By Sweetjd7

318 31 22

2124 Russia declared war on France after Russian president is murdered mysteriously causing World War 3. When... More

Chapter 1- Mischief
Chapter 3-Consequences

Chapter 2- Taste Of Freedom

58 7 4
By Sweetjd7

My mouth was dry, my hands were wet with sweat . We were going to fly this plane and there was nothing I could do to stop this

Harry and I quickly put on our safety gear.

" Harry we don't know how to fly this thing," I try to reason.

" It's just like driving a hover car ," he says with a grin provably remembering the time we drove my dad's hover at. I just shudder at the memory.

I look down at the controls, most of them are sort of familiar. Sort of like a Hover car. I adjust my self and prepare my self while Harry manages to unlock the car.

"Ready?" He asks me his hand ready to take of the handbrake . I just not at him, if I reply my voice moght squeak.

he lets go of the handbrake as I push the for ward button with my foot. The plane starts to come to life, coughing as it wakes up. It slowly starts to go foward and I find my self smiling.

"It actually works!" Harry whispers in disbelief . " it actually works!" I quickly shoot him a quizzical lol.

" Didn't you think it would work?" I ask but again I'm ignored .

The plane starts to pick up pace and start to feel a rhythm of it bumping down, it sort of has a pattern, like it is breathing.

"Oi! What are yoy kids doing in there!" Great! they have seen us, of course they have. Who could miss a plane like this starting to fly.

but I don't want to stop, I actually want to fly this thing. They can't stop me now. I feel Harry slowing down the plane.

"Dont stop the plane," I say though gritted teeth As I pull one of the handles up. I don't even know what I'm doing or what the handle does, I just feel the blood rushing around my body, racing around.

Suddenly the plane jerks upwards And my shoulder hits the roof. Pain runs throigh my body but I don't care. We're flying. We are actually flying.

" we're flying Niall, " Harry says in a chuckle "you got the plane to fly.Niall" I look at him and meet his gaze And we both start laughing, uncontrollably..

"That sounded so sappy man,'we're flying,Niall' " I mock him doing girly poses Whil he just gazes out the window.

i look out too. Everything was tiny from up here, it was like we were Giants looking down at earth. I liked the feeling I was getting while being on the plane. I felt in control. I finally had an actual taste of freedom.

All too soon the plane makes a beeping noise and there is a flashing red light on the screen. I look towards it. Shit.

" We've got no fuel," I say to Harry fear slapping me back to reality. I hit him on the head hard.

"Ow!" He complains as he rubs his head.

" why didn't you check before we started the plane you idiot!" I start shouting at him. " we don't know how to bring this plane back down do we? We're gonna die!"

This time Harry hits my head. "Ow! What was that for? " I ask him

" you hit me "he says with a shrug. He gets back in position, puts on his belt and looks at me.

"We're not gonna die ok?" I quickly nod at his harsh tone "I didn't bring you up here to die, so we are going to find a way to land the plane safety , ok?" Is don't answer as I get back in position.

" When I say go that lever you pulled up, you're gonna slowly push it down. While I drive this plane forward kapish?" He say gently. I nod as I grab the lever with both hands. my hands feel numb.

"1,2,3... Go" he shouts as I slowly push down the lever not to fast. I feel us Landing while Harry bits his lip. He starts to drive the plane with drops of sweat running down his face.

"Whatever happens Harry I want you to know I love you ok, no homo bu-" my specs is interrupted when the plane suddenly just dies on. We start to rapidly fall down.

" Auto pilot is off!" Harry shouts through the pound sound of winds around us.

"that was autopilo?" I shout back I grip onto Harry as we fall down closing my eyes.

The fall ends in a deep thud on the front. I watch as Harry goea forward slightly and then back as my face slams onto the front window. Blood starts gushong our and we both rush out the plane. Well I try to help Harry beacause his arms seem to be broken.

We're about to look at the damage we mad when a crowd starts rushing towards us and in the front is my dad.

words: 816

this is my second chapter :) don't forget to comment and vote. I'm excited to post the chapter after the next coz that's when it starts to get steamy ;)

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