๐’‚๐’…๐’๐’“๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’–, ๐’‹๐’‚๐’Ž๐’†๐’”...

By -firelitroses-

55K 1.4K 251

"๐‘ฐ ๐’…๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’‚ ๐’”๐’†๐’„๐’๐’๐’… ๐’๐’‘๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’" "๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ, ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’”๐’๐’๐’–๐’•... More

๐’„๐’‰๐’‚๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’” ๐’‚๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’•๐’Š๐’„
001. The manor
002. The other woman
003. Arrogant prick
004. Apologizes and Acceptance
005. Savior
006. Broom polish and vanilla
007. Pretty fucking beautiful
008. Raindrops
009. Parties and Hangovers
010. The tower
011. Quidditch practice
012. Stupid realizations
013. Moonlight
014. Pretty boy
015. Photgraphs
017. Blue hair?
018. Lions vs Snakes
019. Snow days
020. adore you
021. daddy issues
022. Christmas party
023. Home sweet home

016. The slug club

1.3K 40 3
By -firelitroses-

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

The slug club

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Darkness had fallen onto the night sky. There Evelyn lay in bed looking at the green-themed ceiling. She had been having trouble sleeping recently. She tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep for her life. It almost seemed like the bed was made with nails and stones. She just couldn't get comfortable. With a heavy sigh, she got up quietly, grappled her wand from her nightstand, and exited the room silently careful not to wake her dorm mates.

She knew where she was going, the one place she had always gone when she couldn't sleep. The tower. It relaxed her more than anything. She sneaked through the hallways in darkness afraid to wake the portraits only using her wand as light every once and a while. She ascended the stairs of the tower not expecting someone to already be there.

"I didn't expect you to be here?" Eva asked as she slowly made her way to the railing. James turned around to look at the person with whom the voice came from. "You kinda stopped after..." she wasn't sure if she should mention the big elephant in the room especially because both hadn't mentioned it before and wasn't sure if right now was a good moment.

"Yeah I know," He sighed before taking a hit of his cigarette and blowing out the smoke through his mouth. "I knew you would be here and I kinda wanted to see you,"

She walked up to James. "Why?"

"Do I need to have a reason?" James answered with a teasing look in his eyes.

She shook her head with the most gentle smile James had ever seen. He felt something warm in his chest. It was like a fire in his heart that made him exceedingly happy.

"I guess not," Things stayed still for a moment. James taking drags of his cigarette every few minutes. Eventually, Eva got tired of standing and sat on the cool floor of the tower hanging her legs off the edge. James followed and sat next to her.

"Can I?" She asked James pointing to his cig. He nodded and passed it to her. She took the cig in between her fingers and took a hit. She inhaled the smoke before bringing it out of her lungs and exhaling through her mouth.

"James," Eva spoke up, handing it back to James.

"Yeah?" He said before taking another hit.

"What was the fight about?" Eva turned her head in his direction.

James suspired. A defeating look came upon his face. "Ev-"

"It was about the rumor wasn't it?" The girl interrupted. Untying her hair from her favorite pink scrunchie and putting it on her wrist. James watched as her blonde hair fell in front of her face and he was suddenly sad that he could no longer see her face so without thinking he took her hair and put it behind her ear, smiling when he noticed the blush on her cheeks.

"Yeah... He confronted me when I was walking out of transfiguration. He said something about you and we got into a heated argument. Remus dragged me away before anything happened,"

"Guess I should thank Remus then," she chuckled.

James smiled. He was grateful for Remus, he always kept the group out of trouble and always put the group's needs in front of his own.

"Just promise me that you won't get into any more fights with Lucius. I don't need you to be getting hurt," Eva sighed, and with a hesitant nod, James promised.

"Pinky promise?" Eva held out her pinky waiting for James to agree.

"I pinky promise," he rolled his eyes with a smile before twisting his pinky onto hers.

"Good because you know what happens when you break a pinky promise?"

"What?" James answered with a question.

"A fairy dies," Eva frowned. "So don't break promises,"

"Okay, I won't," James chuckled admiring the girl's cuteness. James took another hit while Eva watched the white smoke come out of his mouth, blending into the dark night.

The two stayed in silence for a little bit. If Eva was being honest she liked the silence with James. It wasn't how it normally is. With James it's more relaxing, knowing that James was there and with her made the silence comfortable.

"Eva. I'm sorry about the rumor," James said finally breaking the silence.

"It's okay," Eva reassured.

"I wish there was something I could do. I told people that it wasn't true but you know how that goes," James really was scared that this rumor would ruin their friendship especially because it was really gross rumor that didn't even affect James but affected Eva more which he found extremely sexist because people were labeling her as a "slut" while James was being praised.

"James it's okay. I mean it's not your fault," Eva tilted her head.

"I feel like it is," James pouted. "God! You do not know the things they were saying about you Eva. It was bad,"

"James look at me. I don't really care what people think about me. No matter what I do there always gonna have something to say so I just stop caring," she shrugged. "Don't beat yourself up, you didn't do anything wrong,"

James nodded as he took another drag of his cig before smashing the end of it on the ground to stop it from burning more. The two teens figured they should probably go back to the dorms so James used his invisibility cloak to cover both him and Eva so they wouldn't have to worry about getting caught. James walked Eva to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was. He always did this after their little talks in the tower. It was something small and probably meaningless to James but to Eva it meant everything. The fact that he cared about her enough to walk her to the common room and make sure she got in safely warmed her heart.

"Coast is clear," James whispered while dragging the cloak off of them.

"I guess this is goodnight." Eva sighed biting her lip.

"I'm gonna miss you." James stalled.

"You'll see me in a couple of hours," Eva chuckled. She took the strands of her hair, twisting them around her fingers.

James let a hand run through his hair before saying "That's too long. How will I survive?"

Eva thought for a second. "Here, give me your hand."

Hesitantly James held out his hand raising his eyebrows at Eva. She smiled at him before taking the hair tie off her wrist and transferring it to his wrist. "So you have a piece of me to help you get through the night,"

"Wow, you're really giving me your infamous pink hair tie," he squinted at Eva.

"Yes and it's my favorite, so lose it and I will kill you," Eva pointed at him with a dead serious look on her face.

"I'll protect it will my life," he held his hand up to his chest.

"You better," she said before smiling and turning away, walking through the portrait. He watched her enter the common room and stayed still for a moment before noticing a head poking out from the common room.

"Oh, James!"

"Yeah, love?" James spoke immediately thinking that something might be wrong.

"Goodnight," she said with a grin and turned back to go into the common room.

"Goodnight Eves," James whispered, knowing that Eva was long gone and couldn't hear him.

♡ ♡ ♡

The next morning came so much faster than Eva thought. As soon as her head hit her pillow she was awake again not ready to face the hard day ahead of her. She definitely has not been sleeping as much as she should recently and it has really been affecting her. Everyone could tell she was tired despite her best efforts to hide it. James had noticed this a while ago, he noticed the yawns that came from her throughout the day or when her eyes closed for a second, tilting her head before jumping back awake or the humongous cup of coffee that she would carry all day.

Eva knew she looked bad but there was someone on the other side of the table who looked worse than her. Remus. Remus looked horrible. Remus Lupin was far from easy to figure out. He was always strange, and sometimes he would keep his distance from Eva as if he was trying to protect her. He always seemed like he was keeping secrets. Whenever he looked ill, he would say it was nothing and brush it off. There were also some nights were he wasn't even in the common room all night.

Eva didn't pry. Of course, she never did. She never wanted to make any person uncomfortable by asking questions about their lives. So instead she simply forgot about it. Looking at Remus, she couldn't help but feel worried for him. He always looked ill and she was scared that he maybe have something serious. What made her even more confused was the fact that his supposed best friends didn't seem fazed by him constantly being sick.

She poured some cereal into a bowl in thought, she was sitting by the Gryffindor table as usual however something was different. she could feel all the eyes on her and the hushed whispering. She looked around the Great Hall to find students not even trying to hide their looks. Her eyes suddenly made their way to the Slytherin table where she was greeted with small smiles and waves from her roommates which she obviously returned but to her dismay, she made eye contact with Lucious. He was staring at her with his arm around Narcissa who was deep in conversation with one of her friends. When Lucius caught her stare he smirked. His eyes glistened with a look of revenge. She gulped and turned around.

She poured the milk into her bowl and mixed together the cereal in the milk before taking a spoonful and putting it in her mouth before trying to contribute to whatever heated argument the marauders were in now.

"I just don't get it. Chocolate frogs are way better than jelly beans,"

"THERE NOT JUST REGULAR JELLYBEANS!" James and Sirius yelled at the exact same time startling Eva. she rolled her eyes at the boys already starting to have a headache.

"It is every flavor Remus," Peter continued. 

"Doesn't matter chocolate frogs are still better." Remus shrugged.

♡ ♡ ♡  

Potions was a class Eva was good at. Potions definitely was not her favorite class but she enjoyed it a lot. She had Potions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after lunch. She always had the sort of skill for the subject which made the class relatively easy for her. Lately, her mind had been distracted by two teens. James and Lily. She couldn't help but keep glancing at the pair. She took note of how James acted toward Lily but she couldn't figure out if James still had feelings for her. He joked and flirted with her as usual but he did that with everyone. Remus had started noticing her little glances at the table next to her and he couldn't help but smirk. And about half an hour into the session, Slughorn had enough of James not doing the assignments and decided that switching him would be the best option.

So there Eva stood next to James. It's funny how things work out. Just yesterday Eva was complaining about how unfair her life had been looking at James and Lily. Apparently, Eva was third overall in that class and Slughorn had the great idea to switch partners. So now Remus and Lily were thriving brewing their own Amortentia potion, while James had been distracting Eva the entire class.

"Okay think about it, babies don't know they're dreaming, so they probably think they're having these fun adventures when they're dreaming," James rambled on playing with the powdered moonstone.

"James?" Eva started.


"Please shut up,"

♡ ♡ ♡

After a not-so-successful class of brewing the amortentia potion, Eva was ready to get out of that classroom, considering she was off for the entire afternoon, when she was stopped by Slughorn.

"Miss Rosewood, may I speak to you?"

Eva felt her breath hitch at the back of her throat, she knew she didn't do anything wrong but whenever someone calls on her she can't help but feel like she was in trouble. Turning to look at Marlene, Lily, and James, who had stopped walking out of the classroom and had waited by the door, she ushered them to leave without her and walked up to Slughorn.

"Yes, Professor?"

Slughorn sat behind his desk, shaking his hands to come over to his desk. "Well, I first want to congratulate you on being the third-best in class today." He smiled brightly.

Eva returned it with a strained smile. She never minded being third to best, once she was passing the class, that's all she really cared about. "I-well - thank you." She stammered. "Professor." She quickly added.

"I also wanted to talk to you about - well I don't know if you have heard of the 'slug club' " Eva felt the noose in her stomach lose, she wasn't in trouble, she was just paranoid.

She nodded. Of course, she knew what it was. Lucious had been invited countless times to Slughorn's dinners, and so was Lily, who talked about it all the time, Andromeda and the twins had also been invited numerous amounts of times but only went to a couple of meetings. "Yes, Professor."

"Well, I'd like you to join us next Friday. You don't have to dress too fancy, though please do wear something nice."

Eva nodded. "Thank you, Professor."

"You are very welcome!" He exclaimed as if being part of the Slug Club was an honorable thing. "You may leave now, Miss Rosewood." He motioned to the door.

"Oh and thank you for keeping Potter in check, it seems like only you can do that," he smiled before adding a wink.

She nodded with a side smile and walked out of the classroom to look for her friends.

♡ ♡ ♡

"Oh my God!" Lily shrieked. "You're part of the Slug Club! I can't believe someone I actually like will be there!"

"I still don't get why he never invited you earlier," Marlene spoke as they walked through the hallways.

"I mean, you are a pureblood. A Rosewood for God's sake. Shouldn't that mean Slughorn should be up your arse or something?"

"Who's up who's arse?"

The three girls turned around to find the four boys. a Lily rolled her eyes at them, while Eva's heart skipped a beat as she saw James. She couldn't help but curse at herself.

"Eva over here has been invited to the 'Slug Club™' Marlene mocked, pocking Eva's arm. Eva just rolled her eyes with a smile.

"It's not a big deal," Eva muttered, slightly embarrassed.

"Not a big deal?!" Lily gasped. "Of course it is! A Professor wants you to have dinner with him!"

Sirius snorted. "Yeah, that's not creepy at all."

Lily swatted his arm. "Shut it, Black! You're just jealous you are not liked by Slughorn like me and Eva." She taunted, pulling Eva by the arm closer to her.

"I don't know if I'll go?" Evas bit her lip.

"WHAT! Come on Eva. You have to go," Lily pouted.

"Okay okay, I'll think about it," Eva tried to reason with the girl. The group made their way to the Gryffindor common room for an afternoon full of activities.

"You know I spend more time in this common room than my own," Eva spoke.

"Well, we are just better company," Marlene shrugged.

♡ ♡ ♡

Authors Note: Hi guysss. how are you? I hope you guys are doing amazing. I have some things I want to talk about so please bare with me.

(Important) Okay so here's the thing i don't want you guys to be bored reading my future chapters but like i need fillers sooo if you have anything that you would like to see me write please let me know and i'll try to see what i can do.

(Also important) Oh and i'm also thinking about writing some other fanfics because i have so many ideas. My original idea was to wait until this fic was finished but i'm really impatient so i'm honestly about to scrap that idea and just start. I'm thinking about an obx fanfic, especially because it's really popular right now and i'm kinda going through that phase again. But i'm really struggling about who the love interest is gonna be, im thinking either JJ, Rafe, or maybe Sarah? lemme know if you would like that :))

(Slightly important) Would you guys like there to be smut in this book ;) I kinda feel like like i already know the answer *smirks* Okay that's it, bye sluts.

love always emily <3

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