In love with a Weasley (Charl...

By SEHopeM

187K 3.3K 344

Its great being the older sister to the famous Harry Potter. Don't get me wrong I love my brother I really do... More

All about Rory Potter
POA 10
POV 11
POA 12
POA 13
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
GOF 27
GOF 28
Wedding aesthetic
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
2 years later
New book

GOF 16

1.9K 35 2
By SEHopeM

I've been with Pad's and Moony for the past week using my power's more and more to get used to them again after not using them for months. Moony's going to set up my safe place again in the forest so I have somewhere safe to practice and also so I have somewhere to go if I feel like I'm going to lose control.

"Ready to go back Wolf"

"As ready as I can be Moony"

"Hold on Rory I got something for you" Pad's hands me a small mirror. "It's a two-way mirror it used to be your dads. I've got the other half so if you ever need us just call out to one of us in the mirror and we'll be able to see you and you'll be able to see us and we'll be able to talk"

"Thank you Pad's" I hug him before following Moony to the fireplace.

"Dumbledore's office" He calls as he disappears.

"You next Little Wolf" I do the same as Moony before landing in Dumbledores office where Moony holds out his hand for me pulling me up as Sirius come's through.

"Welcome back Aurora. Your safe place in the Forbidden Forest is set up again and it will remain until the end of your 7th year" Dumbledore speaks. I nod at him. "Your trunk is back in your dorm ready for you and you're to return to lessons as normal tomorrow. Now you may go I need a word with Sirius and Remus quickly before they leave"

"I'll see you soon Wolf just remember we're here if you need us" Moony says pulling me into a hug before Pad's does the same.

"I'll talk to you later okay Little Wolf" I nod.

"Bye guys" I wave to them before leaving Dumbledores office to go find Harry. I find him in a corridor leaning against a wall. He looks up when he hears be approaching him before a smile appears on his face.

"Rory thank god you're okay. I know you said you were fine but I was still worried about you and so were the twins and Lee"

"I'm fine Harry. I'm sorry I haven't been here for the past week. How are you?"

"It wasn't your fault Ror although it's helped to know you believe me because my best friend doesn't"

"What d'you mean doesn't believe you"

"Ron think's I entered and lied to him about it"

"That bloody idiot"

"It's fine Rory. He's not the only one most of the school have an issue with me except for the Gryffindors"

"Some time's I hate this school. Do they actually think you managed to put your own name in"

"They think Dumbledore entered me because I asked him to so I could get more fame and rich"

"Seriously you're already the most famous person in years and we're already rich we just don't show it. We're the only remaining Potter's which means we have access to the Potter family vault" He looks at me confused. "Our grandfather Fleamont Potter invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion. Did you not ever wonder why our vault was so full. Our parent's wouldn't of been able to become that rich that quick straight out of school it would have taken years"

"We have a grandfather?"

"Had, him and our grandmother Euphemia died of Dragon Pox before you was born. I don't remember them but I met them, Pad's showed me a picture of me and them"

"How do you know so much about our family and I don't"

"Well young Harold" He glares at me "I was curious about our family so I did some research and also asked Pad's and Moony some bit's" I shrug.

"Wow I really need to learn some stuff"

"You have time. Now come on I need to find my troublesome ginger duo" I smirk making Harry laugh as we head to the Gryffindor common room. As we enter Fred and George look up before running over to me and both hugging me so I'm trapped between them as Harry sneaks off laughing slightly at us. "I missed you too but it's only been a week"

"Yeah a week with no letters" Fred exclaims.

"I sent Harry one"

"Yes but not us your best friends we have been so worried about you" George says finally letting go whilst Fred just hug's me tighter.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. Are you okay now?" Fred asks finally releasing me.

"I'm getting there. I have my safe place back to release my power and a way to talk to Moony whenever I need to. He's told me I need to use my power's more regularly so they don't build up like they did"

"Just remember we're here as well" George says with a smile.

"I know and I love you guys for it"

"Right now you're back come with us" Fred says grabbing my hand and dragging me up to his dorm where Lee is sat on the floor looking over some sweet looking things.

"Rory" He shouts jumping up and enveloping me in a hug.

"Hi Lee, so what have you guy's been doing"

"We've been working on our prank sweet's" George says as he start's showing me all the different bits.

It's been a few week's since Harry's name came out of the cup and the first task is in a week. I'm sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast with the twins who are both in a deep discussion about different products they're thinking about designing. The owls start swooping in as a random barn owl drops a letter in front of me, picking it up I recognise Charlies writing.

Rory meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest by Hagrid's hut at 10am today

I glance at the time and notice it's already half 9 so I decide to go now.

"I'll see you guys later. Need to go let off some steam" I tell the twins who just wave at me before continuing with their conversation. I take a slow walk to Hagrid's hut and find him and Fang sat outside.

"Morning Rory, What brings you here"

"Morning Hagrid, hey Fang" I stroke Fang "I'm just meeting someone here and speak of the devil and he shall appear" I say as Charlie appears out of the tree's.

"Ello Charlie"

"Hello Hagrid. I've come to steal Rory if that's okay"

"See you later Hagrid" I say as I walk over to Charlie who interlocks our hands before pulling me towards the forest.

"Don't worry you'll be safe with me" He winks at me.

"Well Charlie I have some bad news for you. I'm one of the most dangerous things in this forest so maybe you need protection from me" I joke winking back at him as he turns to face me now we're out of view of Hagrid. His lips crashing to mine.

"I've missed you Nova"

"I've missed you too Charlie but what are you doing here in the forest"

"Come with me" He says pulling me behind him again as we walk through a magical barrier through a clump of trees and came to a halt.

"Dragons" I exclaimed amazed at the sight of four fully grown, enormous, vicious-looking dragons who were rearing onto their hind legs inside an enclosure fenced with thick planks of wood, roaring and snorting, torrents of fire were shooting into the dark sky from their open, fanged mouths, fifty feet above the ground on their outstretched necks. There was at least thirty wizards, seven or eight to each dragon, were attempting to control them, pulling on the chains connected to heavy leather straps around their necks and legs. "They're amazing" Charlie chuckled beside me.

"Knew you'd like them" He says as he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me into his side before walking slightly closer. "Do you think you can still name them all or should I be looking for a different girlfriend" He jokes.

"Just for that I might burn you instead of the dragon" I heat my hand slightly, not hot enough to burn and touch his making him jump.

"Is that all you've got. Didn't even feel it" He smirks.

"I'll show you what I've got but can't do it here. You'll have to come with me later and I'll show you" I wink at him before continuing "Anyway that one there" I point at the silvery-blue one with long and pointed horns "Is a Swedish Short-Snout. That one" I point at a smooth-scaled green one "Is the Common Welsh Green dragon" I smirk at him before continuing "That one" pointing at a red one with a fringe of fine gold spikes around its face "Is the Chinese Fireball and finally that one" pointing at the gigantic black one "Is an Hungarian Horntails. Impressed?"

"I'm very impressed Nova, you should consider doing something with dragons"

"Nah I'm considering being the one who heals idiot's like my boyfriend when they get badly hurt"

"Ignoring the idiot boyfriend comment, you want to be a healer?"

"I mean I did but then shit happened and I don't think people would want me to heal them" I gesture to the scratches on my neck.

"You will make a wonderful healer. Come be a healer at the dragon reserve no one will care about your scar's that I can promise. We're all covered in scars you've seen mine and I'm the least scarred out of all of us. Don't give up because of a scar Nova, you're still beautiful especially to me" He tucks some lose hair behind my ear.

"I love you, did you know that"

"I did because I love you too"

"Wait four dragons" I mutter out as it starts making sense "They're for the champions aren't they"

"Nova, relax we're here to make sure no one get's hurt. It's our job so you don't need to worry"

"Charlie my brother's 14. He shouldn't even be in the competition let alone against a dragon. Stupid Bagman I've never wanted to hurt someone so much before. Harry told me when his name came out that Bagman was really excited about his name coming out"

"Aurora calm down, your hand's are glowing" I look down at my hands as the red glow starts to fade.

"I have more control now Charlie you don't need to panic every time my hand's glow. I know when I'm going to lose control"

"I heard about that from the twins and not you" His eyes meet mine "Why didn't you tell me"

"I didn't want you to worry Charlie" I whisper.

"Stop trying to protect me from you Rory. How many times, I want to know everything like that. I love you and I want to worry" He look's at me "Come on we need to talk and I don't want to do it here" I follow him back away from the dragons and out of the barrier.

"Come with me" I take his hand and head towards my safe place pulling him through the barrier with me. "This is my safe place my power's get contained and no one can get in unless I let them"

"Why didn't you tell me about losing control Nova"

"Because not telling you was a way of forgetting it happened and not thinking about it. Charlie I'm terrified I'm going to hurt someone and that it might be you or the twins or Harry. I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm dangerous Charlie"

"You're not dangerous, you're just new to controlling it" He says grabbing my hands in his.

"If I'm not dangerous why was Dumbledores first thing to do was send me to Moony for a week to get it under control again"


"I didn't lose control at school. George helped but I felt the control slipping so we went to Dumbledore to get Moony. We ended up going to Pad's family home through the fire in Dumbledores office. I destroyed Pad's living room losing control before Dumbledore basically left not saying much at all except that I needed to stay there for the week. Luckily I didn't hurt anyone but I could have"

"Nova you know Dumbledore he's pretty secretive about things who knows what's going on in his head. What I do know is you're not dangerous and that I love you" His lips meet mine as they mould together perfectly. We pull away slightly breathless. "I've missed being able to do that" I smile at him.

"So the dragon's please tell me they haven't got to fight them"

"Just get past them, I think," Charlie said "We'll be on hand if it gets nasty, Extinguishing Spells at the ready. They wanted nesting mothers, I don't know why but I tell you this, I don't envy the one who gets the Horntail. Vicious thing. Its back end's as dangerous as its front"

"Watch it be my idiot brother"

"Just remember we'll be there to make sure he doesn't die"

"That's the only reason I'm not freaking right out"

"I didn't dare tell Mum what he's got to do for the first task; she's already having kittens about him" Charlie imitated his mother's anxious voice. "How could they let him enter that tournament, he's much too young! I thought they were all safe, I thought there was going to be an age limit! She was in floods after that Daily Prophet article about him. 'He still cries about his parents! Oh bless him, I never knew!'"

"Definitely did the right thing not telling dear old Mama bear there's a reason I call her that" he laughs slightly "As for that bloody Rita Skeeter she's going to regret it. He told me when she would ask a question regardless of whether he answered or not her quill would just write random crap the only truth she's ever said is that Bill's a pillock" Charlie laughed at what I called his brother.

"You ever going to call my dear brother by his name again"

"Nope he was going to let you throw me in a lake he deserves the name"

"But I didn't throw you in and you got me out of it"

"Still he didn't know that" I raise my eyebrow at him as he raises his hands in defeat before pulling me to him again placing his lips on mine.

"I wanna see these powers" He mutters against my lips.

"Sit" I say pointing to a log. "What do you want to see first" I smirk at him.

"Well seeing as someone wanted to burn me before I'm going to say fire" He winks at me. I raise my hands in front of me holding them palms up as I envision a phoenix appearing out of the flames. "Wow"

"I can make it fly as well" The bird made entirely of fire fly's around in a circle a few times before landing next to my feet before being replaced with water and then turning into a puddle beside me. Looking at Charlie's face I notice he looks like a child in a sweet shop which makes me laugh slightly before bending down to the floor and placing both hands on the ground. A small Antipodean Opaleye dragon made entirely of stone starts to appear. I pick it up and hand it to Charlie.

"You're favourite dragon"

"Wait you remembered that"

"Of course I did. I remember everything you've ever told me in your letters" I smile at him before walking back into the middle of the clearing. Holding my hand's palm down I feel the air flowing below them making me hoover slightly before setting myself back down. "You've got really good at using them haven't you. I remember when you'd freak out if you used one even slightly and now you have so much control. I'm so proud of you Nova" He walks over to me wrapping his arm's around my waist.

"I've got the elemental powers down but I'm still working on the other one's they're the more scary one's to me but I'm working on it"

"You're doing so well don't push yourself to much" He put's his forehead against mine before kissing me again. We stay in the clearing for a little bit longer before Charlie need's to get back to the dragons.

"Go I'm going to stay here for a bit practice a little bit more"

"Okay Nova. I'll see you tomorrow for your birthday okay"

"Shit that's tomorrow. Forgot about that" He look's at me before laughing.

"Only you could forget your own birthday"

"What can I say I'm special" He pulls me to him quickly placing a kiss on my lips before leaving.

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