Welcome to Wonderland ||Twist...

By MariVenturiniOficial

513 24 8

Having a soul more broken than a mirror, Yuumai Watari, a simple human without magic, must help other student... More

✾ Prologue. ✾
Yuumai Watari
✾ Chapter 1. ✾

✾ Chapter 2. ✾

76 4 2
By MariVenturiniOficial

---Just as I thought.

That man's voice caught the attention of Yuumai, who was previously reading a book that had floated in his direction and opened on one of his many pages.

--- I can't find the name of the place where you come from, --- the girl looked away from her book before closing it. ---neither the world map, nor in the historical records.

After observing everything around her and the man in front of her, the blue-eyed girl sighed tiredly. They had spent more than 3 hours looking for a way to return her to their world, previously the mirror of light had said that it could not send the girl to her home of origin because it did not exist... Or at least that did not exist in their world, for so they both had to start their own investigation.

---Do you really come from that place? You're not lying, are you? --- questioned the man narrowing his eyes in a gesture of distrust, Yuumai shook his hands and head before imitating the same gesture as his partner.

---I'm not lying, and you? You're not lying to me? --- she asked in the same way.Crowley's eyes widened before he shook his head and turned on her heel to pick up another book.

---Well, if that's what it is, you may have been summoned from another planet. Or maybe a parallel world, due to some kind of problem or interference. ---Crowley changed the subject or rather resumed the previous topic.

---A parallel world...? I thought that didn't exist...

---Didn't you bring something with you to this place? Some kind of identification: a magical driver's license, a pair of sneakers...?

---Mmm... Well, when I woke up I immediately realized that I had my backpack with me. --- she answered before showing said object. ---But I don't know if you have something that can help us. --- The young woman opened the first bag, inside it there were only colors and erasers. --- No... --- she whispered still hoping that in the other bag she would find her phone.

The blue-eyed girl checked her backpack, leaving everything she had on one of the library tables, to her misfortune and/or luck, inside it were only the things she used in her daily life; a thermos with water, some new notebooks (since the others had been wet by her classmates), a sweatshirt and the most important thing for her, her sunscreen, creams and special makeup that she used.

---Not even my wallet...

---Well, that's worrying. We can't allow a being that can't use magic to be in this academy. --- spoke the man alarming the young woman, she took one of her hands to her chin thoughtfully. ---However, kicking out a young man with no money or contacting his guardian is something that would do me a lot of harm as a teacher since I'm so kind!

--- Will he take pity on me...? --- thought the young woman with confusion and a slight twinkle in her eyes.

--- Hmm... I know! --- exclaimed the eldest with joy. ---There is a building on campus that is currently not in use. It is a building that at that time was a dormitory, but as long as it is clean you can sleep in it. If you wish, I will offer it to you as a refuge and you can stay there for the time being. In the meantime, I'll find a way to get you back where you belong.

---Okay, I think I have no choice but to accept...

---Oh, how kind of me! A mirror image of a master indeed! --- Crowley began to travel through his world, leaving the minor aside. ---It is better to hurry, I myself will take you to the room. It's a bit old, but it's a tasteful building.

--- Um... --- Yuumai pushed the things away from her before looking at the man doubtfully.

---Something wrong?

---Do you think you could lend me a book? ---the blue-eyed girl shyly inquired.

---Oh! Of course!

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Yuumai in Wonderland☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

---If you stay here, you could at least protect yourself from the rain and wind. ---sang the man leaning on a pillar of the stairs that soon collapsed due to the weight he was holding.Yuumai removed the hood that she wore on that ceremonial robe, revealing both his face and his hair, both so striking and peculiar due to the lack of something very common in everyone... Pigmentation.

---Mmm... At least it's more decent than my room during exams. --- thought the girl while she looked at everything around her.

There were pictures and furniture full of cobwebs and dust, like everything around her. It was almost like seeing a snowy landscape or like everything was covered in ash from a volcano about to erupt.

---I'll be back to investigate further, so feel free to be in this house as your... already...

From one moment to the next Crowley had stopped talking, now he was static in her place while he didn't take his eyes off the young woman. The man had not only been speechless, he had also froze upon seeing her and her expression did not fail to show surprise.

---Something happens? --- asked the least uncomfortable of her scratching her cheek.Her condition had always caused such expressions as it was very unusual to be able to see someone herself, someone who possessed both her skin and her hair completely white due to careful pigmentation was not something easy to see or find.

--- Just don't wander around campus! ---And without further ado the man began to walk nervously towards the door. ---Well bye! ---said the latter smiling, now calmer.

--- I guess I have to clean up so I can sit down... --- Yuumai said as she took off her robe and set it aside, along with her backpack.

The white-haired girl with difficulty lit some candles in the place to be able to see better.

--- Let's see what I can make of this place... --- she spoke, picking up a long plank of wood that had apparently fallen from the stairs above.

---Wow!! It started raining really hard all of a sudden, you know! ---exclaimed a voice well known to the girl.

---Grimm? --- questioned the girl forming a grimace on her face.

--- You look as stupid as a bat that he was shot with a water gun.

---At least I'm not soaked. --- she answered, looking around the room and ignoring the claims of the newcomer. ---You were like crazy burning things a while ago. Tell me, why are you so interested in entering the academy? --- she asked she moved a couple of things from her place to be able to sweep the entire main hall.

--- It's a simple story, you know. --- said the cat as he sat next to the blue-eyed girl.


---It's because I'm a genius born to become a great magician! --- he exclaimed with joy surprisingly making the girl laugh softly. ---Always, always, I have hoped that the black carriage would pick me up one day.

---What a beautiful dream...

---But even so... Even so... ---the cat's eyes began to crystallize, squeezing the girl's heart in the process. ---I guess the mirror of darkness has no eyes to see it, you know.

---I understand what you're saying... I classify myself as someone without a soul.

---They'll be sorry, not letting me enroll in this school is a loss to the world, humans don't understand that, you know. --- Before Grimm could say anything else, a drop of water fell on his nose. ---Oh! Rainwater drips from the roof, you know!

---You're right... ---said the girl trying to find out where that leak came from.

---Oh!! The water fell again! My enchantment point, the flames in my ears, are going to disappear! --- he yelled annoyed.

---I wonder what leaks there will be... The best thing to do is find a broom and a bucket. ---the young woman began to climb the stairs.

---You should fix this leak with magic, you know... Oh wait, forget you can't use magic. How useless, you know! ---the blue-eyed feline spoke mockingly, ruining the beautiful moment that had formed previously.

---I don't need magic to fix leaks.


---Besides, if we clean this place up, you'll see how beautiful it will be. --- she added trying to be positive.

The good thing about having worked in a funeral home was that she knew how to do a thing or two. She didn't need magic because she had a lot of knowledge and the occasional note in her notebook that she could help later.

---Do we clean? Grimm asked before letting out a few laughs. ---The great Grimm doesn't clean, you know!

---That was before, now everyone who lives or stays in this house will help yes or yes and that includes the great and powerful Grimm. --- she said before looking at the cat, scaring him completely. ---Now take this rag and start cleaning the windows. ---Yuumai gave a piece of a curtain that was thrown on a step of the stairs to the feline. ---I'll go see what can be useful to us.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Yuumai in Wonderland☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

The blue-eyed young woman tried to look around with the help of a candle, everything above was much darker, and indeed the wood below belonged to the handrail of the stairs that led to the second.

---How curious... How can the floor below get wet if there is more above?

---It's because there are too many leaks from other floors, plus some tiles and roof boards moved with the wind. --- answered a voice behind her.

---Oh... Thanks for the information, it will be very helpful... ---The girl thanked with joy, turning to the stranger.

---Boo! ---the specters shouted in unison trying to scare her, clearly failing in the attempt.

---Hello, my name is Yuumai. And what's your name? ---the blue-eyed girl kindly inquired, surprising the ghosts, after all, no one had ever asked them their names.

It just had to be made clear that Yuumai was a big fan of the ancient legends and mysteries that happened on the streets of Japan.

---How strange, usually everyone runs and gets out of this place as fast as possible.---Oh really?

---We don't have a name, good if the used ones but with the passage of time we forgot. ---answered the fluffiest ghost.

---That and that normally the people who usually come don't ask us our names, they usually run away instantly.

---Ohh... What do they say if I give them a nickname? --- she asked before thinking about the names that each one would have, they looked at her curiously. ---You will be Rubber. --- she said pointing to the fluffiest one. ---You will be the Joker. ---this time I point to the one who seemed to be the most normal. ---And last but not least, you will be Hat.

---You are very rare... I love it.

---Thank you. Sorry to change the subject, but do any of you know where I can find a broom or bucket?

---In the last room in the corridor. ---the ghosts responded kindly in unison and then floated together to the same spot.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Yuumai in Wonderland☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

---Good evening, your kind servant has prepared dinner for you~. --- the man hummed happily as he entered the place.

His surprise was so great when he saw the cat that the happiness he felt had vanished. Now he just wondered why the creature was now sitting in a corner of the room while he kept an angry expression on his face.

---That's the monster that's causing a ruckus at the ceremony! They were supposed to take it out, why is it here? --- he asked quickly turning to the albino, who left the painting he was holding in his place and then got off the bench he was using.

---Scares away the ghosts, you know! ---said the cat proudly, making Yuumai look at him again.That was the reason why Grimm found himself trapped in the corner of the room. Almost ended the existence of him and the ramshackle room.

---What are you talking about? ---questioned the man, leaving the tray with the food on a small bar next to the fireplace. ---Mmm... Now that I think about it, there are mischievous ghosts living here, causing the students to run away, and in turn, causing this place to become an empty dormitory. --- he complemented him while he looked around, everything was better than when he had left the girl alone, now the room was a little more orderly.

---It's strange because they didn't behave like that with me, I don't deny that at first they tried to scare me but then they were kind. It's a pity someone scared them off.

---Interesting... Here, you two, can I watch you defeat the ghosts one more time?

---As Grimm said before, he already chased away the ghosts. ---Yuumai replied.

---Eeeeh, I don't want to. ---complained the tired blue-eyed. ---It's so annoying and tiring to be with this human.

--- This human has a name! ---Yuumai exclaimed. ---Besides that this could be your chance to enroll in school.

---Besides, if you beat me I'll give you a can of tuna. Because I'm actually very nice.--- This will be the last time, you know?

And without further ado, the man suddenly took out a potion and drank it, transforming into a ghost.


‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Yuumai in Wonderland☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

---It is incredible that a person is able to make a monster obey him. ---Crowley addressed the blue-eyed girl looking at her curiously.

Yuumai was holding the cat in his arms too delicately, Grimm was tired and could barely stabilize himself on his feet so the albino helped him.

---Well done Grimm. ---congratulated the now calmer girl.

---Ever since the incident at the ceremony, my instincts like the teacher have been telling me something. Crowley spoke thoughtfully. ---Maybe maybe you have a trainer quality or a beast tamer.

---I knew watching anime would help.

---But then...

---Can you let Grimm live in this house with me?

---What are you saying? Let a monster live here?

---You... Do you really want me to live with you after how I treat you?

---Please, the rain is too strong and it is very freezing! ---he insisted, looking into the man's eyes with a scolded puppy look.

---Shig... I guess I don't have a choice. ---Crowley sighed. ----All Right.


---Oh really?! --- Grimm asked incredulously before jumping out of the girl's arms due to her joy.

---However... Someone who wasn't chosen by the Mirror of Darkness, can't enroll in the school, even if he's going to stay with you. ---informed the man, knowing that the cat would insist on letting him take the girl's place at school. ---And also until you return to your world, I can't let him wander around doing nothing, Yuumai-chan.

---What false happiness. ---Grimm lowered his little ears in frustration.

---Hey, but look on the bright side. ---Yuumai raised the cat with joy. ---At least we'll be together. --- he added smiling, he will finally have a friend.

---Now you should listen to what I have to say until the end. ---The previously named looked at him carefully before charging Grimm again.‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Yuumai in Wonderland☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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