You are never alone

By Slytherdoorlove

39.8K 809 139

Harry finds himself with no friends on his way to his 8th year at Hogwarts. he is so lost he lays all his tru... More

The Welcome Feast
Private Room
Potions Accident
I'm a what!?
A Great Start To The Day
The Explanations
Spiralling Back
Protection From A Mate
This Isn't Good
Never Anger A Mated Veela
Crossing The Line
I Can What!?
A Fluffy Day
A Christmas To Remember
I'm Sorry

The Train Ride

5.7K 101 41
By Slytherdoorlove

Harry sat alone. Head against the window and feet on the chair next to him. Thoughts rush through is head on why he let Minnie convince him to return. He regrets it now. He's got no-one. Tears start falling from his eyes when he recalls why.

He was at Hermione's that day. He had went there after another beating at the Dursley's. He still lived there as Grimauld Place held too many bad memories for him. Legs shaking, he had told them to sit down as he wanted to get something off his chest. For a while now he had been suffering from a lot of mental illnesses from the war, so this wasn't helping him at all.
"Well, you are probably curious as to why I want to speak with you. This will also explain why I ended things with Ginny", Harry had said nervously.
" Whatever it is Harry, we will be here for you", Hermione assured him while Ron nodded in agreement.
"I'M GAY!", Harry blurted out. Ron and Hermione went silent but slowly their faces contorted into ones of disgust.
" What a freak, that's gross!". "GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!".
At this, harry apparated away in a heartbeat back to the Dursley's, where he felt more alone than ever. This place he is forced to call home is gloomy, reminds him of his loneliness and is inhabited by grumpy, abusive relatives. This does not feel like home.

The day he got his letter, he wasn't sure how to feel. Hogwarts was his first ever home, but things have changed. There has been a war. For a while he had been speaking with Minerva, who he now calls Minnie, and she told him that it might do him some good to come back. Might even help him get through his anxiety. Harry had a lot of problems, but his anxiety was his worst. It was bad before the incident but after it felt like he had lost confidence to do almost everything.

He is shook out of his thoughts when there is a knock on the compartment door. Swiftly wiping away the tear he hadn't noticed had fallen, he looked up to see who it was. Draco Malfoy. His Gaykup call.
"I hope you don't mind but may I sit with you? Pansy and Blaise are making out and nobody will let me stay in their compartment." Harry slowly nodded and bowed his head down as a sign that he didn't want to talk. Draco sat opposite Harry after putting his trunk away and watched Harry's body language. He seemed tense. 10 minutes passed and it finally occurred to him that neither Granger or Weasley had shown up.
"H-Hey Harry. Where are your friends?" At Harry's look of confusion, he felt the need to clarify. "You know, Weasley and Granger?" Harry had tensed instantly at the names and Draco wanted to take back what he said until he heard Harry's reply.
"The Weasle and his know-it-all girlfriend are no friends of mine." Draco was taken aback by this statement and chose to stay silent. Harry kept his head down as the memories flooded back. Observing from the opposite of him, Draco started to notice his shoulders shaking. 'He's crying' Draco thought. 'Its my fault.'
Hesitantly, he reaches a hand towards Harry's arm and gently places it on his shoulder. Harry tensed at the touch. He hasn't been touched by another person in weeks. Slowly he raised his head but Draco took this as a negative sign as he swiftly retracted his hand.
"Wait, don't. Please". Confused, draco inches closer to Harry. The latter reaches out and grasps Draco's hand, bringing it back to his shoulder. A small smile takes place on his face as he relaxes into the touch. Draco, who is confused at the exchange, decides that he may want this private, so quietly puts a locking, muffliato and notice me not charm on the door. More tears started falling from Harry's eyes. Not sure what to do, Draco stands and moves onto the seat next to Harry, who hesitates before leaning his full body against the now more familiar presence.

" I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable," Harry whispers getting ready to move away but then the unexpected happens. Draco wraps his arms around Harry's small frame and holds him closer. Clearly he's touch starved and he needs this right now. Both boys blush at the contact but choose to ignore it.
"Want to talk about what's wrong? From the start? I want to help you but I can't if I don't know." Draco looks at harry with a small, kind smile and Harry instantly feels like he can tell his former enemy everything.
"OK." Was the simple answer he got.

Harry explained everything. From the Dursley's to what happened after the war. Tears flooded his face by the time he was finished. All Draco could do was tell him everything will be OK and that now he has nothing to worry about. Harry could feel Draco hesitate so turned around to see what it is that he wanted.
"Can I see them? The scars?" Harry froze. 'Can I show them?' 'Will he make fun of me?' Thoughts kept spiralling but he finally decided that he had nothing left to lose. He slowly stood up nodding.  Relaxing slightly from his internal panic, Draco raised his hands to Harry's hoodie, and after a nod from Harry, pulled it up to reveal the damage caused by those stupid muggles. Cuts, burns, bruises and scars littered his body. Draco's heart broke at the sight.
"No." Harry startled at the word and looked down in confusion.
"Harry, I'm never going to let you out of my sight again, and you most definitely are not going back to those retched lions after what they said to you," Draco announced, pulling Harry towards him in a protective manner. At those words, harry couldn't help but cry.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will speak with Minnie today."
"Who is Minnie? You mentioned her before but I forgot to- wait. You mean McGonagall? Strict and formal headmistress of Hogwarts?" Harry shrugged shyly and nodded his head. Draco looked out the window at a loss for words and noticed that they where almost at Hogwarts.
"We need to change and I have an idea." Draco stands and grabs his trunk to find his uniform. Standing, Harry goes to to the same until Draco pushed him back down into his chair. He sat confused, waiting to see what Draco was up to. He eventually turned around and handed Harry a set of Slytherin robes.
"You're not sitting with them and I can't allow you to associate yourself with them any longer. Wear these and sit with me, OK. We don't have to tell people it's you, so just heep the hood up until you are ready."
Harry teared up. This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. Jumping up from his seat, he squeased Draco into a hug. He didn't care how much it hurt. He was happy. They started to change when harry remembered that he hadn't changed himself in a while as he can't lift his hands too high without running the risk of injuring himself further.
"D-Draco. Umm..." He didn't know how to put it into words. It was embarrassing for him. Draco turned around to see Harry awkwardly holding up the top half of the uniform. Thinking what could be wrong, a thought came to mind.
"Does it hurt to lift your arms up too high?" At this, Harry relaxed a bit and nodded, still stiff of fear of rejection.
"Come here," draco said in a soft tone. Harry slowly walked towards to tall blond and handed him the rest of the uniform with a small thanks. Draco only smiled and helped harry pull the hoody he was wearing over his head. That's when he noticed them. Cuts. Not the ones on his obdomen, but on his arms. Harry noticed Draco pause and followed his eyeline to see why. Instantly he panicked and tried to hide it but Draco's grip was too strong. He hung his head low and awaited the lecture. Non came. Looking up he saw a single tear role down the blonds cheek, and Harry reached up to wipe it away.
"I'm sorry." This was all he could say. Draco shook his head a little.
"Don't be sorry, I understand. Let's get you dressed, yeah?" Draco finished dressing Harry and lifted his face by the chin to look into his eyes.
"All these years I've loved you and I never thought to look into the signs. The fake smiles, involuntary flinches and your constant lack of appetite. I'm so sorry Harry. I should have noticed." Tears came from his eyes as he looked into Harry's who just looked shocked and accepting. Raising himself on his toes slightly, he kissed Draco on the lips.
"And all these years loving you and mistaking it for hatred, I'm sorry." Harry was slightly taken aback by what he did. Being around Draco seemed to dull his anxiety. He was more confident. He took advantage of this moment and decided that now was final.
"Draco. Be my boyfriend please. I need this comfort, you make me feel happiness again. I can't have you leave my side anymore," tears role down his face as Draco smiles lovingly at him.
"Anything for you my raven"

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