry enjoyed himself, and the little smile he noticed on Harry's face told him the truth. Harry sleepily returned the kiss since he didn't sleep at all and cocksucking is kinda like a sport but using his throat muscles.

"Did you get a good night sleep, Darling?" Draco asked, relaxed his body, and laid back down on his back. That was truly incredible to him. Harry gave him a surprise blowjob while he slept. He loves Harry's creative ways to pleasure him.

"Yeah," Harry said, lying and trying to suppress a yawn. He yanked the curtains open and caught sight of a certain bed that had a lot of wild things happening on it last night. But his own bed had a wild thing that happened on it and he was the one who made it happen.

Draco grabbed Harry around the stomach and pulled him back on the bed with him. Harry chuckled softly and snuggled up close to Draco. Draco kissed Harry's hair, smelling the pine products in it and then started trailing kisses down his neck. He thought about giving Harry a love bite but thought against it.

As soon as Harry heard more curtains being drawn open, he sat up and stared at Seamus who got out of bed and thankfully with his school clothes on. Draco sat up as well and when he saw Seamus, he smirked, "We enjoyed the show last night, Finnegan. Thanks."

Seamus looked over at them quickly and a noticeable blush formed on his cheeks. "Ye uh... heard?" he asked awkwardly. Harry and Draco nodded. "Right, uh...sorry."

Draco just smiled, "Don't apologize, it's a normal thing to do. We've all had our fun in here." Seamus nodded and walked out of the dorm, a dark blush still on his cheeks.

Harry sleepily pushed himself off his bed, still suppressing a yawn from his mouth. He decided to go have a quick shower, taking his robes and school uniform with him.

"Can I come?" Draco had asked with a smile, wanting to see Harry butt naked in front of him. He'd like a shower with Harry. It has been quite some time since they showered together.

Harry shook his head. "Not today, Draco," he said in his normal expressionless tone and walked out of the dorm.

Draco sighed and noticed Ron looking at him with an amused look. "What?" he asked, crossing his arms as a defence in case the Weasel wants to spit something bitter out at him.

"Nothing..." Ron said, trailing off into his own deep thoughts. But his thoughts weren't as negative like Harry's.

Draco rolled his eyes; this was obviously about the shower thing. "Don't you and Blaise go for showers together?" he asked, smirking as he probably knew the answer. Ron's face turned a bright shade of red and Draco laughed, earning a glare from Ron. "Of course. Does he have a pet name for you?"

"Obviously," Ron muttered.

"What does your Blaisey daisy call you then?" Draco asked the Weasley Gryffindor. He was enjoying this quite a lot. "C'mon, tell me! Oh, I bet it's Wonny."

Ron nearly choked on his spit at that name. "Sure... let's go with that odd name then." Draco rolled his eyes, got up off Harry's bed and left the room to go find Harry.

Harry was down in the bathroom taking a shower, he tried that body soap spell Draco showed him a while ago. He made the body soap smell like his shampoo and conditioner which was pine. As he finished showering, he couldn't help but think about how he woke up from a nightmare with Draco by his side. It was scary but also calming. But the nightmare still got to him. He looked down at his wrist at the fresh red cuts from days ago. He itched at the cuts, feeling a slight numbness overwhelm him. He smiled weakly, dried himself off and got dressed. He headed back to his room to find Ron laying on his bed clearly deep in thought.

"Where's Draco?" Harry asked, looking around the room for his boyfriend but didn't see him at all. It was like Draco was invisible. Where was he?

"He left," Ron said casually, not really caring about the rude Slytherin at this moment.

Harry nodded numbly. "Did he say where he was going?" he asked his best mate for an answer. He hoped Draco hadn't left because of him, or because he was bored.

Ron shook his head, saying, "Nope."

"Okay... see you around then," Harry said as he decided he wanted to head back to Godric's bedroom just to snoop around. But also to wonder where Draco went. He didn't even hear Ron say his goodbyes. And with that, Harry left for Godric's bedroom.

About a couple of minutes later, Draco entered the Gryffindor boy's dormitory to find Ron still on his bed. He sighed at the lazy teenager, "Is Harry back from the shower yet?"

Ron sat up, nearly bumping his head on the end of the bed. He looked up at the Slytherin and noticed he was holding something. Well, a couple of some things coloured green, red, gold and silver. "Funny you should ask, you just missed him. What you got there?"

"Birthday presents for Harry since I won't be there on his birthday," Draco said, smiling at the presents in his hands. "I wish I could see him on his birthday though. To see the look on his face when he opens the presents, I'll want to see that."

Ron gave the Slytherin a smile at what he's doing for Harry. He cannot believe he's thinking this but the Slytherin really is warming up to him. They're almost friends. "Very thoughtful."

A look of puzzlement crossed Draco's face, "But you don't know what I got him..."

Ron shrugged. Draco was right, he didn't know. "Did you want me to give them to him? Or, put them in his trunk or-"

"Put them in his trunk," Draco said quickly. Now he can find this tin Myrtle told him about. The tin containing the blade. Or blades. He took a few steps towards Harry's bed to his trunk. He looked up at Ron for assurance, "Can I?"

Ron nodded at the Slytherin, smiling, "Of course, you're Harry's boyfriend. I don't know why you had to ask. You and Harry share practically everything. Food, money, et cetera. You're already like a married couple."

Draco gave a smile and a faint blush at that future thought but distracted his mind from that by placing the presents on Harry's bed and opened the trunk up and that's when he saw a tin. He picked it up, knowing Harry's opened it many times and shook it. Draco frowned. Nothing. Nothing was rattling around in the tin. He opened the tin up. Nothing, like he suspected.

Ron gave Draco a curious look. "What are you doing?" he asks the Slytherin who's looking at a green tin like it held someone's deep and dark secrets. But did it? But then he realized what tin that was. It was the one he and Neville found in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

"I thought that maybe..." Draco said, trailing off. He didn't even want to think about it. "This could be where he hides... Where Harry hides his..."

Ron frowned, knowing what Draco meant. "Should we search his trunk some more, just in case there is...?"

Draco was already up to it. He was careful not to move anything from where it was. He made sure to check twice, under scarfs, socks, beanies, and clothes. What Draco knew was suspicious was an old sock without a matching pair. He sighed and looked in the sock. There, shining back at him was a blade. He let out a sob and threw the sock back in the trunk. "I-it's in the t-the bloody sock! The b-blade."

Ron shook his head sadly and grabbed the sock from the trunk and looked inside. He frowned at seeing the blade and sighed. "What should we do?" he asked, staring at the blade his best mate uses to self-harm with.

Draco backed away from the trunk, hopped in Harry's bed and brought Harry's pillow up to his nose. He gave it a little sniff and hugged it to his chest, wishing the pillow was Harry. "I don't know and that's the problem," he said worriedly, rubbing at his face with the pillow.

Ron clucked his tongue and dropped the sock back in Harry's trunk. He walked over to Draco, sat down in front of him and embraced him in a hug. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he said in a dry tone.

Draco hugged back, sniffed, and blinked back tears. "I can't believe it either," he said, smirking. After a few seconds of hugging, Draco felt awkward. "Okay, you can let go now," he said, dropping his arms to his side and leaning away from the Gryffindor.

Ron let go of the hug clumsily, feeling a little embarrassed that he just hugged his childhood rival. But they weren't rivals anymore. Just friends. "We shall never speak of this again." Draco gave a side-smile, and Ron sighed and looked down at Harry's trunk. "Should we hide it from him?"

"I'm not sure," Draco said, crawling over to Harry's trunk from inside his bed and closed it. "I have a... relative who goes through depression. Pansy and I hide her blades from her but she somehow manages to find them or get more from somewhere."

"How do you manage and how do you help them?" Ron asked curiously, getting up from Harry's bed and going to his own bed to lean against one of the posters. He knows Blaise will have a field day when he finds out he had hugged Draco. It's going to be hilarious and he knows it.

"People have different ways, Ron," Draco said, staring at the ground blankly. "I manage by staying calm and... knowing where my relative is. I help my relative by sticking by their side every day and letting them know I'm there for them. But now, my relative has someone else to stick with. A lover."

Ron nodded. "Whenever I want to find Harry he's nowhere to be seen," he told the Slytherin. "Nowhere in Gryffindor, I check the bathrooms and still don't find him, anywhere outside. It's hard when you don't know where your best mate is, and he struggles with..." he trailed off with a frown.

"Yeah," Draco said sadly with a clenched jaw. He understands exactly what it's like. He's got a suicidal boyfriend and cousin. "I get what you mean. So, should I give Harry his presents or leave them in his trunk?"

"Make it a surprise and leave them in his trunk," Ron suggested, shrugging. It's what he would do for Blaise. "That way, he won't know who it's from. Surprise, surprise."

Draco opened Harry's trunk back up. He picked up the presents from Harry's bed and stacked them neatly in Harry's trunk, ignoring the sock containing a stabby and closed the lid. He looked up at Ron with a small smile, "Thanks, Ron."

"Uh... No problem, Draco," Ron said with a dismissed hand wave, smiling back as he's still not used to Draco Malfoy thanking him.

"I know it's a little too late to do this but..." Draco walked up to Ron and held out his hand. "Truce?"

Ron laughed and shook Draco's hand, "Truce."

Draco dropped his hand, nodded, and headed back out of the dorm to find Harry. But, through minutes and hours of searching, he couldn't find him. He grew worried. What if? No, don't think like that. He didn't give up on finding Harry but headed to the Great Hall to get some food in his belly.

"Dray, how lovely to see you again," Pansy said, smiling brightly while checking her nails out. She glanced up at him but saw how worried her best friend looked. Oh no... What has happened?

Draco nods and sat down beside his friend, staring at a bowl of curried eggs. He was trying to think of something other than Harry and hoped that Harry was okay, safe and sound somewhere in the castle away from sharp objects.

"Draco, if this is about Harry, I hope he's treating you right," Pansy said and glanced around the room for her best friend's boyfriend, narrowing her eyes at the Gryffindor table while her eyes try to ignore Hermione Granger braiding her hair while reading a book. It's intriguing how she can multitask like that.

"No, No. Harry's treating me as he should be," Draco said, piling some potato wedges onto his plate. "I'm just... worried about him." He poured some chilli sauce on the potato wedges and stabbed one with his fork, eating it slowly.

"Good," Pansy said, stealing one of Draco's wedges for herself. "And I'm sure Harry's fine."

"If you mean fine then depressed," Draco muttered to himself, not caring if Pansy's stealing food from him. She can have the wedges if she wants. His worry for his boyfriend is eating away at him more than his own hunger is.

"What was that?" Pansy asked, almost irritably. She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to think about what he said to her.

Draco sighed and ate another wedge. "Nothing," he said slowly. His gaze didn't reach anyone's eyes as it flicks around the room, hoping Harry could walk in at any time but he didn't.

Pansy sighed and gave Draco 'the stare' that she'd normally use when she wanted to know something that Draco was hiding from her. Draco ignored the look Pansy was giving him and finished off a wedge. "Come off it, Pans," he said, standing up and leaving the Great Hall without looking back.

"You're losing your look, Pansy." Ivy appeared beside Pansy, sitting down beside her and laying a hand on Pansy's shoulder. "I could hear your conversation from a few people down."

Pansy shook her head and stared at the Great Hall's door where Draco had just left. "I'm not actually losing the look; it's just not working on Draco anymore." She sighed and looked up at the Gryffindor table where Hermione was. She locked eyes with Hermione and smiled, "I'm going to see Hermione. Want to come?" she looked back at Ivy. "You can see your precious Lav." She was watching her best friend blush from the name.

Ivy blushed and pointed a finger at herself. "I only call Lavender, Lav," she said and smiled. Then she waggled her finger at Pansy, "Not you."

Pansy smirked and stood up. "Are you coming then?" Ivy nodded, pulled her legs over the table, and stood up. She and Pansy linked arms and walked over to the Gryffindor table.


Harry woke up from a nightmare again, the same one about disappointing his mother, father, and Cedric in the graveyard. Last night before he went to bed, he'd put up silencing wards around him so if he does wake up screaming, nobody would hear him and wake up. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he cast a quick "Tempus," telling him it was around 3:45 in the morning. He sighed miserably, sluggishly got up and silently got dressed.

Harry reached into his robe pocket, pulled out his blade and made his way down to the boy's bathroom. He couldn't go to Myrtle's bathroom as she'd be there and would probably tell Draco that he was down there. As he entered the boy's bathroom, he walked into the nearest stall to him, closed the door behind him and sat on the closed lid of the toilet seat. He rolled up his sleeves and cut his arm five times, deeper and deeper, feeling the numbness overwhelm him as he watched his blood drip down his arm onto the floor. He dabbed a piece of toilet paper on his fresh cuts to stop the bleeding. He dumped the bloodied piece of toilet paper into the toilet bowl and flushed it down. he slipped his blade in his pants pocket and headed back up to his dormitory.

Harry looked through his trunk and tried to find the book Hermione gave him to read but couldn't find it. He then remembered giving it back to her a couple of weeks ago when he finished the book. But he found something curious. There were gifts in his trunk. Gifts in the colours of red, green, silver and gold. Harry shook his head and closed the trunk.

He's never seen presents in his trunk before. But still, it didn't make him feel any better. Even if they were birthday presents for him, he'd rather open them on his birthday but that day is ages away. Although, he thanked the person who put them in there. At least he'll have birthday presents to look forward to opening.

His only guess for the mystery gift-giver was either Draco or someone in his dorm room. He sighed, grabbed his blade from his pocket and placed it back in the tin. He then started packing up his items in his trunk as the Hogwarts express is due to leave by lunchtime. But Harry just wants to spend his day alone.

Harry did feel an inch hungry but felt like he could only eat something small. After everything he owned is packed and locked up inside his trunk, he made his way down to the kitchens. And of course, he was greeted first by Dobby the overexcited elf. Harry told Dobby to make him something small, like just a piece of toast or something. Dobby nodded in excitement and ran off into the kitchens. Harry sat down at a table and laid his head in his arms, thinking about how he must go back to the Dursleys for two weeks.

Harry was pulled out of his thoughts as a plate of waffles floated over to him and landed next to him on the table. Harry looked up at the plate of waffles and sighed, he felt the familiar sickening feeling in his gut when looking at them. The vials of the eating disorder potion had all been used up, so Harry couldn't take them. Even if he still did have the vials, he wouldn't take them.

When Dobby asked if Harry was okay, he just replied with the usual words of "I'm fine," as he picked at the waffle in front of him and took small bites. He asked Dobby if he could have some alone time. With a nod and a look of worry and concern, Dobby retreated back to the kitchens.

While Harry heard the pattering of tiny feet fade away, he sighed and pushed back the plate of waffles. He cast a "Tempus," telling him it was around 6 in the morning. Great... Harry thought. Four more hours until the Hogwarts express leaves and then it's back to the Dursleys. Harry grabbed the waffle he was picking at and walked out of the kitchens back to Gryffindor Tower.

Meanwhile, when Harry was halfway to Gryffindor Tower, he spotted Draco. He knows he should be spending his time with Draco since he won't be seeing him for two weeks but he really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, or to just go up and say hi and possibly get a kiss and a hug from Draco. He chose to head back to his dormitory, seeing people he cared about today will just make him miss them more when he must hop onto the train. It was better to ignore everyone as saying goodbye was really hard.

Harry entered through the common room, the familiar feeling of sickness washed over him, so he quickly made his way down to the boy's bathroom. He entered the nearest stall, shut the door behind him and leaned over the toilet bowl, letting out his stomach's contents. He sobbed, wiped his eyes with his long sleeve, grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his face clean of vomit. He closed the lid and flushed it down. He opened the stall door, walked over to the sinks, and gargled some water. He spat out the water, cleaned his mouth with a spell and headed back up to his dorm just to lie down and wait the long hours until the Hogwarts Express arrives.

A few hours later, Harry got on the Hogwarts Express and chose a compartment alone, he didn't want to sit with anybody on the way back. He's just going back to the Dursleys anyway, so even if he did sit with either Hermione, Ron or Draco, it'd just make the goodbyes seem harder to say. He also remembered to put his blade back in the tin early this morning so he wouldn't forget about it, even though he knew the shaver he disassembled back at 4 Privet Drive had about five blades and he hid the other three around his bedroom.

Draco was searching the Hogwarts express for Harry with his trunk in his hands but had no luck finding him. He noticed there were about 5 compartments that had their doors locked and blinds shut but he didn't want to go and disturb anyone. But in one of those compartments, Draco had a feeling there was a lonely Harry Potter.

"Hey, Draco?" Pansy called out from one of the compartments she was half inside of and half outside. Inside the compartment was Ron, Blaise and Hermione. "Are you sitting with us?"

Draco looked over at his best friend and shook his head. "No, I want to find Harry," he told her, frowning at the thought of finding Harry all alone instead of with his friends or even him. Oh, Harry. Where are you?

Harry froze and looked up at the compartment door. Was Draco right outside of his compartment? He was about to grab his wand and cast a privacy spell but remembered he wasn't allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts. He hugged his legs and rested his head against the wall behind him.

"Want us to come with you?" Ivy asked kindly, tilting her head to the side which Draco could tell she was using her vampire senses to find Harry. "Do you know where he'd be?"

"No," Draco sighed, but raised an eyebrow at her, asking if she could sense him but she shook her head. "I know he's in one of these compartments. Either here or... back at Hogwarts but I doubt that."

Pansy nodded and Hermione came out of the compartment beside her. "What's going on?" the Gryffindor girl asked curiously, looking at Draco and then at Pansy.

"Nothing," Draco said, staring blankly at the compartment door he was in front of. But his eyes trailed down to the jar Granger was holding in her arms. He squinted his eyes, looking at the thing that rested inside the jar. "What on earth do you have there?"

"It's nothing... just a pet," Hermione lied, keeping the jar out of Crookshanks' sight. It would be bloodshed if she gave the nosy cockroach to Crookshanks, and not to mention murder.

"You have a bug as a pet?" Draco asked, a little disgusted by that fact. Who would keep a bloody bug as a pet and not some beautiful noble owl like Ulysses or Hedwig?

Hermione nodded but quickly went back into the compartment. Pansy gave Draco a sad smile and entered the compartment after Hermione, shutting the door behind her.

Draco sighed and knocked on the compartment door in front of him. "Anybody in there?" he asked the door. "If there is, may I please come in?"

Harry sniffed from hearing his boyfriend's beautiful voice and sighed. It was either ignore Draco and feel bad or open the compartment door and feel pain as he leaves with the Dursleys. He sighed and unlocked the door but didn't open it, he just sat down and stared blankly at the ground.

As soon as Draco heard the door click, he opened it up to find who he's been looking for, for ages. "Harry," he said softly, walking in and shutting the door behind him. Harry's trunk was under the window and Hedwig was on top of it sleeping in her cage. He placed his own trunk against the seat furthest from them, sat down next to Harry and resisted the urge to kiss him. Instead, he intertwined their hands together. "I've been looking everywhere for you, Harry," he whispered, kissing the Gryffindors cheek and feeling the softness of Harry's cheek under his lips.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered regretfully, closing his eyes and feeling the perfect lips of Draco's leave a lingering kiss on his cheek. When those lips pulled away, he leaned his head on Draco's shoulder.

Draco sighed and ran his fingers through Harry's hair. "Don't apologize, Harry," he said, squeezing Harry's hand in his and gave him another kiss but to the forehead.

Harry squeezed Draco's hand back and relaxed as Draco threaded his fingers through his hair. "When will you pick me up from... the Dursleys?" he asked sadly with a down casted gaze at the floor. He just hoped the first two weeks of the holiday will go by quickly so he could see Draco sooner.

"As soon as I can," Draco answered softly, leaning his head on Harry's head, hoping these muggle relatives lay off Harry otherwise he will storm the Dursley Household with Pansy, Ivy, and Blaise and take the muggles down. "I can probably sneak in during the night on your birthday if mother will let me."

"Do you even know where the Dursleys live?" Harry asked in a whisper, thinking about Draco sneaking out of MMalfoyManor just to sneak in through his bedroom window of the Dursley's household and celebrate his birthday there. His wish is to have his birthday with Draco Malfoy and he doesn't care where it'll be as long as Draco is there with him.

"4 Privet Drive, Little Winging," Draco said, remembering Harry telling him this a few months ago. "I'll be able to find it with a little help with my mother's magic. Then he smiled and looked down at Harry's lips, and then up to his eyes. "Can I... kiss you?" he asked, licking his lips.

"You don't need to ask permission, Draco," Harry said, giving Draco a small fake smile. "I'm your boyfriend." He leaned closer to Draco and licked his lips, "Just kiss me."

Draco leaned in slowly, never losing eye contact until their lips met. Warm soft lips met his own and he clung to them like it was the last time he'd ever be kissed by his boyfriend. He cupped his hand over Harry's cheek and deepened the kiss. Harry responded by moving his hands up and around Draco's neck and pulled him closer. When they pulled out, lips red and chapped, Draco ran his thumb over Harry's cheekbone. "I love you."

"I love you too, Draco," Harry replied, running his hand through Draco's hair, and messing it up which he loved doing. He loves how sexy Draco looks with his hair all messed up.

"Heeeeey!" Draco whined but kept the smile on his face. He didn't mind it though. Harry was enjoying himself messing his hair up and if that makes Harry happy when Draco will allow it. "I always need to look my best when meeting my parents."

"You always look your best, Draco," Harry said, still carding his hair through Draco's blonde hair and watching as his fingers disappeared into the blonde locks. "You're always so damned perfect."

Draco shook his head, disagreeing with Harry about that. He's not perfect. "I'm not perfect, Harry. Nobody is."

"I don't believe that," Harry said in disbelief, folding his lips to form a straight line. "You're smart, funny, attractive, cute, hot as hell, rich, happy. What isn't perfect about your life?"

"The only thing that makes my life perfect is having you in it," Draco said, smiling sweetly and blushing at what he admitted. "And money doesn't buy happiness, I'm sure you know that. Sure, you can buy whatever you want, but after a while, that thing becomes useless to you. I didn't buy you, I won you. I won your heart and I couldn't be prouder to obtain that beautiful part of you."

Harry felt his own cheeks warm up and he leaned in for a quick kiss. These compliments just get to him, grab his emotions and make him feel so loved. Draco wasn't the one to win his heart, he won Draco's heart.

"And, your also smart, but in your own way," Draco said, smirking at Harry's red cheeks which he then placed a kiss too "And you're funny, attractive, cute, hot, probably rich but I don't know about that. Everyone believes you've got so much riches and wealth."

"You missed out on happy," Harry said, even though he knew the answer. He wasn't happy. Not unless he was with Draco physically. Draco was his Expecto Patronum to a Dementor.

Draco frowned and gently cupped both of Harry's cheeks, wishing just the smallest of touches can give Harry happiness. "Are you happy, my darling?" he asked his boyfriend carefully.

"I'm only happy when I'm with you," Harry said with a small smile on his face. "You make me happy in a way nobody else can. And forget the butterflies, I feel a whole zoo when I'm with you."

Draco felt his heart do flips in his chest when hearing that. He smiled and leaned in for a quick kiss. As he leaned out, he cleared his throat and began clicking into a rhythm. Harry was confused at first but recognized the tune. His fake smile turned into a real one as he sat comfortably on the seat and stared into Draco's silver eyes.

Draco smiled back, glad he could make Harry happy and began singing to the tune. "If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you." He stared deeply into Harry's eyes, and he felt himself get lost in them. "If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light to guide you. Find out what we're made of when we are called to help our friends in need. You can count on me like one two three. I'll be there. And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four three two you'll be there. 'Cause, that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah."

"That was beautiful, Draco," Harry said, smiling with a slight blush to his face. "I never knew you could sing that well."

Draco just smiled and thought singing could be passed down from his mother and to him. He leaned closer to Harry. "Can you sing?" he asked, but he knew the answer. He's heard Harry sing a few times and he feels like he's in heaven when hearing Harry singing.

"You've heard my singing before, Draco," Harry said, and Draco smiled and nodded his head. Harry felt a little embarrassed as usually he keeps his singing voice deep inside himself and doesn't let it out until he wants to. But he doesn't believe his singing is good. Draco's voice is honestly so much better and angelic than his own. He is used to singing My Chemical Romance and Panic at The Disco.

"You've got a beautiful voice, Harry," Draco said, and he reached up to brush away locks of Hair from Harry's face. "I've heard you sing, and it's wonderful. You're wonderful. That song you sang to me while I was sleeping on my birthday, that was beautiful."

Harry's face reddened a little more, loving the compliments coming his way from Draco's mouth. "Oh, then... I guess keep clicking." Draco smirked and continued clicking to the rhythm of the song.

Harry sighed, bit his lip, and tried remembering the lyrics. When he remembered them clearly, he began to sing. "If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep, I'll sing a song beside you." He leaned his head on Draco's shoulder and looked up at him. "And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me. Every day I will remind you. Ooh." He found Draco's hands with his own and intertwined them together. "Find out what we're made of when we are called to help our friends in need. You can count on me like one two three, I'll be there. And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four three two you'll be there. 'Cause, that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah." After, he gave Draco a kiss on the chin.

Draco smiled and ended the space between them in a soft and passionate kiss. When he leaned back out, he brushed a strand of Harry's hair out of his eyes. "I wonder who gave you their beautiful singing voice out of your parents."

Harry shrugged sadly as he remembered the nightmares and how mad his own mother was with him for killing Cedric. "It was probably my mother. I hardly doubt my father could sing since Sirius never mentioned it."

Draco nodded, agreeing with Harry. He laid his head back onto the wall behind the compartment's chair and closed his eyes. "You'll always have my shoulder when you cry, Harry Potter. Just remember that." He looked beside him at Harry. "I'll never let go and never say goodbye because I love you so much."

Harry reached up and ran a hand through Draco's soft hair, leaned in and pressed his lips to Draco's in a kiss. He smiled in the kiss when Draco kissed him back, and when one of Draco's free hand moved its way out of his clutch and went for his groin. Oh. Oh. That's what he wanted. As he leaned out of the kiss, he nodded his head at Draco and what he wanted.

Draco smirked, hopped off the seat onto the floor in front of Harry and pressed Harry's legs out to the side. Licking his lips, he unzipped Harry's trousers and pulled down his black boxers enough so he can let Harry's cock out into the cool air. Draco then got to work in pleasing Harry with his tongue and mouth.

For long moments, Draco was sucking, bobbing his head up and down on Harry's lap, and giving Harry's cock such intense pleasure that it drained all of Harry's bad thoughts from his mind and replaced it with soft moans and little bucks up into the SSlytherin'smouth. Of course, Harry had to keep his moaning to a minimum as he didn't want the whole train hearing his sexual moans that were all because of Draco's warm, sucky perfect mouth.

Draco pulled his mouth off Harry's saliva-coated cock, Harry gave a little moan of protest but Draco made up for it by circling his tongue around the velvety head of Harry's cock and lapped up the salty-sweet precome leaking out. Harry's taste was so intoxicating that Draco wanted more, and he could do this for hours but knew he didn't have that kind of time. What he had was the smell, taste, and feel of Harry's beautiful cock as he worships it inside his mouth and with his tongue.

Draco grabbed the base of Harry's cock and gave it a few jerks upwards while Harry thrusts up with a groan into his ministrations, and Draco's tongue got into the motion of circling around the head and poking at the little slit to lap up precome. He leans his face away, but savours the precome in his mouth and watches, almost hypnotised as he jerks Harry off, his foreskin almost covering Harry's entire length and head and he repeats the process rapidly, all the more while wanting Harry's thick dick inside his arse and making love to him.

Harry's breathing became heavier, and Draco knew what was coming. He sped up his jerking but only for half of Harry's length, moved his face in front of Harry's cock's slit in the firing zone, and slid his lips over Harry's length. He heard himself moan, and he could tell how much the simple moan affected Harry as he knows what it feels like. It vibrates and makes the need to come to increase, and it's exactly what he wants Harry to do.

He could feel the veins in Harry's cock harden, ready for the explosion, as well as Harry's entire length harden. In his mind, he's cheering, Come on, come on. Come for me. Harry didn't disappoint him at all. When Draco gave one last half jerk and swallowed more of Harry's length, Harry came with blinding force and a small cry that could have been made by a mouse, into Draco's mouth.

Draco moaned once more with this blessing of Harry's powerful delicious orgasm in his mouth which he eagerly swallowed down and savoured. He cleaned Harry up with his mouth and tongue, much like what Harry did with him this morning until his cock was free from semen. Draco really couldn't get enough.

He looked up into Harry's green eyes, smiled and pressed a kiss to the head of Harry's cock. "That was fun," he said, enjoying the view of Harry's sweaty forehead, heavy panting and the sight of his cock still out in the open and the smirk on that handsome face of his. He decided to be a little dirty. "You're really delicious, you know?" He leaned forward towards Harry's groin, feeling Harry's cock brush against his cheek, stuffed his nose in the tiny hairs there, and gave a little sniff at Harry's musky scent.

"So sweet yet sour and the best treat I've ever had in my life," the Slytherin continued, leaning back. "If we had more time, I would go for round two just so I can fill my belly up with your delicious sperm. I would ride you as well until you come into my anus, filling me up there. We can practise making babies together at that time too." Harry snorted, and Draco smirked. "You like that, do you? Which one do you like better? The thought of me riding you or practising making babies together."

"Both, actually," Harry answered and he leaned down to place a kiss on Draco's forehead. "In fact, why don't we do both right now?" He had his hands down Draco's shoulders as the Slytherin got up from the floor. "We're only three hours into the train ride and it takes around three hours to get to Kings Cross Station. So if you want to practise making babies now, let's get on with it."

Draco was smirking as he sits down on Harry's lap, places his arms around Harry's neck and leans towards Harry's ear. "Then let's do it," he whispers, nibbles on Harry's earlobe and breathes his hot breath on his ear. "I want you, Harry Potter. I want your thick penus inside me right now."

"God, Draco," Harry whispers back in nearly a moan, suddenly wanting that too. His dick was becoming impossibly warmer in the cool air of the compartment. He looks to the door of the compartment, noting that it's locked and the blinds are down, and to the window which needs its blinds pulled down. "Window. Blinds. Now."

Draco pecked him on the lips hard, got off him and pulled the blinds of the window shut. The compartment suddenly got a little darker, and Draco immediately got to unzipping his trousers, pulling them down with his white boxers and tossing them to the compartment's seat. He felt the cool air of the compartment on his cock but ignored the feeling and looked down at the fleshy meat of Harry's dick that soon would be inside him. Merlin's Beard, he wanted it all up there now.

Harry moved forward on the compartment chair, and the first place his eyes went to was Draco's cock. He licked his lips, remembering the taste of it from this morning. What he wanted was for Draco to take his school shirt and jumper off, but when Draco's cock appeared in his line of view, the Slytherin placed his arms back around Harry's neck and managed to kneel over Harry's lap with Harry's cock pressed up against his stomach.

"You're going to have to help me here, Harry," Draco then said and slowly rubbed his cock against Harry's. Harry nodded with a bite of his lip, leaned back against the chair, grabbed Draco's arse cheeks and lifted him up a little in the air. "You might need to get me ready for you too," the Slytherins adds, but Harry already had three fingers inside his mouth, wetting them with saliva, and then they were pulled out and disappeared from both boys' line of view.

The next thing Draco felt was a slippery finger circling around his entrance and he whimpered, leaned forward towards Harry and buried his face into the Gryffindor's neck. That's when the teasing began, and Draco just wanted the preparations to be over but at the same time, he wanted it to continue. The finger gradually slipped inside, and Harry realized he was the one to moan first.

Draco bit down gently into the skin of Harry's neck as he felt Harry's finger slip deep inside him, and Harry grunted out, already wanting to be inside the Slytherin. Oh, merlin... keep going. Harry's finger thrust deep inside Draco, was then pulled out, and that one finger turns into two and thrusts back inside the warmth of Draco's channel. Draco was biting down on Harry's skin hard enough to give him a love bite, and as Harry continued fucking him with those two fingers which then turned to three, he had probably given Harry more than three lovebites on his skin.

Those three fingers were pulled out, and Draco gave a pout at the warmth he missed from those fingers and leaned away from Harry's neck to look back into the green eyes of emeralds. But then those fingers made an appearance again, and they rested on Draco's butt cheeks. Draco knew what this meant. He raised himself up using his legs, reached under him to Harry's cock and lined it up to his entrance. He sank down slowly until he felt the head of the thick cock underneath him push past the ring of muscles.

He looked back into Harry's eyes, and his hands then came to rest on Harry's shoulders again as he sinks down further on Harry's length, sighing with pleasure the more his arse is swallowing up Harry's thick manhood. Harry's just staring at him, concentrated on the feeling of Draco's hot arse swallowing his cock up. His hands are squeezing Draco's arse repeatedly just to tell him that he's doing so good and feels so good on him.

Draco moans as Harry finds his prostrate, and he sinks down all the way on Harry's full length. Merlin... He glances down just for a second to see the magic of having all of Harry inside him, and he smiles when seeing that he is seated on Harry's cock. He's ready to ride Harry's bull.

"Are you ready, my sexy snake?" Harry asks him, and his hands adventure up until they rest on Draco's waist. He actually cannot believe they're having sex on the fricken Hogwarts Express. But he honestly can't wait.

Draco then nods. He was born ready. Born to ride Harry's beautiful cock. "I'm ready, Harry." And that's when he starts moving and making love to Harry. They were just two bodies in constant motion making love to one another.

About an hour later after Harry came inside Draco, they rested for a few minutes and actually took off their shirts and jumpers, then they switched their positions so Harry was deepthroating Draco again, and then fifteen minutes later making love to Draco by bouncing up and down on his cock, and then a few more long minutes later, Draco comes inside Harry's arse, making the Gryffindor feel sated and happy.

Harry was riding Draco through his orgasm, his arms around Draco's back, and their chests touching slightly so they could feel each others racing heartbeats. Harry just felt so happy after the deep pleasure and kisses Draco was giving him. His brain was even sending him happy thoughts and messages. He just hoped this happiness will last for long hours of today and tomorrow.

Harry smiled, stopped his love-making with Draco but kept Draco's cock deep inside his arse, and gave Draco a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for this incredible sex, Draco," he whispers into Draco's ear and shivers when the Slytherin's fingers crawled up his back. They felt like cotton to him.

Draco kissed Harry's neck and sighed his happiness. "You're welcome, Harry," he says, smiling at the lovebites on Harry's neck that he made. "We can do this again whenever you want." He tries thrusting up but Harry's already seated on all of him down to the base so he really couldn't move.

"Or we can be sensible and get dressed so we're ready to go when the train stops," Harry says, and actually leans up so Draco's cock drags halfway out of his arse, but then drops back down and they both moan simultaneously. He pressed his forehead to Draco's, closed his eyes and thanked God that he's got such an incredible boyfriend. He can't forget about Draco's cock either. He thanked God for that too.

"If you get your pretty arse off me, then I can get dressed unless this is your way of telling me you want more," Draco said with a wink and smirks when Harry rolls his eyes and gets up off him to get dressed. He looks down at his dick, softened by the sex they had that only happened minutes ago. He feels exceptionally happy because not only does he have Harry's semen still inside him, he also got to come into Harry's arse too.

He smiles, relaxes back on the seat but reached beside him to his boxers and slides them on and up to his hips. He gets up, reaches for his trunk and puts it on the seat beside him. He opens his trunk, finds some nice trousers, a grey button-down shirt and a cashmere sweater and he puts them on. His school clothes he puts in his trunk with his robe then lock them back up and puts them aside.

Harry had just pulled up his boxers and tracksuit pants that he got from his own trunk when he noticed how slow Draco was dressing. But he admired the expensive material Draco was wearing like the nice cashmere sweater. He just smiled and zipped up the pocket on his tracksuit pants which grabbed Draco's attention. When he puts on his old t-shirt and black jumper, he closes his trunk and joins Draco back on the seat.

Draco puts an arm around Harry, and Harry melts into the embrace. Draco kisses his forehead, sees Harry's smile and smiles himself at this beautiful moment. They stayed like that for the rest of the train ride back to the station. Harry fell asleep on Draco's shoulder but was awoken quickly by a kiss to the forehead and fingers running through his hair. He opened his eyes, yawned and all he could see were these magnificent beautiful silver irises staring back at him.

"Am I in heaven because I swear, I am looking at an angel," Harry said in a sleepy tone, hoping that sounded like a compliment. But it was a compliment. Harry was just too exhausted from the previous sex they had that he wasn't really thinking openly.

Draco smiled at the definite compliment and felt his cheeks warm up. He loves his Harry and his sweet compliments. "You're adorable, Harry," he said softly and kissed Harry's nose.

Harry shook his head with a blush to his face. "No, you are." He looked down at the tip of his nose through his glasses and smiled. "You definitely are more adorable. Just that smile of yours lights up my world. Not to mention your kisses. You make flowers grow even in the saddest part of me."

"It's not possible that I'm more adorable, Harry," Draco said, feeling his heart fluttering in his chest just because of these compliments from Harry and the way Harry's looking at him. Eventually, he then stood up from the seat as the train stopped in its tracks. "Now, come, I want you to meet my mother."

Harry now felt more nervous than he had since dancing with Draco at the Yule Ball. This was Draco's mother he was about to meet. The woman who gave birth to his incredible boyfriend. He was excited but so nervous. He hesitantly got up from the seat, intertwined his and Draco's hands together, grabbed his trunk and Hedwig and followed him out of the train.

Harry's ears were bombarded with the loud muttering of many people talking. He looked around the train station at the many wizards and witches waiting for their daughters or sons to come off the train. Harry froze to the spot as he caught sight of Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley in the corner of his eye. He turned around on the spot, so his back was facing the Dursleys.

Draco looked at Harry worriedly and squeezed their hands together. "What's wrong, darling?" he asked suddenly and stood closer to him, wanting to guard off any unwanted energy trying to attach itself to Harry.

"My Uncle's here," Harry whispered and placed his trunk down on the floor with Hedwig's cage, feeling the heat radiating from Draco and it calmed him down a bit from becoming frightened. He didn't want to seem weak in front of Draco and his family. He had to stay strong.

Draco sighed, looked over Harry's shoulder an inch and saw the largest man he's ever seen, complete with a smaller version of the man and a very thin woman. He glared at the big man and then looked back into Harry's eyes and lifted Harry's chin up to meet his eyes. "Harry, throughout the first and second week of the holidays, I want you to be brave and stick up for yourself," he said like that was an order. But it was an order. "Can you do that for me, please?"

Harry nodded slightly and had to remind him, "Draco, it's why I'm a Gryffindor." Although, he didn't think he'd be able to stand up to himself when his Uncle and Cousin are around. It was hard. They were like giants that could crush him and he's just an ant.

Draco placed his trunk down beside Harry's and wrapped his arm around Harry in a tight embrace. "That's not what I mean, Harry," he said, kissing Harry's temple with all his love. "I love you so much, and don't you dare forget that. I'll be at my family's manor waiting for you."

Harry frowned but familiar dark robes and long white-blonde hair caught his eyes. Lucius Malfoy. Then Lucius Malfoy, the father of Draco Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy who joined Voldemort when he was summoned. Harry noticed Lucius was staring at him and Draco which he gave the older man a fake smile and Lucius' lips twitched into a smile. He also noticed a pretty blonde woman next to Lucius who was smiling and who he assumed was Narcissa, Draco's mother. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy and I'll never forget that," he said, turning his head back around to look at his boyfriend.

Draco smiled, leaned out of the hug, and kissed Harry long and sweet. From the other side of the train station, Lucius Malfoy rolled his eyes at the 'adorable' couple and walked up to them with Narcissa by his side. Well, Lucius doesn't exactly admit that he finds his son and Harry Potter adorable together. But deep down, he sees something beautiful.

Narcissa stopped her husband, leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed happily, "Don't they look gorgeous together?" she asked her husband as she stared at her son and a boy she knows whose name is Harry Potter. She couldn't wait to meet her son's boyfriend.

"If you mean dreadfully gorgeous, then yes," Lucius muttered with a wry smile. So Harry Potter's joining the family? At least he'll get the publicity if that does occur. But the paparazzi appearing on his front doorstep, he admits, would be very annoying.

"Oh, Lucius," Narcissa said sadly, looking up at him with a frown. "Why are you like this? Can't you see they're happy together? You remember the Yule Ball photo, don't you?"

Lucius sighed and tilted his head to an angle, admiring the two lover boys in front of him. "I guess so," he eventually says after a few seconds. "I'm still new to this whole accepting thing, Cissy."

Narcissa linked arms with her husband and walked up to her son and his boyfriend. She chuckled as they were still snogging. She looked up at her husband, seeing as he rolled his eyes. She shook her head and looked back at the two snogging boys. "Ahem," she said softly.

Finally, Draco and Harry lean out of the kiss and smile at each other. But, Harry's eyes trail to Draco's parents who are behind Draco and he gives them a little shy smile.

"I love you, Harry," Draco says again, making sure it sinks into his boyfriend. But what he didn't know was that his parents were a few feet away from him and could hear exactly what he says to Harry.

Harry blushed and looked from Draco to Narcissa, to Lucius and back to Draco with a smile. "I love you too, Draco," he said but felt glad he was expressing his love for his boyfriend in front of Draco's parents. It let them know that their son really is loved by someone who loves him from the bottom of their heart.

Narcissa smiled at Harry with her warm blue eyes. The same blue that Harry could just see in Draco's silver eyes. "Ahem!" she said softly, but a little louder.

Draco hesitated at knowing whose voice that came from and slowly turned around to greet his parents. "Hello mother and father," he greeted nervously and formerly, squeezing Harry's hand just to assure Harry everything's okay. But it actually was to assure himself that this will be fine.

"Hello, Draco," Narcissa said politely, smiling at her son and wondering when she'll be seeing more of Harry. Will he actually be coming over, and when will that be? "Are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend here?"

"Oh, right," Draco said with a smile and biting his lip. "Mother, Father, meet Harry Potter." He kissed Harry's cheek and smirked at his parents, "My wonderful boyfriend."

Harry blushed even more and held out his hand for a formal handshake with Narcissa. But then he remembered what he had touched that was a part of Draco. Narcissa's smile widened but she didn't shake Harry's hand, and Harry thanked Merlin for that. Instead, she brought him into a gentle hug and kissed his forehead. "It's so great to finally meet you, Harry."

Harry hesitated from the gesture and flushed bright pink under her affectionate attention, but hugged Narcissa back. He smelt her perfume scent of Cinnamon and felt the same motherly love as Mrs Weasley had when she gave him hugs. "It's great meeting you too, Mrs Malfoy."

"Mother, you're squishing Harry," Draco said, smirking at Harry's reaction and was heartened to see just how much his own mother cared for Harry like she adopted him as her own. He just finds this quite amusing, seeing his own mother hug his boyfriend and give him a little affectionate kiss.

"Right. Sorry, Harry," Narcissa said ponderously, leaning out of the hug and stood beside Lucius. She just could not help but smile at the boy her son would possibly keep in his life for... she hoped forever. She did care about grandchildren but the only thing she wants for her son is happiness.

"No need to apologize, Mrs Malfoy," Harry said, giving her a smile. Even if he knew this family had possibly been Death Eaters for centuries, he'd like to get to know them a bit more and see if they truly have good in them just like Draco does. Narcissa seemed lovely and good-hearted. And if they're not good people, well, he'll just run away with Draco and live happily ever after someplace far away from here. Perhaps Australia? It seems like a good country. Although, he was a little concerned about the boxing kangaroos and the drop bears they had. Well, he has read about Australia and it seems like the Animals are all deadly. It just makes it even better.

Lucius held out his hand right for Harry, that wry smile still on his face. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Mr Harry Potter," he greeted. "If not for the first time, let this be our renewed greeting."

Harry nodded and shook Lucius' hand firmly with his left hand which hasn't touched any part of him or Draco. He thought it'd be a cold chilling hand to touch, but no, it was quite warm. Much like Mr Weasley's but a little paler. "Pleasure's all mine, Mr Malfoy." Your son who has got the most round and fuckable arse is all mine, he thought

"Yes, well..." Lucius pulled Harry closer with his cane by the collar and stared at him sternly. "If you hurt my son in any way, I swear, I'll come find you and rip out your heart and feed it to the peacocks at Malfoy Manor! Got that, Mr Potter?"

Harry quickly nodded; he would never hurt Draco. Draco was like this kitten once you got to know him. So kind, sweet and lovable. Well, more like a ferret who gets frisky easily. "Y-yes, sir!" he said firmly like a soldier. "I will n-never hurt your son, sir."

"Father! You're scaring him!" Draco snapped and pulled Harry away from his father's grasp. He glared at his father while giving Harry a protective hug and kiss on the cheek. Harry smiles at Draco's warm embrace and just couldn't feel more at home than he is now.

Lucius rolled his eyes at his son's protective manner. His smile faded from his lips, "Well, we must be off now."

Draco sighed. He intertwined his and Harry's hands together and stared into emerald green eyes again with love. "I'll see you very soon, Harry," he whispered, caressing Harry's cheek with his free hand. "Stay brave and fight your way through your mental health if it's the last thing you do."

Harry nodded. He will try but he doesn't know how he'll be able to even stand up to his Uncle. "I'll try, Draco," he promised him softly. "I'll try my hardest for you."

"You're allowed to come over at any time," Narcissa said to Harry, then looked at her husband. "As long as you-know-who's not there." She sounded quite serious as she didn't want such an evil man in her house.

Lucius nodded. He'll never let anything happen to his son, wife, and his son's... loving acquaintance. "I'll arrange a meeting at some other place," he told his wife but needed his son and Harry to hear it too. "Perhaps, the Notts' or Goyles' would lend him their house."

Harry shuddered from the inside at the mention of Voldemort, even if he could say the name over and over. He felt his walls that Draco broke down, build back up again. He just hated remembering that night in the graveyard. It was pure mental torture to him.

Draco frowned when Harry put on his empty and dull look at the mention of you-know-who. He squeezed Harry's hand but didn't get a squeeze back in response. "Harry?" he asked softly, quietly.

Harry looked back up into the silver eyes of his boyfriend. "Hm?"

"I love you," Draco whispered, inching closer to Harry's face, wanting to kiss him one more time. It's all he could ask for when he won't be able to see his boyfriend for two weeks.

"I love you too, Draco," Harry said, trying to mask his depression with a fake smile. He is hoping he will survive the Dursley's for two weeks then after that, he can spend all the time in the world with Draco. "More than anything in the world."

"I love you to the moon and back, Harry James Potter," Draco whispered, finally ending the gap between them and kissed Harry slowly, wanting to remember this moment by just a single kiss which he could still taste himself on Harry's lips. Oh well. Harry kissed him back with as much love he could, even if it were hard to.

Lucius sighed and rolled his eyes, trying to surpass a smile. Narcissa knew of her husband's look and kissed his cheek and whispered, "True love always finds its way, Lucius. No matter the obstacles in its way."

"BOY! GET OVER HERE NOW!" yelled Uncle Vernon from the other side of the train station, earning stares from the many witches, wizards and muggles.

Harry pulled out of the kiss at once and flushed in embarrassment. He hated his Uncle's guts so much. "I- I need to go," he said quickly, grabbing his trunk from his side.

Draco sighed at that monstrous Uncle of Harry's and nodded. He hates Dumbledore for making Harry stay with those Muggles, even for two weeks. "Stay safe, Harry," he said, giving Harry one last hug.

Harry hugged back tightly and felt tears sting in his eyes, "I will try." As the hug was broken, Harry grabbed his trunk and Hedwig, walked a few feet towards his relative's, turned around taking one last look at Draco and turned back around and continued towards his relative's.

Draco sighed and hoped, just hoped, those Muggles won't pester his Harry anymore. If they do, he will sue them until they've got nothing left. He would need the help of his father to do so though but that means telling his father about how they abuse Harry.

Narcissa saw the worry in her son's eyes, raised her hand to Draco's shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "I'm sure he'll be fine and if not, I give you permission to check up with him by broom or something that I can plan," she told her son. "Perhaps I can befriend Harry's Aunt, she seems nice in a kind of... evil stepsister kind of way... Okay, maybe not nice but evil stepsister is a yes."

Draco laughed and agreed with his mother about that. But he doesn't want to be rude since he knows Petunia Dursley is the sister of Harry's birth mother, Lily Potter. So insulting Petunia is like insulting Mrs Potter and he didn't want to do that.

"Can we go now?" Lucius asked and began to people-watch as he was bored out of his right mind.

"Sure, father," Draco said, smirking at his bored father. And with that, the Malfoy's and their son disappeared beyond sight and apparated home. The first thing Draco did was rush up to his room with a smile on his face and jump onto his bed face first.

He just hopes that tonight he doesn't wake up back to find that the Quidditch World Cup was tomorrow and that everything he was with Harry was only a dream. But the feel of Harry's kiss still on his lips, the stickiness of his cock after Harry rode him, and the knowledge that his arse hole is a little wider from Harry's cock being buried deep inside it, told him that it all wasn't a dream. But it was his dream come true.

Draco rolled over onto his back and sat up, looking around his bedroom. He spots his trunk, which he knows Misky the House-elf brought up for him while he was thinking of the pleasure time he had with Harry on the train. He got off his bed and headed over to his trunk, deciding to unpack his things and put them away.

When he got out the box with the eternal rose from inside his trunk, he decided to put it on his bedside table so he could look at it every night and day and remember that day and Harry's beautiful smile. But then his mother appeared by the doorway of his room, and she was leaning on the doorframe, smiling at him. "May I come in?"

Draco nodded and patted the space in front of him on his bed, "Of course, mother." Narcissa's smile widened as she entered her son's room and sat in front of him. Draco knew what she was here about. Every day he comes home from Hogwarts she'll come to find him and ask how his year was. It was a little boring to talk about but he loved the talks. It was their way of bonding.

"How was your year, dear?" Narcissa asked, yet she didn't seem to realize that she rhymed. That wasn't on her mind right now. What she wanted to hear about was her son's year and how Harry came into the picture in full details. "And please, tell me how you and Harry got to where you are now. I want to hear about the full details."

Draco smiled at his mother and went on to tell her how he and Harry got together starting from the time he saw Harry at the Quidditch World cup, then to the first day of school and how he asked Harry for a truce. He even admits to her that he always glanced up at Harry during his classes just to admire his beauty, watch him and want him. He even told her that the Library's Secret Room and Willow tree gets used more often. He told her about the Potion tutoring, the late-night catch-the-snitch games, their first kiss, their first Christmas together and when Draco asked Harry out for the first time. He pretty much told his mother everything, besides the sexual experiences he had with Harry in detail. He did tell her when he and Harry first had sex.

Narcissa listened to her son closely about his whole year and it really made her day hearing about her sons exciting year. It warmed her heart hearing about how the two came to be. It was beautiful to her. She then spots the box with the gold-glazed Rose inside it on her son's bedside table. "Is that the rose you were talking about? The one...?"

Draco reaches behind him to the box and grabs it. He places it in the little gap between him and his mother. "Yes, Harry gave it to me on Valentines Day," he said with a smile and grabbed it out from the box to show her it. He twirled it around with his fingers. "I love Harry so much, mother. You don't understand."

Narcissa awwed and placed an arm around him. "I know you do, dear," she says and presses a kiss to his forehead while admiring the expensive-looking rose in her son's hands. "I can tell. I've seen it with my own ways. It's the way you look at him, and the way he looks back at you. It's beautiful and I couldn't be more proud to be your mother than I am now. Now get ready for dinner. It's almost ready."


As Harry approached his relatives, his mental walls had gone up completely. He walked numbly over to them and got a thump to the back by Dudley.

"I knew you were a fag," Dudley whispered into Harry's ear, and Harry ignored his cousin and looked up at an angry Uncle Vernon.

"You are in a lot of trouble, boy!" Vernon said angrily but in a quietened voice to his nephew.

What? For Loving a guy with all my heart? Harry thought, surpassing a sigh. He pressed his lips together and remembered the feeling of his blonde Slytherin's lips kissing his own. Just the feeling of Draco's kisses gave him hope. Hope that he will make it past these two weeks that he will have to spend alone.

"You will not ignore me, boy!" snarled Uncle Vernon venomously. "It's bad enough having to waste petrol just so we can pick you up from your freaky school's train."

"Yes, Uncle Vernon," Harry had to reply and following Dudley and Aunt Petunia to the car. The car ride back to 4 Privet drive was long, silent, and boring to Harry. He'd been punched by Dudley in the arm four times already when they got home but he ignored it all as always. He believed he deserved the pain; he was a freak after all, and he'd gotten Cedric killed.

When he entered the house, he ran up to his room, locked the door behind him, shoved his trunk under his bed and sat down on his bed, waiting for the first command from his Uncle or Aunt to do something but it was silent.

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