late | jjba stardust crusader...

By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

5.9K 148 76

late /lāt/ doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time "he was late, just as al... More

Zero - Initial Character Information
One - More Fairy Godmothers?
Two - Please Count Me In
Three - Fly Flying on Our Flight
Five - Fire and Metal
Six - Elements Clashing
Seven - Who Nose?
Eight - We Were Mooned?!
Nine - Mmm, Monkey.
☆ - April Fools Special
Ten - Pongo vs Homo (sapiens? sexual?)
Quick Update
Eleven - We Are Singa-POOR

Four - Here We Go Again

392 14 3
By IHaveNoUsernameWhyy

Published: January 31st, 2023.

Images of (Y/N) are drawn based off of me, but it's just a placeholder -- (Y/N) looks like YOU or whatever you'd like (Y/N) to look like <3

First-person Point of View

Mr. Joestar was currently calling someone on the payphone, whilst the rest of us stood outside of a small Hong Kong shop.

A silence filled Avdol, Jotaro, Kakyoin and I. So I tried my best to fill it with conversation. I must mention that I absolutely suck at talking with people. "Um, so... what's everyone's favourite colour?" I awkwardly asked the group, looking down and slightly kicking the rocks at my feet.

"My favourite colour is orange." Avdol's smooth voice was the first to reply.

"Shiny green is my favourite! What's yours?" Kakyoin asked me. The only person who didn't reply was Jotaro, but I knew his answer... 'any transparent colour'. Which was such an odd, but Jotaro-esque answer. At least, the Jotaro that was my friend before. I don't know what type of person he truly is right now, as a change in people is inevitable, and if one isn't there to experience this change slowly, the difference after a period of time is jarring (but also not fully known).

"Mine's (Favourite colour) (A/N: Mine's pink, green and brown!), thanks for asking Kakyoin!" I felt appreciated and included.

An outsider's voice broke our conversation up, "Hey big guy!" Obviously he was referring to Jotaro, the one dude who towered over everyone (except for his equally tall grandfather). We turned to the voice, and it was a food vendor, right behind us!

"You guys aren't from around here are ya? Want some rice porridge? Can't come to Hong Kong and not try our dim sum or rice porridge. We have some hot cola, too!" Trying to sell his products, I was intrigued, and frankly, very hungry. Almost getting killed by a bug on a plane, we didn't get any food afterwards. So now was the time to eat, who knew when we would be attacked next?

I looked at the group, wiggling my eyebrows to signal that we should grab some food. Kakyoin picked up what I was putting out. "Rice porridge, eh? Not bad. Did you know, (Y/n) and Jojo, unlike in Japan, rice porridge is a staple in Hong Kong."

"Rice is a staple in so many countries! It's such an important food product for our world." I reply to his fact.

Kakyoin smiles at me, we were having a conversation, and I wasn't being a stupid idiot for once! "One bowl, the popular way, with pork and century egg." He orders something that was probably a fairly safe option for trying something for the first time. "Coming right up!" The vendor replies.

"In that case, I'll have --" Avdol was about to order when he was interrupted. "HEY!" Joseph's booming voice was from across the street, where the payphone was.

"You think we have time to eat? We're going to my old favourite, you can wait to stuff your faces there!" He begins to walk towards us, done with the conversation he was previously having on the pay phone.

"Hey, dandy guy. Want to try some Hong Kong hot cola?" This statement apparently offended Joseph in such a deep way.

"Hot cola? Everyone knows it's supposed to be cold." Ah, American entitlement. It was such a funny sight to see Mr. Joestar's panties in a twist over a popular drink. Hell, I enjoy my cola cold, but it wouldn't hurt to try it hot!

"Hey, old man. Who were you just calling?" Jotaro asks his grandfather, who was now standing beside him.

"Hm? Oh, I'll explain when we get to the restaurant. Be patient." Hah! He was scolding Jotaro. This is a funny sight. Holly was always so gentle with Jotaro.

With a serious look on his face, Joseph makes eye contact with everyone. "We need to work out a plan that'll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible."

With his hand up to his chin, Kakyoin mumbles "A plan?"

Avdol speaks up with his own concerns, "Mr. Joestar, we cannot allow any more innocent civilians to be hurt. The quickest way would be by plane, but that's out." We all agreed with Avdol. Us travelling with such a large group of people was now out of the question, it was a heavy liability, and these users probably didn't care about innocent lives as collateral when trying to get to us.


Mr. Joestar explained the impending disaster if we travel on commercial flights. We were currently seated in the restaurant that he wanted us to eat at. I was seated in between Mr. Joestar and Avdol. Avdol sat beside Kakyoin, who sat beside Jotaro, who was seated next to his grandfather.

We now only had the option of travelling to Egypt by land or sea. However, the lingering thought of the time it would take to get there weighed on our minds.

"I hear you Mr. Joestar, but if we fail to find DIO within fifty days..." Avdol began to speak, but fell silent. We all knew what would happen if we didn't defeat the vampire, Holly would die. This was a woman I deeply cared for. She was like a second mother to me.

My family was reluctant to let me go on this trip, but Mr. Joestar pulled a few strings and made it seem like a scholarly trip, funded by the world-renowned Speedwagon Foundation. That was the only way I was allowed to go.

"If we could've stayed in that plane, we'd probably be in Cairo by now." Kakyoin sighed, with his hands clasped.

"There's no reason to think about the what-ifs of the past. We can totally make it to Egypt!" I attempted to bring some hope into everyone, trying to settle the melancholy vibe dropping upon us.

Joseph shot me a meek smile, but I knew he was hurting heavily. This was his only child (A/N: That he knew about lol) he was trying to save. A father's love is strong, and I could tell he would do anything for his daughter.

"(Y/n) is right." Yes! Vindication and validation are what I strive for! Interest perked up with the other group members, why was I right?

"A hundred years ago, Jules Verne wrote the novel, 'Around the World in 80 Days'. That's a journey of 40 000 kilometres in 11 weeks, using nothing but trains and steamboats. We may not have a plane, but we still have 50 days. We can easily cover the 10 000 kilometres to Egypt." He begins to pull out a map from his breast pocket and unravels it on the table for us to see.

"As for the route, I say we go by sea. We can charter a decent-sized boat, and circumvent the Malay Peninsula, to the Indian Ocean. A Silk Road of the sea, as it were." Using his gloved finger, the leads us through the exact route we would be following.

"I too agree that would be best. Crossing borders could bring trouble. And we'd have to cross the Himalayas and the desert. We could lose a great deal of time. There are too many dangers." Avdol says.

"I haven't travelled to those places using either route, so I can't offer any advice," Kakyoin speaks up. Okay, then why even say that? "I'll leave it up to you two." Awww, he was just saying that he trusts Joseph and Avdol.

I spoke up, agreeing with Kakyoin. "Yeah, I'm not knowledgeable on geography, you guys can do whatever. I will follow."

Jotaro nods, agreeing with the two of us. "Same."

Joseph straightens his back in confidence, "Then it's decided. The greatest danger that lies ahead is the Stand users sent by DIO." He folds his map back into his breast pocket, elegantly. His little princess gloves really elevates the scenario.

"The question is, how do we sneak into Egypt undetected?" Joseph ponders out loud, to no one in particular. None of us really had any ideas at this moment.

Kakyoin then moves the lid of the teapot on our table, making a slight ringing noise. "Whatcha doing there?" I asked, with curiosity lacing my voice. Jotaro also had a look of confusion on his face.

The cherry-haired Kakyoin chuckled at our ignorance, "This is how you signal you want more tea." He leans back, "In Hong Kong, place the teapot lid like this, and they'll bring you some more." As if the universe was following his words, a waitress comes up to our table silently. Holding a teapot, she pours the contents into Kakyoin's cup.

"Also, when you've been poured your tea, tap the table twice! This means 'thank you'." The waitress hums, as if she was saying 'you're welcome' and walks away to continue her job for other patrons in the restaurant.

"Pardon me. Sorry to bother." A man interrupts our conversation, "I'm visiting from France, could you help me out? My Chinese is a bit rusty, and I'm having a hard time with the characters on the menu. Would you, perchance, be able to help me decipher it?" The man had a very large, clean hairdo. It was the first thing you noticed when you looked at him. Look further, and you'd notice his extremely chiselled face -- he was extremely handsome, but his hair screamed for attention, and attention he probably got.

"You're annoying. Get out of here." I gasped at what Jotaro just said. In a hushed tone, I growled at Jotaro, "That's so rude." This poor man just asked for help, not for a million dollars!

"Come now, Jotaro. Give him a break!" Mr. Joestar is right once again! He put out his hand so that the Frenchman could give him the menu.

"I've been to Hong Kong long enough to read a menu, at least. Why don't you join us?" Joseph offered the man a seat, beside him and I. I pulled my chair towards Avdol to make space for the man to sit down.

"So, what do you want to order? How about some shrimp, duck, shark fin, and something with mushrooms?" Joseph asked the group.

"I just won't eat beef if you order, but feel free to get it for yourselves!" I am not a beef eater. Mr. Joestar looks my way to acknowledge my request, he then raises his hand to signal a waiter. "We'll have this, this, this..." He begins to point at many things on the menu. "And might as well get this too... oh, and this!" He is a man who eats with his eyes, rather than his stomach (which is so me).


Our food arrives, and although, unconventional, I am excited to try these foods! They're dishes of beef, fish, clams, and frog! He was so sweet to consider my request and get multiple types of meat! Apparently, it was not the correct thing that was ordered.

"This is quite different from our order." Kakyoin grimaces. "I knew this would happen." Jotaro chimes in, obviously annoyed with his grandfather.

"With the amount that Mr. Joestar was pointing at the menu, I'm sure he actually ordered this at one point." I try to defend Joseph, he was ordering a variety of foods for all of us to try!

He begins to chuckle, gloved hands in the air in a defensive position, "Well, it doesn't matter. It's all on me boys and girl!" Since he's the one paying for our food. I shall not complain, and I will die for that man. "Besides, it doesn't matter what you order. It's all delicious! Haha! All right everyone, dig in!"

Mr. Joestar grabbed a bowl for himself, and I followed. Ain't no way I was going to be polite and wait for everyone else, as of right now, I am starving. Everyone else reluctantly began to taste-test some of the new meats.

Kakyoin tries the clam and seems delighted with its taste. Avdol, using a bowl and chopsticks, tries the fish. Everyone else was trying every single piece of meat, whilst I only had the fish, clams, and frog.

"Hey, you must be happy about the frog! I heard frogs are a delicacy in France!" Speaking to the Frenchman beside me, I tried to make him feel included. I don't like being an outsider and wanted him to avoid that same feeling.

"It's true! And they've certainly taken a lot of time to prepare this. It's almost artistic!" He uses his own chopsticks to dig into the vegetables.

Picking up a carrot star, he holds it up for us to take a gander at, "Take these carrots, for example... cut into perfect little stars. In fact, they remind me of something." OH FUCK! The Joestars have a star birthmark! This man is our enemy!

"Someone I know has a mark, a birthmark just like this on the back of his neck. Know anyone like that?" His aura was now extremely menacing. He was definitely someone working with DIO. How could we let our guard down so easily and let this man sit with us? He seemed so nice!

Kakyoin's the first to even say a word to this guy, "Are you, our enemy?" The Frenchman smirks and places the carrot star on his shoulder, where the bloodline's birthmark is.

A bubbling arises from the beef stew, a rapier pops out. "Mr. Joestar, look out!" Avdol cries out in worry, as the soup was closest to the older man.

Avdol is active to fight and flips the table over. "Magician's Red! Come forward" He calls out his firey stand, and a knight in armour basically cuts away the fire thrown towards the enemy.

This man was definitely a Stand user. Flicking the fire that was currently on his sword, he sends it in the direction of the table that was previously flipped over. With Avdol's own weapon, a clock is burned into the face.

"My Stand is the Chariot Card, and his name is... Silver Chariot!" He glares at the dark-skinned man, "Muhammed Avdol, it appears you wish to die first! I've carved a burning clock into that table! Before that clock strikes twelve, you will be a dead man!"

A/N: SKELETOOOON NOTES!!!!! I am currently on bed rest because of an operation, and I've had to go back to my home city to rest and now I'm so behind on work!!! But instead of doing nothing to avoid my university work, I'm working on this hehe.

In Hong Kong. A nasty stinky French bitch comes up.

"Omg this carrot looks like a star"

Ah shit here we go again!

Avdol fights (Screaming without the s).

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