Reign Soma

By seren_dipityyy

22.9K 472 11

Reign: The fox spirit, known to be sly, cunning, and short-tempered. The one who baited the god into having t... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22


1K 19 0
By seren_dipityyy

"I've set out a selection of clothes for you miss to wear to the wedding. Let me know if you need help changing." the maid told Reign before leaving the room.

Reign got out of the bathtub and wrapped herself off before throwing on a robe. She walked outside the bathroom and into her room. There was indeed a selection of outfits that her maid prepared, ranging from bodysuits to outfits that had multiple layers but Reign's eyes were drawn to the beige colored dress that looked a bit too tight for her liking but she wanted to wear it anyway. The dress would be a great one to wear since many don't see her wearing anything but a kimono on.  

She didn't need help with this one so she slipped it on easily and did her hair and makeup right after. Once done, she slipped on a pair of white heels, some rings, a necklace, and a bracelet before doing her hair. Reign wanted to change the middle part in her hair so she did a side part that was closer to the left side of her ear yet kept her bangs. Reign didn't like having her hair curled so she straightened it before taking some pins and pinning some of her hair so the rest wouldn't get caught in her face.

Once done, she sprayed perfume on and grabbed her little white purse before walking downstairs to have a cup of water before departing. As she grabbed her keys, Hatori had called her. Reign answered the phone after waiting for two rings to pass by.

"Do you want to come on a trip with me, Shigure, Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki?" he asked suddenly.

She didn't want to lie to Hatori but she also didn't want to tell him where she was going. "I'm not up for it. Why are you suddenly going though?"

He sighed, annoyance present in it. "Shigure wants me to drive."

Reign let out a chuckle. "That's very much like him. Tell everyone I said to stay safe and have fun. Text me once you get wherever you five are going."

"Ok." he responded. "Come visit for a bit if you can."

She smiled. "I will. I'll hang up now."

The two hung up and Reign headed to her car to go to Kana's wedding. When Kana first invited her she was a bit taken aback. Reign hadn't talked to Kana since Hatori had wiped her memories and she was a bit skeptical to since she thought she would say something that Kana didn't remember, making her suspicious of Reign and somehow getting her memories back. The moment Kana handed Reign the invitation Reign couldn't refuse. There was something in Kana's eyes that made her say yes and accept the invitation graciously.

Reign didn't want to tell Hatori because she felt it would bring back a lot of wounds that hadn't healed fully just yet so she kept it to herself, not even telling Ayame. She knew it was wrong but Reign couldn't bring herself to tell him just yet. She'd just deal with repercussions of her actions later like she always did.

As Reign was driving, her mom called her which she answered quickly despite her body stiffening. "How is he?"

Her mom chuckled softly. "He's in and out of sleep but they said he's been doing well. I think we'll be able to go home within two weeks."

Reign sighed in relief. "Once he comes to please call me. I want to hear his voice."

"Mm." her mom responded. "How have you been?"

"I've been well. Life is the same old same old. You?"

"I've had better days."

Reign laughed. "You sound like you have. When you and dad come home, come to my house so I can cook you two a meal. It's been a while since I've done that."

"I like the idea and I'm sure he will too. I'll hang up now."

"Mm. Love you."

"Love you too."

She felt better after talking to her mom and hearing her fathers updated condition. Reign now had something to look forward to within the next two weeks. It may have seemed trivial but it was a big deal to her. Her cooking for her parents wasn't something she did often and she mainly only made Korean dishes since they rarely get the chance to have them. Reign's mind was filled with welcoming her parents home as she drove to Kana's wedding.

Reign reached the venue for Kana's wedding and it was beautiful. The building wasn't big but it wasn't small. It just was the right size and Reign loved it. As Reign stepped out of the car she saw Miyuko. Reign waved her hand gently to catch her attention and Miyuko went to greet her. The two weren't close but they got along well all the same.

"You look beautiful!" she complimented, a grin on her face that was genuine.

Reign blushed. "Thank you. You look amazing too. I'm glad I arrived at this time. Thought I'd have to enter by myself."

Miyuko laughed. "I know the feeling. I'm excited to see the ceremony."

Reign used her hand to signal for them to walk inside. "I bet." Reign responded. "You're best friend is getting married."

"I always knew she'd get married first. She's the perfect person with a good heart and attitude." Miyuko fondly said.

"She is." Reign agreed. "I've always been amazed at her by that."

"Then we both have something in common then don't we?" Miyuko said playfully as they entered the wedding hall.


"Congratulations!" Reign said as she hugged Kana. "The ceremony was beautiful and you look wonderful."

Kana hugged her tightly. "I'm thankful you made it. I know how busy you are sometimes."

Reign pulled back and smiled at her. "I couldn't miss after you handed me an invitation."

"Will you stay for the rest of the wedding?" Kana asked with bright eyes.

Reign grabbed her hand and held it. "I wish I could but I can't, I'm sorry."

Kana's smile dropped but she fixed her face immediately. "Then let's take a picture. I'd love for it to be in a photo book that we can look back on."

"I can do that." Reign said laughing as Kana pulled her to Miyuko so they could take a picture.

Kana stood in the middle while Miyuko and Reign stood on oppositions sides of her. They took a shot of them smiling and another of them resting their chins on Kana's shoulders before a shot of them was taken busting out laughing at something Miyuko said. Reign said her goodbyes before leaving and looked at her phone. She had a text from Hatori that he sent an hour ago that they had arrived with the address of the place they were at. Reign smiled and walked to her car and started to head that way.

As she was heading to the cabin, her phone rang and it was her mom. Reign answered it quickly and before her mom could even say anything she told her to wait until she parked somewhere so they could talk comfortably.

"Ok I'm sorry. Is dad awake?" she asked urgently.

Her mom chuckled. "Yes. He's still a bit out of it but he said he wanted to talk to you. I'll put you on speaker."

There was a moment of silence before she heard the gruff sounding voice of her dad.

"How have you been Reign?" he asked.

Reign felt her tears prick her eyes. He sounded a bit short of breath but she heard him speak for the first time in a while.

"I've been well dad. I miss you and mom a lot. Please get well quickly so I can make you both a meal. I won't accept you coming home in three weeks when mom told me two."

He laughed softly. "I'll try my best. Have you been eating well?"

She fell silent and her dad knew instantly she hadn't been eating well like she usually would.

"Don't let my sickness harm you. I'm doing just fine." he comforted. "Remember you have to take care of yourself even when you feel you're at your lowest."

Reign tried to hold her tears back but hearing him somewhat scold her for not eating well made her reminisce on old times. It was the small things that made you miss a person or moment in time.

She sniffled before speaking. "I'll try to eat better as you try to get better. Let's meet when we're both at our best. Mom too. I know she hasn't been sleeping well nor eating well. Scold her too."

Reign heard them both laugh through the phone.

"I'll scold her too." he chuckled. "I know you're probably busy so I'll hang up. I miss you and love you Reign."

"Me too."

Her dad hung up the phone and she felt so much better now. Hearing him talk after so long eased her mind and body. All the tension she had been holding had left her body and she felt much better.

Reign checked her eyes and saw that they weren't too bad after crying and her makeup didn't mess up. She did pat her face with the powder so you really couldn't tell that she had cried leaving to go to the cabin. As she drove, Reign felt more reassured that her parents would be coming home for real. That thought feeling alone made her day better.


Reign arrived at the cabin and walked inside but found no one inside. She then heard familiar voices talking outside and followed where the voices were coming from. She saw Ayame, Hatori, and Shigure sitting at a table talking and drinking tea. Reign smiled and opened the door to the outside area, surprising the three of them momentarily before they welcomed her over.

"You didn't tell me that Ayame was also coming." Reign said as she sat down by Shigure.

"That's because I originally wasn't. A dear house maid told me that they were coming here so I also thought I should come as well. Aren't I brilliant?" Ayame boasted.

Reign snickered. "I guess so."

"I heard you went to Kana's wedding today." Shigure started. "How was it?"

She wasn't even surprised he knew that. Reign looked at Hatori to see how he would react but he simply looked indifferent which made her relax.

"It was beautiful. I left after the ceremony but we did talk briefly before I left." Reign informed them.

"I see you also took pictures. Cute." he teased, holding a picture of them smiling.

Reign flushed. "How did you get that?"

"I brought it." Ayame confessed. "I couldn't not bring it and show them."

Reign looked at Hatori and saw that he was looking at her but his gaze didn't hold any distance in it. It looked more like he wanted to say something but held himself back from saying anything.

"Who knew our Reign could make such a cute face since she's always frowning and glaring." Shigure teased once more.

Reign popped his hand which made him cry out like a child. "I don't smile with you because you act like this."

As the two of them went back and forth, Hatori finally spoke.

"You seem a bit happier." he said suddenly. "Did you finally talk with your father?"

Reign looked at him with her eyes a bit wide and mouth agape. "How did you know?"

He waved it off. "We've been friends for how long? I should at least recognize this much?"

"Is he awake?" Ayame asked smiling. "I must contact him indeed."

Shigure covered his mouth with his sleeve. "I should send him something. How about my latest book?"

Reign grabbed his ear. "Send a good one. Not the 'Summer Sigh' one you idiot."

"Why are you always so mean to me?" he whined.

She let go of his ear and rested her chin on her palm. "He is awake. Mom told me that they should come home within the next two weeks. I'm sure they've both lost weight so I'm going to make them a meal when they come back."

"A dutiful daughter indeed." Ayame complimented.

"감사합니다 아야메야." she said, bowing her head slightly. (Thank you Ayame.)

"I know this one! You said thank you!" he answered excitedly.

Reign laughed and nodded her head.

He stood up proudly and moved his hair out of his face before lifting his face up so the sunlight would reflect on it. "I'm just that great aren't I?"

Shigure snickered and Hatori groaned. As Ayame continued to boast, Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki returned. Reign greeted them with a wave of her hand and they made a surprised face before bowing. Ayame flew past them and went to talk to Yuki. He said something about since he's Yuki's elder Yuki must obey him. Yuki didn't take kindly to that and punched him hard. Reign, Shigure, and Hatori looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"Ayame doesn't get it." Hatori said, picking up his teacup.

"Not at all." Reign and Shigure said in unison.


After the whole situation with Yuki and Ayame, Reign and Hatori went to walk around the path as they talked to get away from spying ears and eyes. Once they got far enough, Hatori spoke first.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming here with us because you were going to attend Kana's wedding?"

Reign expected this question. "I thought it'd ruin your mood. I didn't want to make your day worse by saying anything."

He chuckled softly. "I think I would've just simply responded calmly and still ask you to join us after. Let me make my own decisions for how I react to stuff, ok?"

She nodded and fidgeted with her fingers. Hatori noticed and held her hand.

"Are you going to stay here for the night or go back to the estate?" he asked nonchalantly.

Reign eyed him but he didn't look back at her so she answered with a sigh. "I'm going back to the estate. It wasn't my intention to interrupt your trip nor stay here. I also didn't bring any clothes."

"You can wear mine." he responded without hesitation.

Reign scoffed. "Where did you learn such things? Don't tell me you've been reading Shigure's books? Where's the man that would've told me I should've packed clothes?"

Hatori stopped walking and Reign stopped as well. He walked closer to her and kissed her softly before wrapping an arm around her waist. Reign was surprised but kissed him back and wrapped her arms around him. How long had it been since they last kissed? Too long. The kiss was slow but the tension it held was strong. They continued until Reign finally pulled back.

"Why so suddenly?" she asked, holding him tighter.

Hatori rested his head on her shoulder. "That man who was once cold will pop out in some ways but I'm trying to become a better version of myself for you."

Reign felt her body become warm and her cheeks burn. "I see." she stuttered. "I like both versions of you so don't change too much."

She felt him nod against her shoulder and she moved her hands from his waist to his hair, playing with it.

"I've been meaning to tell you since I saw you but you look pretty." he confessed quietly.

Reign giggled. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He scoffed. "Tell me that when I'm actually dressed up."

"응 알겠습니다 의사님." she joked.

"What does that mean?" Hatori asked curiously.

"Yes, I got it doctor."

He looked at her and frowned slightly. "Isn't that a bit distant?"

Reign nodded.

"Say it like regular." he sulked.

"Yes, Hatori." she said with a sigh.

He smiled faintly and rested his head back on her shoulder. "That's better."

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