Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

18.1K 271 1.8K

Kai Hosako, the twin brother of Kaori Hosako, is Japan's first autistic pro wrestler who made waves in New Ja... More

In-Ring Debut
Training Together
Masami's Debut
Adam vs Ren
Six Man Tag
Head Over Heels?
Strong vs Hosako
Ready To Fight
Happy Birthday Minoru!
Making History
Moving In And Birthdays
On The Trail
One More Day
WarGames Pt. 1
WarGames Pt. 2
After WarGames
The Old Returns
Two Segments
Time Together
Phoenix Pt. 1
Phoenix Pt. 2
First Squash Match (As A Champion)
Johnny vs Ren II
Writing A Book
New York Pt. 1
Attack of The Fan
New Look, New Attitude
Be Mine
Johnny vs Ren III
Masami's Birthday
New Entrance
No More BS
Mixed Tag Match
Ren vs Io
Something's Wrong
Back To Full Sail
Happy Day
Strong vs Hosako II
Fish vs Hosako II
8 Man Tag
A Big Mistake
Final Straw
Split Interview
War Pt 1
War Pt 2
Wrestlemania 36
Special Day
Epilogue Pt 1
Epilogue Pt 2
The Process of Creating Kai "Ren" Hosako

New York Pt. 2

121 2 17
By Freedom_Fighter24

(A/N: Nia Jax is back and I'm not happy. I do hope that her returning to the Royal Rumble is a one time thing because she's a Botchamania regular.)

~With Kai~

Since my turn earlier tonight, everyone's been tweeting their hatred towards me.

So many wrestlers actually loved that I turned heel and one of them was Minoru.

He said,


"Loved what I saw @RenH1988"

That told me Minoru approved of the whole situation and I couldn't be more proud of what happened out there, but I had to be ready to watch my sister and girlfriend fight their asses off!

Shayna made her entrance first, then Bianca, then Masami, and then Kaori.

After the title was raised up above his head and gave it to the other official.


The bell rang and the match got underway as I was looking forward to see what would happen.

The four had a staredown until Kaori went after Bianca and Masami went after Shayna, who was just hellbent on winning the title again, but I do hope it's anyone other than her.

If Kaori or Masami win the match, then I'll be okay with it, if it's Shayna, then I'm gonna turn off my TV, and not watch the rest of the show because Shayna is just a bitch.

She looks like Brock Lesnar if he wasn't Native American descent.

After they brawled around for a bit, Shayna threw out Masami and Kaori threw out Bianca, leading to another staredown between the two.

As Kaori ran up, Shayna took her down with a wrestling slam and kept the arms locked around her waist. She then looked for the Kirifuda Clutch, but Kaori countered by performing a Jawbreaker, and performed a spear.

Kaori covered Shayna to retain the title but Masami drove her knees right into Kaori and hooking her legs before getting a kick to her face by Shayna!

Bianca managed to get back in push Shayna off and go off on her before pushing Kaori off.

My sister didn't take that very kindly because she pushed Bianca back as the latter looked to shoulder block her and she did, but Kaori performed a kip-up after her legs were up for a while!

Bianca was shocked when she saw this as I was too!

Bianca then decided to try again, but the same thing happened: Kaori was knocked down but performed another kip-up!

That was when Bianca looked to clothesline her, and she did give my sister a lariat, but Kaori leaned back, and she kept her balance, making the crowd go nuts!

She was pissed off and started going off on Bianca as Masami joined in and performed an Enziguri and then a dropkick to Bianca as Shayna tries to fight back, but they Irish-Whipped her, performed some tag team maneuvers, until they went to the corners and they dropkicked Shayna out of the ring!

Bro, Baszler sold that!

When it was the two of them, the fans went crazy. I was actually curious to see how they would do if they ever wrestled each other.

They did some moves that weren't really hurting each other until Bianca and Baszler had to ruin it by getting involved and Shayna wanted to focus on Kaori!

As Shayna was looking to deal some damage on my sister, she gave her forearms to her head and then her jaw!

After that, she took Kaori over to the steel steps and said this...

Shayna: You took my title, and now it's coming home with me!

...and she stomped Kaori's head into them!

I covered my mouth in shock as Masami saw what happened and started beating her ass so stiffly that I think she's hurting Shayna for real!

Bianca then picked Kaori up and threw her into the ring, but when the camera got a better shot of my sister, I feared what was going to happen.

Kaori had been gashed open on the top of her head.

I looked away for a second so I could recompose myself on the other side, Masami had taken a chair and started beating Shayna with it until she wrapped it around Baszler's head, took another, and performed a Con-Chair-To onto Shayna, possibly crushing her trachea!

Masami: 彼女をいじる、私をいじる、クソ野郎! (You mess with her, you mess with me, you fucking bitch!)

As the camera was back on Kaori, Shayna did a number on her because blood was pouring out of that wound. Even if she tried to shake her head to make the blood flow stop, it would fly out all over the mat!

I was deeply concerned for Kaori and I don't know how she'll be able to handle the red that's coming out of her head.

Eventually, she was covered but the pin was broken up by Masami, but she had to make it worse.

Masami: ああ! カイリ! あなたは大丈夫?! (AHH! KAIRI! ARE YOU OKAY?!)

Kaori is completely out of it and didn't know where she was, not to mention she now has a crimson mask almost immediately.

However, Kaori was standing and up looking fired up went onto the top rope, regardless of the blood coming down her face.

Kaori: BIANCA!

Bianca stood up and my sister had to say...

Kaori: EAT THIS!

And she leapt and gave a forearm to her and covered her but BeLair kicked out at 2!

Instead of feeling down, Kaori went away from her and started giving her a couple chops. Until Bianca looked for a boot, Kaori looked for a roll up, but Bianca flipped over and looked for a dropkick, but Kaori gave her a kick to the back of her head, sending her to the ropes.

Masami was on the outside, Kaori looked to Irish whip her, but Bianca countered, Masami performed a springboard dropkick to Bianca and Kaori did a dropkick to Shayna as well!

That was such good teamwork and I'm glad that I'm Kaori's brother and I'm Masami's boyfriend.

Masami then performed her signature double knees to Bianca's face and put her a way's away from the corner and looked to perform her Moonsault Double Stomp, but Bianca caught one of her feet and she got kicked.

Masami flew for a crossbody but Bianca caught her in mid-air and when Kaori went inside to attack her, she hit my sister in the face by using Masami's feet before throwing my girlfriend over her head!

She covered Masami but Baszler broke up the pin. I even noticed that Shayna was breathing heavy and she was coughing after Masami had crushed her trachea! That was probably the most brutal thing I've ever seen.

Shayna then picked up Masami for a reverse Gutwrench Slam before giving a Kaori a knee to her face and then focusing on that open wound!

She was so weak that the blood was making her feel fatigue and some pain before Baszler went after Bianca and started giving her an elevated Kirafuda Clutch!

While that was happening, Kaori came back and looked for a powerbomb, but it was too much for her until Masami came in, helped my sister out and they both performed a powerbomb to both Bianca and Shayna!

After taking a moment to catch their breath, which I didn't blame them for but they gotta capitalize on them, Bianca and Shayna took the opportunity to roll out of the ring.

That didn't deter them because Kaori ran to the ropes, and Masami lifted her up and Kaori performed an InSane Elbow onto the both of them before Masami went onto the outside, ran up to the other corner, onto the middle turnbuckle, and performed a moonsault onto Shayna!

Before they could move forward, Masami got back up, and she and Kaori leaned up against the two ring posts, foot on each post, and crossed their arms, looking cool as all hell!

That got a laugh out of me and I applauded until they had to get back to the business, which they did by Masami going back into the ring, and looking for a suicide dive, but Bianca spearing my girlfriend.

She covered her but Kaori save the match and her title!

Bianca then gave my sister a slam face first onto the mat until Shayna came back and gave her a step up knee strike to her face and then Masami performed a German Suplex onto Baszler, but she landed on the back of her neck!

The crowd just simply applauded all four of them as I was too in the locker room.

Masami covered Shayna but Bianca broke it up, Kaori covered Shayna but BeLair broke it up at a one count until Baszler rolled out of the ring.

Masami and Kaori were on both sides, outnumbering Bianca as they gave her a bunch of strikes until Kaori ran to the ropes and looked to hit BeLair with a move, but Shayna tripped my sister and Bianca performed a roll-up, the only upside was that Masami kicked out at 2 and a half.

Bianca then gave Masami a forearm, lifted her up, performed a Military Press Slam onto Baszler and Kaori onto the outside!

Bianca then picked up Shayna and looked to end it by clubbing her back and about to give her an Elevated Chicken Wing, but Shayna countered and locked in the Kirifuda.

Bianca was trying to get out of it which felt like hours until BeLair broke the hold by throwing Shayna's leg off and performing a K.O.D.!

She covered her but Masami broke up the pin at the last possible second!

Desperate Bianca looked to perform a powerbomb onto Masami but my girlfriend countered with a facebuster and then going to the top rope and performing her signature Moonsault Double Stomp to Baszler!

She covered her but Kaori broke it up and gave Masami an Alabama Slam onto the corpse of Shayna!

Then, she went up onto the top rope and performed the InSane Elbow onto Baszler!

She covered her but at two, Masami broke up the pin!

That was when the two started going at it by some shots to each other until Masami dropkicked her and looked to scoop slam my sister, but Kaori managed to give my girlfriend a DDT!

In the background after the whole move fest on Shayna, I saw she was getting some help. It might have been for the crushed trachea and how she can't breathe!

To me, that was awesome because she tortured Kaori for months and what better way to take her out of the match by hurting her after she gave my sister an open wound from the steps?

Kaori looked for the InSane Elbow, but Bianca came back and whipped her in the shoulder!

After that she took Masami over her shoulders, even took KAORI on her shoulders too and performed her K.O.D.!

Bianca covered Masami...


The bell rang as I saw Kaori just inches away from breaking up the pin.

Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW NXT WOMEN'S CHAMPION, BIANCA BELAIR!

I was devastated when Kaori and Masami lost and I really hoped that one of them would win, but on the bright side of things, at least Shayna's not the Champion again because she held it for too long.

You know what they say, karma's a bitch.

Kaori and Masami were consoling each other after their loss, but they seemed happy to be having the best match of the night.

Kaori was given a towel to wipe the blood off of her until Shayna walked up with an official, telling her to get back, but Baszler said it's okay. What was going to happen?

Out of nowhere, Shayna stuck out her hand, popping the fans.

My mind:

Are you kidding me? After all the hell she put my sister through?

After some time, Kaori shook Shayna's hand, but I also didn't expect this, Baszler hugged her as Kaori had to return it.

This was unexpected, but what was also unexpected was going to be upsetting to me as well.

When they walked in the back, they were getting applause from the people who were so supportive of them and I had to come out and congratulate them on their match tonight, even if they didn't win.

They both hugged me and we were just staying like that for some time until Hunter came to us.

Hunter: So, how was the match!

Kaori: Fantastic, but I wish I kept title.

Hunter: I know, but soon enough, you'll win one while on Smackdown.

Did Hunter just say what I think he just said?

Me: Nani?

Hunter: Yeah, Kaori's being called up to Smackdown. She wants to try her luck on the main roster.

Kaori: Kai?

I was frozen in shock. I didn't even know this was happening, nobody told me, not even Kaori!

Kaori: カイ、どうしたの? (Kai, what's wrong?)

Me: Can we have moment, Hunter?

Hunter: Of course.

We all went to the locker room and I was pissed.

Me: なんで教えてくれなかったの、香織? (Why didn't you tell me, Kaori?)

Kaori: 私はあなたが知っていると思いました! ハンターが教えてくれなかった? (I thought you knew! Didn't Hunter tell you?)

Me: いいえ、彼はしませんでした。 まさみ、こんなことがあったって知ってた? (No he didn't. Masami, did you know this was happening?)

Masami: うん。(Yeah.)

Me: では、私が NXT に参加した理由は何ですか? 私はあなたのために会社に来ました、かおり、あなたは私のことをどう思っていましたか? (Then what was the point of me coming to NXT? I came to the company for you, Kaori and this is how you thought of me?)

Kaori: カイ、あなたは私の兄弟です。 愛してるって事、知ってるだろ。 (Kai, you're my brother and you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You know I love you.)

Me: ええ、まあ、それが本当かどうかはわかりません。 失礼しますが、散歩に行かなければなりません。 (Yeah, well, I don't know if that's true now. If you can excuse me, I gotta take a walk.)

I went out of the locker room and started walking around, trying to clear my head.

~With Masami~

I've never seen Kai this upset. We definitely should've told him before tonight.

I saw Kaori tearing up and I had to console her again as well.

Kaori: まさみ、私って悪いお姉ちゃん? (Masami, am I a bad sister?)

Me: 何? いいえ、そうではありません。 あなたはカイにとって素晴らしい姉妹です。 あなたは私が今まで会った中で最も優しい人です。 (What? No, you're not. You're a great sister for Kai. You're the sweetest person I've ever met and I wouldn't call you bad just because you didn't tell him before.)

Kaori: わかりません、マサミ。 私は自分の決定を再考し始めています。 (I don't know, Masami. I'm starting to rethink my decision.)

Me: いいえ、しないでください。 彼が落ち着いたらすぐに彼と話そうとします。 彼に時間を与えましょう。 (No, don't. I'll try to talk to him as soon as he's calmed down. Let's just give him time.)

Kaori: わかった。 (Okay.)

Soon after what felt like an hour, Kai returned and we went home. I felt so sorry for Kai. He arrived in NXT to be near Kaori but now that she's being called up, I don't blame him for being upset.

He had every right to be, but the next day, we had to put this personal issue aside because tomorrow was the Hall of Fame ceremony.

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