their thoughts on love

By ImReallyNotQualified

131 26 0

just excerpts that probably won't make it in my actual story for one reason or another <3 More

isn't it more than a feeling?
how they loved
explorers vs thinkers
to run to or from it
art is subjective
enigmatic eyes
sunset on a bench

to love love

30 3 0
By ImReallyNotQualified

Love was never a frustrating thing for Noah. She saw love everywhere, from everyone. The couple on a date at the park in the winter throwing bread to the ducks together. The mothers holding their kids in the park when they fell and scraped their knees. The man pushing an eldery woman as she points to the trees and explains what kind of tree they are.

Love wasn't frustrating, it was fascinating. It was always an adventure, from her mother to her best friends. Sure being loved was great, but to watch others love, and to shower them with her own love, it was the greatest feeling for her.

Noah loved love.

Noah loved love even when it started to seem scarce. When that couple at the park started bickering about things as they sat on a bench, the hungry ducks waiting for food in the water. When the mothers would ignore their crying children in favor of the phone in front of them, which obviously demanded more attention. The time she saw that man walking down the same path holding a single white, wilting rose.

She still saw the love. The ducks loved the couple enough to wait for them. The kids went to the person they trusted most and were willing to wait for that attention because they knew that their mothers loved them. That man loved that eldery woman so much he took a walk in her memory.

Love was patient. Love was kind. Love did not envy.

Noah tried to be love.

Love gets taken advantage of.

"Noah, can you buy us some lunch, we didn't bring any cash, sorry!"

"Noah, you should tell that boy over there to ask me out... he totally doesn't like you anyway."

"Oh my gosh, Noah, stop panicking over nothing. It's actually so stupid that we have to deal with this."

"You are absolutely hopeless, just shut up already."

The truth was that love attracted the people who didn't have any themselves. Sometimes people want what they can't have, and once they get used to it, they realize that maybe they never needed it after all.

Love always protects, trusts, and perseveres.

She tried.

When a cold wind would give an unprepared friend a chill, she would give her warm jacket to them to protect them from the wind. When someone asked her a personal question, she tried to tell them the most honest answer, to be able to show how she trusts them. When people told her that she was unwanted, she worked her hardest to become someone they would want, still caring about them and being unable to let go.

When her parents both cheated on each other, she started to understand a little more about other people's love.

Her love was self sacrificing, other people loved selfishly. Her love wasn't lost easily, theirs was as unstable as a toddler on ice skates. Her love was forgiving, theirs was judgemental.

She didn't like their love.

At that party, she realized that she didn't like her "friends'" love either.

She only liked her love, and her love could be enough for herself, right?

The thing, there are some people searching for love.

Everyone wants love, but not everyone searches for it. The people who search tend to be the people who already have love in themselves without any given to them. The kids who take care of the people around them without a single thank you because they care about the wellbeing of people other than themselves. The children of the elderly that forget they had a child in the first place. The people who stare out a window at the people outside and secretly wish the best for each person passing by. The people who volunteer to help, but are insulted instead of thanked if they make a simple mistake.

There was someone at that party desperately searching for love, and Noah almost accidentally spit her drink out at them.

Noah didn't like other people's love, but she loved to love. When someone who is searching for love finds someone who is love themselves, it changes a lot in both people.

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