King Jareth X Male reader

By Spencer_Bowie0

1K 58 18


Part l
Part II
Part III
Part V
Authors note
Important read

Part IV

158 11 4
By Spencer_Bowie0


"Why don't I give you a tour of my Castle?"
Jareth Asked

I agreed and stood up from the king a throne. I followed him out the door, wiping away his peach flavored lip gloss that got on my lips.

The first room we went into was this super trippy room. Their were stairs everywhere, every staircase you went up or down you were standing at a different angle.

I walked around the stairs for a bit before realizing I had lost Jareth. 'FUCK' I ran up and down stair cases trying to find him. Getting slightly dizzy from the effects of the stairs, I fell backwards only to be caught by Jareth who was right behind me.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked re balancing myself.

"I was watching you make a fool of yourself. Quite entertaining."


He then lead me out the room into a room with blankets all on the floor, mud, cups, liquids everything.

"This is the goblins lounge. When they aren't bothering me in the throne room, this is where they sleep and live." Jareth explained

I gagged at the sight and smell of the mess, quickly exiting the room I hear Jareth chuckle

"You know you get used to it eventually!" He shouted

"Hell no-!"

"Onto the next room!" Jareth then lead me up a very steep staircase with tiny steps.

"Fuck sakes more stairs?"

I got no response. I looked behind me and Jareth was holding back a smile. We eventually got up the stairs and into what seemed to be a bedroom.

"This is our room. The closet is in the corner, mirror on the door, bed is right there, if you prefer it made a certain way then I will do that,  and there's a desk over on that side"

"What does the closet look like?" I asked opening the door to reveal an endless hallway of clothes.

"Are these all your clothes??" I was shocked, I've never seen so many colors in one room before. Especially since entering this damn place.

"They are our clothes. Take any of them you want, if they are too big or too small, just say so and it will change." Jareth explained. "Why don't you dress a little more appropriate for this place?"

"I don't wanna. I like my outfit."

"Yes, but it makes you look so human."

"If everything in this 'place' is gonna be weird, then don't you think I could also be a bit weird and dress differently?"

"Fine, but that closet is always open to you when you need to change. There is also different kinds of makeup and glitter on my nightstand if you ever use those."

I sarcastically smiled at Jareth and Sat on the side of the bed. It squeaked a bit under the pressure of me sitting down, but it wasn't anything I'm not used to. My bed back at home is terrible.

"This is comfy." I stated

"That's my side of the bed" Jareth responded almost instantly

I didn't respond and just laid down on the soft blankets, and squishy pillows. It felt like I was in a cloud. Everything was so soft and warm. It smelled like peaches and a slight hint of dust, but mostly peaches.

Everything was so calm, the room was quiet, I was comfy, and I have no fucking clue what Jareth is up to.

I looked up for a split second before instantly looking back down. I went to see what he was doing and he was changing. His third outfit change today.

I didn't see much, mainly just his back. I couldn't help but take another peek at him.  He had put on a black shirt with a ruffle collar, it was unbuttoned and he was searching for a pair of pants to match it.

I accidentally 'Peeked' for too long. He noticed. Fuck.

I rolled over onto the other side of the bed and hoped that Jareth wouldn't say anything.

"Can I stay right here for just a little bit longer?" I asked. I was too comfortable too do anything and just wanted to sleep.

"Of course, anything for you."

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