What the heart wants

By Feychild1225

73.7K 2.5K 128

AU where Phayu and Prapai are at the same university as Sky and Rain. Sky has no history of trauma and Rain... More

Your Sights
The Date
The Gifts
Never Say
The Dream
Rain has a bad day
The P'Phayu fan club
Rainy Skies
Double the fluff
Family affair part two
Hey, Jealousy
Hey, Jealousy part two
P'Som's Broken Heart
The Dinner
Valentine's Day, bleh so cheesy
The school bullies
Mission Love Atmosphere
End of Term

Family affair part one

3.1K 116 15
By Feychild1225


P'Phayu clicked off the TV much to Rain's disappointment. "Phi, just one more episode, please?"

"Naughty boy, you are addicted to these series." P'Phayu said with a laugh.

"This one is so good, P'Phayu. It's about a mafia boss and his bodyguard. There's even one character that looks a lot like you. That's why I started watching it." Rain said excited.

"Isn't he the bad guy though?" P'Phayu asked.

Rain thought about it, "Hmm, I would say more of a sympathetic antagonist."

P'Phayu laughed again and stroked Rain's hair. "You can watch another episode tomorrow. If you stay up too late you won't want to get up in the morning." Rain couldn't deny that, he was definitely not a morning person under the best of circumstances.

"Oh, P'Phayu mom wants you to come to dinner Friday night." Rain said as he pulled out his pajamas, well P'Phayu's t shirt and his shorts. To go take a shower.

"Sure, I would like that." P'Phayu adored Rain's parents and the feeling was mutual.

"I don't really want to go," Rain pouted.

P'Phayu looked at him surprised, Rain loved his parents and they doted on him. "Why not?"

"Because my Aunt Mai will be there." The pout became a full blown sulk.

"The one that told you that you couldn't be an architect?" P'Phayu asked. Rain nodded.


Phayu thought about this. He was always polite to a fault with his elders, it's why adults always loved him, but this was the woman who bullied his cute boy from the sound of it.

Still this was Rain's family. He would have to tread this situation carefully.

Of course Rain doesn't want to get up the next morning. It's only by reminding that his "babies" Stormy and Cloud are waiting for their breakfast does he finally convince a reluctant Rain to crawl out of bed.

Rain and Phayu go to Rain's parents house after school Friday. Phayu has brought a change of clothes with him and Rain still has some clothes there, although most of his clothes have made their way to Phayu's house. They are staying the night in Rain's room.

"Ma, Pa we're here." Rain calls running into the house and hugging his parents. Phayu gives a respectful wai but Rain's mother pulls him into a hug as well.

"You boys work too hard, we don't see you enough." She said.

Rain blushes and Phayu knows he is thinking of other time consuming activities they do as well. He hides a little smirk so as not to alert Rain's parents.

"Well there's also Stormy and Cloud to take care of," Rain says, "I didn't know kittens were so much work."

"How are my grand kittens?" Rain's mother asks. "I wish I wasn't allergic, I would love to go see them."

"Growing so fast, don't worry I am sure that Rain has about 100 new photos and videos ready to show you." Phayu answers.

Rain's mom laughs, "Why don't you two go change out of your uniforms then we can look at them while we wait on you aunt and cousin."


P'Phayu is helping mom in the kitchen and Rain is helping his dad set the table when his aunt and cousin arrive. Rain gets along well with his cousin since they are the same age and practically grew up together. Ren had probably been his closest friend until he met Sky and they were still close. He hardly gets to see him now though because Ren was even busier with school than Rain, being a medical student.

His aunt Mai though is a totally different story. Every since he was little she has called him that spoiled Korean brat. Rain has some idea that aunt Mai and his mother don't get along, but he's not sure what he ever did to make her dislike him.

Rain gives his aunt a polite wai and greeting before throwing himself into his cousin's arms. He doesn't miss the disapproving sound his aunt makes.


"Phayu, I think I should warn you before you meet Mai, because I know how protective you are of Rain. Has Rain told you about his aunt?"

"A little," Phayu says with a slight tightening of his lips that Rain's mom notes.

"I am the reason that Mai doesn't like Rain. I came here from Korea to attend university. That's where I met Rain's dad and we fell in love. The thing is he was the baby of the family and the only boy. It was understood that he should make a good match and take over his father's business. They were all less than happy when we ran away to get married before our fourth year. Rain's grandparents came to accept us after Rain was born. They doted on both Rain and Ren, his cousin until the day they died. Mai however never forgave me or Rain for stealing her baby brother."

Phayu nodded he understood before she continued.

"I think my husband would have cut ties with Mai a long time ago, for the way that she treats me and Rain, if not for the fact that Rain and Ren adore each other. Ren even stands up for Rain when Mai is a little too malicious. So it was separate the boys or put up with Mai."

"I understand, mama." Phayu said.  Rain's mother smiled fondly at Phayu.

At that moment Rain dragged his cousin into the kitchen to meet Phayu. They could hear him coming, telling his cousin about his cool, handsome, practically perfect boyfriend. Phayu rolled his eyes but couldn't keep a smile away, while Rain's mother laughed.

Rain's father followed more slowly with his sister. "Mai, I would like you to meet Phayu, our most favored son in law, and new favorite child." He said.

"Pa," Rain whined as he always did when his dad teased him like this.

Rain's aunt puckered her lips as if she had swallowed something sour. Phayu gave a wai and greeted her politely none the less.

"Varain says you are an honor student, Phayu." Phayu nodded. "Varain has never done well in school unless my brother pays for tutors and extra classes. Does he rope you into helping as well?"

"Mom, that's not true. Rain's grades have always been above average." Ren said.

"At best," his mother countered.

Phayu thought for a moment and then answered, "I find that Rain is highly intelligent. He speaks two more languages than I can manage, his grades are good and he is top of the class in anything that requires creativity."

"Sounds like Varain is lucky to have someone like you looking out for him." Mai said.

Phayu smiled at Rain, who was beaming at him after what he said. "I am the lucky one, auntie."

Mai snorted but thankfully dropped the subject of Rain when her brother distracted her with a few questions about the boutique she owned. It was doing very well and Mai enjoyed bragging about it.

Ren rolled his eyes and winked at Phayu and Rain. "Rain, Uncle was telling me about your kittens the other day." Of course this prompted Rain to pull out his phone and show Ren his Stormy and Cloud photo gallery.

That night Phayu sat up against the headboard stroking Rain's hair while Rain cried over the episode of the series he was watching on his phone.

"Oh, Phi, it's so sad, the one that looks like you was shot so many times. Is he dead do you think?"

"I don't know sweet boy, you will have to keep watching and see."

Rain paused the show and sat up to kiss Phayu on the cheek. "Thank you, P'Phayu."

"For what sweet boy?"

"For putting up with my auntie, I know she can be hard to deal with. Also for loving me just as I am and not thinking I am annoying."

Phayu hugged Rain close to him, "Thank you for loving me as well."


No idea why I was in the mood for a little less fluff and a little more slice of Family drama.

Don't worry though the second part of this is going to be completely Pai/Sky centric and nothing but fluffy.

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