The Cold Protocol (Male Sith...

By Kingrenetti

243K 7.1K 2.1K

During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral (Y/n) led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem... More

CHAPTER 1-Post Clone Wars!
CHAPTER 2-The Village!
CHAPTER 3-Rebel Cells!
CHAPTER 4-Night Raid!
CHAPTER 6-Operation Risky Waters!
CHAPTER 7-The General, The Apprentice, and The Force
CHAPTER 8-Peace Keepers!
CHAPTER 9-False Prosperity
CHAPTER 10-The Hacker
CHAPTER 11-Confederate-Menagerie Relations
CHAPTER 12-Escalation!
CHAPTER 13-Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 14-Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 15-Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 16-New Ally
CHAPTER 17-Next Step
CHAPTER 18-Information, Training and Reinforcements
CHAPTER 19-The White Fang
CHAPTER 20-Recruitment
CHAPTER 21-The Khan
CHAPTER 22-Plan of Attack and Infiltration
CHAPTER 23-Battle of Bingham Part 1
CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2
CHAPTER 25-Battle of Bingham Part 3
CHAPTER 26-Battle of Bingham Part 4
CHAPTER 27-Battle of Bingham Part 5: Showdown
CHAPTER 28-Battle of Bingham Part 6: Duel
CHAPTER 29-After Shock
CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors
CHAPTER 31-New Assignment
CHAPTER 32-The Remnant
CHAPTER 33-Find the Outlaws
CHAPTER 34-The Knight & The Soldier
CHAPTER 35-Reunion
CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base
CHAPTER 37-Cooperation
CHAPTER 38-Escape
CHAPTER 39-The Traitor
CHAPTER 40-Three Beasts
CHAPTER 41-Hawks Vs Three Beasts
CHAPTER 43-Always a Family
CHAPTER 44-Setting the Stage
CHAPTER 45-Red Horizon
CHAPTER 46-Defense Plan
CHAPTER 47-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 1
CHAPTER 48-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 2
CHAPTER 49-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 3
CHAPTER 50-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 4: Showdown
CHAPTER 51-2nd Battle of Menagerie: Admiral Vs General
CHAPTER 52-Rebuild
CHAPTER 53-Milita Meets CRS
CHAPTER 54-Council
CHAPTER-55-Break Out
CHAPTER 56-Calm Before the Storm
CHAPTER 57-Conspiring
CHAPTER 58-Conspiracy in Motion
CHAPTER 59-Operation Mimic
CHAPTER 60-Welcome to Unity City
CHAPTER 61-Meetings
CHAPTER 62-Thorn
CHAPTER 63-A Day in the City
CHAPTER 64-A Night in the City
CHAPTER 65-Shadow
CHAPTER 66-Peace Faction Leader
CHAPTER 67-The Plan
CHAPTER 68-Union Academy
CHAPTER 69-Within Darkness
CHAPTER 70-Shadows Attack
CHAPTER 71-Through the Force
CHAPTER 72-Evaluation
CHAPTER 73-New Job
CHAPTER 74-Reunite
CHAPTER 75-Time to Plan

CHAPTER 5-Talk of The Clone Wars!

6.1K 148 15
By Kingrenetti

Night Raid was brought aboard (Y/n)'s Lucrehulk Battleship. When they arrived within the massive vessel, they saw many Droids on board. They were also amazed by the technology onboard. It was definitely more advanced than anything those Atlas Scientists could concoct. The many Droid Types amazed them. But Najenda had a feeling this wasn't their full might. They weren't really given a tour of the vessel as (Y/n) took them straight to the Bridge.

In said bridge, Altus was waiting for them with a hologram of Earth before him.

Altus: "i see you were victorious in convincing a Rebel Cell to join our cause." he notes.

(Y/n): "Yes. Everyone, this is Altus. My Second in Command. He's the smartest Droid in the galaxy. If it comes from him, it comes from me." he introduced.

Najenda: "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Altus. I'm Najenda, leader of Night Raid." she introduces, holding her metal hand out.

Altus looked down at it before looking up at her. He grabs her hand and shakes it.

Altus: "a pleasure." he said, stoically.

(Y/n): "He's not a social type."

Mine: "We can see that." she deadpanned.

Najenda: "How many Droids do you currently have?" She asks.

(Y/n): "962,000." he said.

Bulat: "That's a pretty big army you got there, Admiral." he comments.

(Y/n): "I used to have 12.5 million." he mentions.

Their eyes bulge out in shock hearing how many Droids he used to have.

Sheele: "What happened to them all?" she asks.

(Y/n): "when the War ended, most of my Droid's were given a shutdown order. I barely had enough left in the Fleet that didn't receive it. So, I lost Millions of Droids to a single order. That's why I retreated and managed to end up here at Earth." he explained. "I'm just thankful I managed to cancel the order in time to save at least 962,000 Droids."

(Y/n) looked at Najenda and saw a shock expression. He's not surprised. Anyone would be shocked to hear they lost Millions of Soldiers in the matter of minutes. Any Military Leaders worst nightmare. Despite this being weeks ago, it still impacted him. Because that day, he realized how easy he was made for a fool. How easy he was played, and how he and his Droids were set up to lose. It's what pushed him to upgrade the Droid's to be more independent and more effective.

He did not want another incident like that again. Altus called it The Great Shut Down. It hit him harder when he realized that the rest of the Droid Army was also shut down. Millions upon Millions of Droids were knocked out of the fight in an instant. All because of Darth Sidious. Someone he thought he could trust. He felt betrayed, used, and that everything he did was for nothing. But he'll get through this.

He'll rebuild the Confederacy, he'll rebuild the Droid Army, he'll bring down the Galactic Empire. HIS WAY. He won't listen to the orders of a fool. He'll build this Confederacy from the ground up. But first things first, he needs more allies before confronting the Nations. Because if he has control over The Rebel Cells, then the Nations will see that He's capable. More capable than Union and their Army.

Akame however, picked up on something.

Akame: "What did you mean by.... When the War ended?" She asks.

Everyone looked at him. Altus looked at his commander who was silent. Najenda does remember he said that "I fought in One War" meaning he's been in a War already.

Najenda: "Yeah. What do you mean by that?" she asks, narrowing her eyes to him.

(Y/n) looked at them all before sighing.

(Y/n): "A few weeks ago. The Clone Wars, came to an end." he said, sadly.

Lubbock: "The Clone Wars?"

(Y/n) nods at Altus. Altus nods back and presses a button and a few holograms showing footage of the clone wars were shown to the team. They all watched the footage with awe and soon horror. They then heard recorded audio footage from the day The Great Shut Down happened. (Y/n) looked at Altus surprised. He didn't know Altus recorded this. A hologram was created to add to the audio.

Droid (Recording): "Uh sir?" he asks.

(Y/n)(Recording): "What is it?" he asks.

Droid (Recording): "numerous Droid's are going offline due to some Shut Down Order." he reports.

(Y/n) (Recording): "What!?" he asks, surprised. "How many?"

Droid (Recording): "Millions. Almost our entire force!" he said, shocked.

(Y/n) (Recording): "Why? Why would the order be given!? The war isn't over yet!! Who gave it!?" he demands.

Droid (Recording): "Lord Sidious did sir." he reports.

(Y/n) (Recording): "Wh-what? Why?" he asks, shocked.

Altus (Recording): "Sir, I have received an order to deactivate all Droid's within the Fleet." he reports.

(Y/n) (Recording): "Ignore that order! Get us out of here!!" he orders urgently.

Droid (Recording): "But sir, there are Millions of Droids still on world?!" he asks, shocked by the order.

Droid2 (Recording): "Republic Warships exiting Hyperspace." he reports.

(Y/n) (Recording): "Altus! Activate the Cold Protocol!" he urgently ordered.

The hologram Altus nods and sends out the order to what Droid's were still in the Fleet and not on the Planet.

Altus (Recording): "Cold Protocol activated amongst all 962,000 Droids within our Fleet." he reports.

(Y/n) (Recording): "GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!!" he shouts urgently.

The holograms all went away as Altus turned off the recording. Night Raid looked at the Admiral. They couldn't see his expression because of his helmet. (Y/n) said nothing before he turned and walked out of the bridge in silence. Altus watched him off as did Night Raid. But before (Y/n) could leave, one of the Droid's picked up something.

Droid: "Uh sir, we're picking up some kind of signal." he reports, confused.

(Y/n) stops at the door and looked over. He stood in silence before walking over to the Droid as did Najenda who was curious.

(Y/n): "What kind?" he asks.

Droid: "Hard to tell." he reports, turning to face his General.

Here's the thing about (Y/n)'s Lucrehulk. His Bridge was designed much differently. Its purpose was to allow him and his multitude of Tactical Droids and Altus to simultaneously receive orders and give orders to all Droids with absolute ease. His was a mix between the Original Design, and a Republic Command Center.

(Y/n) looked at the console the Droid was messing with. The radar showed the Fleet and a new signal.

(Y/n): "Jam their coms and aim all cannons on that ship." he orders. "If it's Imperial, I don't want them sending any signal to them like the one we got, and I don't want them getting away."

Droid: "Roger, Roger." he nods as he proceeds to jam communications.

As the Droid and other Droids did their work.

Najenda: "How can you tell if its friendly?" she asks.

(Y/n): "If it's friendly it would have a Confederate Signal that's easily recognizable." he explained briefly. "But I'm not taking any chances. My forces are drastically limited right now so I can't afford any complications right now."

Najenda: "Then what's your plan to build more of these, Droids." she inquires.

(Y/n): "If I can convince the Nations to join us. Then I can build more Droid's. I don't have factories that can be easily converted to Droid Production." he explained.

Najenda: "An interesting plan. But that all depends on if the Nations even bother with you." she mentioned.

(Y/n): "True." he said. "Have you found out the ship yet?" he asks.

Droid: "After scanning it several times. It's definitely one of ours. But the occupants aren't responsive." he said.

(Y/n): "Send a team to retrieve them and send them armed incase it's a trap." he ordered.

The droid nods and goes back to his console. As he did this, another report came in, so he turned again.

Droid: "Sir, Probe Droid Unit T11984957 has reported in." he said.

(Y/n): "What is it?" he asks.

Droid: "The Probe droid discovered a large shipment of Slaves being transported to the Mine by Train." he reports.

(Y/n): "How long till it reaches the mine?" he asks.

Droid: "3 Days."

(Y/n) thinks to himself. That's enough time to sabotage the train. Also, a good time to do some good and maybe get other Rebel Cells' attention. He also recently gained Night Raid into his plans. But he'll need to prove himself to them. He turns to Altus.

(Y/n): "Prepare Squads of Commando Droids." he orders.

Altus: "I take it we're going after this train?" he asks.

(Y/n): "yes. If we want to cripple Union. Now's our chance. By stopping that shipment of Slaves." he said.

Mine slightly smiled hearing this. Najenda steps up.

Najenda: "If you're going after the shipment. I can have my team join you." She suggests.

(Y/n) looked at her and then silently thought about her offer. He could see Night Raid in action. This could help him plan further strategies in the future when the War begins. He nods at Najenda, silently accepting her offer. Najenda smiled. (Y/n) then walks over to the holographic table. Najenda walked over and Night Raid Followed as well as Altus. (Y/n) presses some buttons and a hologram of the train pops up.

Courtesy of the Probe Droid of course.

(Y/n): "Alright, listen up. I've done this type of operation many times during the Clone Wars. It's a simple insertion and secure mission. I'm sure you've done at least one of those." he said, looking at Night raid.

The group nods. Well, some of them.

(Y/n): "Good." he said, smiling before turning back to the hologram. "Team 1 will be in charge of sabotaging the trains control system and bringing it to a halt. Once the train stopped. Team 1 will then begin to search the front half of the train for the Slaves and other valuable cargo on board. Team 2 will search the mid-section of the train while Team 3 searches the back section of the train. But knowing any Slave/Cargo shipment there's gonna be armed guards. So, we're going to bring along a Mobile Transmission Jamming System. Team 1 will plant the device the minute they land on the train. This will keep The United Forces in the dark and the Guard's isolated from reinforcements. Make quick work of them and make sure there are no survivors. We can't have witnesses besides the Slaves we save. If even a single guard gets away. You better make sure they don't get very far." He explains while gesturing to the various portions of the train and more.

Night Raid just stood there listening to his plan.

(Y/n): "If this goes south and the jammer doesn't work. Then squadrons of Vulture Droids will be on standby to take care of enemy reinforcements. But don't slack off. If this goes south, pick up the pace. Forget the extra cargo and get the slaves out of there. Once we've secured the objective, plan gone south or not. Altus will have a Squadron of Bombers destroy the train once we've made exfil and returned to the Lucrehulk. No evidence needs to exist of our battle. Once they've noticed, Union will send someone to investigate the disappearance of one of their trains. So, we don't have to biggest window of entry here." he explained. "Najenda, anything else to add?" he asks.

Najenda nods.

Najenda: "Remember that Union has access to Pro Heroes, Huntsmen, Devils and Fallen Angels. As well as other Imperial Arms users. If you encounter an Imperial Arms user. Kill them and take their Imperial Arms. It will strengthen our forces and cripple Union." she said.

The team nods at their boss. Understanding the plan.

(Y/n): "well then. I suggest we take you lot to your new quarters in the meantime. After that, get your gear and meet me in the hanger." he orders.

On que, a protocol droid entered the room.

(Y/n): "this droid will bring you to your new Quarters." he said, gesturing to the Droid.

The team nods. The droid turned around and began to leave. The team followed them. Najenda remained in the bridge. (Y/n) watched the rest of the team off before looking at her.

(Y/n): "Aren't you gonna join them?" he asks.

Najenda: "No. I'll be sitting this one out. I want to know everything about your forces if we are to properly plan further operations like this. That, and you need to be told what devils and angels are." she said.

(Y/n) nods his head in an acknowledgment way. 

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