End Of The Beginning

By EOTB_08

770 27 0

We always thought that nature have a way of balancing things. What if it's not true ? what if it was somethin... More

Chapter 1- The New World
Chapter 2- The Impact
Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests
Chapter 4- Uninvited Guest
Chapter 5- A Friend in need
Chapter 6- Search
Chapter 7- Truth, Lies & The Lost
Chapter 8- Contact
Chapter 9- No More Lies
Chapter 10- The Beginning
Chapter 11- Lab 7
Chapter 12- Holding On
Chapter 13- Doorways
Chapter 14 - Backup
Chapter 15 - Storytellers
Chapter 16- Fix
Chapter 17- Make A Deal
Chapter 18- Capture
Chapter 19 - AntFarm
Chapter 21 - Plan B
Chapter 22 - Hide
Chapter 23 - Plans & Preparations
Chapter 24 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 - MOS Protocol
Chapter 26 - Alternate
Chapter 27 - Trapped
Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 29 - Vessel
Chapter 30 - Allen's Story
Chapter 31 - Archives
Chapter 32 - Blast From Past
Chapter 33 - Camouflage
Chapter 34 - Visitors
Chapter 35 - East Or West ?

Chapter 20- Escape Plan

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By EOTB_08

Everything was going according to their plan. Mary told Wayne about the camp's party nights.

Every month, they throw a party. The majority of guys will be drunk. Once the party is over, they won't even be able to hold a weapon. Security will be kept to an absolute minimum.

They usually celebrate on some random day, Their leader decides when to celebrate. So until the announcement, Wayne and Mary have to be ready.

It's been 3 days since they had that discussion. Nothing happened. Wayne grows eager. He wants to get back to the ship as soon as possible. He left the facility several times for different purposes.

Despite being in bed, he wasn't asleep. Just thinking about all the things that happened to him. He suddenly remembered Emily's face, she was laughing. But then he heard her screaming.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes briefly and rose from his bed, walking straight to the kitchen.

" Hey " he went into the kitchen

" Hey, Morning " she was washing the dishes

" You need any help ? " he asked her

" No, I can do it myself " she replied

" Ok fine " Wayne took some food and went to a table

" Hey man guess what " Harry patted on his shoulder

" What ? " Wayne looked up

" You know what day it is ?" He asked

" Is it Christmas ?" Wayne asked sarcastically

" Sometimes I don't understand any of your jokes " Harry replied

" So tell me what day it is " said Wayne

" Well it's party day!!! " Harry did a few dance moves.

Mary stopped washing, she slowly turned around.

Wayne felt happy, but he didn't show it. He pretended like he doesn't know anything " What party ?"

" Well .... One day of every month we celebrate our life. It's one of the rare pleasures of this dead world.."

" We celebrate today like there is no tomorrow. Forget about our worries. I usually drink to the point where I pass out." Said Harry

" That seems fun.... So when does the party start ? " Wayne asked Harry

" Evening, probably around 4.00 pm " Harry replied

" Cool. " Said Wayne

Wayne waited until Harry was gone, then he went to Mary.

" It's finally happening " he told her while putting the plate down.

" What's the plan ?" She asked

" I'll come back when the time is right. " said Wayne

" What about the code ? We need it to open the door " Mary asked Wayne

He already knew it, he used the drones. " I know the code, it wasn't that hard." Wayne told her.

They both walked away.

Time has passed, and the celebration has begun. The majority of people are drunk. Wayne pretends he is drunk too. Later, he saw an opportunity. No one was paying attention to anything at all. It is now, he has decided. He left without being noticed by anyone.

He went straight to Mary, she was in her cell with Irwin. The cell wasn't guarded, he opened the door with the stolen keys.

" Let's go " he told Mary

She quickly went outside

" You coming ?" He asked Irwin

Irwin looked at Mary " No.... I'm not coming. Just leave me alone "

"Alright, good luck." Wayne closed the door.

" Don't make too much noise, there are few guards we must deal with." Said Wayne

They went to the door which leads to the garage and saw two guys standing there.

" Stay there " Wayne pointed to a door

" Hey man I need some help " Wayne walked towards them as drunk.

One guard walked towards him. " What is it ?"

" There...... There..... There is....." Wayne pointed his finger towards a room

" Go check it out " Second guard told the first one

He went into the room, came back. " there is no...." He looked up, guard 2 wasn't there.

Wayne put him in a chock hold even before he can do anything.

" Come out " he told Mary

They both went to the door, Wayne pressed some numbers and the door opened.

" Wait " he told Mary

There was one other guard at a nearby building with a sniper. NOVA knew about him.

" Stun him " he told NOVA

" What ?" Asked Mary while he was walking to him

" What ?" Wayne looked at her

" Did you say anything ? " She asked

" Nothing." Wayne replied

Then few seconds later he got confirmation from NOVA

" Let's go " he told Mary to get into a jeep

" Get in, we don't have much time left. It will be dark soon." Said Wayne while getting into the jeep.

All of a sudden, he realised something and got out of the vehicle.

" Where are you going ? " Asked Mary

" Gimme a sec " he ran to other vehicles and slashed the tires.

The engine turned on and the vehicle started to move. Took about seven minutes to get to the place. They're off the vehicle.They saw the giant power plants. There was only a couple of buildings around. It was far away from the centre of the city.

" Stop, we can't go any further. There will be guards. " said Mary

" How many ?" Asked Wayne

" I don't know ! 3... 4 maybe.... I don't know." she replied

He parked the jeep behind some trees

" So where is the stuff I'm looking for ? " asked Wayne

" I don't know exactly, they keep the weapons in the 2nd building. And they moved all the dangerous stuff to the 3rd building. " replied Mary

" I will check it out, you wait here " Wayne told her and he went ahead. And when he was far away from Mary, he called one of the drones to retrieve the earpiece, and picked up weapons.

" So ? Fill me in " he told NOVA

" To the north, there is a power plant and four buildings nearby. There are seven guards. Each building is protected by one guard except the second building. Four of them are protecting the 2nd building. Except for one person, everyone is inside.This is an extension of Antfarm. All four buildings are linked to Antfarm by underground tunnels. There are many interconnected buildings in this area that are part of the same subterranean structure." said NOVA

" Can you take them out ?" Asked Wayne

" I can take out the guards who are outside " NOVA replied

" As soon as you enter the building, you must eliminate the three guys. Your time to escape with the plutonium is less than half an hour if they contact the facility. " Said NOVA

" Alright, take them out ." He changed the guns settings into stun

" Starting the timer now. " then he ran towards the door.

" Take them all out at the same time " he told NOVA

Drones took all four within seconds

He opened the door, went inside. And took out the one who was sitting there.

" Now where to ? " he asked

" Go straight, and turn left then second left. " NOVA replied

He did as NOVA told him to

" Stop " said NOVA

" He is coming to you, 24 meters and closing " NOVA told Wayne

" Go now " NOVA told him after few seconds.

Wayne came out from his hiding and shot the guard in his chest.

" Good... Where is the last one ?"

" On the next floor " said NOVA

" You should hurry " NOVA continued

" I'm, but I still have pain in my leg." Wayne replied

Wayne slowly made his way up to the next floor, saw the last guy standing there. Wayne shot and the guard and he fell to the ground.

" All clear "

" There are no guards in there. And there is a vault. We can use the drones to open it " said NOVA after a checking the 3rd building

" Ok do it " he told NOVA

" Did you find anything in this building ?" asked Wayne

" No ! why ? " NOVA replied

" Mary said they keep their weapons here. Because of the security in this building, I assumed they would keep it here." said Wayne

" Nothing showed up in my scans. I scanned the building from both inside and outside " NOVA replied

" Well we don't have time to waste, maybe she was wrong, let's go. " Wayne went to the other building.

Wayne was standing by that big metal door. In a matter of minutes, the drones opened the door with a strong laser.

" You should stay away, let me check if there is any leaks " Said NOVA

The drones scanned everything, and told Wayne it's ok to get inside. He went in.

" How much we need ?" He asked

" One of these cylinders will do, but if you want more go on. We can store it in the ship."

" Let's take three. " said NOVA

He picked up one he picked up one by one and went out.

Mary was still hiding, suddenly she heard a voice behind her and quickly turned around. It was Wayne.

" Found it !! Come with me " he told her

" What about the guards ?" Asked Mary

" Taken care of " Wayne replied

They both got into the vehicle and drove close to the building

" Help me load them " Wayne told Mary

" We need to get far away from them as possible, and it will be dark soon. We got an hour maximum." Said Wayne

" I know a place. We will be safe there for the night " said Mary

He started the car and proceeded for some distance

Sccccrrrreeechh...... Wayne suddenly stopped the vehicle. He realised what was happening.

" What wrong ? " Mary looked at him

" Fuck....." He closed his eyes and leaned into the steering wheel.

" I'm an idiot, aren't I ?" He looked at Mary

" What do you mean ? " Mary asked him

He looked at her with a disappointed laugh " It was right there. I was so blindly focused on my mission."

" The cell, the delivery, the escape plan,the party and the plutonium."

" Everything delivered on a plate for me. Everything makes sense now. "

" But I figured it all out a little too late, didn't I?...ZY ?"

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