Once Upon a Dream | Peter Pev...

Von bejeweledgirl

81.6K 1.9K 576

The story of the sleeping beauty has been told time after a time. A beautiful princess cursed to sleep forev... Mehr

Once Upon a Dream
An excited little girl
I know you
Life's a willow
Midnight Conversations
"I'm dying dead"
The fate of the magical world
Running should be a mandatory class
Midnight Conversations (Reprise)
Presents! Hooray!
One step farther away from death
It's sir Peter to you
I won't say goodbye
Eternal Slumber
Interlude: The dream
The aftermath
Fairytale come true
Once upon a dream
Fifteen years later...sort of
Fun Facts

Our Maleficent meets our princess

2.7K 81 25
Von bejeweledgirl

When Rory woke up next morning in her shared tent, she realized Lucy was gone. The Browning girl immediately jumped from the bed, looking for her boots. She must have tossed them somewhere on the tent after yesterday's celebrations. Wait... a bed, a tent, boots instead of her old mary jane shoes. She was in Aslan's camp. Lucy was probably with Peter or the Beavers or with some of the more than hundred Narnian warriors in the camp.

Rory tossed her books back to her place and made it back to her bed. She sat down debating whether she should or should not fall asleep again. There were no crazy dreams interrupting her sleep last night and there was no Mrs. Macready to wake her.... but there could be an angry Siofra.

Once again, she stood from her bed but this time dragging her feet slowly. She went towards her wooden trunk, which Siofra had kindly filled in with clothes for her. She pulled a tunic and a skirt before realizing she was not really alone. Susan was on the vanity, brushing her hair and watching her with amusement. Rory blushed in embarrassment, Susan had just watched her had a momentary memory loss and made a fool of herself.

"Hi Rory," She greeted with a small smile.

"Good morning," Rory said politely but with a bit of wariness. Susan never began their conversations. In fact, they never engaged personally unless there was someone else as a buffer; usually Peter and Lucy. Even then their conversations went from polite to defensive in a matter of seconds.

"Alsan says Edmund will be back today," Susan informed her with glee. Clearly she was happy her little brother was returning, "Are you coming?"

Rory nearly dropped her clothes. Susan was the first person to remind her she was just meddling in family business. Sure the older Pevensie girl had been kinder since she had rescued Lucy but still. After careful consideration, Rory decided not to take any chances.

"Thank you Susan for the invitation," the Browning girl said, "But I really don't want to intrude in a family reunion. I'll catch up with Edmund later. "

Susan sigh dropped her hairbrush on the vanity.

"I am sorry, Rory," The Pevensie girl said without beating the bush, taking the Browning girl by surprise.

Susan shifted, clearly uncomfortable but undeterred from her mission.

"I was quite rude to you since we arrived at the Professor's house and even more during this whole trip. I judged you based on Macready's comments and that was unfair. You saved Lucy, and you are a good influence on Peter. Even Edmund likes you. I should have trusted my siblings' opinion rather than a housekeeper's who even I think is a pain in the arse."

Rory was stunned. She studied Susan's tense posture, the Pevensie girl was clearly having a hard time swallowing her pride but her eyes were sincere.

"Don't worry about it," Rory shrugged off.

"But really..." Susan said, astonished for the quick forgiveness.

"Really, don't worry," Rory smiled, " I think I didn't make it any easier on you. I never know when to keep my mouth shut."

"That's true," Susan said carelessly before realizing what she said. The Pevensie girl blushed profoundly while the other girl laughed boisterously. Susan apologized again but Rory brushed her off, not minding her comment one bit. After a while Susan joined her and laughed too.

Once their giggles ceased, the girls sat in a comfortable silence.

"Can I ask you something?" Rory questioned before babbling, "You don't have to answer really and if you do I promise I won't tell. Hell, I will never bring up this incident ever again whether you answer or not."

"Ask away," Susan interrupted, realizing that the Browning girl could go on and on  without taking a breath.

"Oh," Rory said surprised, " I just. Why? I know Macready kinda hates me and with reason. And I know I'm not that well behaved but I was never mean to you or your siblings. Or well I tried, if it did look like that I'm really sorry."

"No it had nothing to do with you," Susan admitted, " I was jealous. You bonded really well with my family and I have a hard time connecting with any of them. To them I'm just their annoying know-it-all sister and you were this cool funny girl in a matter of days."

"Well I know for a fact that they all love you," Rory said gently, " They all think of you very highly, and they should because I heard you are brilliant. And you might resent your role as the smart one in the family but they do need a little humbling every once in a while."

Susan opened and closed her mouth, speechless. After a while, she unexpectedly engulfed the other girl in a hug. Rory stumbled but hugged her back tightly.

"Now, c'mon get ready," Susan ordered once they separated, "We are meeting Edmund today."

Rory mock saluted her as Susan walked out of the tent. The Browning girl got ready quickly and followed her.  Outside of her tent, Lucy , Peter and Susan were all staring at something from the distance. The princess followed their gaze to the top of the cliff: It was  Aslan and Edmund deep in conversation.

"Edmund!" Lucy yelled excitedly as she tried to run towards him. Peter gently grabbed her arm to stop her from interrupting. Edmund turned at the sound of his sister's voice but looked back to Aslan. It seemed like the conversation was over since the both of them climbed down and walked towards the humans.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past," Aslan reminded the kids before walking away. 

" Hello," Edmund said quietly, avoiding everyone's eyes. The sisters didn't really care as they both hugged him tightly. For the first time in months, Edmund sabored the embrace instead of dreading him.  Once the sisters released him, the Browning girl raised her eyebrows impishly.

"Oh wow," Rory said, "Rough day?"

"I was in captivity," Edmund quipped in with a small smile, "what's your excuse?"

The Browning girl laughed at his retort relieved that there was still a bit of humor in him despite whatever torture he endured. Rory hugged him shortly, trying her best to not smother him.

"Are you all right?" Susan asked.

"I'm a little tired," Edmund admitted.

Peter, who had only been watching the scene, had finally decided to say something.

" Get some sleep," the blonde boy ordered.

Edmund looked disappointed at his brother's response to his arrival but said nothing. He began walking away towards his tent.

Rory noticed that Peter was once again trying to act like a parent instead of a relieved brother, his preferred coping mechanism. The Browning girl knew that words were not what Peter needed at the moment so she elbowed him on the ribs.

"And Edmund..." Peter called.

Edmund turned around, hope in his eyes.

"Try not to wander off," Peter joked.  Edmund smiled and walked away for his well deserved nap.

"Boys," Lucy rolled her eyes, causing the girls to giggle quietly.

Later on, the girls and Edmund were sitting around a low table eating breakfast. Peter was standing close to them watching them quietly, as a lion protecting his cubs.  Edmund was munching  hungrily on his fourth slide of toast with honey.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed," Lucy giggled.

"They might not," Edmund said mischievously, "But they will run out of those pastries Rory is eating."

"Hey!" Rory exclaimed exaggeratedly causing the younger Pevensies to giggle.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back,"  Peter said, interrupting their playful conversation. The mood sobered really quick after his words, each one of them staring at him with surprise.

"We're going home?" Susan asked.

"You are," Peter explained, "I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help. And well, I can't really force Rory to go back but I would prefer it. It'll keep her safe too."

"But they need us," Lucy said, "All four of us."

"Lucy, it's too dangerous," Peter exclaimed, "You and Rory almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund declared solemnly.

The kids all turned to look at him. He was nervously picking on his nails but he still remained strong.

"I've seen what the White Witch can do, And I've helped her do it," Edmund confessed, "We can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

Edmund's words had stunned the kids into silence. Lucy held Edmund's hand and squeezed it in support.

"Well, I suppose that's it then," Susan said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" Peter questioned.

Susan picked her bow and arrow from the ground.

"To get in some practice," She said simply. Lucy grabbed her dagger and followed her sister into the practice range. Rory was trying her best to catch Peter's eye but he was stubbornly refusing to look at her. Edmund rolled his eyes.

"If you two are going to fight like a couple, do it somewhere else," Edmund remarked, " I would like to keep my breakfast in my stomach thank you."

"Shut up Ed!" The older teens replied with flushed cheeks but complied leaving the younger Pevensie boy to eat alone.

"That was very noble," Rory commented , "Misguided but noble."

"I just want to protect them," Peter admitted, " To protect you."

She knew Peter well enough by now to know that he was still blaming himself for what happened. And went he said protecting them; it wasn't just from physical harm. Peter was still trying to protect them from responsibilities and possible disappointments they might face as rulers. Things he had already experienced.

"I know " Rory said sympathetically, "But you are not almighty and all powerful. Whatever happens will not rely solely on you."

Peter nodded looking down to the grass. Rory gently lifted his chins towards her.

"Just remember you are a kid yourself, Pete" She told him gently.

"I felt like a kid last night," Peter whispered, a confession just for her,  "But I also felt like I could do anything in the world with you by my side."

"I feel like that too," Rory responded just as softly.

Peter placed his hands on Rory's, who was still cupping his face. He was about to open his mouth and to ask her for something when they were interrupted by someone clearing his throat. They separated quickly, like kids when they heard boys and girls had "cooties."

"Your majesty," it was Oerius, the centaur and the commander of the Narnian army. Behind him was Siofra, who seemed torn between amusement and...embarrassment?

"Yes Oreius, I'm ready for training," Peter said with an even tone even if his entire face was flushed red.

"Of course," The centaur bowed.

"See you later?" Peter asked hopefully.

"Of course," Rory answered with a smile.

He beamed. He boldly grabbed Rory's hand and kissed the top of it before walking away with Oreius. Rory grinned as she stared at her hand.

"C'mon you highness," Siofra said in a strange tone, "We have training too."

In any other situation Rory might have noticed Siofra's sadness but she was enthralled by her interaction with Peter. The girl barely batted an eye as she completed her exercises dutifully. However,  Training didn't last long.  Mrs. Beaver and Lesedi arrived an hour later.  Both of them were frantically claiming the white witch was in the camp. Siofra froze in horror. The dryad was so caught up in her shock that she was unable to stop the princess from running into the scene of action.

"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" The dwarf leading the witch's entourage announced, "Empress of the Lone Islands!"

His declaration was received by boos and complaints from the rest of the narnians. Jadis arrived at the camp on a litter carried by Cyclops. They set her down and she stood up regally, studying her surroundings. The whole camp including the children were assembled in front

of Aslan's tent. Aslan waited on the little rock plateau as Jadis made way towards him.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," Jadis informed him.

The crowd began whispering between them nervously, unsettled by the white witch's words.

"His offense was not against you," Aslan reminded her.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" The white witch taunted.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch," Aslan snarled, "I was there when it was written."

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me." Jadis smirked, " His blood is my property."

The crowd became even more unsettled. Peter stepped forward and drew his sword menacingly. Rory, Oerius and other Narnians followed his actions.

"Try and take him then,"  Peter threatened.

"Do you think that mere force will deny me my right... ...little King?" The witch merely laughed. Discouraged, Peter lowered his sword. Rory however stepped forward in a burst of courage.

"This 'little' king just killed your captain of the guard," Rory snapped, "I'll be more careful if I was you."

"Princess Aurora I presume," Jadis sneered, "Just as insolent as your parents before you. You however are even worse than them, talking uninformed about the situation. Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water."

Rory had lowered her sword embarrassed.

"That boy will die on the Stone Table... ...as is tradition," Jadis announced, "You dare not refuse me."

The crowd was wild, all of them whispering and chattering about the new turn of events. Edmund was hyperventilating, Lucy looked ready to cry and Peter was as stiff and tense as a board. Even Rory had no more comforting advice to offer by now.

"Enough. I shall talk with you alone," Aslan demanded.

"No," The witch said, "I want the princess with us."

Peter automatically placed his arm in front of Rory separating the Princess from the witch.

"You know we have unfinished business too," Jadis said.

Aslan gestured to the princess to come forward. Peter grabbed her wrist.

"I'll be fine," Rory assured him with confidence she lacked.

Peter didn't look reassured. He was about to lose his brother and the girl he had ... grown to care for. She squeezed his hand reassuringly before walking towards Aslan and the witch.

Aslan opened the tent; he was quickly followed by Rory and the witch. The white witch didn't waste a second once the tent was closed.

"So how is the great Lion going to talk his way out of this," Jadis asked sardonically, "No amount of good words are going to save either of them. Not when magic is involved. "

"I'll take Edmund's place" Rory said without hesitation, not even processing the idea that the witch had said "them" instead of "him."

The witch laughed maliciously at the princess's words.

"What?" Rory asked, confused, " Someone needs to die on the stone table to stop the deep magic from punishing Narnia. I could take his place. Just leave the Pevensies alone."

"Don't tell me Aslan didn't tell you?" She asked, feigning concern.

"What is she talking about?" Rory questioned Aslan who was avoiding her eyes.  The witch cackled in delight, enjoying the scene.

"Aslan," Rory pressed him, desperately.

"A hundred years ago, on your presentation day. Jadis cursed you," Aslan admitted, " The curse stated that you must be sixteen and must prick your finger with a spindle."

That didn't sound so bad but from the witches glee and Aslan's avoidance there was more.

"And?" Rory asked.

"You die," The witch explained harshly instead of the lion," You touch the spindle and die. You will die by my hand and pay for your family's sin."

Rory's heart was beating rapidly.  The princess felt her mouth dry and her breathing was hard. This couldn't be true. This couldn't be what Aslan had hid from her since she arrived at the camp.

"Enough Jadis," Aslan called, " I will take Edmund's place."

"That will solve the issue with the boy but not with the princess," Jadis stated, for once surprised by Aslan's move.

"Princess Aurora and I shall meet you at the Stone Table at midnight," Aslan informed the witch, "There we will fulfill the deep magic's purpose."

Jadis seemed content with this agreement. The witch concurred with these terms and decided to leave the camp, satisfied with what she accomplished

"Guess he doesn't care enough about you," Jadis commented dryly towards Rory before she made her way out of the tent. 

Rory hardly heard her, too busy trying to calm her breath.  Aslan placed a paw on the princess's  shoulders.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," Aslan said, "I'll answer them all. Just stay here while I give my people the news about Edmund's status."

Rory felt herself mechanically nod her head. She felt like someone else was controlling her body. Aslan exited the tent without looking back. Rory buried her head in her hands, trying to wrap the situation around her head.  She barely heard his announcement about Edmund's freedom. She heard a lion's roar, laughter , cheers but it all felt like she was hearing it from under the water. She was probably alone for a few minutes but it felt like an eternity when Aslan finally came back.

"Now, what do you want to know?" The Lion asked when he returned.

So... Rory knows. My baby  doesn't deserve to go through all of this but she will have a happy ending, I promise. Also , two updates in the same month, this is a miracle. Thank you so much for your comments, your votes and thank you for reading this book. I'll try to have next chapter soon, but I won't promise an specific date. 

Have a great day guys, ly <3


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