Jaune's Multiverse Madness!

By RocknRoll7575

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You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Mu... More

Chapter 1: For The Watch
Chapter 2: TRAITOR!
Chapter 4: A Proud Saiyan Prince...
Chapter 5: Arcus Mortis!
Chapter 7: I Will Never Lose Again!
Chapter 8: Knighthood
Chapter 9: Fell Omen
Chapter 10: Demon Duo!
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: The Ones Who Live
Chapter 13: Last Day On Earth
Chapter 14: Sunshine

Chapter 6: Quarter Mile

5.6K 40 13
By RocknRoll7575

Source: Fast & the Furious 

I've decided to go back to the beginning, to the movie that really started everything! I thought about doing the whole movie and splitting it up into different chapters, but that's actually going to be saved for the next world~!

Anyway, I'll be doing the end part of the movie, including the race because that was the best moment of the movie!

Anyway! Let's get to it!





RR's shades disappeared and he looked at RWBY, NPR, SN, and AR. He cleared his throat"In this universe, it's a bit similar to yours but there are slight differences, Dust, Aura, Semblances, and Grimm don't exist, Scrolls are called phones, cars, and many other things run on natural resources found in this world," RR told them

"So if no Grimm exists, what is Jaune in this world?" Ren asked.

"A cop, and undercover one," RR replied "He's working to arrest a street crew who's been robbing trucks and stealing their cargo,"

Blake's eyes widened, and she began to remember the train heist. She looked to RR, "Adam isn't involved is he?" Blake asked.

RR shook his head, "No, but another Faunus is involved," RR said, "And that would be Sun,"

Sun looked surprised, "Me!?" Sun cried.

RR nodded, "Yep, in this universe, you, along with Neptune, Sage, Scarlet, and Yang, who you happen to be dating in this Universe, robbed these trucks, also, in this Universe, you're related to Ruby,"

Yang blushed when she heard she was dating Sun, it was pretty weird to know that another version of her was dating someone who had a crush on her partner. Sun himself also Blushed when hearing the news as he would admit Yang was hot, and in reality a bit more like him, outgoing, spontaneous, and had a love for adventure.

Ruby just was shocked to learn she was related to Sun but smiled, "Huh, I always wondered what Yang might be like if she was a boy, and Sun fits the bill, so if I could live with her, then hopefully my other self could live with Sun, besides, Sun's actually a lot cooler!"

Hearing that Yang felt a twinge of pain in her chest, it hurt to hear her own flesh and blood say that someone was cooler than them. 'So this is what dad feels like when Uncle Qrow is visiting,' Yang thought.

"Anyway, right now, we'll be seeing the aftermath of a heist," RR told them, "Neptune and Yang got injured and Jaune blew his cover, and now, things are getting a little out of hand,"

The screen turned on and an orange car sped down the street before drifting and coming to stop at the front of a driveway. Another car was then shown it was a black car with a large engine sticking out of the hood, and coming out of the garage behind it was Sun with a shotgun, he wore a white shirt with blood stains, and a pair of black pants, another thing that was different about Sun was that... he was bald.

Neptune laughed at seeing Sun bald and sun just side glared at him.

Seeing him with a Shotgun, Jaune, who wore a black-sleeved shirt, and a pair of jeans, Jaune's hair was a bit wavey, and he had some stubble on his face, Jaune quickly jumped out of the car and aimed his pistol at Sun and took cover behind the car door.

"Sun put the gun down now!" Jaune cried.

Sun glared at him, "Move your car," Sun demanded as he tried to go into his own car by opening the side door.

"Bullshit! Put it down now!" Jaune cried, still aiming his gun at Sun. "No more running!"

Sun glared at him and shut the car door, "I'm not running!" Sun told him.

Jaune then stood up and looked at Sun as he approached, and Jaune shut his door and moved toward Sun, still with his gun raised.

"Where's Sage and Yang?" Jaune asked.

"They're long gone," Sun replied.

"Hell yeah! I got away!" Yang cried.

Blake let out a sigh before turning to her partner, "Yang, Running from the cops, no matter the world, isn't a good idea," Blake said.

Yang then turned to her partner, "This coming from you," Yang said with a smirk.

"Touche," Blake said with a blank look.

"Then it's over," Jaune began, "I didn't call the police but don't push me! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Jaune cried as he got closer to Sun.

Sun glared at him with a furious look. "YOU ARE THE COP! YOU'RE A COP!" Sun cried as he pointed at Jaune with anger, "Jaune I-I gotta find Scarlet before they do! I'm all the kids got!"

"Who's after Scarlet?" Sun asked.

"A Gang," RR told the Monkey Faunus Scarlet lost a bet but he backed out and left, and he has to pay up or he'll die," RR told him.

Neptune looked a little surprised by the information, "Huh, Our Scarlet isn't a gambling man," Neptune said.

"It was a bet he thought he could win," RR told him.

Jaune looked at Sun, "I'll call in the plates, PD will pick him up way before Adam can get near him," Jaune told him.

Sun cocked the shotgun and Jaune pointed his gun forward and gave Sun a look that told him not to even think about it. "Move your car," Sun demanded.

"I thought Adam wasn't involved?" Blake asked RR.

RR looked at the cat Faunus, "You only asked about the hijackings, and I was telling the truth, he wasn't involved in the hijackings," RR said.

"Sun stop it! It's over! Please!" Ruby cried from the patio. Ruby also looked different, wearing a tank top and tight jeans, her hair was also much longer.

Sun looked at her for a split second, "Ruby, stay out of it," Sun said, turning back to Jaune, "Move the-"

However, before he could finish, a white car sped down the street and stopped right in front of the house, and coming out of the car was Scarlet, though, he looked like he had just run a mile. "Sun, I am so sorry, I don't know what I'm doing Sun..." Scarlet told him with a bit of fright in his voice. "I am so scared right now, I don't know what's going on!"

Sun looked at Jaune and then threw the shotgun down to the side, but Jaune kept his gun trained on him, and Sun turned to Scarlet.

"Scarlet! What were you thinking man?" Sun asked.

Scarlet shurgged, "I-I don't know, I paniced! I'm sorry," Scarlet said. "I'm Scared!"

Yang heard a familiar sound and was confused, "Does anyone else hear that?" Yang asked.

Ruby turned to her sister, "What is it, Yang?" Ruby asked with a raised brow.

Yang peered at the screen, "That sound... that's a Motorcycle!" Yang cried.

On-screen, Sun hear the sound of motorcycles and turned his head to the other side of the street, and he saw two motorcycles coming down the street. Jaune turned to also see them, and a look of shock spread to face. The Bikers pulled out guns just as Scarlet also turned to see them.

The bikers shot at the house and, one familiar face they saw was Adam. Jaune quickly took cover, and ruby did the same, but Sun quickly dropped to all fours and made his way over to Scarlet, but one of the bikers managed to shoot him in the chest and Scarlet fell backward.

"NO!" Sun cried.

Sun reached Scarlet just as the Bikers rode off, but Jaune stood up and shot at them, but missed.

Sun held Scarlet in his arms, and Ruby also came down and held the boy, but it was too late, Scarlet was dead, and Sun turned around and glared at Jaune.

Jaune was shocked but quickly backed away and Jaune quickly got into his car and drove after the bikers. Sun quickly got up to also go after him, but Ruby begged him not to go, but he didn't listen, he quickly got into the black car and drove after them.

The scene cut to Jaune in his car still chasing after Adam and the other biker, as the chase continued, Jaune knew he was lagging behind him, so he pressed a red button on his steering wheel and the car sped up, and he managed to catch up to them.

"What did Jaune do to boost himself?" Yang asked.

"It's called Nitrous oxide, or Nos," RR told him, "The purpose of a nitrous oxide system is to increase the power output of an engine, it does this by increasing the amount of fuel that can be burned, by increasing the oxygen supply,"

Yang stared at RR with blank look, "What?" Yang asked with a raised brow.

RR looked at her and simply chuckled, "It's science you're not used to," RR said, "It just helps Jaune go faster,"

Adam and the other biker turned around and began firing at Jaune, but Jaune ducked under the bullet fire. Eventually, they stopped shooting and were going down a hill, making some big jumps while going down. As the chase continued, Jaune leaned out of his window and fired at them with his pistol. The red biker drove off the side and slowed down, as Jaune caught up with Adam, however, the red biker drove back up and was now behind Jaune.

Sun struck his armrest, "Damn! If he's behind Jaune he could blow out his tires or land a shot!" Sun said with anger.

Jaune noticed the red biker behind him but kept driving, and the red biker took aim at Jaune, but before they could, Sun in his car appeared and struck the red biker, and knocking him off course, and he drove off a hill and landed hard on the side of it, causing him to flip forward and down the hill, and the bike rolled over him.

Back atop the hill, Sun looked down to see the biker was still somewhat alive, but out of commission, and Sun turned away.

"Hell yeah Sun!" Neptune cried with a smile.

Adam drove onto the main road and Jaune followed after him, avoiding other cars, but Adam turned around and fired at Jaune once again, but Jaune kept driving before turning turning the car slightly and coming to stop. He quickly pulled out his pistol and fired at Adam, managing to hit him in the side, and Adam and his bike fell and skidded across the road, before crashing and stopping near the sidewalk.

"Go Jaune!" Sun said.

"Yeah dude!" Neptune cheered.

Jaune quickly got out of his car and made his way over to Adam, and when he came close, Jaune knelt next to him and felt his pulse, but Adam was dead. Blake looked a little conflicted, while she knew Adam had become a monster, she didn't wish for him to die, she felt that there was still a piece of the old him inside of him.

Jaune slowly looked up and took a few breaths, but then he heard the roar of the engine, and he quickly looked and saw Sun's car. He ran toward his car and quickly hopped in as Sun drove away.

Yang turned to Blake, "What do you think is  gonna happen?" Yang asked.

Blake shrugged, "I don't know, let's just hope they don't try to kill each other," Blake said.

Jaune chased after Sun in his car, but eventually, the two came to a stop and a light, which was red, and Jaune looked over to Sun, who didn't turn to face Jaune but looked down the road.

"I use to drag her back in high school, that railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter mile away from here," Sun told Jaune, he then turned to him. "On green, I'm going for it," Sun told him.

"Are they really going to race!? NOW!?" Weiss cried.

the two revved their engines, waiting for the light to turn green, the light then went from red to green. Jaune and Sun quickly took off in their cars, with Sun managing to lift up on its back wheels while the front lifted into the air.

The two appeared to be neck and neck, but when Sun's car was back on all four wheels, he managed to pull ahead, to Jaune's shock, so Jaune quickly pressed the red button on his wheel again, and the Nos boosted him, allowing him to catch up with Sun.

The two were once again neck and neck, as they still sped down the road, neither let up and then, the crossing signs of a train lit up and rang, a train sped down the railroad.

Everything began to slow down, Jaune and Sun didn't slow down, they kept driving down the road, and Sun shifted gears, the train still approaching.

Yang looked in shock, "Don't tell me they're gonna try to outrun it!?" Yang cried.

"Are they insane!?" Pyrrha cried.

The two kept driving, but then Sun's car began to smoke and Sun looked at the car with a worried look, but he kept on going as the train kept closing in. The Crossing signs went down, but Jaune and Sun kept going.

"I can't watch!" Ruby said, hiding behind her hands.

"Me too!" Nora said, hiding behind her hands but opening a space between her fingers to watch.

Finally, both managed to pull through, and they jumped across the railroad and dodged the train just in time, they landed on the other side as the train continued to speed down behind them.

Neptune let out a sigh of relief, "Man, that was too much,"

Reese nodded in agreement, "You're telling me!" She said.

Sun smiled and turned to Jaune, and Jaune looked at him with a grin, but then his eyes looked forward and his expression was shocked, as in front of Sun was a green semi-truck, and Sun saw it and tried to swerve out of the way, but he hit it and flew up into the air and over Jaune's Car.

Jaune swerved out of the way as Sun's car was still in the air, but then it came crashing back down and began to roll down the street, before finally stopping.

Jaune turned his car around with a loud screech and stopped as he saw Sun's crashed car. Jaune quickly got out of his car and ran toward Sun's car.

"Please be ok... please be ok," Blake muttered.

"SUN!" Jaune cried as he ran toward his car.

He saw Sun sitting on the driver's side, and he was bleeding from the head but appeared to be mostly unharmed.

"That's not what I had in mind," Sun said as he looked at Jaune.

Sun got out through the busted window and Jaune helped him out and then set him against the car, they then looked down the street as they heard sirens. Jaune looked at Sun and tried to say something, but nothing was said, and Sun just looked at him.

Jaune then pulled out his car keys and handed them over to Sun. Sun glanced at Jaune but then took the keys.

Sun looked up from the keys and toward Jaune, "You know what you're doing?" Sun asked.

Jaune just looked back at him, "I owe you a 10-second car," He told Sun.

Sun gave him a slow nod of approval and made his way toward Jaune's car, once at it, he quickly got in, started it up and turned it around, and began to drive away. Jaune watched as he left and then turned around and began to walk away from the crash as the sirens began to close in, and the screen slowly faded to black.

Sun was in shock, "What!? That's it!?" Sun cried "Aw man, I wanted to know If I escaped!"

Yang nodded, "Same here,"

"I wondered what happened to me," Ruby said.

RR appeared and looked at them, "Sun, Yang, and Sage escaped, Ruby's still going to be at the house since it was the family home, Jaune was wanted by every cop in the country for a bit, but don't worry, we'll see more of this Universe, I promise," RR replied.

"Awesome!" Yang cried.

"I can't wait!" Sun cheered. He turned to RR, "So what's next RR?" Sun asked

RR looked at him and smiled, "Well before I do that, there are a few people that are going to be invited into this theater,"

They all looked confused at RR, wondering who it was they would be joining them this time, but then two portals opened and two people fell out of them, one was none other than a fellow Beacon student, Velvet Scarlatina. The other two were none other than Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai.

"What the hell!? Couldn't have dropped me slower!" Emerald cried as she sat up.

Mercury stood up and dusted himself off, "Ah stop whining, at least we're not at that stupid meeting with Roman and Cinder," Mercury said.

Velvet looked around and saw RWBY and NPR, "Uh, hey guys," Velvet said with an awkward smile.

Ruby gave her a big wave back, "Hi Velvet!" Ruby said. She then looked at Emerald and smiled at her as well, "Hey Emerald!"

Emerald turned to her and gave a faux smile and wave back, trying hard to act nice, "Oh, hey Ruby," Emerald said.

Mercury looked at Ruby and gave her a quick nod, "Sup Red," He said.

Yang looked at them, "So, I assume since you three are here you've been filled in while we were watching the last Universe?" She asked.

Emerald nodded, "Yeah... still trying to process everything,"

"Same here," Velvet said with a nod of agreement.

RR appeared, "Well, now please, the three of you sit back," RR said, and the god then turned to Emerald and Mercury and then zoomed closer to them. "Oh, and please just watch, I promise things for you two will change," He said with a smile.

Both were confused by what he meant but sat in their seats behind RWBY and next to Velvet, Sun, Neptune, Reese, and Arslan.

Nora looked at RR, "So! What's the net Universe?" She asked.

RR smiled softly, "It's about the greatest adventure ever told, and adventure in search for the greatest treasure known to man! A treasure so great it inspired an age of pirates!" RR said.

Mercury perked up upon hearing that line, "Man, what kind of treasure could make everyone want to be a pirate?" Mercury asked.

"Has to be a lot of treasure," Emerald said.

Nora looked at the god, her body shaking with anticipation, "RR! What's this great treasure called!?" she asked.

RR smiled, "It's called the One Piece!" RR cried before bursting out laughing.




Oh yeah, next up! ONE PIECE! The next chapter will be Zoro vs Mihawk! I hope you're all ready because I'm gonna be bringing the feels!

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